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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Fufu... If it'll help you with your inspiration, sure you can place "me" in it.  Otherwise, I'd rather opt for the stand-alone storyline, just to make sure you keep my dragon a one-shot art production.

Last thing I want is for my dragon to keep you away from other stuff.  -v-

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

I just realized something....

We've all unintentionally (and intentionally) posted really large pictures here in Topicless, yet it's been a LONG while since we've suffered an "attack".

I wonder if this means that she decided to leave after all....  '__'


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Fufu... If it'll help you with your inspiration, sure you can place "me" in it.  Otherwise, I'd rather opt for the stand-alone storyline, just to make sure you keep my dragon a one-shot art production.

Last thing I want is for my dragon to keep you away from other stuff.  -v-

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

I just realized something....

We've all unintentionally (and intentionally) posted really large pictures here in Topicless, yet it's been a LONG while since we've suffered an "attack".

I wonder if this means that she decided to leave after all....  '__'

We better PMed her I guess...

Since this topicless, what the heck are you gonna do at Halloween next week, C-chan?

any halloween present? :P


Quote from: "C-Chan"Fufu... If it'll help you with your inspiration, sure you can place "me" in it.  Otherwise, I'd rather opt for the stand-alone storyline, just to make sure you keep my dragon a one-shot art production.

Last thing I want is for my dragon to keep you away from other stuff.  -v-

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

I just realized something....

We've all unintentionally (and intentionally) posted really large pictures here in Topicless, yet it's been a LONG while since we've suffered an "attack".

I wonder if this means that she decided to leave after all....  '__'

The dragons are cute!

What do you mean by an "attack" though? ^^;
So cute it\'s deadly!


C-chan I have the head of your dragon finished!
It came to me in a dream last night. It told me that if I didn't draw it that I'd shame C-chan and C-chan would never forgive me and would hate me forever.

Btw C-chan, your wings alternate in size due to love. Pretty much you have naturally have small wings...well, average sized wings for your dragon size. And by compressing and re-purifying the gold you have with you, you can increase the size of your wings to allow faster and longer flights.

For Halloween I'm uploading...

...well I'm NOT uploading more of my hentai and Hentai Sites on a topic section I DIDN't Create...

rdhdtwns, Alfamille, NewYinzer, Alex Stankevitch, Pitkin, and anyone else that hasn't posted on this page of the Topicless thread. Sorry, most of you I don't know that well and can't really draw you a picture of a dragon if I don't know your nature...


Codi: I believe C-Chan is referring to an attack from panda....

U-ninja: well, you'll get to know me soon enough.  Just hang around.  
I'm not the type to talk at length, in real life or online, unless I am
extremely and abnormally excited about something. (My trip to Japan
comes to mind) You'll somehow... i guess feel my personality come
through little by little.

Speaking of which, do you all agree that you kind of learn a little bit
about any regular forumer just through posts?  

....or are you all just presenting me with a front? ._.



Presenting you with a front?

Is this a challenge of some sort!?
I will beat you at this challenge!

And also I am slowly watching my slow and calm lifestyle give way to the growing insanity that is my mind.

So is everyone!?

My insanely awsome christmas picture will be even better then ever!


hmm... challenge, challenge... no i don't think so...

Are we thinking front as in the western front?
maybe a less vague word would be... facade. And excuse the lack of whatever character that's not on my keyboard.

This mind is just a crazy otaku that wants to start up his own comic, offset by another mind that likes to chillax which also lives with a mind that wants to do something interesting as an aerospace engineer and therefore loves to learn stuffs.

mm... christmas picture.  You know, form my experience, christmas gift art have always involved one or many of the following: stars, snow, trees, presents, cold-weather clothing, and santa suits.  Ranging from cute to serene to sexy even....

Interesting how a theme with the same exact stuff can be expressed in so many ways.




Sorry, sorry let me explain.

Drawing nice happy things isn't what I'm good at. I can draw happy things...I think...Bunnies from hell that are on fire are nice right?

Drawing anime people is a problem I have. Which is why I don't draw the human avatars of my dragons...
And my christmas picture is anything but kind and happy. Think invader zim christmas special. I have in mind a giant sadistic Frosty the Snowman w/ fire breath (Having been eating Chili peppers...why would he eat them? I don't know, I just made him do it!!), destorying Santa's workshop and throwing pine trees at  santa and his reindeer, as Rudolf fires his nose-powered laser beams of heat. And I'll also draw like a meteor falling...and...and...I don't know...

But all in all my holiday pictures are interesting in the sense you'll always be mildly surprised at them. Don't have one for Halloween, and WILL NOT DO ONE FOR THANKSGIVING FOR ANYREASON!!!

Yeah, sure I'm thankful that the pilgrims came over to america and slowly moved us out...(1/4 Blackfoot/ Cherokee talkin' sorry.)


QuoteSince this topicless, what the heck are you gonna do at Halloween next week, C-chan?

any halloween present? :P

BWAHAHAHA!!!!  ;^V^;

I'm gonna be halfway to Michigan by then!  (preparing for Youmacon).

But okay, I'll leave y'all a gift in advance since things are surely gonna get crazy going forward:

Haha, talk about cheap.  ^__^'

QuoteThe dragons are cute!

What do you mean by an "attack" though? ^^;


*throws net over her*

There we go, now you ain't disappearin' again.  ^___^
You have a lot to contribute, you know, despite what you may think....  `v'

As for the attack, well,....
You know....

The kind of thing that would reek,... "pandamonium"?  ^^;

QuoteC-chan I have the head of your dragon finished!
It came to me in a dream last night. It told me that if I didn't draw it that I'd shame C-chan and C-chan would never forgive me and would hate me forever.

Thank you, and trust me, I have people more deserving of my hatred and you're definitely not one by a long shot.  ^___^
Funny how Unix-sama's design also came to me in a dream too.  ^v^

*starts worshipping at altar of Unix shrine*

QuoteBtw C-chan, your wings alternate in size due to love. Pretty much you have naturally have small wings...well, average sized wings for your dragon size. And by compressing and re-purifying the gold you have with you, you can increase the size of your wings to allow faster and longer flights.

Crafty.  ^__^
It's a must that my dragon form be creative like that.  I'd be a dragon like no other, and more than willing to do things other "real" dragons would balk at.  `v'

But of course, like the old saying goes:  "Work smarter, not harder".  ^.^

QuoteFor Halloween I'm uploading...

...well I'm NOT uploading more of my hentai and Hentai Sites on a topic section I DIDN't Create...

rdhdtwns, Alfamille, NewYinzer, Alex Stankevitch, Pitkin, and anyone else that hasn't posted on this page of the Topicless thread. Sorry, most of you I don't know that well and can't really draw you a picture of a dragon if I don't know your nature...

Haha!  How about drawing a tiamat, and have a head represent each member?!  ^v^
That'd be a cute way to lump sum.  ^.^

QuoteCodi: I believe C-Chan is referring to an attack from panda....

No commento,... ^v^'

QuoteSpeaking of which, do you all agree that you kind of learn a little bit
about any regular forumer just through posts?

Touche, although there is room for surprise.  ^.^
I bet few of you ever realized I was an avid tea drinker?  ^__-

Quoteall the rest of the stuff about christmas drawings and the like

Wow, you two are waaaay ahead of us.....  ^^;

Kinda figured our Resident ninja didn't draw cutesy or comical things, but that's fine.  Plenty of demand for cool mechs or dragons and the like.  ^__^
Might need to consult with you later when I make VMS-tan,... er, sorry, I mean VMS-san.

Not only is she supposed to be really cool-looking (and carries a viscious weapon resembling a gunblade), but she can also control sharks.  -v-
Lots and lots of sharks....  ^.^

Not for anything evil, mind you, but if you're ever looking for trouble, she can dish some out for you quite easily.  ^v^;


Sorry guys, ive been meaning to tell you all this for some time.  Its just so painfull keeping it it all the time, but I didnt know how you would take it.  I just dont want you to hate me... you see... Im really... A Zombie.

Yes, I am a zombie trapped in a live body.  I hope you can all understand how I feel.  Its just so hard.. when your friends want to go out for burgers and all you want is squishy brains.  its a unliving hell I tell you.

okay enough of that.  For those of you that missed me.   You need to grab your stuff and report back to basic marksmanship course.  or get a fully automatic weapon that you can walk up to the target.  Seriosly, how hard is it to hit a 8 foot tall marine in power armor?  

q(v)4, I thought you were dead.  o.o

newyinzer:  we havent found WMDs in iraq because it is a massive fucking desert and all it would take to hide anything is to drive out in the middle of it and bury it.  Hell recently we just found like 10 MIGS buried not 300 some odd feet from one of our airbases.  MIGS!!  you think they cant hide a few cans of VX or a dismantled nuke in the desert?  Regardless of that what saddam was seeking them even if he didnt have them and concidering how he feels about the US and his willingness to use them on his own people was reason enough to do it.

besides.  koreas nuke test was a relitive failure, we a claimed 4 megaton yeild and finaly ending up below a megaton, its like being so premature that you didnt even touch her and you were done. Like being worse then a one pump chump.  tho, I do belive that man is inline for the next rightios kick ass.  

c chan:  Ive been having biscuts at the mess hall with bacon and ham for the last month, and thought of you ever time.  Just wanted to let you know ive been thinking of you :9

Everyone:  Sorry for your misplaced trust in me being a moderator (or guardian)  But I havent been on in the last month or so cus I havent felt like it.   tho there are reasons for that, the most prominent one is that ninja monkeys have been plotting my demise and Ive had to keep low, another seems to be what the military docs have called a mild case of PTSD (or post tramatic stress syndrom)  tho rest assured i dont plan on shooting everyone (just the drunks getting off the bus to stumble back to the barraks with my airsoft sniper rifle...)  It has many symtoms like lost of appitite difficulty sleeping, easily startled, sudden unwanrented fits of anger, horribly real nightmares But the cheif symtom of it is little or no interest in doing things one nomrmaly enjoys.  In my case, Internets.  The series of tubes held no interest for me for some time, not even if you put a gerbil in one.  poor merrywinks... (or what ever his name was) Drawing too... havent drawn in some time.. Im sorry for that, Im getting better.

Ill be off an on for some time as i am still leaching AOL rather then having my own highspeed net.  tho when I get it back Ive got to get that torrent link for rozen maidens from new yinzer.  must download that desu!

Also, the surgen general now warns that saliva can now cause stomach cancer but only when swollowed in small amounts over a long period of time.  

In other news, Im not wearing any pants.  More on this after the weather.

For halloween Im going to be a zombie swat team officer. Im gonna go hunt the streets for parties to crash and bag snatchers to pelt with 6mm plastic bbs from my airsoft MP5 and combat shotgun.  Ill take pics.  Tho they wont be as cool as codi cosplay, Ill look like a ghoul from the hellsing anime when the valentine bros attacked hellsing HQ.  Speaking of hellsing, seras has huge tits(maybe codi-san could do a cosplay and come "beat me up" bow chickawowowo *alatuckerstyle*).  and they now have at least 2 OVAs that have redone the first series up to the point where the original anime vered away from the manga, but steered it back on corse.  the style also matches the manga more.


I have now mastered the art of the topicless thread post.  there was no topic to that post.   bask in my topicless wisdom!

oh and on a final note...

Just cus panda isnt here to attack the n00bs dose not mean you can post insanly huge pictures.  Resize it or take it down. that is all.  also.  delicios cake.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Hello there, Captain!  Welcome back!


I'm sorry to learn you've a touch of Uncle Sam's World Famous Pondering Sickness, a.k.a. post-traumatic stress syndrome/disorder.  I brought just such a souvenir home from military service in Viet Nam, but fortunately it's abated somewhat in recent years ââ,¬â€ only to be replaced by other, shorter-named, maladies.


Lay flat, run fast, stay safe!  We'll see you when you're able to appear.




*takes a deep breath*

panda attack, eh? I'm less than glad to announce this slightly belated Pitkin attack instead. I edited Alex S.-san's post with the absurdly large image of a fighter plane so that there's a link to that picture instead of the image itself. Pictures _are_ alright, but the moment the picture reaches size that metaphorically speaking rapes the forum thread walls, it's gone out of the scale. It becomes bloody annoying trying to read the thread as in every posts' every single line one has to scroll horizontally. Pitkin angry. T_T;;

Seriously, try to keep the image sizes down. ^^;

*notices Captain*

*jumps towards him*

CaptBrenden-san! How glad I'm to see you here! I was getting worried for not seeing you for so long... v_v I'm sorry to hear you've not been feeling too good, but hope that you're getting better and over it. Take care of yourself, Captain; if you just feel like it, couldn't we talk over Messenger at some point again?

Oh, Neko-san (MisterCat, alright :D); sorry for my ignorance, but what are your current avatar and signature about? I've not noticed them before, and they're quite clearly different from your usual anime girl avatars/sigs. :D

C-Chan and his Mac cats... the witch hats are hilarious! XD

QuoteQuote from : Ultimaninja

rdhdtwns, Alfamille, NewYinzer, Alex Stankevitch, Pitkin, and anyone else that hasn't posted on this page of the Topicless thread. Sorry, most of you I don't know that well and can't really draw you a picture of a dragon if I don't know your nature...

Err... ummm... I never had a personality, so this might prove a little difficult anyway... ^^; If I tried to introduce my nature myself, it'd become a bit forced and not 100% natural; better if someone that's known me for a while describes me (Super Ego: You really do _not_ want anyone else to describe you.)... that's true.

QuoteQuote from : SleepyD

Speaking of which, do you all agree that you kind of learn a little bit
about any regular forumer just through posts?  

....or are you all just presenting me with a front? ._.

I believe that. Naturally, the spontaneous blasts of rage and yelling are filtered out along with all the normal body language, but I think most people are at least fairly honest when it comes to being themselves. That's why I firmly believe that somewhere in this world, there's a hugely intelligent pig capable of drawing characters using graphics-editing software and writing in at least a couple of different languages. ^__^

Finally, Codi-san and Ultimaninja-san; hiya! ^^ *waves*


Before I begin, check this interesting tidbit out.... ^.^

Given Google's popularity, that could be a potential Win buster.  ^__^'

Anyway, glad the Captain is not only back but,....



*brain explodes!*


*reattaches brain*  Guh,.... well, back to his long posts again.  ^^;

Quotec chan: Ive been having biscuts at the mess hall with bacon and ham for the last month, and thought of you ever time. Just wanted to let you know ive been thinking of you :9

GAH!!!!!!  Stick to eating brains and leave the pig be!  ^-^

In any case, nice to have you back, though it sucks to hear that you did, in fact, have USWFPS.

QuoteAlso, the surgen general now warns that saliva can now cause stomach cancer but only when swollowed in small amounts over a long period of time.

Fortunately, doesn't affect pigs.  ^v^

QuoteI have now mastered the art of the topicless thread post. there was no topic to that post. bask in my topicless wisdom!

This is so PalmOS-tan....  -v-'

QuoteJust cus panda isnt here to attack the n00bs dose not mean you can post insanly huge pictures. Resize it or take it down. that is all. also. delicios cake.

That's just conjecture, though.  She COULD still be lurking around, watching and waiting,... studying her prey,.... waiting,.... FOR THE RIGHT TIME TO POUNCE!!!!  OMGHSWTF!!!!  ;^0^;

Cake reminds me of 3.11-sama for some reason....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬

BTW, sorry I haven't drawn the 2.0-sama/3.11-sama pic yet....

Got sidetracked with Unix-sama,...  -___-

Then sidetracked again drawing this:

QuoteI'm sorry to learn you've a touch of Uncle Sam's World Famous Pondering Sickness, a.k.a. post-traumatic stress syndrome/disorder. I brought just such a souvenir home from military service in Viet Nam, but fortunately it's abated somewhat in recent years ââ,¬â€ only to be replaced by other, shorter-named, maladies.

Well I already replied to you about that before, so hopefully you did read it all,... riiiiight?  `v'

Goooooooood....  ^___^

BTW, you're sig and avi need explanation.  My guess is Pacific-Northwest tribe.  ^__^

Quotepanda attack, eh? I'm less than glad to announce this slightly belated Pitkin attack instead. I edited Alex S.-san's post with the absurdly large image of a fighter plane so that there's a link to that picture instead of the image itself. Pictures _are_ alright, but the moment the picture reaches size that metaphorically speaking rapes the forum thread walls, it's gone out of the scale. It becomes bloody annoying trying to read the thread as in every posts' every single line one has to scroll horizontally. Pitkin angry. T_T;;

Seriously, try to keep the image sizes down. ^^;

Awww... the cute C64-chan and Amiga-chan are attacking us....  Kawaii..... *sparkles* ^v^

But in any case, true, the back and forth is annoying.
But just to make sure I cover my tracks, let me go fetch the GIMP or something....  -v-

*walks off briefly*

QuoteOh, Neko-san (MisterCat, alright ); sorry for my ignorance, but what are your current avatar and signature about? I've not noticed them before, and they're quite clearly different from your usual anime girl avatars/sigs.  

You got that right.  ^__^

QuoteC-Chan and his Mac cats... the witch hats are hilarious! XD

Thank you, Pitkin.  ^^
Not sure whether to stick it in the gallery, though, since it
was such a cheap picture.  Probably no more than 10 minutes worth on Inkscape and Photoshop combined.

QuoteErr... ummm... I never had a personality, so this might prove a little difficult anyway... ^^; If I tried to introduce my nature myself, it'd become a bit forced and not 100% natural; better if someone that's known me for a while describes me (Super Ego: You really do _not_ want anyone else to describe you.)... that's true.

Make the dragon a Commodore lover, and you've got it made!  ^v^

QuoteI believe that. Naturally, the spontaneous blasts of rage and yelling are filtered out along with all the normal body language, but I think most people are at least fairly honest when it comes to being themselves. That's why I firmly believe that somewhere in this world, there's a hugely intelligent pig capable of drawing characters using graphics-editing software and writing in at least a couple of different languages. ^__^

BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!  ^V^

PRAISE THE PIG, BABY!!!  PRAISE - THE - PIG!!!!  *peace sign*

Not sure about the hugely intelligent part, but do know how to cheat well-enough to look it.  ^.^

Thank you, Pitkin.  I am positively, 100%, grade AAA-pure, kosher, halal, vegan flattered.  ^____^

(Obviously the pig part is a front, but I am irreverent in RL and I am a long-time pig fan.  Which is why I've made it my destiny to buy these:



QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

QuoteBWAHAHAHA!!!!  ;^V^;

I'm gonna be halfway to Michigan by then!  (preparing for Youmacon).

WTF COME TO SUGOICON IN KENTUCKY INSTEAD. >.> That's where I'm gonna be this weekend.


*throws net over her*

There we go, now you ain't disappearin' again.  ^___^
You have a lot to contribute, you know, despite what you may think....  `v'

As for the attack, well,....
You know....

The kind of thing that would reek,... "pandamonium"?  ^^;

Well, if people wanna be like that then.. that's how they're going to be ._. I think it's a wonderful board.

Although now I've just been netted and captured >.>;; and I have nothing to contribute :P

...well I'm NOT uploading more of my hentai and Hentai Sites on a topic section I DIDN't Create...

rdhdtwns, Alfamille, NewYinzer, Alex Stankevitch, Pitkin, and anyone else that hasn't posted on this page of the Topicless thread. Sorry, most of you I don't know that well and can't really draw you a picture of a dragon if I don't know your nature...

I would be a fairly girly dragon. >.>

QuoteTouche, although there is room for surprise.  ^.^
I bet few of you ever realized I was an avid tea drinker?  ^__-

Was not aware! :D Let it also be said that I'm a redhead, hence my username. See? something new :D

QuoteQuote from : CaptBrenden

Sorry guys, ive been meaning to tell you all this for some time.  Its just so painfull keeping it it all the time, but I didnt know how you would take it.  I just dont want you to hate me... you see... Im really... A Zombie.

I'm finally ready to accept this ._. It'll just be *takes deep breath* hard.

Quoteokay enough of that.  For those of you that missed me.   You need to grab your stuff and report back to basic marksmanship course.  or get a fully automatic weapon that you can walk up to the target.  Seriosly, how hard is it to hit a 8 foot tall marine in power armor?  

I..I probably wouldn't be able to do it >.>

Quotec chan:  Ive been having biscuts at the mess hall with bacon and ham for the last month, and thought of you ever time.  Just wanted to let you know ive been thinking of you :9

That's so cute, and I laughed and I feel bad. XD

Boy, I haven't had any misplaced trust. Was just worried about you!
I hope you come back soon! :__:

and AOL sucks. You poor thing.

QuoteFor halloween Im going to be a zombie swat team officer. Im gonna go hunt the streets for parties to crash and bag snatchers to pelt with 6mm plastic bbs from my airsoft MP5 and combat shotgun.  Ill take pics.  Tho they wont be as cool as codi cosplay, Ill look like a ghoul from the hellsing anime when the valentine bros attacked hellsing HQ.  Speaking of hellsing, seras has huge tits(maybe codi-san could do a cosplay and come "beat me up" bow chickawowowo *alatuckerstyle*).  and they now have at least 2 OVAs that have redone the first series up to the point where the original anime vered away from the manga, but steered it back on corse.  the style also matches the manga more.

I prefer orange-haired Seras very much myself :D I'd cosplay as her but me in a short pencil skirt = bad idea even though I've done it before for Yakitate!!Japan. I don't see how that girl can handle those guns and be able to bend over in that skirt ._.; Props to her.

I'll still beat you up though. :D

Ok you guys. I'm pretty much going to go back into ~*~silent mode~*~ until at least Monday. I'll be gone to this weekend, and I neeeeeeeeeed to finish the Rozen Maidens and the Hitachiin brothers. I have two weeknights. :D

I will go crazy :D In case something happens, I love you all. XD
So cute it\'s deadly!


My avatar and signature-block graphic are even more temporary than any of my previous ones ââ,¬â€ no matter how long they may remain in place.  I'm looking for Mac-tan images, which seemed to be all over the web a short time ago but which now are proving difficult to locate; and when I find satisfactory Mac-tan images, I'll steal them and make an avatar and signature-block graphic from them.


Those thunderbird images which presently comprise my avatar and signature block are fake, insofar as they're not stolen directly from thunderbird art made by Native Americans.  It was late and I was tired of surfing, so I just slapped those up there.


I fully agree with Pitkin, regarding the Big Picture phenomenon.  Personally, I refuse to post any image which exceeds 500 pixels in width; and if a larger image seems in order, I'll post a smaller version and make it a hyper-link to the larger one.


Horizontal scrolling tires me out in a hurry, as my monitor screen is designed to accomodate a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels; hence, when posts are made to stretch from sea to shining sea I quickly lose interest in whatever's being discussed.  It's rather like watching a play in which half the action takes place off stage.

