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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I figgered they'd end up doing it in the end.  Now they tighten their grip on their people and are a bigger threat to Japan (and other countries) than ever before.  I guess somebody shoulda disposed of the Kims a long time ago.


true enough. North Korea is too dangerous to have those weapons. Even their fellow communist country, China, isn't even happy about them having nukes. if they don't stop soon, we'll be living through the third world war... ;014


Quotetrue enough. North Korea is too dangerous to have those weapons. Even their fellow communist country, China, isn't even happy about them having nukes. if they don't stop soon, we'll be living through the third world war...

China isn't exactly communist. They're a totalitarian democracy, which is an oxymoron. As for the nukes...
*starts putting food in fallout shelter*
Just remember, Bush had told us about the axis of evil with Iran, Iraq, Afganistan, and North Korea.
*gets hunting rifle*
I will defend my meager fallout shelter!


Bush is a moron but he's right about Iran and North Korea. I think they desevere nuclear power because it's safe and effective but they don't need nukes. They are way to violent and aggressive to be trust with WMD's and things like that.


*evil laughter*

6 trillion dollars spent on defense still won't make them sleep easy at night?!  

Mwahahaha!!!  Now I know for sure I'm gonna be rich!!  ^V^

*starts raising investments in defense companies, oil companies, mercenary firms, overseas manufacturers, repossession agencies, private prisons, commodities and "miscellaneous"*

Who says Capitalism doesn't work?  `v'

*skips away happily*


Iran are developing/enriching nuclear power right but they are being stop by USA, there are allowed to do it but they have to stop at a date. The US is tying to stop it for some unkonwn reason. So far Iran can't make weapon with it only power house and for helpping people that have cancer. i know tht the US isn't that east friendly and have at time stopped other country from helpping Iraq and Iran in the United Nations, right now i believe that the US and the UK are the biggest problems they create war for no reason and with out the UN backing.

err i'm back hello new and old lol how many are still

and C-Chan all i have to say to u in Tax man here .... hahhaha


Sure, we all's going to die at the hands of those Evil Axes from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea any minute now.  But we should never the less strive to...




Just follow the signs and everything will be all right.


My favorite nuclear-scare era is the early 1960s, replete as it was with the Berlin Crisis followed closely by the Cuban Missle Crisis.  Here, below, are two photographs showing President Kennedy's vacation-home fallout shelter ââ,¬â€ what's left of it, anyway.  It was built by the U.S. Navy's Construction Battalion (the Seabees) over a period of one week.

You, too, can have your very own fallout shelter!  Here's a link to a Portable Document File containing plans, lists of building materials and instructions:

Family Shelter Designs (1962) [2.64 megabytes]

(I'm sorry about the cheesy web-site advertisement contained on that document's first page, but nothing frees people from their money quite as effectively as does paranoia.)

When the Evil Axes drop the big one, we can all meet right here at the OS-TAN Forums then walk calmly to the communal fallout shelter whilst singing this 1965 song:

Everyone's Gone To the Moon [2.32 megabytes]

Artist:  Jonathan King
Composer:  Kenneth King

Streets full of people, all alone
Roads full of houses never home
Church full of singing out of tune
Everyone's gone to the moon

Eyes full of sorrow, never wet
Hands full of money, all in debt
Sun coming out in the middle of June
Everyone's gone to the moon

Long time ago
Life had begun
Everyone went to the sun

Hearts full of motors painted green
Mouths full of chocolate-covered cream
Arms that can only lift a spoon
Everyone's gone to the moon

Everyone's gone to the moon
Everyone's gone to the moon




I'm here desu .-. Just been a bit busy and a bit down >.< So I'm sorry I haven't been able to help with the translation projects - but you guys seem to be doing OK ^^;

Q4, hmm.. I wonder where he is too. The Captain as well. (but I always worry when my boys in uniform suddenly go quiet >.<;) Darknight is in and out, so at least I don't have to tug the leash with him.

As for panda, ehhh. I can't answer honestly .-. and I don't wish to say something upsetting and possibly untrue.

Anyway.. I'm here.. but I really have to finish Souseiseki and Suiseiseki (and Suigintou.. and Ouran..) in two weeks ^^; So I'm quite busy. But I am reading the board. Thanks for asking about me, C-chan <3 Who's my piggy?? *cuddles*

Edit: Oh there's Q4! Sup <3
So cute it\'s deadly!


err i'm here, why are people forgetting abt me so quickly ... and Fabian went away some where he not DrakLord/Linux-tan

errr rdhdtwns when did u start turning peoplein to animals



Thanks for the clarification, Q4 *edits post*

Well.. you hadn't posted anything in awhile!! GOSH!, just C-chan. C-chan is a pig, hehe. That sounds really weird and awkward.
So cute it\'s deadly!


*squeals with delight*  Gyah! Codi-san is right.....  ^__^
I am a pig, and yeah that sounds awkward..... -v-

Oh, and just to clarify since you probably haven't been acquainted with Amiga-tan yet.  ^__^'

The cute girl with the checkered shirt in my avi is Amiga-tan, as rendered by my good friend Aurora-sama.  ^v^

The black pig next to her is me.... ^__~

C-Chan added the following  30 minutes after last message :

Okay now, let's get a-responding.... ^v^

Q4(V):  ACK!! TAXMAN!!  ;^0^;
My one greatest weakness.... @___@'
QUICK!  To the Cayman Islands!  ^0^

*starts booking flight*

And yes, you're quite right.  Although there may be in fact a reason to their madness, it's not gonna be of benefit to anybody but themselves.... -v-
But if ya know you're history, then what else is new, right?  ^v^

MisterCat:  For the sake of passing on to "genkier" topics, I'll just be brief if you don't mind,....


Oh wait, that's so out of character for this pig....  -v-
But no, that post was eye-catching and interesting to say the least.  The documentation had problems opening completely, but much of what I caught looks a lot like what I've seen before in similar literature.  ^__^

The best deterrent of course is oversight -- involvement in a true democratic process where one influences the government 24/7 and not simply once a year (presumably).  Cause if one's let shady people run things for him, whose to say he won't wake up to find himself thrust into a war with Russia and China...?  ^v^'

Okay, that's all from me....  -v-

Codi-san:  You know what, I forgot what I summoned you for....  ^__^

...Oh right, idle chat.  ^v^

Quote'm here desu .-. Just been a bit busy and a bit down >.< So I'm sorry I haven't been able to help with the translation projects - but you guys seem to be doing OK ^^;

Yeah, I guess.  Too busy drawing Amiga-chan and C64-chan to notice.... ^v^'

QuoteThe Captain as well. (but I always worry when my boys in uniform suddenly go quiet >.< Darknight is in and out, so at least I don't have to tug the leash with him.

Yeah, and to think the Captain was recently made Moderator....  ;__;
Darknight would be great to see again.  I need a torso-check on my new pic.... ^v^'

QuoteAs for panda, ehhh. I can't answer honestly .-. and I don't wish to say something upsetting and possibly untrue.

I have the feeling she's still lurking somewhere, ready to pounce on another unsuspecting n00b.  ^__^

I'd lure her out with a 1280x1024 image, but too afraid to do so.... ^v^'
(Besides, MisterCat's images should do the trick.  ^.^

QuoteAnyway.. I'm here.. but I really have to finish Souseiseki and Suiseiseki (and Suigintou.. and Ouran..) in two weeks ^^; So I'm quite busy. But I am reading the board. Thanks for asking about me, C-chan <3 Who's my piggy?? *cuddles*

Yay!  ^V^
*cuddles back*

FYI, this is a little something I whipped up for Aurora so you'd know what you're hugging....  ^v^'

Later on, do let us know who is Souseiseki and Suiseiseki and what not....  ^__^


Quoteran are developing/enriching nuclear power right but they are being stop by USA, there are allowed to do it but they have to stop at a date. The US is tying to stop it for some unkonwn reason. So far Iran can't make weapon with it only power house and for helpping people that have cancer. i know tht the US isn't that east friendly and have at time stopped other country from helpping Iraq and Iran in the United Nations, right now i believe that the US and the UK are the biggest problems they create war for no reason and with out the UN backing.

err i'm back hello new and old lol how many are still

and C-Chan all i have to say to u in Tax man here .... hahhaha

*creeps out of fallout shelter*

Welcome back Q4(V)! I haven't seen you in ages! This calls for some celebration!
*dances to "Spanish Flea"*

QuoteAnyway.. I'm here.. but I really have to finish Souseiseki and Suiseiseki (and Suigintou.. and Ouran..) in two weeks ^^; So I'm quite busy. But I am reading the board. Thanks for asking about me, C-chan <3 Who's my piggy?? *cuddles*

I'm going to assume you are going to cosplay as them. If you are, how are you going to get the eyes right? Finally, another Rozen Maiden lover!


Hehe,... never mind.... -v-

(again with the Rozen Maiden thing.... -v-')
(gonna have to watch it now.... ^^)


You must indeed watch Rozen Maiden (desu~).    ;010

Gotta rewatch the first season again myself, it's been a while now.


Yes sir, AmigaBob!!  ^v^

*snaps into pose and does the old Commodore salute*

C-chan will do whatever the resident Amiga user commands!  ^v^

Ask me to jump, I'll ask "How high, AmigaBob"?

Ask me to toss myself from a cliff, I'll ask "You want fries with that, AmigaBob?"

Ask me to watch Rozen Maiden, I'll ask....................


............ um,.......... "Where exactly can I do that....?"  ^___^'