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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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save the boobies!! whoo~~!!
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My my, aren't you lovely~


Trap boobies? Wouldn't that just be a pair of water balloons stuffed into a bra?

Of, if you mean "capture", than how are you supposed to deal with the lady they're attacked to; who'll likely Falcon Punch you in the face?


I am officially beginning a cautionary draw down of internet activities in preparation for the potentially internetless months ahead.  Hopefully you lot will still be interested in Operation Torch by the time I get back.  I have Kari and Bells' addresses, but if anyone else wants to maybe get mail over the summer hit me up.

Donating to charity is always worthwhile!


I'd give you my address, but I my mom would probably freak out if I start receiving letters from somebody she doesn't know, so I'll have to pass to save myself the possible drama that could spawn from doing that.

Probably tomorrow, I'll buy some tickets for that iPad raffle I mentioned. The drawing isn't until early August, but it's worth a shot anyway


@pentium: is your mom paranoid or what? i mean, how old are you, man? >.>;
@stew: we'll miss ya man. to keep everyone informed, anything you want to tell the forum (how you're doing, interesting stuff, etc) just stick it in the letter. -w- happy summer, and if you wanna come visit, just call. ^^
@zen: you mean with the PokeBra?
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@Choco: I'm 20, and although she's become more lenient over the past few years, I still feel she doesn't trust me on the internet; after that one time when she happened to catch me posting on another board about 6 years ago, where I was helping one user with a problem they where having in a game. She went nuts; saying that telling them to go back to level 3 and get the hidden shiny object they missed is equal to telling them my credit card number, jumped to the conclusion that me going to said message boards is why Crappy was so crappy (Not taking into consideration all the driver conflicts and other shit I had to clean up just to make it bearable to use), and was threatening to put a password on Crappy so I could never use it again (She dropped this after I pointed out every way I can break past the password prompt; thanks to experience from the Yeti and PentiumMMX the Laptop).

See why I'd really like to move out? I mean, I appreciate the good things my mom has done for me over the years, but she's done some things that royally piss me off.


yeah, i get that one. trying to explain ANYTHING, tech or not, to my dad is an impossible chore. :\

in other news: i've developed a muscle twitch. it's quite annoying. it is also occasionally accompanied by a low pain at the site. >__<
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I had that a few weeks back; a muscle in my right knee kept twitching, which was mildly annoying when I was standing still at work and a nuisance when I was trying to go to bed that night


i think i slept wrong. it's a muscle between my neck and my shoulder; anywhere from every 30 seconds to couple of minutes it wiggles around. :\

hope it'll go away...
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Try drinking more water; that seems to be what got mine to stop


well, good thing i filled up 3 bottles of it earlier. xD
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Quote from: stewartsage on May 19, 2011, 08:23:38 PM
I am officially beginning a cautionary draw down of internet activities in preparation for the potentially internetless months ahead.  Hopefully you lot will still be interested in Operation Torch by the time I get back.  I have Kari and Bells' addresses, but if anyone else wants to maybe get mail over the summer hit me up.

*sobs and hangs onto ankles* ;__;

Re: friends and penpals, my family is paranoid of anyone they haven't met and thoroughly interrogated, deathly scared of "online people" AND have a penchant for opening my mail if I'm not with them. Of course I'm going to live on my own for quite a bit this summer so hopefully there won't be much mail-interception... =w=


@bells: going through other people's mail is a felony. :\
also, i've offered to meet your parent..... :\

am i the only one whose parents trust them? besides nejin, of course, that one is fairly obvious by now. :\

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My parents let me drive up and meet one of my (now) evil exes.

My parents leave me alone with Katarina for hours on end with no supervision whatsoever (even at prom, which is near infamous for the place people have sex or whatnot).

I think they trust me.