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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It's a big beast tho.  Had to take a hacksaw to my desk to get it to fit. xP
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


The specs on it were stupid, it holds something like 9 hardrives?
I only put two in it, which is simply because two 120 SSDs were cheaper than a 250 by a bit.


The case 2k is in can hold up to 7 hard drives, although it's such a mess on the inside that I wouldn't consider more than 2

Also, since Alex talked about how he found his Windows ME laptop, here's how I stumbled onto Asagi:

It was July 2010, and I finally decided to get myself a new laptop to retire Laptop (Which I really didn't want to travel with anymore to keep it from breaking). Since they didn't have any laptops for sale at work (And if they did, they'd be ancient Dells running Windows XP), I was caught between going to Office Depot and buying a Acer Aspire One (Like what my sister has) or saving my money for a few months and then ordering a MacBook (Regardless of my older cousin trying to convince me of that being a bad decision, because of his unjust hatred of Apple...and yet, he has an iPhone and loves it. Go figure)...but, I decided to take a random look at a pawn shop not far from my house first; just in case by some strange chance they have a Mac. When I arrived, they had 3 laptops they where getting ready for sale; there was a very recent Dell (A model new enough that it was still being advertized on TV at the time), a 10-year-old Viao that was in good shape for it's age, and a recent model of Compaq Presario that had been discontinued only a few weeks ago and looked barely used (Still having the protective plastic sheet on it's lid). They told me to come back in 2 days if I wanted to test one out, since they hadn't cleaned them up yet. When I told my mom about my findings, she was against the idea of me buying a laptop from a pawn shop because she saw them as worn-out pieces of junk, but since it was my money, she didn't argue about it; besides, PentiumMMX the Laptop was originally bought at a pawn shop by my grandmother before it was given to me, and it was awesome.

When I came back, that Dell was long gone; leaving just the Viao and the Compaq for sale. The Viao was $400 and ran on Windows ME, while the much newer Compaq that was running Windows 7 was only $300, which made me wonder what where they thinking when pricing them. Ignoring the Viao because it was too expensive, I tested out the Compaq, and aside from it's lack of Firefox (Which is, of course, an easy fix), I was sold; as I put it in layaway and paid it out over a span of two months before bringing it home in the free carry case they included.

Thus, Asagi joined the fleet; becoming my primary PC in the absence of TARDIS, which was down due to it needing a new fan


@alex: that's something i hate about people. they toss aside perfectly good computers in favour of something newer. speedy's like a member of my family by now. ><;

since we're talking about how we got our computers, i got speedy from my brother.

i was at a LARP, and he had brought speedy with him. he said that his parents were going to get him a new one, and after seeing me oo and ah over how shiny speedy was (and knowing that i'd eventually need a computer for college), he gave her to me. :3

after about a week i broke her. ;^; but, after about a year of waiting, we took her to the repair store, and after $175 and a couple more trips, speedy's at what she is today. -w-
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I'm notoriously clingy when it comes to computers, I don't buy a new one until the one I use literally dies/falls apart. This means I usually get a new comp every 5-7 years.

As for how i got Eve, my iMac...... when I was a little girl, no older than 6 or 7, I first saw an (G3) iMac and thought it was the most beautiful computer I had ever seen. I said I wanted one, but my dad told me There will be no Apples in our house! or something to that effect and it broke my heart. ;__;

In a case of extreme sour grapes, I sublimated my love of Macs into outlandish Windows fangirlery. Like LALALALAWINDOWS IS THE BEST OS EVER DIE ALL OTHERS LALALAL~~~ but it was just a cover, since on the inside I still desperately wanted a Mac but thought I would never be able to attain one. Hating them became easier than loving them and knowing I would never have one. :(

This went on for nearly a decade or so. I eventually got fed up with the general bullshittery of my two XP laptops and started the search for a new computer - but I wasn't ready to use Linux on a main rig and wanted to avoid Vista like the hellish abomination it is. Around this time, my dad had a case of Love At First Sight with an aluminum iMac and boldly declared, "THIS WILL BE OUR NEXT COMPUTER!" I guess he was sublimating his love of Macs all along too?

A year later, when K8 died (again) and Dy was becoming unusable, I tried to talk my dad into letting me get a used Vista machine at the local electronics shop. (This is how FUKDAMN FRUSTRATED I was.) He wouldn't have it, instead insisting I call the Rockingham Park Mall Apple Store and see if they had any machines on sale... I called, and they did, there was one more 24'' aluminum iMac left! We piled into the car and drove all the way to the bottom of the state (an hour and a half + drive) and got to the store with about fifteen minutes left until closing. They didn't have the model they told us they did - it was the 2.93ghz one, not the 2.66, meaning it was $300 more - so we bartered like Moroccan traders for the next hour or so, they ended up throwing in a ton of extras for free.

I was so happy. We got home really late, so we set it up but I didn't turn it on yet... all throughout the night I kept getting up and checking so see if it was still there and that I hadn't dreamt it all. ^^; Like a kid on Christmas morning,  at the crack of dawn I got up and switched the computer on - I was welcomed by the fantastic
10.6 Intro Video , which made me jump across the room in surprise and then start giggling like a madwoman when I realized what it was. xD That was a beautiful day, I still recall it fondly, and my love for my computer hasn't waned a bit since... if anything it's grown more and more over the last year and a half. :,)

TL;DR: Don't sublimate your feelings. If you love something, don't bottle it up.
Never let go of your dreams. Even if it seems like they'll never come true, you never know, they just might.

I know it's a long story, but you have to know it before you can know WHY I love my Mac so much. :)


I'm notoriously clingy as well to any computer I consider mine. Especially my main one.

I don't think this thing's been either
A; out of my sight
or if A is not true it was
B; at my house, secured

Katarina also better feel pretty dang special, first, I let her hold my iPhone, something my mom can't even do and then she dropped it, onto concrete. I wasn't mad at all cuz, hey, it's her. But apparently my face looked like this.

I'll share my gushy mushy computer stories at a later date I suppose.


@Choco: Sounds like how I got PentiumMMX the Laptop; my grandmother on my mom's side upgraded to a newer laptop, and because she knew how much I liked it, she gave it to me as a Christmas gift. Hell, I was the one that got it to work in the first place; it just wouldn't turn on when they got home with it from the pawn shop, and my uncle took one look at it and told them to trash it...and yet, practically the instant I touched it, it came to life and it ran great aside from a few odd quirks that gave it some personality.

But yeah, I can't stand the people who throw out perfectly good computers of any kind because there's something newer out. The 4 main members of my fleet are like family to me; I couldn't part with any of them. Although, I'd like to eventually get my hands on some kind of Mac to join them; since Bulbasaur would be too expensive to fix up


@bella: that's sweet. ^^

and i didn't realize that i was at the bottom of the state. .___.; that mall's about 15 minutes from my house. :\ (5 minutes from my grandma's. xD)
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@Choco: Sounds about like where my sister lives; it's about a 15 minute drive to get from her house to the library, which happens to now be in the general area of most of the businesses.

Also, I found a fully working first generation Macbook on eBay that has 2 days left and is pretty cheap for a Mac right now, so I threw my hat into the ring just to see what will happen...


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Good luck sir!

Those old Macbooks are so cute.


Quote from: BellsTL;DR: Don't sublimate your feelings. If you love something, don't bottle it up.
Never let go of your dreams. Even if it seems like they'll never come true, you never know, they just might.
Point A: Does that also go for things you hate?
Point B: Does that also hold true for nightmares?

TL;DR - demon isn't a very optimistic person.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on June 03, 2011, 03:59:52 PM
Also, I found a fully working first generation Macbook on eBay that has 2 days left and is pretty cheap for a Mac right now, so I threw my hat into the ring just to see what will happen...

How much?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@nej: i'd assume that goes for things you hate. i'd rather be honest that i don't like a person than fake being nice. :\
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@Red: At the moment it's up to $1.50, but I placed a bid for $50 just to see what will happen. You never know, I could end up with a MacBook for less than the cost of an iPod Shuffle