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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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But is there a name of the dance? Anyway, SleepyD got it right.
*gives SleepyD some potatoes*
You can make French Fries out of these!
*looks at intro*
Pani Poni Dash? Eh...a little too "kawaii" for my tastes.
Why do we have spell checker on our forums? It seems to think that I spelled SleepyD wrong!
*laughs insanely at bland in-joke*

Alex Stankevitch

Ill have to get the dancing ME-tan in here...


oh just got to say Happy Guy Fawkes Night to all



I'm leaving for awhile, my laptop is again screwed to the point of not even turning on. I am reduced to using my mothers laptop so yeah...

no uploading or anything until after the 15th.



*pokes piggy head back in*

Sorry dudes, my time is measured, so I'll have to make this brief,,,,  -v-'

QuoteHave fun at the con, C-Chan. Don't bump into any butchers while outside your safe... whatsitcalled. ^^;

Everyone and their dog seems to be addicted to Pocky in these cons, so keeping a couple of boxes on me served as a good distraction to keep away the butchers.  -v-

QuoteAnd now, something completely similar. I was shocked the gif below had not been in the picture gallery before today. It's my fault, but I really considered it not an option to not have this cutest of all animations in the Collections.

Here comes the challenge, people. I don't know how many are familiar with this gif from earlier, but I'm wondering... can someone tell me where this dance Secchan's performing comes from? Not from OS-tan world originally, but instead... where; who was the person/character performing it prior to Secchan?

I'll be bitterly disappointed if someone posts here in 2.5 minutes to give the correct answer; I've been dying to ask this question for months. >_>

I saw the original in a DANCE 2.0 AMV.  I believe SleepyD already answered this one, though.  ^__^


Hmmm.... *ponders*

Wonder if we could get PET-tan to dance that jig too....?  -v-

QuoteHmm...this week I'll upload...
Someone choose for me please:(All Clean)

     Group Pics
     Other OS-pics(Clean)
     OS-Kun (Oh, please god, don't make me have to choose these...)
     Cosplay OS-tan
     Windows 2000

Well, already told you to upload whichever makes the Captain happiest.  ^__^
But then I believe you're currently out-of-commission as far as hardware goes..... -v-

Quoteheh, t3h DarkLord should know. But anyway, I'm 99% sure it's Rebecca "Becky" Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash

Correction: I'm 100% it's Beki.

There we go.  -v-

QuoteJA-0 means that I speak very little Japanese, if any at all. I put it there as a joke. The box that says "56K" means that my speed is greater than 56K.

Whoops, stand corrected.  ^__^

QuoteSleepyD-san got it right. ^__^

10,000 points for you! *lets the imaginary points flow upon SleepyD*

Roulette * Roulette is a great tune in itself alone, but after I saw both Mesousa and Miyamoto-sensei dancing identically to Secchan, it became the Opening of the Year.

Keh,... betcha I could bag 20,000 POINTS for making a dancing PETchan.... `v'

QuoteIll have to get the dancing ME-tan in here...

Please get the FULLY dressed one.... -v-;

Quoteoh just got to say Happy Guy Fawkes Night to all


Does that mean your Alex' neighbor [nationally-speaking]?  ^__^

QuoteI'm leaving for awhile, my laptop is again screwed to the point of not even turning on. I am reduced to using my mothers laptop so yeah...

no uploading or anything until after the 15th.


Yep, thought so....
Poor resident Ninja.  -v-
That's why I refurbish and keep junk computers on hand.  Main one falls, but I still have 2 or 3 left over to pick up the slack.  Plus XUbuntu helps 5-year computers run like they're on dual-cores.  ^.^

Okay, anyway, my time at Youmacon has been pretty exciting so far.  ^__^
Have had moderate success in Artist Alley, and have even bumped across a decent number of OS-tan fans (or at least people aware of the phenomenon).  One person was even selling her renditions of video game console-tans, include both NES models and an Intellivision-tan.  O.O

When not chatting with computer techies or encouraging the many conga lines, however, there was certainly more than enough idle time to draw.  So I'm glad to say that I managed to sneak in chibi DR-DOS-tan, and am 40% done with QDOS-tan!  People who used to followe my "Chibi of the Week" series should probably feel a slight pang of nostalgia right about now.  ^__^

Will post full details on the Annex later once I finish QDOS.  But the Yinzer can fill you in on the technical details of the system, and the many aliases she's gone by.  ^__^  
Aside from that, feel free to nickname her "Mama DOS", as all x86 DOSes were derived from her in one way or another.  -v-

Okay, that's all....
See y'allz later!  ^___^

*trots off*

Aurora Borealis

Awesome DR-DOS-tan! ;010 Ah yes, I remember back when you did the chibis of the week! Nice to see your chibi characters again! :D

For a while I did chibis of the day but sadly I paid the price of running out of ideas for OS-tans kinda quickly ;__;

Hehehe.. In that picture of her, I can kinda imaging her asking people if they want to take the red pill or the blue pill! ^^


If it wasnt so blasted large Id upload that 2k tan dancing gif... I soppose I could use imageshak but its so much of a pain.

anyhow, I was going through my harddrive looking at flash a budy uploaded it with and I found one that reminded me of c chan.  I also figured it would serve as a warning of what would happen if I didnt get to see 3.1sama frolicing with 2.0tan in the near future.

Here is what pitkin had to say about it:

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:
and im about to upload a flash for c chan....bwahahaha XD

Pitkin & Co. says:

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:

Pitkin & Co. says:
bacon and eggs? T_T;;

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:
no that would have been more funny

Pitkin & Co. says:
what kind of a flash is it then? ^__^

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:
its called kill the pig -_-

Pitkin & Co. says:
you're terrible T_T;;

Pitkin & Co. says:
poor C-Chan v_v

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:
he knows its all in fun

Pitkin & Co. says:

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:
i know he laughs at the all too

Pitkin & Co. says:
he's scared for his life <_< >_>

Pitkin & Co. says:
I know he loses his nightsleep and cries all nights... *pretends to cry*

Organic Flak: Zombie Killer says:
humm maybe thats why bacon is so salty..

Pitkin & Co. says:

The mystery is solved!

In other news, Im not wearing any pants, more on this after the weather.

Friday I went to the marine corps ball in sandiego.  I got really trashed on free wine, ate a good but small steak (would have been better if it had been filet minyon bwahaha(yess i know I butcherd the spelling)) and half debated snatchign some of the real silverwear (I had never used real silverware before.. its a good thing Im not a vampire) Oh and my pants cost about 90dollars, cus they went missing before the ball and we had to bribe the mama san at the uniform shop to tailor up a new pair in a jiff. and someone stole my hat! my pretty 50 dollar white vinal hat! *cries*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Wow, that got straight to the point.....  ^^;

Would've loved to have worked on 2.0/3.11 since I didn't have the tools or hardware needed to work on Unix-sama.  But I was surrounded by chibi lovers -- and I had just watched a hilarious segment on Dr. Tran -- so the environment was more condusive to finish work on the DOSes.  ^__^;

Besides, 2.0/3.11-sama already delayed those two for over a month, so in all fairness to all under-privileged OS-tans, they really should've waited their turn.  -v-

In any case, unrelated to the vision of a shotgun being pointed at me, I may just fulfill your wish afterall.  Youmacon's over, but there's more business to be had next week, so I STILL won't have full access to all the tools I need to make Unix-sama.  ^___^'

So there's two options: either I do the chibi Atari-tans or do the 2.0/3.11-sama frolicking pic, and well,....

Based on the schedule....

2.0/3.11-sama take precedence.  ^__^

I doubt Kami-Tux is gonna like this, but then she's hardly around.  -v-'

In the meantime, Captain, feel free to drool over the venerable Dr. DOS.  ^__^
(She should be roughly 3.11-sama's height.)

Should have QDOS-tan ready tonight.  -.-

C-Chan added the following  7 hours 22 minutes after last message :

And ready it is, although now it's too big to post here....

So here's a link, for all the DR-DOS and QDOS fans out there!  ^v^


Aloha all  ;hi

Just to tell i still don't have the net, it's useless to post but it's so bothering that i need to tell it anyway  ;025

Don't forget to bother Pitkin as much as you can while i'm not here  ;010

Linux-Tan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Oh besides, i'm experimenting an anti-spambot home made feature on another forum, i'll put it there if it works ;)


Welcome back Linux-tan! Sad to hear that you don't have the magic of the interweb anymore. I'm excited to hear about the anti-spambot feature. I hope you can sit down and stay awhile!


..........Maybe I am seeing ghosts after all....  O__O

Welcome back, though.  ^^;


I see dead people... and pigs.  not dead pigs mind you. Just pigs. least for now..... Bwahahaha.

frolic my pretties frolic!

and where is codi san?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Uh I'm here. <3

I'm in and out, I haven't really gotten to sit down and say anything of importance. I've gotta start cleaning my apartment and getting ready to start on my next costume : Princess Daisy & Princess Peach from Mario Golf Toadstool Tour. XP

And I'm just beh so I'm not so sociable ~_~

I did find a really nice pic of our Rozen Maidenness though:
So cute it\'s deadly!


QuoteIraq I see dead people... and pigs. not dead pigs mind you. Just pigs. least for now..... Bwahahaha.

frolic my pretties frolic!

If you see dead people along with live pigs, would that (by association) make us gatekeepers to the Underworld?   `v'


*ponders untold level of mischief and undead mayhem he can cause as a pig*

2.0/3.11-sama will frolic soon, I can tell you that!  ^v^

QuoteUh I'm here. <3

I'm in and out, I haven't really gotten to sit down and say anything of importance. I've gotta start cleaning my apartment and getting ready to start on my next costume : Princess Daisy & Princess Peach from Mario Golf Toadstool Tour. XP

And I'm just beh so I'm not so sociable ~_~

I did find a really nice pic of our Rozen Maidenness though:

*tries howling like wolf, but [as a pig] ends up sounding like dying aardvark*

Oo-RAH!  I pictured you and your sis as OS-tans, but that's quite exquisite in and of itself!  Great job!  The award is well deserved!  ^.^

Course, while I can understand that you want to devote body and soul to the next two costumes,... seems kind of a bummer that you're not gonna be around here much....  Being not sociable and all......  *waterfall tears*   ;___;


Sorry no time to look at past posts, typing as fast as I can b4 mom kicks me off her laptop.

Now 1st:
I have seen the true beauty of games. The artwork and majesty of each flowing movement and brush stroke. And if that hint doesn't give it away, I'm talkin' 'bout Okami!! I want the game so badly...and after seeing these wallpapers:
How can you disagree!?

2nd: My artwork has gone through a sort of explosive burst of awsomeness, as I've finished Capt's zombie dragon-thing in less then 1day! And it's not some cr@ppy dragon, copy thing. It truly shows horror as it looks upon those wishing to die (aka being within 50-70 yards of him). He doesn't have a real breath attack, as he's dead...but I can see him manipulating the dark forces that keep him alive to strike down his opponents as some-form of breath attack.

3rd: I've finished my anime avatar, and even found previous drawings that I've drawn. As soon as I get my laptop...or I decide to upload them onto my mom's laptop, I'll share them with all of you my friends!!

Now, go in my immortal catch phrases:
Ah ha ha ha! You Slay me!
Solve Lora Infernis! Et futue te ipsum!!

hmm...seems I missed seeing Linux-tan online again...oh well...