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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, gaming is what 2k-tan is for. Besides, if it doesn't go too high, you can't complain for $30 if it's as easy as an SMC reset to make it work again

Anyway, I've now run into two issues with 2k; first off, Steam keeps thinking this is a new PC every time I turn it on (Nothing I tried on their site seems to help at all; it locks out all my games unless I enter the code they e-mail me, which is only a temporary fix that claims to be permanent), and secondly, the drive causes Windows to crash if it happens to enter sleep mode...and the damned firmware update software won't let me update because the drive is setup as my primary.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 15, 2011, 11:10:39 AM
am i the only one here that doesn't have a problem with their sleep cycle?

I don't really have a problem sleeping, my problem involves me talking too much on msn that it causes me to stay up too late >3<
My my, aren't you lovely~


From some further research, I can use Linux to flash the drive...but that's the problem; 2k and Linux don't seem to get along. No matter what version I try to use, it always crashes to BusyBox mid-boot; which doesn't offer enough power to do something like flashing a drive.

Why isn't there such as thing as a Windows 7 LiveDisc; like that Windows 2.0 boot disk I made ages ago?


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 15, 2011, 11:10:39 AM
am i the only one here that doesn't have a problem with their sleep cycle?
I don't even HAVE a sleep cycle by anyone's definition.

On the plane, I sat in a very awkward position from 11:40 pm to 4:08 am wide awake just to make sure she was ok and slept well.

For all those who want to know, Katarina did NOT do good on this trip medically, she cried several times in fact and was constantly thanking me for helping her with all I could, while I continued to say it's just part of the job.
I'm just glad she had a great time, despite the hardships she endured.


Although not doing well health wise during an epic trip is not good, it's at least good that she still managed to enjoy it.

Now, I continue diving deeper into the madness of how the hell am I going to flash this SSD...

EDIT: Well, the first plan of booting from the Windows 7 installation disc failed, because conveniently it's recovery mode doesn't allow for the software I need to run. I'm beginning to regret the decision to get an SSD...


Oh gosh, poor thing, I almost cry myself with how much she was going through and still managing to have fun with me helping her.

doesn't windows have anything like migration assistant?


It does, but I though of a last-ditch effort to make this work. I'm going to plug in the old HDD and boot off of it, since I left my installation of Windows 7 on there untouched just in case something goes wrong. Thing is, I'm not looking forward to fighting through the mess of wires again...

Be right back; switching over to Asagi while I crack over 2k's shell once more

EDIT: Since "eureka" moments are overdone...Huzzah! That plan was a success. Now, all that's left is figure out why Steam keeps forgetting that I've already entered that activation code at login...


@stew: you should post that on . :3
@kriz: glad to hear it went well. and i'll stop procrastinating when you stop. :3
@pentium: hope everything works out with the drive. :\ and if you're having trouble making it work, try adjusting the jumpers to make it a slave, then plug back in the old drive (making sure that one's set to master) and manually adjust it that way. :3
ah, i see you already fixed it. well, if you want to use the new drive you might try this fix. :\

also, in case i didn't get the chance to tell you, i might be out of commission for a few days. we're temporarily moving to my grandparents, as my grand aunt ruth is dying, and no one is going to see her (so my grandparents are going, though i'm disgusted that my grandfather didn't decide to go sooner, as this is his older sister for fuck's sake. even more disgusting is that neither of her sons have come to visit in her time of need. >:[ ) someone needs to watch the cat, and my uncle's on vacation.
they have internet, but it currently doesn't work (and we can't for the life of us figure out why). if we get it working, i'll report in, but idk what i can do, so don't expect me for a few days. :\

(@nej: if we stay longer than a week, i'll find a terminal to contact you about your flight.)

technically, i could just bring my ethernet IS a multi-port router....
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Well, I've reinstalled Steam, but that didn't seem to help at all. I've tried everything they mention on their website, and yet nothing seems to help. However, at least the more severe of the problems I was having is now worked out; just leaving the minor annoyance of Steam to deal with.

@Choco: It's good that you're going to be with your family in their time of need. Godspeed

Also, you don't have to adjust any jumpers on SATA-based drives; all that matters with them is if they're plugged in or not. It's so nice, after years of dealing with jumpers, somebody finally comes up with a solution to do away with them...





@bella: FUCK YEAH!!
@pentium: damn sata. >>;
and we're not going with, since it's $100 to renew a passport, and you need one to go to canada now. :\
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I'm pretty sure the boarder patrol will let you through if you catch them while they're thirsty and give them a cup of tea.
That's how it works in Pokémon, at least

Anyway, I plan on e-mailing Steam support later to figure out what's wrong with my account. But first, another work day...


nah, it's too much in gas costs too. takes about 7 hours to get there from here (9 hours if we're going to the rest of the family). :\

so instead, we get my grandparent's house to ourselves. -w-
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That's always nice; having an entire house to yourself. That's why I love my parents' birthday weekend; they usually leave the house to me while they go stay overnight somewhere else

Anyway, I finally hard back about possibly getting full time in my current position at work. Apparently, he "will keep it in consideration"...which, considering how my boss is, is as good as "never"; if he doesn't do something right away, it's safe to assume he'll never get around to it. After hearing that, the day pretty much went downhill from there; I'm glad I'm off now.

I wish tomorrow was Monday, because jury duty sounds so nice...


what's nice about staying here is that there's NO DAD!!!!! he's been such an ass that i'm not getting him a father's day gift, and now i can avoid his wrath by avoiding him. -w-

this means no jem for a few days, but it's a small price to pay. ;^;
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