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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Congratulations, Oh Great AmigaBob!  ^__^

However!  That Windows 95 title is a travesty!  ^0^

Clearly, you need something more appropriate... -v-

...........I know this is starting to get old, but you know where I'm going with this, eh?  ^__^'


This is an example of ME-kun's inappropriate behavior. Viewer discretion is advised


By the way, weeks ago Captain told me that he may be inquiring to some "art school", that maybe the reason of his absence....


My freind Bou informed me that she had his drawing of ME-tan in the gallery, check it out

QuoteQuote from : C-Chan
YO!  My friend Alfamille!

Here's my latest and greatest creation to date:

Full size

80% purist resistant!  ^v^
And thanks to everyone's help, she may very well be in the Wiki article to stay!  ^v^

[Too bad she'll never be on the Japanese one, but that's fine by me.  Just makes our article all the more unique.  ^.^]

I have left a comment for that ^_^


QuoteThis is an example of ME-kun's inappropriate behavior. Viewer discretion is advised

...............GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^
What is that creepy little bastard doing to poor Sonata-san!!!!!! ;^0^;

[Love the rendition of XPiggy, though....  -.-]

QuoteBy the way, weeks ago Captain told me that he may be inquiring to some "art school", that maybe the reason of his absence....

Well I'd prefer to think that as well.  If that were the case, it'd be nice if he had left a note or something (being the Moderator and all.... -__-).

[qupte]My freind Bou informed me that she had his drawing of ME-tan in the gallery, check it out [/quote]

Mwahaha!!!!!!  ^V^
[taunting] I discovered that fanart before anyone else did, so there!  ^v^

*piggy raspberry*

But anyway, I'm trying to create a thread dedicated to Gallery updates, so feel free to post there for future additions by your talented friend Bou (who, btw, I've seen lurking around on the forum.... ^^')

Should mention that we need volunteers for uploaders, Commenters and Researchers, if anyone here is interested in expanding the OS-tan Collections Gallery....  ^v^

QuoteI have left a comment for that

Yeah, I know, you rule.  ^.^

Should note that I made a second version of that pic.  ^v^


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

QuoteThis is an example of ME-kun's inappropriate behavior. Viewer discretion is advised

...............GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^
What is that creepy little bastard doing to poor Sonata-san!!!!!! ;^0^;

[Love the rendition of XPiggy, though....  -.-]

Fantasy can do many things though, especially from teenage boys :P or our teenage years so to speak (I would really have expected you reacted that way though that pic XD ).

QuoteBut anyway, I'm trying to create a thread dedicated to Gallery updates, so feel free to post there for future additions by your talented friend Bou (who, btw, I've seen lurking around on the forum.... ^^')

Should mention that we need volunteers for uploaders, Commenters and Researchers, if anyone here is interested in expanding the OS-tan Collections Gallery....  ^v^

Lemme guess, you'll also upload that too. :P

Well I will also contribute next time. But I still have to prepare from the plan we discussed (me along with Pitkin and DL)...


QuoteWell I will also contribute next time. But I still have to prepare from the plan we discussed (me along with Pitkin and DL)...

Of course, of course, take your time.  ^__^

btw, since we're on the subject of new pics, have you seen this one before?


Yaaaay! No lectures for a week now! ^___^

But still that pesky accounting exam to be taken by Saturday... >_> tricky... v_v

Nevertheless, feeling happy and it's almost like the feeling of suffocating due to workload has faded away... beyond horizon... into obscurity...

*sighs loudly*

This old steam engine will now take it easy. ^___^


Awesome Power!  Pitkin is officially in the clear for a while!!  ^v^

Nevertheless, here's a chore list to make sure you don't suffer from Work Withdrawl....  ^v^'

1 - Worship Amiga-sama
2 - Upload latest mega batch of pictures
3 - Bow apologetically a few times
4 - Help C-chan figure out what the heck the OSX-kuns are saying (that's some really ancient-looking script):


hey C-chan how r u?

work withdrawl ... Pitkin? No

he's a slave the os tan slave ... it over work tht he suffers from


Y0 Q4(V)!

1 4m f1n3!  ^__^


Yo, Guys Iââ,¬â,,¢ve returned! Iââ,¬â,,¢ve finished with all my papers and labs and such for now. Seriously, I planed to leave for about two weeks or so and it seems like itââ,¬â,,¢s been a month. And in some cases it actually WAS a month. (I would have been back sooner but I was hit with two labs in a row + a second paper for gym class right after turning in the papers.) So anyway, I pretty much have that straight A average I was going for (About 1% away from a straight A average and thatââ,¬â,,¢s in Englishââ,¬Â¦because I suck at writing long winded papers about stories and how they reflect human nature and every thing @_@;) And no Straight A average means no sword from mom *cries*.

Anyway, you guys werenââ,¬â,,¢t the only forum I left, as I took off from every forum I was part of (In some cases I sort of threw a flash grenade into it the forum building and ran like hellââ,¬Â¦donââ,¬â,,¢t askââ,¬Â¦pleaseââ,¬Â¦). Anyway with my drawing of my second God-slayer dragon is finished! Hereââ,¬â,,¢s a link:
Iââ,¬â,,¢ll post more info on it in a later post. My fanfic still isnââ,¬â,,¢t going anywhere yet, so canââ,¬â,,¢t send it out just yet (only have chapter 1 finished)

Also this is pretty important, well for me atleast. Iââ,¬â,,¢m now on MSN! Itââ,¬â,,¢s on my profile section so you can add me and talk to me if you want toââ,¬Â¦anyway onto other mattersââ,¬Â¦
So, yeah Iââ,¬â,,¢m back, hopefully for good this time and can contribute with my new found knowledge of various thingsââ,¬Â¦terrible, terrible thingsââ,¬Â¦like my training/ research on the Buddhaââ,¬â,,¢s Palm. Iââ,¬â,,¢ve also been reading my parents military books for funââ,¬Â¦donââ,¬â,,¢t know if Iââ,¬â,,¢m allowed to or not, but I now know lots of weird and useless (at least right now) facts.

And Iââ,¬â,,¢m done playing stupid and happy for the most part, as school is in session. And I will be using my brain to think actually (shock and awe!)ââ,¬Â¦bwa ha ha ha! If only you knew the true horror of it!

Aurora Borealis, I must say towards you: For shame! Iââ,¬â,,¢m gone for a long time doing school work, and whenever I had the rare opportunity to see if you made any updates there were none! For like weeks! I thought you were coolââ,¬Â¦do you hate me or something? I almost cried because there were no new comicsââ,¬Â¦nah, just messing with you XD, I donââ,¬â,,¢t cry! But seriously, glad you published two new comic pages recentlyââ,¬Â¦But, because you didnââ,¬â,,¢t make them when I was bored with school work you have to wear this badge of shameââ,¬Â¦for like a few days or somethingââ,¬Â¦

Everyone else, (Especially you C-chan for your excellent OS-war information) gets to use the Not Black Badge of shame, but the Red Badge of Awesomeness can wear it after one day of the black badge of shame, Aurora Borealis.

As for the hentai that was requested from me. I will post directions on how to download from said site, so I donââ,¬â,,¢t have to waste my time uploading each picture one by one XD.
brougeXP22, As a bit of advice, you can download the hentai keep it for a month or so then delete itââ,¬Â¦It never runs out or goes off, so you can save the ones you want, or go back to them whenever you want. They will come in updates on a weekly basis provided school work doesnââ,¬â,,¢t bog me down. Here is a picture demo on how to download them:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

Lastly, I hope that my friends from other forums join us as well. Or so help me, Iââ,¬â,,¢ll summon the dark godsââ,¬Â¦Ã¢â,¬Â¦Ã¢â,¬Â¦ make us some cookiesââ,¬Â¦of darknessââ,¬Â¦and they canââ,¬â,,¢t have anyââ,¬Â¦ >.>


Welcome back! We've been busy as beavers trying to get the gallery filled up. C-Chan has stopped his weekly chibi's to work on uploading more pics to the gallery. I've paused my cards to start work on uploading pics to the gallery. Almost everyone has stopped eating, sleeping, and...uh...breathing to get more pics into the gallery!


Ah ha ha ha!
Still uploading pics eh?
Well when I have some free time I'll post some OS-pics...

but to be honest, the time it would take to determine which ones you do and don't have would take to much time...and between working on homework, and causing unrelentless pain and suffering to people I just don't like there isn't alot of time.

So I'll just upload images galore! If you don't have them, great! If you do, oh well I have atleast 200+mb of pics...

and I've just recently downloaded the game Shuffle!

so I'll be playing that/looking for something to translate it...

yeah, great to be back though!

[Internal thoughts:] Darn you bj0rN, where are you!? I thought you'd join use and provide some awsome wallpapers...[end internal thoughts]


Oh yeah, I'm like totally sold on this.... ^.^

*checks coffers*

Yosh!  ^__^

Alright then, now let's handle the regular business.... ^__^

QuoteYo, Guys Iââ,¬â,,¢ve returned! Iââ,¬â,,¢ve finished with all my papers and labs and such for now. Seriously, I planed to leave for about two weeks or so and it seems like itââ,¬â,,¢s been a month. And in some cases it actually WAS a month. (I would have been back sooner but I was hit with two labs in a row + a second paper for gym class right after turning in the papers.) So anyway, I pretty much have that straight A average I was going for (About 1% away from a straight A average and thatââ,¬â,,¢s in Englishââ,¬Â¦because I suck at writing long winded papers about stories and how they reflect human nature and every thing  And no Straight A average means no sword from mom *cries*.

Anyway, you guys werenââ,¬â,,¢t the only forum I left, as I took off from every forum I was part of (In some cases I sort of threw a flash grenade into it the forum building and ran like hellââ,¬Â¦donââ,¬â,,¢t askââ,¬Â¦pleaseââ,¬Â¦). Anyway with my drawing of my second God-slayer dragon is finished! Hereââ,¬â,,¢s a link:
Iââ,¬â,,¢ll post more info on it in a later post. My fanfic still isnââ,¬â,,¢t going anywhere yet, so canââ,¬â,,¢t send it out just yet (only have chapter 1 finished)

Also this is pretty important, well for me atleast. Iââ,¬â,,¢m now on MSN! Itââ,¬â,,¢s on my profile section so you can add me and talk to me if you want toââ,¬Â¦anyway onto other mattersââ,¬Â¦
So, yeah Iââ,¬â,,¢m back, hopefully for good this time and can contribute with my new found knowledge of various thingsââ,¬Â¦terrible, terrible thingsââ,¬Â¦like my training/ research on the Buddhaââ,¬â,,¢s Palm. Iââ,¬â,,¢ve also been reading my parents military books for funââ,¬Â¦donââ,¬â,,¢t know if Iââ,¬â,,¢m allowed to or not, but I now know lots of weird and useless (at least right now) facts.

And Iââ,¬â,,¢m done playing stupid and happy for the most part, as school is in session. And I will be using my brain to think actually (shock and awe!)ââ,¬Â¦bwa ha ha ha! If only you knew the true horror of it!

Indeed,.... I'm sure the books cover how EXPENSIVE such a thing is to pull off, eh?  `v'

But anyway, welcome back oh Resident Ninja!  ^__^
You seem as 'genki' as ever, genkier perhaps now that you've landed perfect scores.  ^v^

And I see you're still drawing your unique blend of dragons that'd put Square-Enix to shame.  ^__^'

BTW, that research into the Buddha's Palm didn't involve buying a 10 cent book for 20 bucks from a shady peddler, did it?  (hope ya catch my drift...)  ^v^;

QuoteAurora Borealis, I must say towards you: For shame! Iââ,¬â,,¢m gone for a long time doing school work, and whenever I had the rare opportunity to see if you made any updates there were none! For like weeks! I thought you were coolââ,¬Â¦do you hate me or something? I almost cried because there were no new comicsââ,¬Â¦nah, just messing with you XD, I donââ,¬â,,¢t cry! But seriously, glad you published two new comic pages recentlyââ,¬Â¦But, because you didnââ,¬â,,¢t make them when I was bored with school work you have to wear this badge of shameââ,¬Â¦for like a few days or somethingââ,¬Â¦

Whoops, now you're gonna get it oh Resident Ninja.  ^___^'
I'm guessing you're referring to Zerosanity, in which case true she hasn't worked on the comic specifically for a while.  But that was at the cost of an EXPLOSION of one-shot illustrations, most of which she posted here and going forward....

And FYI, she was also nice enough to draw me some Amiga-tan fanart....  ^^'

So methinks the badge of shame is uncalled for....  ^^;

QuoteEveryone else, (Especially you C-chan for your excellent OS-war information) gets to use the Not Black Badge of shame, but the Red Badge of Awesomeness

I guess that's alright....  ^^'
More on my info later...

*shines up red badge and chews on cookie*

ph34r my n33d 4 4w3s0m3 DFNS!!!!  ^o^'

QuoteWelcome back! We've been busy as beavers trying to get the gallery filled up. C-Chan has stopped his weekly chibi's to work on uploading more pics to the gallery. I've paused my cards to start work on uploading pics to the gallery. Almost everyone has stopped eating, sleeping, and...uh...breathing to get more pics into the gallery!

Ditto,.. since we rediscovered, we've been working (like beavers, as the Yinz put's it) to upload these prized new finds to the gallery.  

Just one bit of clarification, though,...  Didn't stop chibis cause of some silly uploads.  Rather stopped chibis caused lots of people demanded full-body pics, which I've produced one so far and have another on the way.  ^___^'

*bows before greatness of Unix-sama*

Pic uploading, work on the Annex, work on the translation thread and wiki avi creation are just,... kinda,... fun distractions....  ^^;

QuoteAh ha ha ha!
Still uploading pics eh?
Well when I have some free time I'll post some OS-pics...

but to be honest, the time it would take to determine which ones you do and don't have would take to much time...and between working on homework, and causing unrelentless pain and suffering to people I just don't like there isn't alot of time.

So I'll just upload images galore! If you don't have them, great! If you do, oh well I have atleast 200+mb of pics...

and I've just recently downloaded the game Shuffle!

so I'll be playing that/looking for something to translate it...

yeah, great to be back though!

[Internal thoughts:] Darn you bj0rN, where are you!? I thought you'd join use and provide some awsome wallpapers...[end internal thoughts]

Oh right, I'm trying to get this new Picture Uploading project formalized....

That way, it won't be much of a pain in the arse to do (or for Pitkin to approve.... ^^;)

Quote*weeps* Waaaaaaaaah! I have to wear the badge of shame while the rest of you peoples get badges of awesomeness! And the worst part is that I don't get a cookie! ;___; *eyes other members' cookies enviously*

Progress was stagnant for a while because of a mental block plus I tried not to neglect Insanity Force too much so that's why things took longer than I thought!

Plus the one-shots.  Can't forget the one-shots.  ^v^


Don't worry Aurora, I'm getting nearly straight A's.

This means I'm allowed to have more negative qualities to balance out my grades. These are some of the things I've chosen:

57% paranoia (Used to be 32%)

72.5% insanity (Used to be 45%)

And perverse has strangely gone down by 1%...(Used to be 54%)

So what this means is not only have I deemend myself insane, I'm also paranoid! So that Black badge of shame will be quickly taken away, as I'm afraid that you'll take that badge, print it out, laminate it, place it in a picture holder, find out where I live, come to my house, wait till I get home from school, and beat me with it. When I said paranoid, I MEANT PARANOID!

So don't worry atleast you get a bonus to speed for the day...and sorry that I didn't check to see if you were doing anything on this site V_V

On friday, I'll only be able to post info on both dragons because I'm going out to spend the day with the family...

As I type my sister watches her lame Disney halloween movie...My mind is losing rationality faster then normal. Hmm, nothing new I suppose...

And most importantly: I'm buying the new FF3 (DS) game, and Yggdra Union: We'll never fight alone...

And the Buddha's Palm, an actual Move: (+10 awsomeness to C-Chan for the Kung Fu Hustle referance)

1. Get behind your opponent
2. Using an open fist (will be explained why, less room for error)
3. Hit the back of the ribs of the person hard enough to break them and push the bones forward.
4. The resulting force will puncture the lungs with the broken rib parts, and the person will drown on the blood flooding into the lungs...
Yeah not a pretty move eh?
I just want the required discipline to learn it.

C-Chan and Aurorea you both get this badge which I don't want to give but have to to acknoledge the fact that you've guilted me. And I normally don't feel bad for others...

Now note, you might want to save this, as by saturday I'll take it off. And If you don't present the badge to me, I won't give you your dragon.
But I'll need to get to know both of you better to draw a dragon to suit your personality...

also 10 minutes before I take the picture down, something special will occur. Take note for better timing, my time is UTC - 5 hours.


Maho maho maho. v_v

I failed my accounting exam; got less than half of maximum points according to the computer... feeling down in the dumps... surrounded in blues... crawling under the table... hiding behind the curtains... sitting in the corner, drawing pictures into sand. Y_Y

This was my first-ever failed mark. Ah, the anguish and melancholy. -_-

Might be my most difficult year at uni coming; maho, I need to eat something omega-yummy to get over this!