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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteAnd the Buddha's Palm, an actual Move: (+10 awsomeness to C-Chan for the Kung Fu Hustle referance)

Coolness!  Or should I say, "Awesomeness".  ^__^

*brandishes off additional level of "Awesomeness")

I just want the required discipline to learn it.

Animal, eh?  `v'
Fufufu,... love to see you try that out on an elephant.  ^.^

With any luck, you can phase it's skin a little before it decides to sit on you.  GAH-HAHAHA!!!  ^v^

QuoteC-Chan and Aurorea you both get this badge which I don't want to give but have to to acknoledge the fact that you've guilted me. And I normally don't feel bad for others...

BWA-HAHAHA!!!! I thought it was easier to find roses growing in the sea than to guilt a ninja!  ^v^
Dear GAWDS, this pig is on a roll!  ^.^

QuoteNow note, you might want to save this, as by saturday I'll take it off. And If you don't present the badge to me, I won't give you your dragon.
But I'll need to get to know both of you better to draw a dragon to suit your personality...

Here ya go...

Don't need to know me better, just a pig/dragon chimera will do for me.  If you're worried about ruining your cool, I can work with a warthog/dragon chimera,....  ^___^

+ = ?

QuoteMaho maho maho. v_v

I failed my accounting exam; got less than half of maximum points according to the computer... feeling down in the dumps... surrounded in blues... crawling under the table... hiding behind the curtains... sitting in the corner, drawing pictures into sand. Y_Y

This was my first-ever failed mark. Ah, the anguish and melancholy. -_-

Might be my most difficult year at uni coming; maho, I need to eat something omega-yummy to get over this!

First ever failed exam and you're down and out already?!  'v'

GAH-HAHAHAHA!!!!  Now I know you're Finnish.... ^___^

I failed stuff left and right, but still managed to pull ahead strong.  ^__^
Besides, many of the things I failed or did miserably on where silly things that didn't jive with me.
(Parapsychology was the stupidest piece-of-crap course I've ever had the misfortune of taking, and I couldn't stand the BS Micro/Macro economics courses.  Nothing like the Austrian School of Economics to learn how the REAL money goes 'round!  ^v^)

But anyway, sorry to hear you're so sad, Pitkin.   '___'
Go ahead and eat something yummy, and maybe you'll feel better.  ^__^

Oh, and while you're drawing pictures into the sand,... could you do some Amiga fanart while you're at it?  ^v^

Fufufu.... ^.^

Oh, and to Maestro Yinzer....  -v-

We're nearing that time for another massive Wiki update.  ^__^

I'll add the rest in Aurora's thread when they're ready.  ^.^

Thank ye!  ^v^


I need to know your personality to some degree, as each dragon I draw somewhat resembles who they were created for. Such as Uthantion and Helvox 'Fentel. Uthantion represents when I was younger, more tempremental and ready to fight anyone or thing. And with the soul absorbing thing of his...well I bought some souls from some friends...I gave 'em back in the end...>.>

And Helvox Fentel: HE is partially insane (Kind obvious huh?). He's blind (referance to me needing glasses in order to see). Skinnier then Uthantion (From me losing weight by going vegetarian.) And has no breath weapon.

Now then, Pitkin cheer up! Failing one exam isn't going to kill your grade! (Unless it makes up a majority of your overall grade >.>) Look at me...I failed at..........................................................................................................
well I failed like my third grade...and an english test in my 7th...
But seriously, one set back is a good thing.
You can never truly know success until you fall. (Referance to the song: Falling for the first time By: Barenaked Ladies)

But next week I'll be back to full posting in multiple areas of the forum force...Hopefully >.>

btw, busy today, info on my dragons tomorrow.


QuoteI need to know your personality to some degree, as each dragon I draw somewhat resembles who they were created for.

And making the dragon half-pig won't make it resemble who I am? ^.^'

Ummmmm,... okay, I'll make it harder on ya....  -v-
I'll use the same bio format that I use for the OS-tans at the annex.  ^__^

Name: C-chan
aka:  "The Pig"
Nationality: Binteji Renmei Wannabe
DOB: 9/13/2002 (hey, that's very old for a pig...! `v')
Height: 17 cm
Weight: 1.4 kg
Eye Color: Black
Hair: Has none (but pigskin color is black)
Blood Type: O

Quick Facts:
    - Is a pig.
    - Dons a green neckerchief.
    - Is small.
    - Though at times patient and reserved, usually has quirky and eccentric disposition.
    - Loves doing things himself, from drawing new OS-tans to arming his own cabinets.
    - Loves tangible resources, and likes to hoard said tangible resources.
    - Is champion of the underdog, and loves to advocate for underrepresented OSes (for example).
    - Likewise, views world from an economic standpoint first and foremost, and loves to "follow the money".  
    - Is a pure utilitarian (dislikes buying useless stuff, making useless things and being in a store surrounded by useless consumer goods).
    - Loves tea of all varieties (and never drinks the same tea more than twice a month).
    - Loves geography, history, literature, self-learning guides and numismatics.
    - Loves tangents
    - Is a gourmand.
    - Has downgraded to "Anime Hobbyist" in recent years.
    - Has abandoned shameless self-promotion years ago, even if this costs him some art recognition.
    - Dislikes hentai, except for any catering to his specific tastes.
    - Classifies said "specific tastes", though has left tons of clues lying around the forum.

Oh btw, sorry but I'm out on business myself tomorrow, so I won't be able to view this thing you have prepped for us.  Please tape it for me, though.  ^.^


From you I get the image of a earth-type dragon.
Uses the bones of a boar-god as armor.
And has two heads, that don't always get along.

Not as big as normal dragons, but as strong as a Wrym stage (An older dragon).

Smaller wings, as you instead of flying; "swim" though the earth as if it was water.

And some sort of special ability, dealing with nature and rapidly speeding the growth of plants that you decide to attack in your fashion, etc.

Does this seem correct for you?


Earth-type:  meh, that's fine.  -v-
Pig bone armor:  give me a second while I faint here....  ^^'



*revives*  I dunno about that.... -v-'

Two-heads:  Have enough trouble with just one...  ^^'

Not as big:  Okay.  -v-

Strong as Wrym stage:  sounds like "worm", but okay.  ^__^'

Special Ability;  You're an FF fan, right?  Know how most games have characters that use gil or a slot machine to attack?  Might fit me better.

Or perhaps just a midas touch-like ability.  ^.^

*squeals in contemplation of how rich he'd get as a dragon*  ^___^


Hmm, money lover eh?
lol, ok then. Might want to move from a earthen element to more of a gold-dragon type. Or any other of the metallic dragons.

The Wyrm stage is one of the strongest dragon stages, and people (humans) tend to avoid it. But if you want to be an underdog, you might want to bump the age down to Mature or Adult...

Now then you want a money-type attack. I'm thinking now of something to go along the lines of an enemy from Jing: King of bandits. This enemy could manipulate gold around him to attack people. Now the thing was, was that he could only use the gold that came from him(he was a gold-demon thing).

But with you I'm thinking of being able to control all gold within a certain radius of yourself. And can attack with it. Now then the amount of control you have on the gold depends soley on how pure the gold is.

Also you can refine the gold, but the more you have, the longer it takes to refine and purify the gold.

Also as a gold lover, lol, you hate copper. I think...or something...but either way, you'll need some weakness to counterbalance your powers.

lol, abacus...And note, when I draw a dragon and give it abilities. I AWLWAYS MAKE SURE THAT THEY HAVE SOME FLAW TO THEIR ATTACKS, SO THEY DON'T BECOME TOO OVERPOWERED.

Note, if these again aren't to your liking, I can just draw the dragon and you decide what it can/ cannot do. I just use the abilities and such as a basis of some form it should look like.


Okay, I'm back... ^v^
[that was much quicker than I thought...]

Woohoo!  Metal Dragon!  ^__^
Now we're cookin' with FIYA!  ^v^

The good thing about being a metal dragon is that I'd look ancient and futuristic at the same time.  ^-^

QuoteThe Wyrm stage is one of the strongest dragon stages, and people (humans) tend to avoid it. But if you want to be an underdog, you might want to bump the age down to Mature or Adult...

You got it.  Didn't feel like being a Worm,.. I'm already an animal.  ^.^'

QuoteNow then you want a money-type attack. I'm thinking now of something to go along the lines of an enemy from Jing: King of bandits. This enemy could manipulate gold around him to attack people. Now the thing was, was that he could only use the gold that came from him(he was a gold-demon thing).

But with you I'm thinking of being able to control all gold within a certain radius of yourself. And can attack with it. Now then the amount of control you have on the gold depends soley on how pure the gold is.

Also you can refine the gold, but the more you have, the longer it takes to refine and purify the gold.

Wow! you know you're way around precious metallurgy.  ^__^
That sounds spot in -- in fact, in RL, I don't fancy <20K gold items, and certainly could see them ruining my day if a pivotal fight depended on them.  ^v^'

That's why I insist that Canadians make the best bullion.  ^.^
[.9999 purity, baby!!!  ^V^]

BTW, good choice on gold.  I actually love silver more, but as a dragon I'm sure I'd tarnish within days....  ^^;

QuoteAlso as a gold lover, lol, you hate copper. I think...or something...but either way, you'll need some weakness to counterbalance your powers.

That's fine.  ^__^
Respect copper the metal, but hate copper coins.  Too often irreplaceable jewels of numismatic art are ruined because they're pressed on copper.  -v-'

[Worst culprit is zinc, though.  ^^']

Quotelol, abacus...And note, when I draw a dragon and give it abilities. I AWLWAYS MAKE SURE THAT THEY HAVE SOME FLAW TO THEIR ATTACKS, SO THEY DON'T BECOME TOO OVERPOWERED.

That's perfectly reasonable.  ^__^

As a gold-type, I should be weak yet indestructible (like the metal), impervious to all elements except for very unnatural acids (Aqua regia).

I should also be very easy to distract with treasure (not unlike Happosai from Ranma 1/2, who was the most powerful character in the series except when he left his guard completely down to snatch a panty...).  ^^;

QuoteNote, if these again aren't to your liking, I can just draw the dragon and you decide what it can/ cannot do. I just use the abilities and such as a basis of some form it should look like.

So far everything looks great.  Thank you, I look forward to see your work.  ^___^

C-Chan added the following  43 seconds after last message :

Oh, and Panther's ready....


Now then for the two most important aspects
1. Male or female dragon?
(lol, jk either way it'd look the same...Female might be a bit smaller though)
2. Alignment
Are you a sadistic dragon that destories entire kingdoms for your own amusement?
Or are you a good dragon that assists those in need, and resides with other good humans?
Or, are you neutrual, favoring neither side but what benefits you or preserves the natural balance of life?

This will determine how I shape your draconic armor/scales

I'm awsome...See them clap for me:
;019  ;019  ;019  ;019  ;019 if only they'd line-dance for me...I hate line-dancing...

Oh, yeah do you favor long range attacks, mid-range attacks, or close up in their faces attacks with your gold manipulation ability thingie?
And you will have the picture done before Christmas...I hope...yeah...unless the muse of art is taking a smokers break...


Whoops!  Sorry, gotta run again.  So don't mind me if I rush through this...  ^^'

Quote1. Male or female dragon?
(lol, jk either way it'd look the same...Female might be a bit smaller though)

Females are smaller?  Bah!  How typical....  Ã,¬_Ã,¬
Well I'm male, so yeah I'm sure you're "jk"ing....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬'

Quote2. Alignment
Are you a sadistic dragon that destories entire kingdoms for your own amusement?
Or are you a good dragon that assists those in need, and resides with other good humans?
Or, are you neutrual, favoring neither side but what benefits you or preserves the natural balance of life?

This will determine how I shape your draconic armor/scales

Tell you what, have you ever played "Emperor: Battle for Dune"?
If I were to pick a House that best represents me, I'd likely pick House Ordos....  -v-'
Here's their description, pulled from the game/Wiki:

Quote"House Ordos, from the iceworld Draconis IV. The Ordos are known for their use of forbidden technologies. Their leader is the Executrix, four beings sharing a single mind. They communicate though a creature known only as 'The Speaker'. The Ordos are mercenary, they care for nothing except wealth and power. In the language of the Ordos, there are no words for the concepts of trust or honor; there are more than 300 for the concept of profit."

QuoteI'm awsome...See them clap for me: if only they'd line-dance for me...I hate line-dancing...

Yes, very awesome.  ^__^

QuoteOh, yeah do you favor long range attacks, mid-range attacks, or close up in their faces attacks with your gold manipulation ability thingie?

Long range and guerrilla attacks.
Heck, I AM small, no?  Can't be too risky.... ^__^

QuoteAnd you will have the picture done before Christmas...I hope...yeah...unless the muse of art is taking a smokers break...

Thank ye!  ^v^

Now then, I'm off.  -v-

*trots off*


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Quote2. Alignment
Are you a sadistic dragon that destories entire kingdoms for your own amusement?
Or are you a good dragon that assists those in need, and resides with other good humans?
Or, are you neutrual, favoring neither side but what benefits you or preserves the natural balance of life?

This will determine how I shape your draconic armor/scales

Tell you what, have you ever played "Emperor: Battle for Dune"?
If I were to pick a House that best represents me, I'd likely pick House Ordos....  -v-'
Here's their description, pulled from the game/Wiki:

Quote"House Ordos, from the iceworld Draconis IV. The Ordos are known for their use of forbidden technologies. Their leader is the Executrix, four beings sharing a single mind. They communicate though a creature known only as 'The Speaker'. The Ordos are mercenary, they care for nothing except wealth and power. In the language of the Ordos, there are no words for the concepts of trust or honor; there are more than 300 for the concept of profit."

Ok then, money is your alignment. This'll do well for me!

QuoteOh, yeah do you favor long range attacks, mid-range attacks, or close up in their faces attacks with your gold manipulation ability thingie?

Long range and guerrilla attacks.
Heck, I AM small, no?  Can't be too risky.... ^__^[/quote
Ok, I now have a general Idea of armor, size, shape.

And most importantly, the face of the dragon which resembles a warthog/boar/whatever/dragon thing. Hmm...

Now for the tail...I think something along the lines of a generic tail. And for your armor. Made out of gold, is the same as the gold used to snipe out enemies. And then returns to you as long as your within a close enough range of it...


B4-K4 Fighter Specs

Type: Fighter/Strike Fighter
Manufacturer: Leet Systems Incorporated
Designed by: Langdon Ulger
Maiden flight: 2006-06-27
Introduced: 2007-11-30
Retired: 2061
Status: 42 active as of January 2008
Primary users: NYAF
Produced: 2006-2034
Number built: 5,195 by 2034
Unit cost: US$24 million when new


Lol, you and your fighter-type planes!

What you need is some gundam-robot-mech-giant thing!

Alex Stankevitch

Why talk about these planes, here is the mighty F-35 Joint Strike Fighter:


But I do, Ultimaninja! I do!


Yay for me!
I've been backhanded by the muse of writing to give me inspiration!
(Note from now on all muses take the form of any anime/real/videogame/manga girl or guy you want.

The Muse of art for me takes a resembalance of that Louise girl(Zero no Tsukami).

The Muse of writing takes a form that looks like Nerine (Shuffle)

And the Muse of everything else is the human form of Helvox ' Fentel.
Because Helvox is insane partially, and gives me ideas.
But I should have the complete epic story/biography of my two dragons soon.
But, C-chan would you like yourself (incarnated as a dragon) to be placed in it, or create your own history during a different time period?
And after I finish The dragons for C-chan and Aurorea, I'll see how I liked dawing them.

Of course if I do so, then You'll need to go through intensive screening, that'd leave you feeling very scared and paranoid.

And I'll post my OS-tan images in that section on October 31st, the same day I add based manga...yeah...