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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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And I'll be more than glad to validate everything you contribute. ^_^


Anytime, Pitkin!   ^.^
Glad to fill up the galleries of the disenfranchised OS-tans.  ^v^

*turns to Codi*  WAI!!!  Games and ice cream!!  Can't think of a better combination!!  ^V^  

*hops playfully and wags curled tail*

I'd go with grean tea for the ice cream.  ^-^
For play....  Hmmm.....

*stares with interest at Codi's sig* 'bout OS-tan Quid-Pro-Quo?!  ^V^


[indecisive] Or just rock-paper-scissor....  Ã,¬_Ã,¬


No no, the quid-pro-quo thing, definitely!  ^-^

Please, pretty please....!  ^v^
With Aspartame and a Maraschino cherry on top...!  ^.^

NewYinzer 'bout OS-tan Quid-Pro-Quo?! ^V^

An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind, C-Chan.


Ooh,... that'a a clever phrase.  Better right it down!  ^.^

*scribble scribble sribble*

That should be Quid Pro Quo a la Hannibal Lecter.  Ask me an awkward OS-tan related question and I'll give you an awkward OS-tan related answer.  Then I reciprocate by asking an awkward OS-tan related question of my own and expecting an awkward OS-tan related answer.   Whoever runs out of questions/answers or "ROTFLs" first loses the match.  ^.^


Okay. I'll start:

Why does Me-tan love roll cake?



*fights back urge to laugh uncontrollably*

She has a "special" spot on her body to store them...  ^__^'

Quid pro quo,... yes or no.....  -v-

Why in the world does the alternative Knoppix-tan have bunny ears?

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

And have to head out, but shall return tomorrow!  ^_~


All the better to hear you with, my dear Starling.

Why is Homeo a transvestite?


QuoteQuote from : NewYinzer
Why is Homeo a transvestite?

     No reason's just him...he is one, and her sister abuses it in every chance.


MySpace Customer Services are the biggest bunch of jerks ever. Seriously.

It all started last night when I was looking around MySpace for something else to rant about. I came across their Contact page, and noticed a contradiction - They have a ââ,¬Å"Delete Accountââ,¬Â contact option, yet they explicity state directly below that that they will not honour account deletion requests sent via that form.

So I contacted them under the ââ,¬Å"otherââ,¬Â option, with the following query:

   Hi there,
   Feel free to ignore this as it is more of a general enquiry than a support request, so I donââ,¬â,,¢t want to keep you away from helping self-centred emos set up epiliptic fit-inducing layouts. But what I was wondering was this - You have a ââ,¬Å"Delete Accountââ,¬Â option on your contact form, yet you explicity state that you will ignore these requests. Why do you have the option then? Seems a bit futile, if not contradictory to me.

True to MySpace customer services style, their reply didnââ,¬â,,¢t even answer my question:

  "If you wish to terminate your MySpace Account, start by clicking on ââ,¬Å"Homeââ,¬Â in the top navigation menu from any MySpace web page. Once on your personal home page, click on ââ,¬Å"Account Settings,ââ,¬Â appearing in the upper left portion of the page, next to your picture. Click on the ââ,¬Å"Cancel Accountââ,¬Â link. You can find it above the ââ,¬Å"My Account Settingsââ,¬Â box. This will link you to the ââ,¬Å"Cancel My Accountââ,¬Â page. There click on the ââ,¬Å"Cancel My Accountââ,¬Â button. Your MySpace Account has now been deleted. Keep in mind, canceling your MySpace account will permanently remove all of your profile information from MySpace, including your photographs, comments, journals, and your personal network of friends. This information cannot be restored. You may re-register your current email address after canceling, but you will need to rebuild your personal network from scratch.

   If for some reason you should be unable to delete the account, provide the email plus password for your profile and we will cancel it for you. If you donââ,¬â,,¢t remember the password or it has been changed, please send us a salute as verification and we can remove the account.

Maybe theyââ,¬â,,¢re too stupid to admit they made a mistake?

Another thing that gets to me is the fact that they say in big, bold, emo letters ââ,¬Å"You are emailing customer services, not Tomââ,¬Â. Seriously, who would want to email him?


Another thing is that I emailed them again about me recieving blog updates although I deleted my account there for about 5 months now...

Hello Again,

      I believe I already deleted my account here in Myspace for months now and I am still recieving blog updates from people on which I dont really know which I also believe I changed my  Account Settings to "Do not send me notification emails." before I left. Why am I recieving this messages. Shouldn't you guys take control of it?"

Myspace customer support replies....

"At MySpace we care about your privacy. We have sent you this
notification to facilitate your use as a member of the service. If
you don't want to receive emails like this to your external email account
in the future, change your Account Settings to "Do not send me
notification emails."

Click here to change your Account Settings:"

What dumb s***s! How the hell are you gonna changed those subscriptions if you already deleted your account for a very long time....  ;014  ;014  ;014


there are prolly so many people emailing customer services that they just skim a message and click a pre-written message to send to you after checking the topic.

which I believe, in turn, leads to more people complaining, and Customer Services not caring anymore.


And it is MySpace, after all.  You're gonna get that from all large entities, hence the reason why AOL sucks (for example).  Ã,¯vÃ,¯

They don't deserve it, but in their defense I will admit your first message wasn't really to the point -- funny, yes, but so are about 59,000 others that were probably queued up in the inbox.  So when the CSR "skimmed it" (and his little brain exploded), the words "Delete Accountââ,¬Â were probably the only phrase that stood out.  ^__^'

In any case, you answered NewYinzer's question.

So it's your turn . ^.^

Quid pro quo.... yes or no....

*begs for a Mac-tan question*  -v-


QuoteAnd it is MySpace, after all. You're gonna get that from all large entities, hence the reason why AOL sucks (for example). Ã,¯vÃ,¯

I feel your pain. MySpace sucks, it should be called "a place for emos". AOL is just a noob-seducing evil empire. Why get AIM when Trillian is just as good?

My next question:

Why does Kyurou-kun like Me-tan?


3 words.... -v-

"Exotic Becomes Erotic"

All those silly psych prereqs weren't in vain, I guess....  ^^'

Now then....

Quid pro quo [and this has been bugging me for a LOOONG while]:

Who - in - the - world - is - this?!


Umbrella says 95 o.O

Grr, that's the problem with OS-tan, ne.. there's not one definite drawing of them. Sucked for cosplaying x.x

I know what we can play, C-chan~ *grabs toes* this little C-chan went to market, this little C-chan stayed home..
So cute it\'s deadly!


I'd be damned if that were an alternative 95-tan.  It looks too much like OS9-tan, plus you have ME riding around on a 3.1... thingie....  Only Alfamille can sort through this confusion.  O__o
Next time you cosplay, try a -tan that's guaranteed to be consistent.  
*shifts eyes* Like, say,... AMIGA-tan!  ^V^
*covers face in shameless mirth*

*squeals*  But you're right, let's play something else!  Woohoo!  ^.^

*studies toes*

.........'Kay!  You got it!  ^v^

*pops cork out of mysterious bottle*

*drinks bottle contents*  Glug glug glug....  ^o^

*C-chan shrinks to toe-size*  [from 7-inch frame to half inch frame... hardly much of a difference]

Wai!!! Can't get more interactive than this!  ^v^
"This little C-chan had roast beef..."

*uses micro chainsaw to cut slice off deli roast beef*
*jumps back to the ground and stands expectantly before free-falling slice of meat*


*roast beef slice flops over C-chan*

