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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@bella: i'm highly inclined to agree. speedy's become such an integrated part of my life that not having her around leaves me feeling empty inside. it was another matter when she simply couldn't access the internet, that was just a minor annoyance, but without her around at all it feels like a chunk of me is missing. :[
@pentium: sounds epic. i only played 2 copies of zelda, and i only ever did anything in one, which wasn't anything relevant to the plot. but it was alot of fun. :3
@stew: i'm in the same boat as you, in that i find them fun but not wet-your-pants worthy. though i understand why people go gaga over them; for its time, it was an epic and top-of-the-line game, so much so that it planted itself squarely in the hearts of fans as a legendary (lol) classic. not as much so as the super mario series, but enough that its reception is enough to warrant several sequels.

the same goes for halo. it was (and is) a top-of-the-line game for its time, in terms of graphics, storyline and gameplay. the only thing i ever did in that game was die or commit suicide, but i recognize the seeds planted for a sequel.

just so you know guys, the cat we buried wasn't one of ours. but the way it died was rather disgraceful given that it was obviously someone's pet (no tags but the coat was shiny and it looked well-fed), and since there was no one to claim it (i tried knocking on doors), we named it blackie, took it home, and buried it. (we tried to bury it in the graveyard in the yard, but our dad was a douche and put up a fuss, and ended up making us bury it in a back corner of the yard. at least it got a proper burial.)
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On the whole thing with losing a computer or car, I have to agree. There are times where I wish PentiumMMX the Laptop still existed, if only to serve in much the same role as Laptop (To look up guides on GameFAQs when I'm in the middle of a game, and can't get to Asagi or Sonata for some reason)...


Legend of Zelda might be one of those games that's best enjoyed with your nostalgia filter on.

Chances are, if you never played it as a kid (or, for some people, Link to the Past, or others still, Ocarina of Time) - you'll never get it.  I, however, did play Legend of Zelda as a kid.  I have to admit, the first thing that drew me in was that distinctive golden cartridge, but after playing it awhile, I really got into it.  There wasn't really a game at the time that offered so much exploration in such a colorful world.  There were so many secrets too.  I can still remember one of the higher level dungeons before the level one dungeon and getting completely trounced, wondering where the hell that first level dungeon was.  Even today I can go back and play the game and still enjoy it, especially on a handheld like the GBASP.  It's just that good.  As Pent said, though, it's really a matter of taste.  Pretty much just like how I'll never understand the Final Fantasy fandom.

The Choice of a New Generation.


i love final fantasy for basically the reason you love zelda. it was played when i was a kid, and i just thought it was the most epic thing ever.

plus, FF7 has VV. <333
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Speaking of Final Fantasy, I just started a playthrough of the first one this morning; since I noticed I had it on Wii Virtual Console and forgot about it.

I have a Fighter named "Kupo", kupo. </moogle>


pfft. nice. -w-

i'd like to play FF2. the plotline looks interesting. :3
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As it turns out.... I cannot handle bleach without getting it on my clothes. :[


I usually can't handle liquid laundry detergent without a little getting on my hands, so I know the feeling ^_^;


That is why I don't use bleach.

I'm not talking about the old ones, the NES LoZ were pretty awesome.  I grew up with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask; the first I watched my first Let's Play/Speed Run of.  Live.  In 2002.  The second always just pissed me off.  Most important thing seems to be I'm not really that much of a 'fantasy' fan at heart anyway.


Ardent FF-fan here <3 Zelda not that much (I still like it but FF is way better for me).

What I don't get is all the hate for FF8. Sure, it might not have as good a plot as FF7, but the GFX were just overwhelming for the PS1.


Most of the hate I've seen for FF8 has been it's battle system, which really takes some getting used to compared to FF7 and prior.

For me, 8 is the last installment in the series I enjoyed, even if I never finished it; which, out of all the ones I've played, 7 is the only one I have finished...even if my sister encouraged me to cheat, because I wasn't going to open up my copy of Advent Children until I finished the game.


I must confess, it is pretty hard for me to get excited for the new ones as well.  Even as a diehard Zelda fan, I'm not really that interested.  I think it's largely due to the direction of the Big N lately.  The 3DS and the Wii U, I just... gaming in general seems to be headed so far south.  Everything just feels so gimmicky and tacked-on now.  After learning more about it, I finally got myself excited for Skyrim, and aside from that Saints' Row: The Third and WWE '12, I just find difficulty feeling anything when it comes to new games.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Console gaming days are over. Except for Pokémon. Doctor PC gaming is back in and receiving~


Well, I have a PS3, Wii, and a gaming PC, so I'm pretty well set to play anything I'd be interested in


happy 900th page~~~

@genpop: FF8 sucked. i played it for 5 minutes, took one look at the graphics and went like this.

FF is a big part of childhood nostalgia for me, so the newer graphics ones don't appeal to me at all. most people don't get it. :\

also, i learned how to do my own laundry a while ago. :3 we use a little measuring cup for the soap, and then rinse off the excess after pouring it (pouring the soapy water into the washer too), so almost none gets on my hands. :3

we have bleach on hand, but i can't remember anyone using it for clothes in a long time. :\
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