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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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a squared + b squared = c squared. :3
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Dr. Kraus

I was permitted to skip geometry due to a horrible teacher and that I'm pretty good at algebra, I just have to take a math class in senior year which I was going to do anyway!


i think i took geometry twice, out of choice. :\
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With what I've read of that book so far, geometry isn't quite as hard as I though it'd be; although, I did get 6\10 when I took that part of the test the first time, so I could probably get it a little higher with some work to figure out the stuff I don't know. Still, there's the fowl demon that is algebra...

Anyway, I'm off work now, but stuck waiting for my dad to get off. At least, I have Asagi by my side to keep busy

Dr. Kraus

Algebra is quite easy in my opinion, you just need to concentrate on the formulas and you will do just fine!


what he said. it's mostly about formulas, and breaking things down into easy little parts.

also, never forget PEMDAS. -w-

btw, for anyone that's interested, the theory thread is alive again, with a new(old) topic to talk about. :3
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I remember doing some algebra back in school, although it's been so long since I last did anything involving it I really don't remember much aside from it being a bit complicated


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Please excuse my dear aunt Sally. *nod*


I mainly remember that PEMDAS thing because of a picture I saw online a while back; with somebody getting it wrong on Facebook and then engaging in an argument with someone over who had it right.


fail. that is all. ><;
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Yeah; that falls into the same category as one kid I encountered ages ago, who claimed that Donkey Kong was never released on the Atari 2600 (Which it was; I owned a copy at the time).


people should always keep an open mind, and have the humility to admit they're wrong. :\
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Yeah...but for some people, they don't want to admit they're wrong no matter what


Just want to let everyone know that Luci is doing better... she's been walking around, rolling, tail-wagging, eating (a bit), drinking plenty, and even climbed some stairs all(most) by herself. She's still looking quite pale, but the vet has put her on medication that'll hopefully get her red blood cell count up.

Other things that got pushed aside by Luci's illness but that I feel like i can talk about now:

My grandparents left this morning, before we even got up... I'm disappointed they didn't get to spend more time, but at the same time I'm glad I can spend more time at home tending to Luci instead of going out and touring all day. And I had a very busy day beside that... so, yeah. Bad timing on everyone's part. -__-

Yesterday we visited Laconia with them; we went to an AMAZING antique store (it's really more like a museum at this point, considering the wide range of items sold there - art, books, furniture, toys, clothing, militaria, jewelry, electronics, knicknacks and oddities of every sort), I of course loved half the things in there but walked away with some earrings... since i only had a few bucks to spend and they were cheap. And at a second hand store grandpa insisted we stop at I bought a set of two vintage MIT coffee mugs for 50 cents. XD;

The inn my grandparents stayed at had a fairly large library - a take-a-book, leave-a-book deal - and I ended up finding an old book on computer engineering. I was interested, but full fangirl mode kicked into mode when I discovered it was a GEN-U-INE DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION document. Naturally, it came home with me and now resides in my DEC Shrine. -w-;

I found a terrifying, vertigo-inducing but utterly gorgeous place called Livermore Falls a few days ago. Let us never speak of it again.