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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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actually, steam sucks.

i wish i could sell my games; i only play l4d series and gmod


Everything is backed up and ready; which, in case I forgot anything, I've left the original HDD untouched until migration is complete. 2k-tan has officially gone under for maintenance, with control of Torchwood Three being passed onto Asagi for the remainder of the night.

On a unrelated note, I'm watching a dirt-cheap Mac Mini on eBay; one that supposedly isn't working, but from research I've done, it sounds like it's going to be a simple fix


tbh: i named my computer clover. mainly because i put a 4 leaf clover on the power button


@alex: kawaii desu ne~~
@pentium: i love sleeping late. i've never been much of a morning person, even though i'm prone to waking up early. (i take after my mum and grandma in that i'm sluggish in the morning, but after my dad in that i have an impeccable internal clock.)
@bella: random info = fun tiems. -w-
@pitkin: if half of that is true, it'll inspire me to never get a paypal. :\
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I don't mind sleeping late on the weekends, but I don't like sleeping in too late on a work day; which leaves me with less time to wake up and get ready for work.

Anyway, I contacted that person about the Mac Mini I found, and it sounds like this could be a very easy fix; either a new AC adapter or even just resetting it's internal clock. Of course, the chances of it being a fried logic board are just as equal as the easy fixes, but for $30, it's worth giving a shot in case I can easily fix it up.



also, i just realized topicless has hit its 800th page. 200 more till the apocalypse, people!! ^^
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What's the big deal over this topic being 200 pages away from 1,000 pages?

Anyway, 2k is now at the mercy of lazy UPS drivers; as we await the arrival of her SSD


oh yeah, it's tuesday. :3

meaning my sister gets her new PC tomorrow. ^^
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I just placed a bid on it; although somebody had already placed one before me, likely thinking the same thing I am. There's less than 3 days to go on it, so anything is possible during that time.

because my grandmother on my mom's side is retiring from work next week, she's decided to treat everyone to a nice dinner this Saturday; over at a Mexican restaurant she likes (Which, thankfully, is one of the ones that's really good). Because there's no new Doctor Who, I have no schedule constraints to try and work around, which makes it that much better.

*Still doesn't understand what significance being 200 pages away from 1,000 pages has, aside from it being a long-running topic*


(i just thought it was cool)

good to hear. sounds like a fun time. ^^

which is better than something i heard earlier; apparently one of my grand aunts (she's really nice and has a kickass house) has experienced some brain damage after a fall a few weeks ago. :[
it's likely she's going to have to go into a home....
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That's not good. Hopefully nothing worse happens; after all, nobody likes to lose a family member


especially one so nice. :\ my grandpa doesn't have many siblings, if i remember right. either that, or he doesn't have many left. :\
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In the kitchen I saw my dad pull four vitamin C tablets out of his pocket, and eat them all at once.... it's like flu season all over again.

@Kari: I'm sorry to hear that... : ( How old is she?


Unfortunately, my grandpa only has his crazy sister that nobody likes left. My great uncle, unfortunately, passed away back in April '09; which, seeing as he was like a mentor to me (He gave me the parts that went into the creation of Frankenstein Classic; from the unusual case right down to the ribbon cables strung about inside), was a great loss for me.

On a much less depressing note, last night was a wild night for 2k and I; as I decided to put her to the ultimate test of installing old Windows 95-based games and seeing if they'll run or not. Out of the 10 games I tested, only 3 where able to install and run, with only 2 of those running at a playable speed with no odd glitches (Those two being made by Microsoft, coincidentally). Let's just say, Sonic & Knuckles Collection on a 3.4Ghz Core i7 is a mistake; especially if it's too fast on a 400Mhz Celeron.


@pentium: i managed to get some old programs to install and run on windows 7. it took a little finageling with compatibility mode, but in the end it worked. :\
@bella: in her 80's, same as my grandpa. :\
also, vitamin c is good for you~

i scraped my toe..... ;^;
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