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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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If I could find the AC adapter, I could test one of my scanners, and then consider ordering it
I still say, if it where a figurine of 2k-tan, I wouldn't even be debating it; I'd already be clicking the Buy It Now button


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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 24, 2011, 07:57:27 PM
"it's covered in radiation"

I could go on for hours at a time about this subject but I'll just do the short somewhat technical answer to this:

The Fukushima Daiichi pant is currently "under control" as the government and Tepco have stated, radiation levels are now low and somewhat safe.

3 hours from the plant will also have an effect on the radiation levels as radiation gets lower the farther away it is from the main source, I'll run you through an example.

Moscow is hit by a Nuke, Moscow is the main source of radiation thus lets say that the radiation level is 70,000 mSv/h (11x that of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster two months ago when it was at its highest radiation levels) within a blast radius of 450 sq miles (Moscow is 412 sq mi). You drive out of Moscow at about 120 Km/h (if you haven't been killed by the radiation yet, lucky you!), you want to get to Vyazma which is about 200 Km from Moscow. The radiation levels at Vyazma are around 40,000 mSv/h due to Radiation being dispersed through the air, water, and ground thus you can keep going till you hit around the middle of Ukraine where the radiation levels would be fine! Now don't take my math here for word, I did it all in the my head and guessed around some (Calculating all of this stuff would take me a few hours which I don't want to waste).

Thus what I'm trying to say is that Fukushima Daiichi radiation would be long gone by now when you are 3 hours outside of it, people have been evacuated just an hour or so outside of it so there are little traces of radiation at 3 hours away!


My dog Luci is sick. I'm really, really scared at the moment and am counting the minutes till we can bring her to the vet tomorrow... :,(

Whatever happens with her is probably gonna overshadow the grandparents visiting. : /


Well, access to my desktop has been cut for the night because my mom has drafted me into sitting in the living room while her laptop is running a virus scan (It possibly has a virus because of my dad using Internet Explorer combined with the fact he isn't careful at all; I've had to reformat his desktop more times than my entire fleet combined). At least I have Asagi as an option...

@Bella: I hope your dog gets to feeling better


@kraus: thanks. -w- i'll be sure to explain that to her in small, slow words. >w<;;
@bella: noes ;^; take her to the vet immediately.
@pentium: you might try rising? it has the option to run a scan before you even log in. i have that enabled, and combined with the occasional scan it serves me well. :\
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Rising indeed. It's chinese, so some of the menu interfaces are a bit engrish-tastic, but otherwise good. ^^


I'm not sure if she'd approve of me adding new software; because she keeps making a big deal about how her laptop has such a tiny hard drive when it's at least twice as big as what's in my dad's desktop.


try explaining that rising takes up about as much space as 20 mp3s? or that her hard drive is bigger? (how big is it anyway?)

EDIT: btw guys, i updated my profile, so take a look if you're bored. i'm especially proud of my new occupation. -w-
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It has roughly a 300GB HDD...although trying to explain how big that really is compared to the 150GB HDD in my dad's desktop is a pain

(Also, I made some expansions on my profile)

Chocofreak13 computer's internal hard drive is 109gb........
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That's bigger than what 2k-tan the Desktop has; since she inherited the 80GB HDD from her direct predecessor, the TARDIS. However, that will change soon enough...


my externals used to be a pair of 80 gigs, but i outgrew the music drive, so now it's an 80 gig and a 160 gig. :3
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I had considered a 1TB external drive instead of internal; so I won't have to fight with the mess of cables inside, except when it comes time to make the ultimate upgrade to a 128GB SSD. I'll have to look into pricing, though...

Also, an ice cream truck just passed through my neighborhood. I though those only existed in old TV shows...

Dr. Kraus

I like to buy 1, 2, and 2.5 TB's then rip them out of the casing and use the adapters when I need to!