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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Update C-Chan:
You are the first person that will ever get a dragon facing you...
I usually can only draw a dragon facing the side, or a back angle.
Um...yeah, it should be done this or next week, and just so you know, don't expect your dragon to be as big as my dragons...since you chose a younger age for yours. It's about the same size as my orriginal Uthantion drawing. (Not the enlarged version I posted, but the small 1/4th of a folder cover that it was orrigianally made on).

Here's a list of Dragon sizes + age groupings
1. Wyrmling (0-5) (Size: House cat)
2. Very young (6-15) (Size: Hobbit)
3. Young (16-25) (Size: Average Human size)
4. Juvenile (26-50) (Size: Think Yao Ming from Basket Ball)
5. Young Adult (51-100) (Size: Think Lord of the Rings Orc or Troll)
6. Adult (101-200) (Size: Think Lord of the Rings Orc or Troll)
(your dragons size)(Uthantion's size)
7. Mature Adult (201-400) (Size: Think mythilogical Giants from Greece)
8. Old (401-600)(Size: Think mythilogical Giants from Greece)
9. Very Old (601-800)(Size: Think mythilogical Giants from Greece)
10. Ancient (801-1,000)(Size: Think mythilogical Giants from Greece)
(Helvox'Fentel's Size)
11. Wrym (1,001-1,200)(Size: That dragon that Bilbo Baggins tricked in that first book...)
12.  Great Wrym (1,201-????) (Size: Unknown. Anyone that sees this, or even a shadow on the horizon is already dead)

To CaptBrenden:
Sorry, to hear that your not doing to well. But atleast your doing a service for your country. And as they say...well my dad told me People are only able to complain about the country and sleep at night, because there are people willing to kill to protect us. Or something along those lines. I plan on joining the navy when I'm old enough to...Dad does...well...he does work. Same with mom. I like living, so I don't ask. My Uncle on my mom's side drove tanks, and my grandfather on my mother's side flew those Blackhawk Helicoptors. My dad's side is solely Navy. That's all I'm allowed to know until I join the navy...>.>

You need a dragon. Some sort of Mech-dragon like thing. Like a dragon with, huge cannons on it's back that fire raw magical destructive bursts. I have an idea forming in my mind already...

To MisterCat
You rock for your Native American Thunderbird choices! Unless it's from the Souix Tribes...Souix ftl. Lol, jk they are ok I guess...but Blackfoot and Cherokee for the final win!

Fine, if you won't give me an answer you'll be in my hydra-dragon of the ostan forums. T_T I can't be in it, since I haven't been here long enough.

A female dragon. Ok, now then I already have a female-type dragon in mind...

I hate you. I'm coming to get you. What do you want your funeral clothes to be? Bwa ha ha ha! ;006 WTF!? ;013  I'm scared. Protect me ostan forums!

To Everyone[/u][/i]
Dragons galore! It's like my mind went into supreme dragon-drawing mode. And I'll draw a supreme Hydra-dragon and everyone that asks will be involved into it somehow. And no, I don't have photoshop, so I can't do shadows for it, color etc. So if anyone wants to help me with this your more then welcome.

And I now have stoptazmo bookmarked to download manga when I finish watching alot of anime still backed-up in the "need to watch...still" pile. And pray that no one from there joins...if memory serves (Last time I was there was Feb. 6, 2006), flaming and such isn't controlled. Trolling is, but flaming isn't stopped...


*returns for Conservative Alliance Club*

Hi! I'm back!
It seems so much happens around here when I go to bed!

Quotenewyinzer: we havent found WMDs in iraq because it is a massive fucking desert and all it would take to hide anything is to drive out in the middle of it and bury it. Hell recently we just found like 10 MIGS buried not 300 some odd feet from one of our airbases. MIGS!! you think they cant hide a few cans of VX or a dismantled nuke in the desert? Regardless of that what saddam was seeking them even if he didnt have them and concidering how he feels about the US and his willingness to use them on his own people was reason enough to do it.

besides. koreas nuke test was a relitive failure, we a claimed 4 megaton yeild and finaly ending up below a megaton, its like being so premature that you didnt even touch her and you were done. Like being worse then a one pump chump. tho, I do belive that man is inline for the next rightios kick ass.

Ehh...the reason we went into Iraq is iffy, at best. "To Stop The Spread of Terrorism", I suppose? Sounds familiar...
*looks at 1960's newspapers*
Reason for Vietnam = "To Stop the Spread of Communism"
Reason for Iraq II = "To Stop the Spreat of Terrorism"
Terrorism is the new Communism, I suppose?
Hate to hear that you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

*pauses in reverence*

Well, back to more cheerful things! Happy Halloween!


why are all your posts so loong?!

The only way I can do that at the moment is to either quote like crazy or talk to myself.  (And I don't plan on doing that)

Let's see, what can I remember...

I like tea too! Wonder if a pig would still use a teacup....

Glad to see the capt back. ^^ I must say, that post seemed... a lot more random than usual. XD; Hope to hear from ya again soon!

And I hope AOL isn't being too annoying.  If so, we need a little comic titled "CaptBrenden vs AOL-tan!"

arara, Yakitate cosplay?  hm... skirt, skirt... i haven't watched that in a while.... Tsukino, was it?  nice. ^^


no no no! a zombie dragon! to represent my inner zombie trying to eat its way out!

If cherry coke is ever discovered to cause cancer I will die befor most smokers.

I swam today.  in full gear.   Even jumped off the tall tower. its like 30 feet to the water.  Seriosly, I had time to think to myself "hey self." "yeah what is it?" "dont you think we should have hit by now?"  "it is an awful long trip isnt it?"  It was fun tho.  Ive very tired and I smell like clorene.

Thanks for all the support but seriosly, its not a big deal. Alot of people get it. Getting a blank stare now and then is the very least i would expect from having a experience like that.  How many people can honestly say that they were in a situation where someone was noshit trying to kill them, or have actually seen the spark of life fade from someones eyes?  Its just a few crummy nightmares and a short temper, and both are getting better. dont worry about it.

There are many veriations on that quote, but the one I think your thinking of is "For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know."  

senior gato, I did not know you were in nam.  I feel most educated now and quite the noob.  Im sure you have seen the news highlights and can see them for the sham they really are.

you should laugh codi, but dont feel bad! I dont feel bad for the crispy bacon, infact it is the highlight of my morning!  C-Chan should feel so blessed that his brothers and sisters and his aunt suzi bring so much joy to americas fighting men ever morning.  cry not for them for they do so bravely march in the the maw! I salute you pigs! *munch munch*

its not going to be hard codi-san! least not till rigamortis sets in!

...bowchickawow wow!

well, the "problem" that you seem to have with the skirts is exactly why they are so popular in anime.  if your gonna cosplay you have to be shameless! all hail panty shots!

speaking of her tho, she is the coolest in that new version of hellsing when she whips out her harconen canon. *drool* the new one as I said is closer to the manga.. with the ocasional dropped in gag scean (usual around seras... like when walter is telling her she has to sleep in a coffin) but the serios parts are drawn so much better then before! no more curse of the repeating footage! lighting and enviroment effects are awsome! and it says true to the story!

anyhow.  she has big breasts so I like her best.  Wait... thats the train of thought that has gained Xp so many fans...

Hahaha! i beat pitkin to the punch on the image size attack! cus I am a guardian! liek a gargoyal I stand ever watchful and come to life to snatch up anyone who would break the rules! bwahahaha!

and finaly.. the most important bit.   C-chan, concider my absence an extension of your life.  Had I known sooner that you wernt working on the 2.0 3.1 sama pic, I may have come back sooner.   Ill just say this. I hear molten cheese burns quite a bit and it sticks to skin.  

come to think of it I am in the mood for a ham and cheese hot pocket...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*brain explodes again*

*picking up scattered remnants*  Dear GAWDS, you people are way too fast for this old pig...  ^^;
Sadly I'm on the run now, so gotta have to stick with mile-per-hour responses....  -v-
Sorry if I gloss through well-put-together details....

QuoteWTF COME TO SUGOICON IN KENTUCKY INSTEAD. >.> That's where I'm gonna be this weekend.

Oooh, chance to see Codi-san.  ^v^
But sorry, too late to book flight to Kentucky and besides my brother doesn't live there.  ^^;
Plus gotta use the weekend to prepare the Artist Alley stuff ready for Youmacon.  (Not my idea but my bro's.  He's been drawing longer than I, but figured he'd haul me along because of all the recent OS-tan work.  ^^')

Hope you enjoy!  Know you will rock as Xp-tan!  [though wonder how many anime fans will know who you are...? ^^;]

QuoteWell, if people wanna be like that then.. that's how they're going to be ._. I think it's a wonderful board.

Although now I've just been netted and captured >.>;; and I have nothing to contribute :P

*pulls off net*  Bah!  You and you're nothing to contribute.  Ã,¯-Ã,¯
This is what you contribute!  Wonderful, beautiful, friendly posts that we all glomp and fight over to reply too!  ^.^
Plus strong support when people verbally-abuse us and our forum.  -v-
Plus fanastic cosplaying pics and translations!  ^___^

QuoteWas not aware!  Let it also be said that I'm a redhead, hence my username. See? something new

Ah, so that's what it means!  ^v^

QuoteOk you guys. I'm pretty much going to go back into ~*~silent mode~*~ until at least Monday. I'll be gone to this weekend, and I neeeeeeeeeed to finish the Rozen Maidens and the Hitachiin brothers. I have two weeknights.

Sadness...  ;_;
Be sure it's at least by Monday.  ^__^
Wouldn't want you to behave like a Moderator!  ^v^'

QuoteI will go crazy In case something happens, I love you all. XD

Love ya more!  ^.^

QuoteMy avatar and signature-block graphic are even more temporary than any of my previous ones ââ,¬â€ no matter how long they may remain in place. I'm looking for Mac-tan images, which seemed to be all over the web a short time ago but which now are proving difficult to locate; and when I find satisfactory Mac-tan images, I'll steal them and make an avatar and signature-block graphic from them.

You're too cruel, Mister Cat-san. ;__;
See, if only you'd have agreed to be a Commenter, you'd have access to a plethora of Mac pics in one convenient location!  ^v^
(currently working on adding more from

QuoteUm...yeah, it should be done this or next week, and just so you know, don't expect your dragon to be as big as my dragons...since you chose a younger age for yours. It's about the same size as my orriginal Uthantion drawing. (Not the enlarged version I posted, but the small 1/4th of a folder cover that it was orrigianally made on).

Thank ye, Resident Ninja.  ^__^

But I must insist that, unless you already added the relevant detail, I think I should be smaller still.  Consider my size as a pig relative to the average human being (~7 inches), so in proportion I think I'm way too intimidating as a dragon.  I should still be old, but stuck at a small size (either Very Young or Young), thus making it easier for me to blend in and obviating the need to compensate for my unintimidating size.  I figure most dragons sneer at the idea of working directly with humans, whereas I can't afford to be so fickle.  It would not be beneath me to use my riches to fund elaborate schemes, buy information on an enemy's weaknesses and hire mercs to do the majority of the dirty work.

QuoteTerrorism is the new Communism, I suppose?

That should already be obvious if you read '1984'....  ^^'
Certainly if you follow the money you'll stumble upon something resembling a valid reason, though I can assure you it's neither just nor safe.  Not from our standpoint anyway....  ^___^;

Quotewhy are all your posts so loong?!

To torture you.  BWAHAHAHA!!!!  ^v^

See,... quit procrastinating, and you too can have the time to write uber-long posts like ours.  ^___^

QuoteI like tea too! Wonder if a pig would still use a teacup....

If you set it before me, sure!  ^v^
Otherwise, I just use a trough of course....  ^^;

Quoteyou should laugh codi, but dont feel bad! I dont feel bad for the crispy bacon, infact it is the highlight of my morning! C-Chan should feel so blessed that his brothers and sisters and his aunt suzi bring so much joy to americas fighting men ever morning. cry not for them for they do so bravely march in the the maw! I salute you pigs! *munch munch*

GAAAAAAAH!!!!  ;^0^;
Haven't you guys ever heard of beef, chicken, mutton or just plain soy?!  ;^-^;
Let them be blessed!  I hear the cows complaining the other day that they're not being turned into breakfast alternatives fast enough!  ;^0^;

Quoteand finaly.. the most important bit. C-chan, concider my absence an extension of your life. Had I known sooner that you wernt working on the 2.0 3.1 sama pic, I may have come back sooner. Ill just say this. I hear molten cheese burns quite a bit and it sticks to skin.

come to think of it I am in the mood for a ham and cheese hot pocket...

*quivers in fear* Gaaaaah.....  ;@___@;
But till me Amiga-chan doesn't look cute?  ^^;
I flaunt that picture around just like you do yours with the girl and Mech.  ^^;

Um,... besides it's all,... um,... Pitkins fault.  ^v^'
Yeah.... He was like,... "Stop doing the Captain's silly 3.11-bozou pic and draw me up C64 and Amiga, DAMMIT!"

Seriously.... No hot pockets, please....  ^^;

*quickly runs out of thread before awaiting a response*


Captain, here's a little something from my in-country combat-zone era:

That was my "moonlighting" job, which brought in some extra money Uncle Sam never knew about.  We were paid in piasters as daily-hire workers, to get around any double-dipping accounting difficulties.

It was an outfit titled Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS), a branch of the U.S. Agency for International Development.  We few moonlighters from the military who worked for CORDS at night wore civilian clothing and packed odd weapons ââ,¬â€ and the military lifers hated us because we had go-anywhere passes, guaranteed to get us a wave-through at any checkpoint.

Anyway, whilst on military duty as a staff sergeant I was a good G.I. if not always obedient:  I believed in inter-service cooperation a bit more than did the local brass, so I think they were almost as happy as me when the big bird came to take me back to the real world at tour's end.  My active duty ended on April Fools' Day!


I've the utmost respect for those serving in any combat zone anywhere, regardless of what they do whilst there.  Politicians can go [censored] for all I care; and that applies in spades to the present crop of chicken hawks in Washington.

Anyway, here's hoping all this is over sooner rather than later.  You stay safe, now!



MisterCat added the following  18 minutes after last message :

Thanks, C-Chan, for that link to the Mac-tan images!  Also, thank you for having posted that full-torso image of Mac-tan for my benefit:  It's now safely in my collection and will surely be pressed into service, when the time's right (whatever that means).




It's 0430 and I just finished my homework! whoo!

Ok, I sleep now. Possible reply to whatever's between this and my last reply later.

ok... now where did I put my bed... *collaps kfojp;f/ vggkijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjg


hello there?
anyone still recognizes me? Yeah, I'm that guy who used to post here a few weeks before...and suddenly was gone

I have been REALLY busy, so I haven't had time to enter here =/
But I'm back...

Q4(V)'s back??!

And It'll take a while to read all the new post's, so I won't reply to anything :P



<3 <3 Yay ...yes I remember you -_- sheesh..

Yes, please read and reply responsibly.
So cute it\'s deadly!

Ultimaninja could you...I had your dragon all finished, and ready to be posted tomorrow. That drawing gave me the idea where the armor is living, and grows upon the dragon. I had the armor forming around your dragon, and the skeletal structure for your armor forming around him...oh well...

I'll get your baby dragon thing. It'll take longer as I'll need to do research on the average size + shape of them. And then draw them in my style...

It'll take awhile as I'm backed up with dragons I'm going to draw. Here's the list:
1.  Aurora Borealis
2. Bj0rN (You don't know him)
3.  Alex (From my school, not this forum's Alex)
(Please take a number if you would request a dragon picture.)
...and so on, and so on. If you want one, paste the list, with your name in bold at a number (Be mindful of the others ahead of you). And I'll get back to you.

Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "Ultimaninja"
2. Bj0rN (You don't know him)
3.  Alex (From my school, not this forum's Alex)

Bj0rN, that sounds familiar, maybe BF2???

And im ok for a dragon, ill find my own...


wht do u mean i'm back, where have you been

..... who say i was dead, why am i dead and who killed me??

all i got to say is the butler did it look at *look at Pitkin*

so Darkinght how r u, what u been up to and where u been?(read all the new post's, are u jokin i don't have time to read the post they post now, i'm busy and have little time)

oh and some1 was talkin abt the DAILY BUGLE, i read the Daily Bugle for past week and there was no story abt SleepyD, if any reads the they'll know tit only  be talk abt civil war.

The sides have been chosen and the Civil War has begun! As heroes battle heroes, putting their lives on the line to fight for what they believe in, thereââ,¬â,,¢s only one source to keep you informed on the happenings of the biggest Marvel event of the year: the Daily Bugle! This is the very newspaper the citizens of the Marvel Universe read to keep informed! With a very special editorial by J. Jonah Jameson and news, gossip, and opinions from the best writers he hasnââ,¬â,,¢t fired yet, this is the place to go to for Civil War secrets you wonââ,¬â,,¢t see anywhere else! Thatââ,¬â,,¢s right: the Bugle has an exclusive on this storyââ,¬â€and art!

Q4(V) added the following  17 minutes after last message :

oh and 1 more thing Onslaught comin back, Onslaught comin back, Onslaught comin back, Onslaught comin back, ur all goin to DIE OR BE DEAD

[attachment deleted by admin]


*sigh*  Resident Ninja, you overlooked one important detail.... -v-'

QuoteBut I must insist that, unless you already added the relevant detail, I think I should be smaller still.

In other words, if you already finished it, don't worry about it.  
Besides, it's just a size designation.  It shouldn't affect how the dragon is proportioned, since like I said I'm as old as an adult (and proportioned as such), but have the stature of a youngling.  (With my kind of personality, the LAST thing I want is to look like a baby.... `v')

Please just dot your i's, cross your t's, and call it a day now so you can move on with everyone else's dragon. -___-
If you don't, you'll just make me feel bad and I'll disappear for a couple of days just to mope it off. `v'

QuoteI've the utmost respect for those serving in any combat zone anywhere, regardless of what they do whilst there. Politicians can go [censored] for all I care; and that applies in spades to the present crop of chicken hawks in Washington.

Anyway, here's hoping all this is over sooner rather than later. You stay safe, now!

Amen to that verbatim, MisterCat-san!  ^__^

Quoteok... now where did I put my bed... *collaps kfojp;f/ vggkijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjg

Which reminds me, I had to replace another keyboard due to the drool.  I tell ya, sleeping on keyboards is turning out to be mighty expensive.  

hello there?
anyone still recognizes me? Yeah, I'm that guy who used to post here a few weeks before...and suddenly was gone

I have been REALLY busy, so I haven't had time to enter here =/
But I'm back...

Q4(V)'s back??!

And It'll take a while to read all the new post's, so I won't reply to anything :P

DARKNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;^V^;

THERE YA AREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;^0^;

*throws net over Darnknight*

You ain't goin' anywhere this time....  `v'
Now then, I need your help.....  -v-

TORSO CHECK!!!!  ^v^


<3 <3 Yay ...yes I remember you -_- sheesh..

Yes, please read and reply responsibly.

No way, if he reads all that shear volume, he'll just disappear again! ^^'
Just skim dude.  ^.^

Quoteall i got to say is the butler did it look at *look at Pitkin*

Hmmmm,... he seems to know a lot more about Pitkin than he's letting on..... Ã,¬vÃ,¬


I'd like to see more people who were here before it got all active.


don't you?

Glad to see ya back darknight!  ;hi


Hey does any collect comics, i just want to know why it's important to have non-PVC Comic Bags and archival safe?

So how is every1?
oh yes welcome back Darknight