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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

*sigh*  Pitkin, how'd this site get started?  ^0^

From what I've seen, Fabian first started it, although why is a mystery to me.  ^^

Guess he got tired of seeing nothing but image boards?

I'm afraid the early political history of OS-tan Collections has remained unrecorded up till date, and therefore I cannot give any satisfactory answer to the major question, 'why?' FabianN-san had the ambition back in time to first bring together a huge material of OS-tan, and then proceed to making a whole Windows theme (or many themes) out of it. The original site consisted of portal that contained shoutbox, quotation archive and some other whatchamacallits, and the forum was only a very minor part of it. Actually, back then it felt like the shoutbox had more activity in it than the forum; I wasn't aware of much dicussion between members, at least on the subjects like vision or motives driving the site.

In other news, I happened to see a Finnish-language article today about 10 big technological flops of home computer era. Three of those flops were quite familiar by their names: OS/2, risc and Apple Lisa were mentioned. ^^; I learnt that Finnish General Radio Broadcast Company and the National Pension Company (I've no proper translations for these)  have both used the OS/2 operating system till last year, after they had to move away from it due to lack of support. Quite surprising. :|


Ok, I uploaded the XP pics...
I'm tired...only got 6hrs of sleep...
I need to go play some video games.
Bye for now!

We need to add like, a birthday thing to the calendar so we can celebrate people's birthdays!


All I can say is when I joined on June 20, this place was certainly quiet.  
That made identification of the veterans quite easy. haha ^^

...then C-Chan and Yinzer came. lol  Now post counts don't correlate with your time as a member, many things get posted every day, and the art place has exploded with activity.


QuoteAll I can say is when I joined on June 20, this place was certainly quiet.
That made identification of the veterans quite easy. haha ^^

...then C-Chan and Yinzer came. lol Now post counts don't correlate with your time as a member, many things get posted every day, and the art place has exploded with activity.

I remember when I joined. This place took forever to find at the time. When I started posting, this place was a ghost town. Panda was still here and was complaining about the forum "dying". With a long, boring summer to kill, I decided to stir up discussion by posting in every category. People started posting here again. Needless to say, it was C-Chan's new artwork that kept people posting. Ever since Alfamille posted a link to us on Wikipedia, people have been joining right and left. Now I can't keep track of all the new members. When you search for "OS-tans" on Google, we're on the third page. Life is good.


*Sighes* I know all about dead forums.
I've been on about...hmm...4...maybe 5 forums all with good friends and the forum dies.

Nothing sadder then having alot of good friends and then watching as when you try to log in, finding out the forum no longer exists...And having no way to contact them either...

But I'm sure they have forgotten about me by now so...
Back then I was still going under the psuedo name of Teifling_Abraksas and Drow_Judicator...


Quote from: "Pitkin"
QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

*sigh*  Pitkin, how'd this site get started?  ^0^

From what I've seen, Fabian first started it, although why is a mystery to me.  ^^

Guess he got tired of seeing nothing but image boards?

I'm afraid the early political history of OS-tan Collections has remained unrecorded up till date, and therefore I cannot give any satisfactory answer to the major question, 'why?' FabianN-san had the ambition back in time to first bring together a huge material of OS-tan, and then proceed to making a whole Windows theme (or many themes) out of it. The original site consisted of portal that contained shoutbox, quotation archive and some other whatchamacallits, and the forum was only a very minor part of it. Actually, back then it felt like the shoutbox had more activity in it than the forum; I wasn't aware of much dicussion between members, at least on the subjects like vision or motives driving the site.

Quote from: "Pitkin"
Indeed, Pitkin description its accurate. First site was "larger", but the forum was not very active.

In other news, I happened to see a Finnish-language article today about 10 big technological flops of home computer era. Three of those flops were quite familiar by their names: OS/2, risc and Apple Lisa were mentioned. ^^; I learnt that Finnish General Radio Broadcast Company and the National Pension Company (I've no proper translations for these)  have both used the OS/2 operating system till last year, after they had to move away from it due to lack of support. Quite surprising. :|

OS/2? Did someone Just mentioned OS/2??????

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the honor to announce that finally, Darknight's version of OS/2 its finally done.

Full Size Version (So anyone can point out mistakes ._. )

Medium Size Version:

Small Sized Version

Lineart version

It took me months to finish this. In fact, I couldn't work in this for a lot of time (same reasons as my absence in the forums), until this weekend.
Special thanks to the legion that is "Anonymous" (don't know how many of them xD), to "SW" and "Sketchychan", from 4chan's /ic/. Helped to fix anatomy mistakes and critics about how to color this.

I have no idea about how to upload this. As "Other" or as "Fan Art"? Pitkiiiin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll leave this as "Other", but Pitkin will have the final word.

P.S.: I still can't finish reading all the posts ;_;


Bravo! well drawn!  Great hands.  Over all is good, but hands have always been a nemisis of mine so its the first thing I look for and notice.  

I feel your pain on not having time to draw.  I didnt think Id be working this much after deployment either.  I really should try and make the time...

In other news my legion of the undead is coming along nicely. Alot slower then predicted but ive always been to abitios. Well I cant really say legion either.. its more of a small army.  Still got alot of work to do tho.. I better get cracking on it!

Speaking of undead, I threw on my costume friday night and wandered the streets of laguna beach like a zombie scaring teenage girls and generaly getting into the spirit of the season.  I thought one lady was gonna die XD  It was closing time for most restaraunts and the workers were busy wiping down tables at this one 50's style diner.  I shuffled slowly up to  and started lightly clawing and beating on the door alla dawn of the dead style... when she finaly looked up and noticed me she shreaked and nearly feel over! I would not have expected such a reaction from no less then a real zombie.  Her co workers on the other hand were trying not to die laughing

Then I went to a bar and had a few drinks with captain morgan.  Litteraly.  Little bo peep joined us for a bit.  She turned naughty in her grown up years cus her skirt was short enough to see the bottom of her bum.  

as for the origins of ostan collections Im one of the oldest active members here and I cant even tell you.  Its shrouded in myth and legend.  I hear dragons once frequented the forums...

Post counts really dont mean much either.  I mean many come from the forum games, and many posts are a sentance at most.  As where some of out posters post small novels in a single post.

Neko-san, that reminds me..  Im suprized the random picture thread dosent get used more often.  thats the sorta thing the interents is for!

nice fanfic there yohoos.   I used to be a rabid auska fanboy but that has faded with time... tho now that there is a new eva manga out im getting back into it

darknight I feel your pain.. I dont even attempt to read all the back posts anymore.. there are just far to many.  I just skim and when i find something that seems to be important i read more closely

and C chan...   you are still destin for a tasty biscut.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Dagnammit, Captain!  ^0^
Hasn't anyone told you that "Beef is What's for Dinner"?!  ;^~^;
And Breafast, Lunch, Brunch and snacks?!  >_<

*jaw drops*

*stares in reverence at Darknight's masterpiece*

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  @___@

*eyes get bleary*


.................Beautiful........  *v*

*clasps chest*

......Too........... beautiful.............

You are.......  *croaks*

.........Awe-........ some----------
Promise to-.......... praise you..........  *gasp*  Properly.........  XvX

Dog-...... garn-,........ infarc--,............... tion....!  XVX

*swoons with joy*

C-Chan added the following  4 hours 21 minutes after last message :

BTW, once I'm fully resuccitated, I'll be back to reply to everyone else.  ^^;


I am very inpressed by your work Darknight_88.

If only I could draw that good for anime people...
oh well, you still need to be cogradulated for your wonderful work!

Side note: I'm so happy, alot of my images were added!

More will be updated on Halloween
...Happy Halloween t-minus 7hrs, 55min.


*opens S. Pellegrino*
Great job Darknight88! Let the proliferation of OS/2-tan pics continue! A toast to one of the our great resident artists!
*toasts Darknight88*
On the bad side of news, I've got a ton of work and a cold to get over, so it'll take me quite a while to get those pics uploaded to Wikipedia.


Darknight: You, sir, have done an impeccable job. I, for one, cannot find anything to critique.  And yes, time is hard to find...  especially for me.  I went to bed at 5:30 am only to wake up at 7:30am to go to class.  

In other news, Jeff thinks he now has a working idea for his rendition of OS/2. murhaha

Capt: Sounds like a very interesting time you had... quite random. Random is good. ^^

C-Chan: does anyone have a paper bag or something? I think the pig is hyperventilating and ready to faint from loss of oxygen. haha

Yinz: Hope you get better soon!


Now that you mention it, I guess I should prioritize a Wiki avi for OS/2 as well, since she's already been propagated by 4 separate artists (and 5 in the works).  Who would've thought that the Windows Girls' archnemesis [and secret sister] would've proved to be so popular?!  ^v^'

Anyway, on a closer inspection of your pic, oh great Darknight....

Oh wait, gimme a second....  -v-

*pitter patters off to 'Post Your Desktop' thread*


*returns with large billboard*

*clears throat*  Haven't used this in a while, but anyone who propagates OS/2-sama deserves this!  ^___^

C-Chan's Coolest Forum-Goer Chart

1st place - Darknight_88
2nd place - everybody else
3rd place - forum lurkers

Alrighty! Anyway, as I was saying.... -v-

Upon closer inspection, I have concluded that I'm unfit to offer any sort of criticism since I, as a rule, never criticize anyone's work.  ^__^
The eyes are the right shape, minus the slits but she only does that when she's homicidal... ^^;
Hair is radiant and ready to "multitask"!  ^v^
Boots I loved from the start, so that's a given...  -v-
Skirt's a bit more Star Trek, but the uniform's been toned down to something more stylish, so that balances out.  ^__^
use of SleepyD's symbol earns a "AAA" rating.  ^.^
Phaser is flawless, and looks just like the original (or Paramount's attempt to prop a phaser by pasting black ovals over a gun prop.... ^^;)
Chest is appropriately-sized, since she's not at all a memory hog.
Love her expression, keen, pretty and sly at the same time.  ^__^
And yes, as the Captain said, the hands are superb.  ^v^

So yeah, if you're looking for mighty reprimands, you've turned to the wrong pig!  ^v^

I can offer performance enhancement tips, but it seems like you finished it all over the weekend so you're probably set there as well.  ^__^
The drawing looks "vectorized", but if I recall you didn't like Inkscape so maybe it's just my imagination....  ^^

[whispering]  (what did you use, btw?  'v')

Okay, I'm all praised out now....  ^^;

Moving along....  -v-

QuoteDanger!  Water Contains High Levels of Hydrogen!  Keep Out!

*stares at pool, ready to see it burst into flames any second now...*


QuoteI'm afraid the early political history of OS-tan Collections has remained unrecorded up till date, and therefore I cannot give any satisfactory answer to the major question, 'why?' FabianN-san had the ambition back in time to first bring together a huge material of OS-tan, and then proceed to making a whole Windows theme (or many themes) out of it. The original site consisted of portal that contained shoutbox, quotation archive and some other whatchamacallits, and the forum was only a very minor part of it. Actually, back then it felt like the shoutbox had more activity in it than the forum; I wasn't aware of much dicussion between members, at least on the subjects like vision or motives driving the site.

Hmmm,... interesting,... so in essence, the suggestion of a few people to create a website front-end to this forum was in fact done ages ago.  'v'

I guess to avoid a repeat of history, we better make sure that all the content is prepared BEFORE another front-end is created...  ^^'

QuoteIn other news, I happened to see a Finnish-language article today about 10 big technological flops of home computer era. Three of those flops were quite familiar by their names: OS/2, risc and Apple Lisa were mentioned. ^^; I learnt that Finnish General Radio Broadcast Company and the National Pension Company (I've no proper translations for these) have both used the OS/2 operating system till last year, after they had to move away from it due to lack of support. Quite surprising.

BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^;

Here's a REAL technological FLOP for them!!!!  ^0^


Besides, if they couldn't use OS/2 due to lack of support, why not move to eCommstation then?!  Lazy bums.... -___-

I feel bad that RISC-chan and Apple Lisa were insulted as well.  RISC is strong enough to take it, but hurting Lisa-chan is like kicking a dead horse!  Those bastards!  ^0^


So many -tans to save, so little time.....  -o-

QuoteAll I can say is when I joined on June 20, this place was certainly quiet.
That made identification of the veterans quite easy. haha ^^

Yeah, if it weren't for you and Darknight, posting my Amiga-chan pic in the virtual ghost town would've been like posting at the "other" forum I joined at the time.... The one that RPed itself to extinction....  -___-

Quote...then C-Chan and Yinzer came. lol Now post counts don't correlate with your time as a member, many things get posted every day, and the art place has exploded with activity.

Thank ye, SleepyD.  ^__^
Should note that my post count was built with piggy blood, sweat and tears!  ^0^

[That, and a lot of silly responses...  ^^']

And am uber glad the art scene has exploded....  -v-

*grabs megaphone*

LET THERE BE MORE OS-TANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

QuoteI remember when I joined. This place took forever to find at the time. When I started posting, this place was a ghost town. Panda was still here and was complaining about the forum "dying". With a long, boring summer to kill, I decided to stir up discussion by posting in every category.

*stares cautiously at Pitkin*

Yeah, I remember that night!  ^v^
It was fun, although I do recall that was also the first time the Panda bear showed off her true colors to us.  ^^;

QuotePeople started posting here again. Needless to say, it was C-Chan's new artwork that kept people posting. Ever since Alfamille posted a link to us on Wikipedia, people have been joining right and left. Now I can't keep track of all the new members. When you search for "OS-tans" on Google, we're on the third page. Life is good.

Well thank you NewYinzer, although I'm not 100% sure it was my artwork that kept people posting.  Relative to all other topics of discussions, C-chan artwork talk is still in the relative minority.  ^^'
Lots of lurkers, true, but none of them have yet to post them at Waka (not that I'd be eager to see that day, given the nature of that imageboard.... ^^;).

QuoteNothing sadder then having alot of good friends and then watching as when you try to log in, finding out the forum no longer exists...And having no way to contact them either...

Yep, can relate from back in my youth.... -v-
Which is why I take it fairly easy nowadays,...  ^^

QuoteIn other news, Jeff thinks he now has a working idea for his rendition of OS/2. murhaha

YAY!!!!!!!!  MULTI-TASKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

Thank ye, SleepyD!  ^__^

Let this be a source of inspiration:

C-Chan's Coolest Forum-Goer Chart

1st place - [your name here]
2nd place - everybody else
3rd place - forum lurkers

Fufufu....  ^.^


I do like beef for dinner, but bacon is for breakfast!

Peach fresca is quite odd, but still refreshing. Dosent go well with ramen tho...

why isnt codi san back yet? and why do we all speak with british accents when we are from outerspace and there is no britan?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


yeah, you're right.  Codi-san should've been back from KentuckyCon by now.  ^^'

Betcha she's lurking somewhere.....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

As for the accent thing,... I guess it's for the same reason that 5 Italian, French, German and Dutch cybernetic assassin girls, working in an Italian covert operations firm, all speak fluent Japanese....  ^^;