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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Lucky Star is probably the only moeblob anime you'll catch me watching. I refuse to watch K-On, because of the creepy-as-hell fanbase on GameFAQs killing any interest I might have had in it (They make Trekkies seem sane. That takes talent...or lack thereof)


so far, been up for 61 hours, due to stress.


Ahhh, the lovely I hate the fanbase; ergo, I will not watch (or read/listen/play/participate) mentality. Something I quite despise, on account of it smooshing ALL the fans into a single, tiny, "packaged-for-your-mental-convenience" box; for disliking the ACTUAL WORK since there's a perceived defect with the fandom; and of course, dismissing the fact that a show (or book/band/game) can take on a fanbase that the creators never imagined. It's especially troublesome for a very popular work (which K-On arguably is within the anime fandom, and Star Trek CERTAINLY is within the world of science fiction), since the work will inevitably have a fanbase so vast that it's foolish attempting to characterize it.

For instance, Radiohead has a huge fandom, yet aside from some shared traits (neurosis, musical snobbery, disdain for "competing" British rock/pop bands and a bizarre love of Adventure Time are quite prevalent), there's very little that RH fans have in common. Madoka Magica fans have apparently gotten a reputation for being quite rabid, but they come from many backgrounds - those who like the mahou shoujo genre, those who like seeing the mahou shoujo genre brutalized (*raises hand*), those who like mindfscks, yuri fans (*raises other hand*), people who like moe anime (they quickly get their insides cut out) - so on and so forth. What I'm getting at is, it's irresponsible to judge a work on its fandom - it's even worse to assume a fandom is homogenized.


[insert comment here]
click to make it bigger


[Insert Insult in broken english here.]


@Bella: Normally I don't do that sort of thing, but seeing as previously mentioned group of freaks on GameFAQs where my friends at one point and where well within the norm until they discovered that show, which lead up to us having a falling out because I wasn't watching it too...

@Choco: Is something wrong?


I'm going to the shrine to practice my swordplay by the light of dawn.

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 12, 2011, 10:43:58 PM
I'm going to the shrine to practice my swordplay by the light of dawn.

Shall we spar my good sir?


you did not draw that. kindly prove me wrong.


@pentium: nah, just couldn't think of anything to say. and i was already in the topic.
@nej: too back you can't bring the sword with you. we could have practiced together. (since i need to practice with my tonfa anyway. ^^)

there's nothing on.....and this show is less than i expected. :\ so i turned off the tv.
click to make it bigger

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: AlexisDesu on June 12, 2011, 11:20:10 PM
you did not draw that. kindly prove me wrong.

Who are you directing this toward? You have confused me S/


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on June 12, 2011, 11:55:09 PM
Quote from: AlexisDesu on June 12, 2011, 11:20:10 PM
you did not draw that. kindly prove me wrong.

Who are you directing this toward? You have confused me S/

there is no way you are one of my fav artists on gelbooru




I am drunk for the first time. fuck yeah!"



Quite the sad situation, however, but I must confess that I myself am rather lacking of intoxication tonight

Haha, I'm a good liar

Why don't newbs play Quakeworld? Maybe if it were called Call of Duty: Pearl-White-Emerald Edition...
Newbs. Pokemon and Call of Duty. And GTA. That's all these newbs play.
Screw 2020 or whatever it is, I want y2k again
So I can play Quakeworld with newbs,
oblivious to the outside world whimpering to an end as the RTC's click steadily closer to 2000...

1999-12-22.... 1999-12-23...

heh heh heh