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Started by Darknight_88, February 20, 2008, 11:46:48 PM

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Oh... by the way... Nejin, the word "Jap" is a World War II word used by "The Allies" in many insults to their society. I suggest you make no use of it as some Japanese people feel offended when referenced by that word. I say it cause I've seen it happen myself. Just saying though.
Hoo. Didn't know.
Well, that's just me being generally and heartlessly oblivious to the opinion of society. I just think it sounds like a shortened version of "Japanese", like "Brit" is a shortened "British" and so on. But I guess all cases have their own complications. Thanks ^_^


If I want to abbrev. Japanese I just use AZN (wich is quite general, but most people understand what I mean
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


somehow i see that as more insulting...
my mind is fucked up.



Actually, I don't see "Jap" as a derogatory term. But since in the USA it's seen as a derogatory term, I think Kiso is right.
Just call them Japanese.
Or moon people.


Nope, you're right.
Elevens is the best to go with, ha. ^^


It's (nearly?) all finished...I could have added hair highlighting, but I kinda liked it the way it was...


Wow...we actually got back on topic after this long...


Alright...  Well Im glad i took the time to read through this thead a bit more thuroughly.

Nejin on this page alone you have 2 counts of offensive language which must stop post haste.   First the "jap" comment, which is indeed as he says an offensive term.  Just as calling a person of arab decent a "haji" or a mexican a "spic" or black people the "n" word.  I apologize to all for my use of these words but its being used to illistate my point.  However it seems you really were not aware and I will not hold that one against you, Ill just remind you and EVERYONE that such slurs in the future will be bannable offences.  Ive made it quite clear before that everyone is welcome on this forum and no one should feel offended here if at all possible.

That brings me to my second offence of language against you.  The second word was removed because there is no doubt in my mind you know what it means, that it is offence if to some people even dispite your misspelling of it (which for all i know was to avoid the language filter)  If your confused to which word I refer to, its the one you used in the same place as the "jap" comment in question and has been edited out.

I already know of one person who will remain nameless who will be raging about that when he finds out about it.  Just as racial slurs are not allowed, neither are offensive slurs towards people of alternate lifestyles and preferences.  

In summery... the first comment I will ignore as you were un aware that it was a slur, the second is your first and last warning on the subject.   To be even briefer... Watch your FUCKING LANGUAGE or you will be banned.

Now, on topic....

Bella-san.  I enjoy looking at your art quite a bit, but if I may, Id like to make a note/saggestion.  Ive noticed that your main issue is your proportions.  

not the best tutorial but here:
its all i could find on short notice. Ive got better books on it in my libary, but im in a rush and cant scan them now.

The best way to figure out proportions is using the head length method.  Depending on the style of character your trying to draw a differnt head ratio may be required (such as in extream, chibbies can be drawn with a 2 to 3 head length ratio)  childeren or younger characters use fewer heads.  a baby/infant would be 4 heads, teen 6, and adult can or tall character could be up to 8.

Im glad you didnt get flamed for it, but someone did comment on Nejins thead that the legs on Mac there are waaaay long.  Hopefully if you apply and use this technique youll see instant improvement in your art.  

However when ever i make a critique and saggestion a complement always follows.  One of the things Ive noticed about your art and have always enjoyed is your unerstanding of how clothing folds and how to abriviate it to capture the sence of the fabric without requiring exessive lines.  Im not sure if its something you conciously make an effort on or if it comes naturaly but its very good. Bravo.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


ow c***! now i realize how poor my drawing is... *eats his fist in frustration*
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^

Gussy Keniji

QuoteCosmo Gunny, on Wakachan's /os/ wrote:


This is what happens when coperate businesses try to dive into our realm of moe-anthromorphism's like tryin to get a Cat and a Dog to make's not gonna end well...

might toss my lil take on these 2 in a bit



drawing improves with time and practice. I feel even someone with not talent what so ever if they are willing to work at it can draw well.. if they strive to.  "Im not good" or "i have no talet" is whats holding people back :/
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


well, at least i've got the right attitude... and after just a week or so i shoudn't be expecting any mona lisa's but i still do... *an artist is never happy...*

but it is annoying to have a brilliant picture in your head wich ends up terrible on paper...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^

Gussy Keniji

Quotebut it is annoying to have a brilliant picture in your head wich ends up terrible on paper...

Amen broduh...Amen...



Something that I just realized... these will obviously become THE official canon OS-tans! No matter how we look at it, it was the mother company of the softwares that made the drawings.

And I guess I have to include them on the wiki thread... as much as I hate to even think on it. All my work... brought to a mute point because of a whim from a seemingly uncreative company. T_T
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No worries. If we just can stop it from being socially known and accepted, nothing will happen.