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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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*casts ballot for svx*

In regards to perceived age - I seem to have the misfortune of being perceived as too young by my family (probably because most of my family lives very far away and I rarely see them, meaning that I'm stuck at whatever age they saw me last in their minds), and too old by strangers (probably because I'm not very girlish and CERTAINLY not very "stereotypically" teenage-/college-age-girl-looking).

Then there are the people who know me well and are aware of my real age, but who treat me as mentally-younger than I am because of being somewhat nerdy and uninterested in "typical" college-age-kid activities (don't drink, never tried/not interested in trying recreational drugs, not interested in dating for dating's sake, etc). There's also the entire being asexual thing and the stereotypes that go along with people who identify that way ... tbh, the only family member I'm OUT to my dad, because I'm afraid a lot of other relatives wouldn't know what to make of it or assume that I'm immature, repressed, uneducated or worse.


I've always had that problem; some people assume I'm younger than I am, simply because of the age of my parents (They've aged quite well, so most people can't believe they're old enough to have a son that's 21 and a daughter that's 25 ^_^)

It's worse on my mom's side of the family, as more often than not I was treated like a child, while my older cousin (Who is only older by 1 year) is treated like an adult. Like, 99.9% of the time, I try to offer advice on something and it's ignored, but if my older cousin comes along and tell them the exact same thing, they listen. There's a reason I'm not terribly fond of that side of the family, or rather, my aunts on that side of the family >_>;;


People always assume I am older than I am.


@Kriz: I will admit, when I first saw a pic of you I thought you looked a few years older than you actually were.


same. :\

@bella: to you, i offer this:

don't ever let someone, family or otherwise, make you feel bad about what makes you YOU. be proud of who you are and what makes that happen. (and don't EVER let someone tell you that "typical college-age activities" are mature, since "typical college-age" folk are some of the most immature ilk i have ever had the displeasure of seeing.)
unless you're a pedophile or murderess or something. then go ahead and feel rotten. :3
click to make it bigger


@Kari: *brofist*


Quote from: Bella on June 01, 2012, 12:44:52 PM
@Kriz: I will admit, when I first saw a pic of you I thought you looked a few years older than you actually were.
I've looked about the same since I was in 9th grade.

As for Choco's post, my parents are like that, they don't understand how drinking and smoking is fun.

When my dates want a drink, I order one for them and water for me.

"I don't drink"


Agreed. If getting drunk and puking everywhere is what you need to do to have a "good time", then my trip is apparently going to suck by society's standards >_>;;
So, who cares what they think? I have adventure to look forward to in 8 days :3


I ... don't get drinking. When I'm old enough to legally drink, I wouldn't object to, say, having a glass of wine or beer to complement a meal I'm eating, but I don't get why it's fun for people to just hang around and drink / get buzzed / drunk / generally consume alcohol for the sake of consuming alcohol.

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on June 01, 2012, 01:56:46 PM
I totally agree that if a person needs to get drunk to have a good time, then they're not really having a good time, and the part about getting drunk being normal and mature is part of a double standard: Escapism is an immature defense mechanism (not just from a psychology POV, but also mainstream society's), yet society says it's mature, therefore okay when it's induced by drugs. Bleh. x_x

I've never thought about that, but when you put it that way, it does seem crazy. If people use their own minds "escape", so to speak (think cosplay or RP/LARPing) it's usually considered geeky, childish or immature, but when people use potentially-dangerous drugs to "escape" it's considered a mature (or at least "adult") activity by a lot of folks...


Good points, I hadn't thought of it that way.

Drinking is such a complex issue. I guess I'm gonna stick to coffee for the rest of my days... ._.


My dad always taught me to drink in moderation; a little bit on occasions is fine, but don't drink so much that you get drunk


I have the advantage of having overpowered taste buds, so alcohol tastes like crap to me...

Thus, I don't drink it. Besides, getting drunk costs money.


Ehm not to sound like a 150% noob on the forums, but who would I ask to have the Ehm... Message under my name changed? It used to be Mac-tan Fanatic for the longest time before the forums changes. So tired e_e.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Just edit it in your profile. Under Forum Profile, enter whatever you want under "custom title" and you're good.


Thanks nejin and Chris <3
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.