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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Speaking of concerts...

On the 29:th I'm going to Uppsala for an audition for an ensemble role in the City Theatre's production of the Threepenny Opera.
This might be fun. _W_


If I ever got a chance to, I'd like to go to an Iron Maiden concert; that would be awesome.


sane is relative
how do i know you are sane
and the same for me?
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There's a chance that my cat holds the knowledge we seek about sanity...but getting him to tell it to us would be the hard part

Anyway, today at work was about like it's been for the past few months; it's busy when I first get there, and then the rest of the day is spent wondering around, looking for something to do to fill the remaining hours of my shift.


i hate it when you have nothing to do and you're not at home. it's an uncomfortable feeling. :\

i'm thirsty :[
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That's pretty much what going to a family reunion on my mom's side of the family last year was like for me; stuck in a town that's so small it makes where I live right now seem like Dallas, with relatives who I don't know and who don't know me either (Making me feel less like an actual guest and more like I was trespassing), and anything I could use to help pass the time was left back at home. That was a very long and boring day for me; the only highlight of the day was hearing Hotel California on the radio during the long drive


you know, i completely missed the part in the middle about concerts. that was weird. :\

@pentium: that's how i feel at most people's houses. like i don't belong. :\

my first concert was last year's AAC. i moshed as windows 98, and creeped out the performers after. :3
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@Choco: I feel that way when I'm at the house of a relative I don't know.
Also, you went crowd-surfing while in cosplay?


there wasn't a big enough crowd to do that. AAC is a relatively small con. :\
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When I hear someone say "moshed", my thoughts typically go to crowd-surfing; because when I was younger, I though they where the same thing


lol. apparently not. ^^;
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back in tip top shape.

Gonna start rollin~
My my, aren't you lovely~


As I learned from looking on Wikipedia, yeah; they're two different things.

On an unrelated note, I just ordered a new keyboard for my desktop; a black Microsoft Natural Keyboard of the same model as the one I have now, so it'll better fit the color scheme of my current setup while having the layout I've become used to (The newer model they have over at Office Depot just isn't as comfortable to me due to the redesigned stands, so I went out of my way to find one with the older design)

@zen: It's good that you're feeling better


@zen: always good to feel better. :3
@pentium: it's always good to find the best fit, even if you must go out of your way to do so. :3

.....i've been playing too much taipei. all of my responses sound like fortune cookie fortunes....
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Sounds like you're going through what I did when I spent a weekend watching a lot of Doctor Who and Haruhi Suzumiya. When I was chatting with my sister on Facebook later that day, I was talking like some strange mix of the 10th Doctor and Yuki Nagato (Example: "I modified the flow of data so it'll go 'ding' when there's stuff")