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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I dont know, It seemed like a good Idea at the time.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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UH??! I'm gone 2 weeks (more or less) and there are...uh? only 1 new page from the topicless thread?! what a shame people, what a shame...

I'm back  ;010 . Sorry for not announcing it before xP

Quote from: "panda"

mmmmm. . . space.

*wonders how the space does tastes*


*intimidated, mainly by sweat drink*

OH... MY... GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!! @O@

*dashes back to OS-tan Discussion area and huddles in a corner*


Sweat is available at smarter retailers nationwide.


You guys dont know sweat untill you live in 130 degree weather.  I have thick leather boots, and i soak the leather all the way through. Sweat sucks.  Makes you stinky.

And darknight is back! Woo!  I know, isnt it weird? Palm tan became sort of a topicless thread tho.. you should check it out.  we covered everything from zombie invasions to poor videogame to movie knock offs.

*runs off after c-chan dripping sweat!* Bwahahahaha!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


[in distance]  GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!  ^0^


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"You guys dont know sweat untill you live in 130 degree weather.  I have thick leather boots, and i soak the leather all the way through. Sweat sucks.  Makes you stinky.

you should try shaving yourself. basicly every were. it helps you be not as stinky.


Quoteyou should try shaving yourself. basicly every were. it helps you be not as stinky.

...You do that.


QuoteQuote from : panda

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"You guys dont know sweat untill you live in 130 degree weather.  I have thick leather boots, and i soak the leather all the way through. Sweat sucks.  Makes you stinky.

you should try shaving yourself. basicly every were. it helps you be not as stinky.

<.< >.> I do, but its still alot of sweat.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QuoteQuote from : CaptBrenden

QuoteQuote from : panda

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"You guys dont know sweat untill you live in 130 degree weather.  I have thick leather boots, and i soak the leather all the way through. Sweat sucks.  Makes you stinky.

you should try shaving yourself. basicly every were. it helps you be not as stinky.

<.< >.> I do, but its still alot of sweat.

Hey! try to have a  fragnant body powder every hour or two. That would also feel you comfortable...if you just do less work...i guess...


:P  Yeah, and then I get shit from the guys for smelling girly.  We are expected to be a little smelly.  Plus doing less work isnt really an option.  The shaving thing is also good for keeping cool too.  Cammies are designed to keep moisture from sweat near you to cool you like your hair does and keeps harmful radiation from the sun off of you.  The hair at that point is just redundant and keeps you warmer.  thats also why alot of guys shave their heads or cut it really short out here (plus the shorter you cut it the less often it has to be cut to stay in regs)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QuoteQuote from : CaptBrenden

:P  Yeah, and then I get shit from the guys for smelling girly.  We are expected to be a little smelly.  Plus doing less work isnt really an option.  The shaving thing is also good for keeping cool too.

Well that's because I dunno where you are at the moment Bro  ;001


Still In Iraq for about a week.  Due to the fact that we have to shower sleep and work togeather sometions (on ship) in spaces no bigger than a closet, marines tend to be very homophobic.  Anything they feel is "gay" could earn you a ass whooping just to make sure it dosnt go further, for their own peice of mind.  Im not saying thats good, but thats the way it is, so at work I avoid such things as fragernet body powder
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Yeah, I'd avoid that Capt. o.o

My uncle did a stay in Bosnia, so I can understand where you're coming from with the excessive heat and things.
Just try and keep your cool, it'll be over soon. Stay safe in the meantime <3
So cute it\'s deadly!