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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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don't worry, i got you something. :3
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Kari!  You survived!  Hooray!  Glad you had a good time.


i got you something too. ^^
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Yay for fun times! ^_^

I hope that, maybe if things line up right, my sister and I can join you at AAC in October :3


good times to be had by all. -w-

also, now that con is over, i'm focusing my efforts on comics and school. i've begun to flesh out one of the comic concepts i had a couple weeks ago (the flapper one, for those paying attention to my DA), and have also come up with an idea for another (and am considering a comic adaptation of Ronja, the Robber's Daughter). looking forward to getting some notebooks with which to plan this all out.
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Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, even though you had a little mishap.  Your con sounded a helluva lot better than mine.  The anime scene over here sucks, but we at least have our own licensing/producing agency.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


oh really? which one?

also, try coming to an american con sometime. AB13' is calling you. :3 (my sister's going as evangeline next year. we could try for a negima group cosplay, though i still prefer to cosplay as -tans. -w- )

EDIT: guys!!! my cousin's pregnant!!! ^^

(it's kinda strange since this is the person who babysat me as a kid, plus she's kinda tiny. but i'm psyched!!!)
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Awesome ^_^

Also, if I can't do AAC, I might aim for next AB; although sadly my sister likely couldn't go, as April is always a busy month at her work


@Kari: Ergh, escalators, I have a deep-seated fear of them for this precise reason... glad somebody was there to stop it and that you didn't get hurt. Mishaps and lack of food aside, it sounds like you partied really hardy! ^^

@Genpop: Thanks for the headphones tips, I'll keep those in mind.

So guys........... I may have to fire up my Summer Trip Plotting Machine........ >>;;

But I'm really, really worried I won't be able to beat fate into submission and commandeer its momentum for my own purposes like I did last summer ..... I'm pretty sure manipulation on that level can only occur once in a lifetime. <<;;


It's MVM Entertainment.  I've got a few of their licensed DVDs.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Bella: So, already planning for summer? If you can, try to line it up so you can meet up with me and Kari in June :3


Been away for some days because of (suckish) school assignments, test etc... did I miss something? :D


As a quick summery:

- Everything is set in stone for me to take a trip up north to meet up with Kari this June. My first epic adventure without my family being there :3
- Pit pulled an April Fool's prank on the site; seemingly turning control of the site over to a spambot that renamed it "Swiss Cheese Collections"
- Kari went to an anime convention, and aside from a few rough points, she had a good time
- Bella is apparently starting to plan for a summer trip
- Stew is going to become a park ranger somewhere
- This Saturday is my birthday. I'll be old enough to drink...but my birthday money is going toward anime and manga instead >:3


@Paul: Good seeing you drop by, especially in light of your busy schedule. Anything less suckish going on? Or are those assignments pretty much the only thing on your agenda right now?

@Pentium: Not planning yet, just trying to figure out how I can get the universe to do what I want it to do. >>

Which consists of this string of events:

1) I have to help figure out dad's work schedule.
2) Then I have to get some rough idea of possible target dates.
3) After that, I have to hint to my cousins that I might be visiting again and hope they're okay with that.
4) Then I have to convince my dad that I have good reason to go back to DC again and get the funding for the trip.
5) I have to make sure the date that I pick/my cousins choose for me to stay with them agree with Stew's uber-busy schedule.
6) Then I have to find a way to justify going back to Harpers Ferry to my family .
7) At which point I'll be at the ethical crossroads of "Be honest about visiting Harpers Ferry for a few days and deal with the parental rage/paranoia this will entail" or "Lie like hell to spare my family paranoia", and I'll undoubtedly choose the latter.
8) Next comes the logistical nightmare of figuring out exact details of transportation - which trains I'm going to take to/from DC and when, etc.
9) Then I'll have to hope like fuck that nothing comes up that keeps me and Stew from meeting (I narrowly avoided having everything ruined/Stew narrowly avoided my eternal pissy wrath last summer when he nearly skipped out on our meeting to have his car inspected.)
10) Depending on whether or not my dad, brother, sister in law, or any friends are working/not available at the time, I may have to get one of my neighbors to drive me to the bus station. Not really a major hassle, but yet another stupid thing that could fuck things up.


Ah ^_^;;

Hope that goes well, and you figure out what to do...beyond getting to meet me in June, wither Kari and I do stuff close to where you live, or you join us on our expedition into Boston :3