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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Sounds like the time my younger cousins came over to visit years ago. I had my room nice and organized for once, although still a bit messy...and they pretty much destroyed my room; my aunt's only care was to yell at me for yelling at her "perfect little angels" for knocking stuff over and otherwise trashing the place.


Quote from: Pitkin on December 06, 2011, 05:29:51 AMIt turned out to be a mistake to believe that leaving my oldest and favourite figurine at my parents would keep it safe compared to trying to ship it abroad. Obviously some genius had considered it to be just a perfect sturdy toy for one and three-year-old children, as now Fuu Hououji's glasses are nowhere to be found and her head is broken into three pieces. -.- It's amazing how it just had to be the most emotionally important of the figurines that was bludgeoned to death like that...

Mind you, I don't think it's the kids' fault for breaking it as obviously they don't know better, but instead the supposedly clever adults should've just maybe figured that a fragile-looking figurine isn't that much different from a crystal wine glass. The figurine was obviously GIVEN to the kids as it was placed somewhere no kid under 6 years of age could reach even with a stool.

Oh, the rage. :/

Ugh, I can't even imagine how frustrating and upsetting that must be. I hope you've confronted your parents and told them how not-right it was for them to give something as important to you - and obviously fragile and NOT toy-like - to a young child ...  >: (

It reminds me a bit of the time my brother left some of his very expensive, high-end RC boats at our grandmother's house, and she ended up GIFTING them to our little dumb-ass of a cousin (seriously - by brother was very obsessivly careful with his toys as a kid, while this boy was prone to sticking live firecrackers in his and setting them alight just to see what would happen) who proceeded to destroy and/or lose all of them.  :/


Sorry to hear about your brother too, Bella. >< I have the feeling what happened to his boats was even worse though, if he ended up with them totally destroyed or lost. I'm still hoping that I could glue the figurine's head back together (without the glasses, though) and have it look quite okay. Oh, and in fact I haven't confronted my parents about the whole thing, as we've had our fair share of fierce arguments already during my stay here due to... slight political differences, and me bringing the figurine up will probably just spark another disagreement on the "immature liking of children's toys".

*sigh* All in all today, despite formally being the independence day of Finland, could've been a 12-hour-long infomercial on the topic of the benefits of not having children. Further reasons witheld from public forums. :/


@Pit: I hope you get to go home soon, or the arguments die down. It's never good when you feel miserable during what's supposed to be a happy occasion

On a similar note, involving issues with parents, things have been pretty peaceful around home...but I feel that may only be because I haven't said anything about my travel plans in almost 2 weeks (Mom knows nothing of the new plans; set for sometime this summer, and involving my sister and her husband). I fear if I even mention of Kari in front of mom anytime soon, it could turn ugly >_<

On a more positive note, today was a pretty good day for me. No problems at work (A few close encounters with my boss, but he didn't even acknowledge my existence), the weather hasn't been too bad (I expected it to be worse), and one of the Christmas gifts I ordered has shipped out ^_^


today was up and down......and i'll leave it at that, since i'm too tired/lazy to remember. plus there's more pressing topics on the agenda right now.

@pitkin: i'd confront them if i were you.....or at least take the remainders of your stuff and bring it back with you. if you don't have the room with fedora, find a cheap storage unit? :\ or maybe a trustworthy, anime-loving friend in finland. :\
hopefully the glue will work....and maybe you can make a new set of the glasses out of wire or something. :\

my family knows that if they mess with my stuff, they mess with me (i think my dad knows, but doesn't care, but doesn't mess with it because he's afraid of me too). they know that if they do anything to my stuff (give it away, let strangers/small children touch it, toss it), i'm liable to snap.
that said, i'm always wary of strangers in my room, and sometimes even my friends. >>;

@anime: i consider anime a style of art, not just animation, not just a japanese thing. the japanese invented it, but just because a culture premiers something doesn't mean it's theirs forever. i'm willing to bet there are russian and brazillian rococo artists, and they've probably never even been to france or italy. :\

that said, my teacher was the one saying that the genre (the word here used loosely to refer to anime as a whole) was nothing but sex and violence.
also, when he said that, i think he was thinking of 90's anime, in which those themes are more prevalent than in past or future anime. :\
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I got Pentium's Christmas present today!  Thanks for the Megaman X cartridge, though I have to wait until I get home to play it.


@Stew: No problem ^_^

So, once I get my paycheck tomorrow, I'll get the last few Christmas-related things out of the way (Shipping Bella's gift, as well as buying gifts for my parents and sister), and then I'll be set


The new WLAN router is here :3 It's a Buffalo WZR-HP AG300H with a 680MHz CPU *.* And OpenWRT runs like a charm on it.... the new network name is Section9 btw :D


I got an awesome computer desk today ... it's glass and aluminum, just like the computer that's going to live on it.

Best thing is, it was a $180 desk that was on clearance for $65.



Hooray! It must be nice to be back home. : D

Also - I forgot to mention before - we spotted a moose bull next to the interstate today. Luckily it ran off into the woods and not the road ... still scary to see one so close, though.


Moose is a huge animal, it's indeed quite a shock to see it up close... especially next to the road when driving. ._. Nice to hear about the desk, though: awesome computer desk is half of an awesome computer experience, in my opinion. x)


Quote from: Bella on December 08, 2011, 03:43:37 PM
I got an awesome computer desk today ... it's glass and aluminum
best kind of desk, so good in fact that I bought two.


@Bella: Sounds like a nice desk ^_^
I'd consider something nicer for 2k to live on, but I love the beat up tank of a desk I have now

So, tomorrow I'm going to try and knock down the last few Christmas-related things before the day comes. I'm hoping to have all my shopping finished before the paycheck after this one (Which would be during the final rush before Christmas; a time when I'll try to avoid stores as much as possible)


@bella: a good desk is a piece of furniture that can last you for years. mine was about to be thrown in the trash, but i had been eyeing it for months prior, and when i heard it was getting canned, i pounced. (i ended up getting a free chair from the same place just days later. >:3 )
it's a little rough around the edges, but it turns out it's a drafting desk, so i managed to find a real jem. :3

@pitkin: welcome home! ^^ despite everything that happened, i hope it was a nice trip. and if not, well, at least you're home. :3

so it turns out i don't have to go into my second class tuesday. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH~~~~

but later on today i found out that the guy i like moved in with the girl he was dating, or used to date, or is dating, or something.

i'm (REALLY) happy he got out of his shithole of an apartment (i was never in there, but my mum said it was one step above condemned), but it still pains me a bit. ><;

but i don't think they're dating still, so that makes it better.

oh, and his and my sister's gifts shipped, and i got the materials to make gifts for 6 people. :3
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