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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Pit: I actually didn't notice that until you pointed it out, which lead to me having some...interesting thoughts that would be a little embarrassing to share ^_^;;

So, I have 2 more days of work to get through before Thanksgiving weekend. If nothing comes up beforehand that would prevent the major thing I want to do from happening, this will be one awesome weekend.


@Pit: But you don't post as often, so your posts are more unusual to see -> draw more attention.

Have fun visiting your folks and friends! And congrats on scheduling your wedding. : D I can't blame you guys for wanting to be childfree; whether adopted or biological, kids are a ton of trouble/worry/work to raise and can strain relationships too.  :/ (I'm almost certain I'll be childfree myself, but I suppose if I ever want to settle down someday and raise a kid I'll adopt or foster... Stew seems to be fond of this idea too...)

Hahaha, oh my gosh I never noticed that before! She's making sexy plans with Trev. ^^;;


Today I went shopping with my family in Concord... I bought a used Nikor telephoto lens (70mm - 210mm) for a great price, found a fabulous art-scarf, silver ankh earrings (to go with my silver ankh ring and necklace), and a skirt (it's free-size but was a bit big on me; it was super simple to adjust the waist elastic, though) for a few bucks a piece, got a delicious burrito, visited a really big art shop, played with a Bichon Frise who looked/felt like a tiny cloud on legs (<3), and picked up the hot water heater for our home. There was one bad thing that happened though, the car got a parking ticket. Dad doesn't seem upset, though... he looks at it like a $10 donation toward the city... .__.;


$10?  Is that it?  I had to pay $50 for mine two months ago...

Also, your sig would go great with this song:
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Hm, I've never gotten a ticket of any kind.  Mainly luck and low law enforcement presence I think.


I've had two tickets in one year. There's a reason why, aside from a few good things, I don't like to acknowledge 2010; as far as I'm concerned, I was in a coma from December 31, 2009 to January 1, 2011


I can't remember the last time my dad got a ticket... though a few years ago he got pulled over for a speeding violation, which he ended up fighting in court. He went all lawyer on them, got photographs showing there were no speed limit signs in the area, presented maps and stuff, and actually had the judge rule in his favor. It was pretty awesome.

Theoretically, I can't get a ticket, since I avoid parking on streets. I'm horrible at parallel parking and not a great deal better at pulling into parking spots on the street... >>;


Does nowhere else in the country have the 'unmarked road = 55 mph' rule?


In Britain, if you're in a built-up area and there is no speed limit posted, then it's 30.  If you're in the suburbs or the country and there's no limit posted, it's 60.  Then dual carriageways and motorways are 70.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


So, I'm watching Spamalot tomorrow...


@Bella: What you dad did is awesome *thumbs up*

@Stew: Where I live, it's 30 if it's in a residential area (Like where I live), or 55 if it's a street outside the city limits

@Nej: Awesome. You can't argue with the killer rabbit


Quote from: stewartsage on November 23, 2011, 04:24:03 PM
Does nowhere else in the country have the 'unmarked road = 55 mph' rule?

Yes, we have it here in NH. That's actually what got my dad in trouble, he was going around 55mph on the stretch of road in question because it was unmarked and he thought it was a "rural district" or whatever. Turns out he was in a "neighborhood district" with a speed limit of 30 or 35mph, despite there being few houses and no signs indicating what the speed limit was...


Ahhh, yeah, those are the ones you can fight.


@sexy plans: i documented the pictures for history, since that syncing is made of epic. -w-
@tickets: almost all the roads around here have speed limit signs, even the back roads, so that takes the guesswork out of the equation. the last time my mum got a ticket for parking it was either 50 or 100 bucks, so 10 sounds like heaven in that case. ;^;
@bella's dad: you have earned my respect, sir. -w-
@thanksgiving: to everyone celebrating, have a good one. -w-
click to make it bigger


So I just recorded my first song with the new equipment :D
It's really really rough, but maybe you'll like it :D


I arrived... safely. Despite terrible turbulences that made me wish it was just a dream, I'm alive. I also found a beverage called Ubuntu Cola and took a photo of it, but I cannot upload it here before I go back to France. ^^,