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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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guh. I just got pwned by a Calculus final.

Jeff will be back soon... after he has recovered from the studying and the waking up early and the horrid test he took.

It's overrr.... I'm done. *collapse*




Keeping my mind sane while waiting for my root canal is not going so well...Keeping my mind from reverting to sadistical knowledge is hard when you have a headache + a fever, but not bad enough that you can stay home from school.

Let's see...found another potential victim to join our little forum...wait victim? I mean a friend from school.

Can't access much of anything on this site, without being angred that I cannot upload pictures of the OS-TAN girls...

Let's see, artwork updates:
Pic for teacher leaving = Complete 100%
Girl I like (Who will remain nameless online for obvious reasons), liking the card = Yes

Anything else = no

MisterCat...That picture is hilarious....

Aurora Borealis

I absolutely hate when that happens too!- having a headache, cold or fever but it's not bad enough to stay home from school or work! But sadly if everyone stayed home just because of a cold, then very little would get accomplished but it sure would reduce traffic in the school hallways though! (or less coworkers to deal with that day!)


I seem to work faster and still do good when under this headache
But I never seem to be on when bj0rN is on msn T_T

And I never talk to my friend Omnidevil/DevilDude T_T
Losing friends over internet because you can't get on the forums they are on (or don't respond to pms) is so troublesome...


Just to be sure everybody noticed it, i made some changes on the board layout, as an optionnal design theme. Please check it there :
(switch to Harmony_2)

and feel free to comment there :

You can easily switch back to the original theme if you don't like, and depending on how much people like or don't, it may be the default theme, or not.

Have a nice day ^_^

Added after 2 minutes:

Changes are the gallery row (random pictures and last updated one, top 5 uploaders) and the last 5 threads instead of just the last one, don't search other changes since there are no others (yet).


-_- i guess the admin threads wernt getting enough traffic....

EEEEE! i didnt mean it dont strike me down with the ban hammer!

Anyhow, sick is no good.  I had food poisoning this week, I havent been that misserable for a long time.

Beware the one legged man, also, beware running with scissors, its all good fun untill someone looses an IEEEEEEEeeee....
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
And in case anyone's been living in a cave this past week....
...or the hentai board, same difference...
I was on a vacation/art pilgrimage, hence the complete lack of C-chan comments.  ^__^

IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
BUT-!!!!!!!!  ^-^


Have h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e jet lag.... X__x
C-One was going on and off about celebrations and vending machines and auroras, but honestly my brain was hurting too much to pay attention.
I know I've got a lot of catching up to do, but how 'bout tomorrow, ne?  ^v^
Ne...?  ^__^

*cheecks bulge*

[muffled]  m'okay that's my que....  X___X

Here's some quick souvenirs while I'm off,... "recovering"....

*dashes out*


mmmm fresh squeesed apple juice...

btw, Found this erlier today while looking for rozen maiden stuff.  Concidering how many fans there are of the show here, and its OS tan relation, I figured I should post it.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


No way, Gin is so much cooler then both of them!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


"Server not found" is the phrase, but I'll go ahead and join Aurora in mourning for Hina.  It seems the respectful thing to do, even though I've no idea why we're mourning.  *mourns*




Okay, let's get this show on the roll, shall we.  ^___^
I haven't assessed your postings yet, but later on I'll give y'all passing/failing grades on the posting homework I left you while I was away.  -v-

Let me start,..... here....  ^__^

QuoteMiss you guys...And Girls...And C-Chan, your dragon...hasn't been given an idea for me yet...

Wait a sec,... '___';

I know you sorta mentioned something about another dragon before I left on vacation, but I'm not sure if I was convinced it was necessary.  ^__^'
And clearly, if the idea is not coming to you, then don't worry about it.  ^v^
I already have one -- just focus your energies on all the fellow forum goers that don't.  ^___^

Quote*remote accessing from the mountains of Hokkaido*

Hello all! While I'm building my new nation (Krakowzhia), I just wanted to check back in.  

Let me know when you start printing your own money so I can buy a first-strike set.  ^v^
And make sure to do only coins, and only from good metals (gold, silver, copper, nickel, none of that composite steel crap).
And NO Federal Reserve, unless you wanna wish slow, inflationary death on Krakowzhia.  ^__^'

QuoteGood luck to ye on your romantic pursuit. Ever since I wasn't able to go to the dance with that girl, my life had been...odd.

Ah, you're still with that?  Don't worry, all in strides.  ^v^

Quoteguh. I just got pwned by a Calculus final.

Jeff will be back soon... after he has recovered from the studying and the waking up early and the horrid test he took.

It's overrr.... I'm done. *collapse*

Poor SleepyD got pawned.  ;_;
How much did they sell you for, dude?  ;___;

Bwahahaha!!!  ^v^

Not but seriously, sorry to hear that.  I did lousy at math as well, but they were prereqs so I neither liked them nor cared if I did badly on tests. ^__^
Here's wishing you'll come out of this alright.  -v-

QuoteMisterCat's Picture

W - T - F ???  @___@;

QuoteKeeping my mind sane while waiting for my root canal is not going so well...Keeping my mind from reverting to sadistical knowledge is hard when you have a headache + a fever, but not bad enough that you can stay home from school.

By now you probably forgot about the advice I left you months ago, eh?  ^v^

Well,... they say the only way to learn is to learn the lessons from scratch.  -v-

Quoteabsolutely hate when that happens too!- having a headache, cold or fever but it's not bad enough to stay home from school or work! But sadly if everyone stayed home just because of a cold, then very little would get accomplished but it sure would reduce traffic in the school hallways though! (or less coworkers to deal with that day!)

Not to mention quarantining.  ^__^
If you're sick and too disgusting to not cover your mouth, I'd rather you not be around at all.  ^__^
And yes, it reduces traffic.  -v-

QuoteJust to be sure everybody noticed it, i made some changes on the board layout, as an optionnal design theme. Please check it there :
(switch to Harmony_2)

and feel free to comment there :

You can easily switch back to the original theme if you don't like, and depending on how much people like or don't, it may be the default theme, or not.

Have a nice day  

Added after 2 minutes:

Changes are the gallery row (random pictures and last updated one, top 5 uploaders) and the last 5 threads instead of just the last one, don't search other changes since there are no others (yet).


.........Oh,... arm-twisting, eh?  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

Shoot, missed it.  ^___^

Oh well, but please stop by more often Fedora-dono.  ^___^
Please mingle with us, and get your time and money's worth.  ^v^

Quote-_- i guess the admin threads wernt getting enough traffic....

EEEEE! i didnt mean it dont strike me down with the ban hammer!

Anyhow, sick is no good. I had food poisoning this week, I havent been that misserable for a long time.

Beware the one legged man, also, beware running with scissors, its all good fun untill someone looses an IEEEEEEEeeee....

Wow, you can ban yourself.  'v'
That's something to think about.... Ã,¬vÃ,¬

*plots & schemes*

QuoteYAY! You're back! For a while the forums were awfully slow without you! ;___;

Must've been, cause I'm almost done with my responses.
That was disturbingly-fast people.... `v'

*marks "F" all over the place*

Quote*looks at souvenirs C-Chan brought*

A new translated Mac Manga page! Poor Sonata! How does she manage to stay sane dealing with the perverted likes of Toshiaki and the OS X-kuns?! (But she'd probably like to be in zerOSanity because there Toshiaki isn't perverted at all and is doing something useful! Sometimes...) But maybe that's why OS X-sama is there, to put the guys in their place when needed!  

Mwaha!  Thought you'd like it.  ^___^
After the first ones, the artist seems to right legibly so it wasn't that difficult to translate this piece.  Might be able to get another one this weekend. ^__^

QuoteAnd I've said this already when seeing the A$C picture in the Annex thread but I'll say it again: QNX-SAMA!!!!!!  *attempts to run off with the QNX-sama plushie, but not wanting to get attacked by eCS-tan or any of her friends that could be watching, stops and walks away*

Hehe, did you "stop and walk away" WITH the QNX plushie?  'v'
Ooooooooh, I'm tellin!!  ^V^

Hehe, but don't you worry.  ^__^
eCS-chan is a kick-ass fighter, but she's actually very kind and friendly, and wouldn't mind offering you the plushie if you really wanted it.
She's young, smart and creative, like you actually -- only she sews, rather than draws.  ^__^

If need be, she can use her Threads to sew up a hundred more plushies!  ^v^

Quotemmmm fresh squeesed apple juice...

Perv.  -v-

Quotebtw, Found this erlier today while looking for rozen maiden stuff. Concidering how many fans there are of the show here, and its OS tan relation, I figured I should post it.

Cute, but poor Hina-chan.... ;___;

Quote*mourns for Hina*

NOOOOOOO! And Hina's my favorite of the Rozen Maidens, darnit! ;__;

But Souseiseki is cool too. ^^

Souseiseki cursed.....  '___';

Suiseiseki rules them all!  ^v^

QuoteServer not found" is the phrase, but I'll go ahead and join Aurora in mourning for Hina. It seems the respectful thing to do, even though I've no idea why we're mourning. *mourns*

Mourn like you've got a purpose, MisterCat.  It's well-deserved.  -___-


Also, see?
Your arm (or foreleg) didn't fall off cause I left, right?  ^__^
True, your post counts are dismal and am gonna fail y'all, but otherwise everything seems alright.  -v-

So no more silly things outta you or Pitkin, 'kay?  `v'


Excellent.  ^__^

Okay, let's continue.... -v-
Still have the OS-tan threads to catch up on.  ^____^


Quote from: "C-Chan"I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
And in case anyone's been living in a cave this past week....
...or the hentai board, same difference...
I was on a vacation/art pilgrimage, hence the complete lack of C-chan comments.  ^__^

IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
BUT-!!!!!!!!  ^-^


Have h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e jet lag.... X__x
C-One was going on and off about celebrations and vending machines and auroras, but honestly my brain was hurting too much to pay attention.
I know I've got a lot of catching up to do, but how 'bout tomorrow, ne?  ^v^
Ne...?  ^__^
Welcome back!

Jeff wonders where you went... the mention of vending machines instantly recalls my trip to Japan back in April, but Jeff has no confirmation of that.

[edit] actually... I'm pretty sure you went to Japan now. XD;

jet-lag eh? ehe... see, what Jeff does is set his watch to the time at his destination and then sleep accordingly.  

Not everyone can do that tho...
but being a guy that has pulled near-all-nighters quite often, I can sleep whenever I get bored (not hard on a flight), or stay awake for as long as possible (given that I have music or something to draw on).


Hehe,... that's if you're traveling normally.  ^__^
Japanese authorities still wouldn't let me on with 15 bigs filled with coins (18 if you count the extra Japanese coins and anime,... er,... trinkets....)...  Ã,¬___Ã,¬

So in a last minute act of desperation, this pig had to literally "smuggle" himself outta the country.  ^___^

If you can avoid having to travel inside the luggage compartment of a plane, please do so.  It ain't fun.  XvX


haha, I'll keep that in mind.

heh.... trinkets... did you go to Akiba?
oh right, I remember before I left, I tried to use up as many yen coins as possible. XD;  

It's actually better to have a coin bag than a wallet there... My wallet was bursting with coins. (coins that begged me to put them in gashapon-s) Makes using vending machines a lot easier too. ^^