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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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if you find yourself falling into madness, dive!  For you cant suffer from insanity if your enjoying every minute of it! Remember that Ultimaninja!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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"Insanity is a gift...and I love presents"



your just jealose cus the walls dont talk to you... and tell you to pee on the salad bar at wendys...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Alright, sorry for not posting anywhere for the past few days; the reason is simple, I'm bloody tired at the moment for working bloody long hours in the middle of the Christmas week. Also, the fact that this specific time of the year is far from being my favourite contributes to my fatigue. Therefore, I've decided not to post in a couple of other threads for now, to avoid sounding like a complete moron, or at least to sound a little less moronic than normally. I have been, and will be reading every post in the forums, though, so don't relax too much. :D

I'll validate the uploaded pictures when I feel like it (on Saturday at latest, I believe), as right now I'm not in the mood. Sorry folks, I know I sound even more useless than usually right now, but I simply want this week to end as quickly as possible... ^^;

Work's alright, but for the first time in my four-and-half-year part-time career I'm developing a slight disliking towards one of my co-workers. Some people's work morale is such that I cannot understand them having been employed in the first place. Hmph. :|

Quote from: "Ultimaninja"insert some random semi-pervertedness/ horror involving blood+violence+innocent people+ a cannon that fires change at high speeds towards poor people and injurying them...
btw, only Pitkin can handle the pervertedness 'cause we all know he is a secret pervert.

Why me? T_T


Running around trying to get whatever everybody wants for Christmas has me on the brink of insanity.  I guess I should start off earlier, but most of them don't know what they want until the days just before Christmas.  :/

Now I'm gonna sit down and have dinner and watch some more Battlestar Galactica.


actually I was too busy doing what i had to, to get out of the marine corps to relize what day it was... its only 5 days from christmas.. Im gonna have to fly on the way home to make it in time!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Hmm...indeed! Yes, the holidays have me spent as well. Of course cow-orkers can be annoying, but what can I say? I'm a student in High School. So tired...might as well watch the next episode of Mahou Sensei Negima (BTW, is it worth it to buy the English dub? Love Hina I know is terrible. Stupid dub casting, Kitsune should not sound like a southern gal).


Yes, the holidays... Fortunately, I'm not at the point where I have the finances to give gifts to many people. Hence, less shopping time. (More drawing time tho ^^)

I want to get, like, 3 drawings finished before Christmas. And possibly a 4th.  And these things take a lot of time.  Even more so now, cuz my graphics tablet is out of commission, and I need to use my sister's.  (And getting her off her computer and away from the tablet takes quite a bit of waiting sometimes)

Quote from: "NewYinzer"Stupid dub casting, Kitsune should not sound like a southern gal).
Ah, the strange way dubbers cast a southern-sounding person when the Japanese character has a Kansai accent... I haven't seen Love Hina, but I've seen it in other anime things. I mean sure, it makes sense, but it doesn't sound right. I'd prefer they leave it out... (Well, unless the character in question is southern, whell, that's a different story)


Poor Pitkin....  ;__;

*writes note to self*

NewYinzer, add Karin to your list of Anime to watch!  Pronto!  Tis cute!  ^0^

Captain,... busy.

SleepyD,...  e.g., Azumanga.... Osaka.  -v-

AmigaBob.... BATTLESTAR!!!!  ^V^

Cya!  ^__^

*zips off to rush work on holiday "commissions"*  ^^;


You mean to tell me...that the dub casters gave Osaka...a southern drawl? Tis a sacrilege! She's from Osaka, for cryin' out loud!

*head a splodes*

Anyway, I've got a full list of anime to watch in the next few weeks. Mahou Sensei Negima should pick up pace, since someone told me a central character dies later on. Then I've got to get in some Azumanga Daioh, then Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu, then I've got to sample some Lupin III, then The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, then The Place Promised to Us in Our Early Days. Then I'll be able to try Karin, Kanon, and Ai Yori Aoshi.


Actually I can awnser that question for you newyins...


-_- I picked up discs 1-3 today.  I think my ears are bleeding... Normaly it dosent bother me (but come to think of it.. most of the other dubs ive seen Ive never seen in the original japanese, let alone started with it) Of the entier cast I cant say that even once voice seems to match.  Negis voice is the worst! The only reason I will continue to get them, is so I can watch them on my dvd player with the japanese audio and subs turned on... and the only reason Id do that (as the subs arnt nearly as good as the ones done by fan sub groups) is that the american release has many animation errors fixed in it.  There are a few sceans sopposedly that they redrew compleatly to fix problems.

Tho.. while we are speaking about accents... I understand their reasoning and I halfway agree.  The character in the japanese version speak with a heavy accent that is only detectable by japanese speaking persons, but the fact that there is an accent is an important part of the character.  its impossible to translate a japanese regional accent to the english language dubbing directly so they use an american accent that comes from a like area as a substitue to maintain the feel of the character.   No, kitsune was not from the south, but she was from a region that had a form of dilect that could be precived in the same way as we precive the southern dilect, thus is makes sence to use that to maintain the feel of the character.  if she was speaking just normal strait english like all the other characters she would be loosing a part of the character in translation.  Same goes for Osaka.  Actually since I was just talking about it.. one of the things that really hurt in the english dubbing of negima was that they left out at least one accent, ku Fei.  shes speaking perfect clear english like the other students and it is just.. Wroung.  That one didnt even need any substitution, a chinese american would have done just fine.. or at least have it broken english, as Ku fei herself said speaking japanese is hard enough for her let alone english.

On that note, combined with the first note...I have to say it is nice to finaly hear Evangeline speak in a british accent, as well as negi, nagi, and anyone else that is an english character in the series.  Again, being an english speaker I cant pick up dilect differences in japanese speakers, but I wander if they did any accent substitution in the original japanese to make up for the british accent?  

Anyhow.. like I said.. Im kinda regretting getting them, dispite my love for anything akamatsu.. as the english dubbing is pretty bad (perhaps its because they have such a great fitting japanese cast.. Ayaka and Evangeline spicificly had voices that matched their characters perfectly)  Tho.. I did get a little Ayaka fig holding a akamatsu monkey with disc 3. Shes standing next to the Mahoro fig I got with my Mahoromatic starter box. Its mid chibi but still adorable!  (tho another thing is that they massivly changed lines in translation... and they didnt do a very good job of it.  It sucked alot of fun out of Ayaka and Asunas littleboy/oldman complex arguments..cus they dont exist anymore) oh.. and they misspronounce just about EVERYTHING.  hell they cant even pronounce Magi and its an english originating word!! Oh the huge mannity!

However.. I got the first disc of the second Hellsing series.  Now this ones worthgetting.   Finaly, it follows the manga!  heck in the credits they even did some forshadowing and showed glimpses of the major, doctor, and captain.  And the captain looked so bad ass!  The art style is more of a match for the manga as well, same with color choice and such (such as seras having a yellowish kacki uniform rather then a blue uniform) Tho matching the manga, they added in gag sceans that the original series lacked.   The first disc covers in one fell swoop all the events from the very begining in cheddar, to the end of the fight with Anderson. The second disc/ep/ova covers the Valentine brother attack (where readers that saw the original series know that it ceased following the manga at that point) and from there it will be all new material to the screen!  *geeked*

Top of that, I picked up some new manga.. first 2 english books of Rozen maiden.. Already seeing some major differences there.  Cant say i care for the art.. but I expected as much. Its drawn in the (i forget the exact term) girls manga style.. which is preticuraly sketchy.  However, some interesting things to note.. Suigintou has megu from the start, and Laplaces demon is also around earlier on.  Also, Jun dropped out of school and became a shut in in the manga because it was found out he liked to sew girls clothes...  I havent gotten that far yet but sopposedly Bara Shisuo dosent even exist in the manga.. so that whole plot line was anime only.  Tho the real 7th doll does look alot like her (for those of you who saw the anime.. final ep of the second season.. the doll that is glimpsed in the end that looked like bara but the eyepatch was on the wroung side and she had a pink dress.. thats her)

Also.. I dont know if there are any Evangelion fans here.. but there is a second eva manga out now.  I got the first 3 volumes of it.. its an alternate story line.. it follows the alternate world that was glimpsed in episodes 25-26 where asuka and shinji are childhood friends, and a Rei with emotions shows up as a transfer student.  So far its a much more light hearted evangelion with a more likeable shinji.  Tho unlike the original it hasnt shown much of the eva yet.. cirtanly didnt start with any massive eva battles...

all that aside.. Im gonna be working on our manga most of this week rather then heading strait home.  I agreed to stay for a few days and watch my roomates dogs while she goes on a short christmas vacation.. so i have a few compleatly free days to do whatever I want.  Since our new writer is cranking out material it should be no sweat getting something finaly churned out.

If feels so weird being unemployed for the first time in 5 years... it realy hasnt sunk in yet.. it still feels like Im just on a long weekend or leave.   -_-

Oh! and Im getting myself a kitten for christmas!  now that Im out I can have a pet again!!  No suprize to anyone Im sure, he/she will be named MS DOS.  Im even gonna get a custom coller.  Just try to out geek me now!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


4 post today and I'm out of time!

A short Holiday greeting for you people!


that would have been good in the random flash/movie thread!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Regarding the captain's post on accents... He does make good points. I mean, there are things that the dubbers need to take into account instead of just direct translation. I'm sure Japan has just as many dialects as America, if not more.  

As for who gets cast as who, I assume this is a money problem, but most anime companies have only a limited number of VAs to pick from.  I remember listening to the extra stuff on the Gunslinger Girl DVD, and a few people did more than one thing... voice actor/director, etc. Claes was dubbed by someone's wife who had no previous experience (she wasn't bad, I give her credit for that)  

With that in mind, it really irks me when you can tell the VA is obviously faking an accent (doesn't mean I need someone who has a true southern accent, but jeez, at least do a good job). When that happens I need to make it stop. I cannot take it.

And so, I end here. Oh right, Jeff's interest in Hellsing has now come back. ^^


Ah, gunslinger girl, one of my all time favorites.  Acurately depicted firearms and cute anime girls, combined with artistic storytelling and beautiful artwork.  Ah I wish they would make more -_- Tho I wonder what the japanese VA's do about the italian accents?

Thats definitly true about having to reuse actors... Negima is definitly guilty of it.  But with 31 some on girls to play I can see the reason for doing that...  Like Chachamaru, chachazero and Chiu are done by the same actress.. tho she gave chachamaru an english accent to match Evangeline.

Yes, much Hellsing goodness for Jeff!  Cant wait for disc 3 where they Introduce the Merc captain!  That guy dispite his lack of an insanely huge gun like the rest of the cast is quite pimp.

anyhow Im not off to a local winter solstec (or however you spell it) party..  caio!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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