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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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this is the only forum I post on :P

Yeah, I think Ill wait till tommarow, or tonight so my buddy can snap the pictures.  a tripod is so much trouble -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Wow! I thought I was the only one who posted soley on these forums! I will post on other forums, but not nightly like this one! I wanted to wait to say this, but what the hell:


If I had never came to these forums, I would not:
Be interested in manga/anime for the first time in years,
Have the courage to post on any forum I want,
Or do anything constructive related to the OS-Tans!

These forums have done more for my life than anything on the internet. Even though I have done a few small favors for you, you have done the biggest favors for me!

Now as for the wisdom teeth I'll be getting in in two years...


That is... so. friggin. adorable.

*smushes NewYinzer*

you are so welcome ^_~ please continue to keep posting on the board ^o^ Your posts are always welcomed. <3
So cute it\'s deadly!


Pretty good time to point out you're now a 3-star General, dude!

Congratulations!  "Yinz" deserve it!!  ^v^
(I know, I know,... wrong usage, but what the heck.... -v-')

Oh, and I see the Cap's playing with his new toy.  ^__^
Sort-of trying out a new dual-core Athlon computer myself, so in a way I can relate (though I'm still looking foward to a Mac in January, in addition to my current line-up).  ^__^

Yay!  Codi-san, thanks for sticking up like I thought you would!  ^v^
Indeed, the forum is definitely more worthwhile with this level of activity.  Neither too slow, like when I first got on and posted Amiga-tan,...  Nor too active enough to distract us from work/school/projects.

It's a pleasant atmosphere, one that got me out of retirement (forum posting-wise) and back into drawing (which I hadn't done for over two years).  If what a Waka poster said was true and there "is no OS-tan community", then I'm glad to say we've built one here.  ^__^

C-Chan added the following  12 minutes after last message :

Oh right, sorry,... the Ninja Master, right....  ^^'


(Hope you don't mind if I step out of my pig roleplay, and talk about RL stuff.  ^v^)

*deactivates piggy mode*

Can't really recommend anything specifically for root canals, since I haven't had one.  But recently had a few extractions (including a deep nasty one to extract a hidden tooth) and some peridontic surgery for adult orthodontics, so I'm hoping my experience is similar).   ^^'

General anesthesia has its problems, so I'll have to recommend Local even if it will require some guts on your part.  Even though you won't be able to feel anything, you can certainly HEAR everything (drilling, scraping, pressure, etc).  But as long as you remember that ninjas aren't wusses, you'll be able to take it.   It will only get more painful (and more expensive) if you wait further  ^__^

Recovery period varies on the person, like the Captain said, but my recommendation is that you do this on a Friday so you can recover in case you need some.  Don't assume you'll be in tip-top shape for school the next day, cause when it boils down to it, it's your body that will do the deciding for you.  And you'd be surprised by how something as localized as a dental operation can literally bum out the rest of your body!  `v'

Also, you will likely get some pain medication after your down -- but since this will be VERY STRONG STUFF, I recommend you take only as much as you have to and just let bedrest cure the rest of you.  Food won't be a problem as you likely won't have much of an appetite (and besides, it may have to be soup and water for a while, depending on what the oral surgeon says).  If the pain doesn't let you concentrate while you're resting, distract your mind by playing some games or watching some really interesting anime.  I owe 'Wings of Honneamise' big time for helping me recover quickly after my last extractions.  ^__^

I guess that's all I have to say about that.  -v-

*reactivates piggy mode*


Quote from: "panda"This place sucks now.

Why does this give me a really strong urge to say, "NO U!" accompanied with some image of some sort.  *bricks himself*

On a good note, I'm pretty sure I won't become a /b/tard.


Well, Yinz, glad we could help.


root canal, eh?

Never had a root canal, but I did have to get the roof of my mouth opened up...  Yes, surgery. Got stiches. Hurt real badly the first day or two... didn't hurt  for another week unless i put pressure on it... then, all was fine...

If the root canal's like that, you may not be able to do much the first day or two, but then you'll function normally afterwards... (talking/eating might be a bit hard though....)

If you want more info about my surgery, I'm willing talk about it... but yeah, might be too much info.


Dentists are sadists. I know it because mine's tortured me for years and I know he loves it.    ;013    Just ask for loads of drugs, and you'll be fine.

I should post more here, but I've been really ill  for the past few days (flu sucks) and too busy at the office when I wasn't.  Going away for the weekend, paying our neighbouring country Denmark a visit.  I really should go travelling more often. I do have some cash saved up, not too sure whether to spend it on a new car or perhaps go to Japan or whatever.  Computer is in need of some upgrading as well.  Meh, choices, choices.   ;014


Welcome back, SilentBob!  ^__^

Here's some Panda-compliant (only 12KB!!) tea to ensure that flu stays gone:

(I believe it's Puchong tea in there)

Tough choices indeed.  ^__^
I'd choose the computer upgrade, but given that I want to make sure you come back here often, I say that without a hint of impartiality.  ^.^'

Car will only move you away from us, and trip to Japan will promise to zap twice the amount of funds you came there with....  ^v^'

For now, though enjoy your more localized trip!  ^.^
Bring back some Danish Euro coins for us!  ^v^

Alex Stankevitch


Yo Alex, welcome back!  ^__^

Remember this...?  ^v^


Welcome back Alex! As for the rest of you, thank you for your kind comments. I hate to keep this short, but it is late on a Thursday nite. It took me over two hours to do homework, so I'm tired. I hope to see all of you tomorrow nite when I'm well rested. Have a nice nite, and as one final message to Panda:

Change is happening to the forum! Like it or not, nothing can stop it!


sorry, can't stay long or check out new posts...

sis wanted help with math...I couldn't help her as what she was learning I never bothered to remember since my calculator did that, and my math teacher doesn't really care as long as it gets done, since I'll still have to take a test on it...

btw, I still can't do long divison w/out a calculator, lol...


Hi Alex! Glad to see you back here ^o^

Work tomorrow XP
So cute it\'s deadly!


Quotesorry, can't stay long or check out new posts...

sis wanted help with math...I couldn't help her as what she was learning I never bothered to remember since my calculator did that, and my math teacher doesn't really care as long as it gets done, since I'll still have to take a test on it...

btw, I still can't do long divison w/out a calculator, lol...

Orrrrrrrrrrrr...  that's just an excuse to not read all the excrutiatingly-painful details about dental surgery! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!  ^V^

Kidding of course.  ^__^
Well, the weekend's coming anyway, so y'all have plenty of time to make this place bustle with lively activity.  ^__^

I for one usually disappear on weekends, since that's my best time for me to work on a drawing or fiinish a chibi.

Which reminds me....

And I'm not sure if I want to bring this up for fear of creeping people out (and having the Captain deep-fry me for the sacrilege of it all)....

So as a disclaimer, please vacate this post now if you don't want to be creeped out or have no interest in seeing a piggy get flame.... -broiled.  ^^'


You sure you wanna stay?


Last chance....  -v-'


Okay, can't say I didn't warn ya!  ^^

Anyway, without going into any details, I had a dream today.....
About Unix-sama....  ^__^'
And given her status, perhaps it'd be more appropriate to call it a "revelation",....  ^^'

I planned to draw her as part of my 5th pic, and given the strict schedule that would've placed her debut some time in December.

But this dream,... er, "revelation", has gotten me psyched on the idea of drawing her NOW.

In other words, its occurred to me to throw my schedule into further disarray (delaying my 3rd pic, the last 3 chibi sets and the 3.11-tan/2.0-tan pic I sorta-promised the Captain) just to draw a stand-alone pic of Unix-sama.

Not that there's any sense of urgency that I know of, but I have the nagging feeling that my window of opportunity is closing for some reason.  @__@'

So for those nice people that stayed to listen to the strange ramblings of a pig, I ask you.....

Am I going crazy?  ^v^'

Or should I just go ahead and follow my dreams (literally), like so many TV, movie and Anime clichés.  ^^'


Since I'm very new here, I hesitate to make trenchant remarks; yet I'm curious about Panda's declaration.  In the event, I find this message board to be extremely interesting because of its subject matter (the OS-tans) in addition to the diverse personalities of the members.


As it happens, I post to several message boards plus a couple of web logs.  Consequently, I get stretched too thin and always feel like I'm not pulling my weight at one board or another; so if I fall off the radar here from time to time, please know I'll be back.  (You have been warned!)


On the subject of teeth, I'm reminded that I too underwent one of those cut-the-tooth-in-half-to-get-it-out procedures such as the Captain described.  This was done at a combat-zone facility by the senior dentist, a full-bird colonel; and afterwards he gave me some very good drugs plus a letter excusing me from duty for several days, the latter being questioned by a senior non-commissioned officer who telephoned the colonel and was sorry he did.


C-Chan, can you elaborate on this "window of opportunity" you mentioned?  Such a phrase has worrisome connotations!  I regret my inability to offer you any advice on which path to follow, but I do wish you good luck.




Fufufu,...  ^.^
I doubt I'd have the energy to post to more than one board anymore (two at most, but my days of reaching out to a myriad people are over)....  -v-'

As for the window of opportunity, what can I say....  -_-
I'm a horrible multi-tasker, so my hobbies come and go by the seasons.  I can be a writer, a carpenter, a gardener, a computer techie, a numismatist, or a Japanese language student, but never really all of them at the same time.  ^__^

Now I'm thankful to be in the midst of an artistic renaissance, but I know it can't last, and sooner or later I will lose my inspiration for perhaps a very long time.  This is why I've been so obsessed with speed and scheduling -- to make sure I churn out as many of my ideas as possible before the inevitable brain melt....  -_____-;

Now the first two new OS-tans I ever conceived of are also the ones I've vowed to debut no matter what.  

One is AmigaOS-tan, which I'm happy to say is a reality.  ^__^

The other is Unix-sama.

Only after I've drawn at least a stand-alone picture of her can I consider any possible departure of mine to be free of regrets.  ^.^

(Course, this pig's hoping that he can finish the Annex too.  ^v^)

C-Chan added the following  3 minutes after last message :

Whichever way it goes, I do still thank you for your support, Mr. Cat-san.  ^__^