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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I know the feeling. That's part of how I felt when raiding the broken laptops at that computer place; I wondered "What if the model I got was known for hardware issues?"

And now, your daily dose of Watching Bella Go Green With Jelly.


@pentium: the weird thing about tk's battery is that this is the first time it's done this. TK's battery has never been spectacular, but instant shutoff wasn't something he's done before.

also, you should get that wasp thing checked out. i'm still shocked at how little you've been to the doctor.

@bella: depression makes you sleep a lot, so make sure you keep that in check. :\

you were planning on buying a PC, and you didn't ask us? the fuck? (or did i just miss it?) i haven't heard anything from my friends about toshiba, and i think i've only seen one in use in person, so that kind of speaks to my experience with them. i'd avoid. :\

@cockle: i'm sorry you said hello to the fire. ;^;


sorry for the absence, i've been "cleaning" for the past 2 days (i quote that because the room looks worse now than it did before, but this always happens when i clean), now i'm at my grandparent's for the next 2 days while everyone's in canada. the changeling game is still on for saturday afternoon/evening for everyone who is still playing.

also, i think my grandparents' cat, Lenin, might be lonely with my grandpa gone. so i'll let him sleep in here. :3
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I would, if (1) I had insurance or a fuckton of money to pay for a trip to the doctor, and (2) I knew who my doctor was (I hate being one of those people who clog up ER with non-emergencies >_>; )

(Even though I've never been, I think I do have a doctor. IDK)


you probably don't, considering how long it's been. :\
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Probably not, yeah. I wish I had medical insurance or something, in case I ever needed it >_<;;


it's still odd to me how little you went as a kid. there's no kids' insurance in texas?
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I've never heard of such a thing as "free health insurance for kids", so I'm leaning no on that


guess it's just a new hampshire thing. here, kids get free health insurance through the state till they're 19. it's called Healthy Kids, and you get either Gold or Silver level depending on your need. i had gold for 99% of it, with it dropping to silver for a few months after my sister aged out of the program (for some reason, they took me off the list, too).
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I guess so, but that does sound nice


@Computershopping: Yeah, I've mentioned it before, but I'm not really in "serious" computer-shopping mode yet. In other words, I'm hunting for a good deal or w/e, but I'm willing to wait longer and spend a little more money to get a better product (versus buying the first cheap-but-questionable machine that comes my way).

@Health care for kids: I'm pretty sure most, if not ALL, states have low-to-no cost children's health insurance. All the New England states do, New York does, and even Texas has a program (as far as I can tell with a bit of quick googling).

I had Healthy Kids Gold (for free) from the time my family moved here until I turned 19... 'twas pretty awesome, but got me used to the cushyness of having socialized medicine. >>;; I have medicaid now, but it doesn't cover half the things Healthy Kids did.


They do? I never heard anything about it prior to Kari mentioning it, so I just assumed Texas didn't have it


You know what insults the hell out of me? When a parent who previously demonstrates themselves as giving exactly 0 fucks about my personal life suddenly tries to win the Involved Parent of the Year award. HAHAHAHA NO, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. /justventing


@bella: i can sympathize. a couple kind words doesn't erase years of neglect. >>;;;

if you want any advice on PCs from a PC user, all of us are here, and i'll try to give as unbiased advice as possible. ^^

@insurance: i aged out of the program during college, so this past year (19-20 yrs old during the school year), my school has put me on their insurance program (it's through Harvard Pilgrim). i fought like hell to not go on it (it costs extra on top of the bill), but eventually relented. idk what it covers in terms of specialty care (we've been meaning to check if it covers eyes and dental since january >>; ), but regular care comes with a $15 copay. ironically enough, i haven't been sick nearly as much as the past this season. it's as if my body is saying, "shit, it costs money now? LET'S GET GOING, MEN!!".

btw guys, i'll say again that i'd appriciate those who are playing to report in on the changeling thread. it might be better to keep the original time of 5pm-9pm, if people are willing, since next saturday (the 9th, not the 2nd) i'm not going to be around at 1-5 anyway, and the following saturday too.
i'm also going to be working on and uploading some informational comics. -w-
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Sounds like me, during my first year at the hospital. I never called in sick at all from when I was hired in December '09 until February '11; because generally I felt I didn't need it. Oddly enough, it was when I had a change of bosses that I started getting sick more often...