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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Tough question. I don't game but at the same time I wonder if Kari's manga collection would agree with my tastes.... ^^;

Also, after making rational appeals my dad seems cool with me visiting Stew.

But now Stew isn't sure if I can visit because I have to spend a day longer than is acceptable, and some other minor stuff.



it's too bad that you can't do a roving tour of sorts. visit a bunch of small locations for a day and stay somewhere different every night.

an RV would help with that, i guess. :\

also, i'm willing to bet you could find something here you'd like. if you come here, you're welcome to poke around. ^^
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@Bella: I hope you manage to work out the details :\
@Kari: Since you've already given me the ok, I might peek through your manga collection when I'm there to see if there's any series I might want to track down copies of for myself :3

So, I'm tired. Ended up not going to bed until a little after 3AM, because my room was really stuffy last night; making it hard to relax >_<;


So, i'm posting from my phone. The mobile version of the site is working, although i can't type long messages


Sweet!  I'll probably bust out my eReader browser this summer to read/post on the site even though the mobile version doesn't seem to work on it.

Quote from: Pitkin on May 06, 2012, 04:27:37 AM
Our game collection wouldn't stand any chance being compared with Choco's mangas. After Fedora's fourth SNES broke down last autumn, we decided to sell / give out our (S)NES games and try out Wii. It turned out a huge letdown so now we only have PC games left. Been mainly PC gamers for the last 15 years anyway. :)

Awww, Pitkin-dono, I'd have sent you my SNES.... I only have three games... (Turn & Burn F-14, Megaman {thanks Pentium!}, and a Legend of Zelda).


i had an SNES game floating around, but i sold it. no sense keeping it without the system. :\

i'm hoping to save for an ipod touch, guess that means i can post on the go once i get one ^^
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I wouldn't mind getting an iPod Touch eventually. I think they're neat :3


i figure it'll help me organize. that way, i can't ignore the day planner. xD

that, and there's several apps i want to try. -w-

EDIT: i have something that bella might enjoy. read the second paragraph:

seems that radiohead helps cure hikikomoris. xD
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@Choco: that was an interesting read!

Btw, exams have started today, English was the first one.... I think I did pretty fine there :D


That is pretty cool :3

In a way, similar to me; how I went from shrinking violet to who I am now, thanks to Persona 3. The fact that Fuuka Yamagishi went through a lot of the same things I did in the past, but she managed to become a strong character regardless, was inspiring for me; eventually leading to me breaking down the wall and being more open. If Fuuka where a real person, I'd gladly hug her for being such an inspiration >w<

Also, I just noticed that the TV Tropes page I linked to uses a picture of MS-DOS-tan, and links to our wiki :3


@Kari: Thanks for the link, that was an interesting article.


@people: no problem, i'm using it for a paper. i get to write about the Hikikomori condition, partially from articles and Welcome to the NHK, partially from personal experience. ^^;;
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Sounds cool ^_^

So, I think I might be coming down with a cold :\


sorry to hear that. my grandma has something similar, only it's pneumonia and she might be dying. ;^;
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Oh shit o_o

Hope she makes it through