NetBSD-tan Design >>EDITED<<

Started by Neko Ed, December 19, 2007, 11:43:12 AM

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Neko Ed

Okay, I've come up with a great design for a NetBSD-tan. One problem. I can't draw worth crap. Credit to me, Neko Ed, for the design would be appreciated but is by no means mandatory. Okay, here goes.

First of all, she's 18 years old, but looks around 15-16.
She has long, straight, black hair that transitions to white at the tips, with hair ribbons that strongly resemble the NetBSD flag logo (down to the exact color of said logo).
(Old graphics displays were monochrome.)
She is heterochromic, that is, her eyes are different colors. Left eye is green, right eye is amber.
(Think old serial terminals, which had persistent-phosphor CRT screens that typically had one color, this would typically be either green or amber.)
She wears a pair of red, plastic-frame glasses, with moderately-sized lenses.
(Why red? Think BSD. Why glasses? See explanation for her clothes.)
She wears a classic Japanese schoolgirl uniform, white top, with orange (The NetBSD flag logo's orange, that is, everywhere orange is mentioned) collar piece, orange tie with old Bell System logo in the tie point, and an orange skirt. Socks are typical white, shoes are orange.
(I've heard people say that they think of NetBSD as a quiet schoolgirl, and I thought to myself "Sure, that works for me." This is also why she has glasses. The Bell System logo is an indication of BSD's heritage, being forked initially from the Bell Labs Research Unix, specifically, 6th Edition Unix.)
She also has small red devil horns and a red devil tail.
(Self explanatory, but in case anyone doesn't know, this is of course a reference to the original BSD mascot.)
She also has a carry bag which looks like a chrome, two-slot toaster with a handle between the two slots, in black.
(NetBSD is incredibly portable, and, possibly in the most famous example of this, was ported to an embedded system housed within a toaster.)
She has a small chest.
(NetBSD requires both little RAM and little HDD space.)

Feel free to repost the design elsewhere, though if you do that, I request that you repost it exactly as it's written here, with no modifications, though additions after the end in the form of postscripts are okay.


Woohoo!  ;010
Another forum member who likes Unix-or-like-tans, and a creator of one at that! I'm very impressed by your addition of NetBSD references in this character, you clearly know quite a bit about BSD!

First off, I love your design ideas (I hope we see more!). They're fresh and multi-layered, and seem to mesh quite well with some of the other BSD designs. FYI, there's a OpenBSD:

And C-Chan's FreeBSD:

And there's also a Bell Labs Unix-sama, in addition to many other fan-made Unix-tan designs.

QuoteFirst of all, she's 18 years old, but looks around 15-16.
She has long, straight, black hair that transitions to white at the tips, with hair ribbons that strongly resemble the NetBSD flag logo (down to the exact color of said logo).
(Old graphics displays were monochrome.)
She is heterochromic, that is, her eyes are different colors. Left eye is green, right eye is amber.  (Think old serial terminals, which had persistent-phosphor CRT screens that typically had one color, this would typically be either green or amber.)

As for the age, I think this will work (because, due to their OS design simplicity, some of the Unix-sama as well as some Unix-tans appear younger than they actually are).

The dark hair sounds a lot like some of my Unix-tan concepts (I often envision Unix-tans as having dark hair), but the highlights are sure to add some interest! I approve of the heterochromic eye color (especially as FreeBSD-chan has green eyes!)

I like the NetBSD flag hair bows, too!

QuoteShe wears a pair of red, plastic-frame glasses, with moderately-sized lenses. She wears a classic Japanese schoolgirl uniform, white top, with orange (The NetBSD flag logo's orange, that is, everywhere orange is mentioned) collar piece, orange tie with old Bell System logo in the tie point, and an orange skirt. Socks are typical white, shoes are orange.
(I've heard people say that they think of NetBSD as a quiet schoolgirl, and I thought to myself "Sure, that works for me." This is also why she has glasses. The Bell System logo is an indication of BSD's heritage, being forked initially from the Bell Labs Research Unix, specifically, 6th Edition Unix.)

I like the concept for the outfit...Schoolgirl outfits are always cute! I can't say I 100% approve of the Bell Systems logo, as Bell (AT&T) and Berkley fought over to whom the Unix copyrights belong. But I personally like the reference, as both Bell Labs Unix-sama and Plan9-tan (If I remember correctly) have the Bell Systems logo worked into their designs.

As for the's a well known fact I'm quite the megane fan! Plus I've always envisioned many Unix-tans as having glasses (going back to their matriarch ;) )

QuoteShe also has small red devil horns and a red devil tail.
(Self explanatory, but in case anyone doesn't know, this is of course a reference to the original BSD mascot.)

Hmmm...Sounds good to me!

QuoteShe also has a carry bag which looks like a chrome, two-slot toaster with a handle between the two slots, in black.
(NetBSD is incredibly portable, and, possibly in the most famous example of this, was ported to an embedded system housed within a toaster.)
She has a small chest.
(NetBSD requires both little RAM and little HDD space.)

Woot! The famed BSD toaster! Never would have thought of adding that, but it adds quite a bit of quirky BSD flair! As for her reasonable endowment, sounds good. I've always disliked unreasonably big-chested designs -____-

I can't say I'll do a drawing; I'm quite backlogged with my drawings as it is, but this will be perfect for future references. I'd volunteer C-Chan (JK :P), except he's quite busy...

*Runs off to find C-Chan, since he's the BSD-tan expert, and can give a much better critique than I...*

Neko Ed

Well, I'm a big-time Windows/Mac detractor, my main system runs Linux, pretty much all the rest of the 21 systems in my collection run NetBSD or some OS that was designed for them. As a computer collector, I of course love technological history, and the things that run on the computers is no exception to the love (I also collect OSes and ICs, in fact), so naturally I've studied quite a bit about this stuff.

Thanks for the kind words about my design, feel free to get to it whenever you can, I'm also hoping for anyone else who wants to draw her to do so... I tried posting the design to Nijiura and iichan, too, but both of my posts were (rather rudely, IMO) deleted from their respective locations...

Thanks again and have a nice day. :D


QuoteWell, I'm a big-time Windows/Mac detractor, my main system runs Linux, pretty much all the rest of the 21 systems in my collection run NetBSD or some OS that was designed for them. As a computer collector, I of course love technological history, and the things that run on the computers is no exception to the love (I also collect OSes and ICs, in fact), so naturally I've studied quite a bit about this stuff.

Cool! I love OS history as well, I mostly design old, pre 80's OS-tans (though not exclusively).

I like Linux; I run Ubuntu (virtualized, as a dual-boot would void my warranty) along with WinXP. I've tried a few distros but Ubuntu is awesome, it's as polished as XP or OS X, IMHO...Never tried BSD, maybe someday...

QuoteThanks for the kind words about my design, feel free to get to it whenever you can, I'm also hoping for anyone else who wants to draw her to do so... I tried posting the design to Nijiura and iichan, too, but both of my posts were (rather rudely, IMO) deleted from their respective locations...

Thanks again and have a nice day.

OSC has always been a pretty kind place for those wishing to design their own OS-tans :) We love new ideas here!


I'm sorry, with all the stuff I had to do these past 2 weeks, I didn't realize this thread was here.  SorrySorrySorry.  ^^;

*starts typing response*

Added after 25 minutes:

QuoteOkay, I've come up with a great design for a NetBSD-tan. One problem. I can't draw worth crap.

Inability to draw is not necessarily a liability here, but for that to work you need the right mindset.  ^^

In other words....

No confidence = No chance  ^V^;

In any event, Bella can vouch that I was hoping to draw a NetBSD-tan a few months ago, but stopped short due to time constraints AND an inability to settle upon a stable design.  Fortunately, you came just in time to propose a great design.  ^^

QuoteFirst of all, she's 18 years old, but looks around 15-16.

Likely not of exceptional height either.  CHECK!

QuoteShe has long, straight, black hair that transitions to white at the tips, with hair ribbons that strongly resemble the NetBSD flag logo (down to the exact color of said logo).

Oh yeah, that sounds a helluva lot more interesting.  CHECK! ^^

QuoteShe is heterochromic, that is, her eyes are different colors. Left eye is green, right eye is amber.
(Think old serial terminals, which had persistent-phosphor CRT screens that typically had one color, this would typically be either green or amber.)

That seems to be of growing popularity in recent years.  However, up until now no *Nix-tan has really benefited from this curious feature, so CHECK!  ^___^

QuoteShe wears a pair of red, plastic-frame glasses, with moderately-sized lenses.

I wanted her to be intellectually inclined, so I like this.  CHECK.  ^___^

QuoteShe wears a classic Japanese schoolgirl uniform, white top, with orange (The NetBSD flag logo's orange, that is, everywhere orange is mentioned) collar piece, orange tie with old Bell System logo in the tie point, and an orange skirt. Socks are typical white, shoes are orange.
(I've heard people say that they think of NetBSD as a quiet schoolgirl, and I thought to myself "Sure, that works for me." This is also why she has glasses. The Bell System logo is an indication of BSD's heritage, being forked initially from the Bell Labs Research Unix, specifically, 6th Edition Unix.)

None other than a NetBSD user could've come across that analogy.  Double DOUBLE for an extra dosage of MOE CHECK!!! ^v^

QuoteShe also has small red devil horns and a red devil tail.

Actually, here I might diverge a little.  How about grey horns and grey tail?  Just to keep her colors distinct from FreeBSD-tan (predominantly red) and OpenBSD-tan (predominantly yellow).

QuoteWoot! The famed BSD toaster! Never would have thought of adding that, but it adds quite a bit of quirky BSD flair! As for her reasonable endowment, sounds good. I've always disliked unreasonably big-chested designs -____-


QuoteI can't say I'll do a drawing; I'm quite backlogged with my drawings as it is, but this will be perfect for future references. I'd volunteer C-Chan (JK :P), except he's quite busy...

*Runs off to find C-Chan, since he's the BSD-tan expert, and can give a much better critique than I...*

OMG, you actually called me a BSD-tan expert.  O___o;

Sorry though for not getting to this post earlier (Bella-san should've told me.... *twitch twitch*  ^^x), but yeah I also wouldn't have minded turning your creation into reality.  It's inevitable that I will do so at some point, since the free BSD trio figures heavily in one of my proposed story points.  ^^

QuoteWell, I'm a big-time Windows/Mac detractor, my main system runs Linux, pretty much all the rest of the 21 systems in my collection run NetBSD or some OS that was designed for them. As a computer collector, I of course love technological history, and the things that run on the computers is no exception to the love (I also collect OSes and ICs, in fact), so naturally I've studied quite a bit about this stuff.

Sugoiness.  ^___^
In that case, you're gonna LOVE this place.  No OS is too old, too small, too obscure to draw.... just as long as you actually draw it, of course.  ^^;

QuoteThanks for the kind words about my design, feel free to get to it whenever you can, I'm also hoping for anyone else who wants to draw her to do so... I tried posting the design to Nijiura and iichan, too, but both of my posts were (rather rudely, IMO) deleted from their respective locations...

Um,... yeah, guess you had to learn the hard way that... posting design proposals in said image boards for less-than-mainstream systems is not a good idea per se.  ^^;

QuoteOSC has always been a pretty kind place for those wishing to design their own OS-tans  We love new ideas here!

I prefer to think that that's what gives us our distinction.  Granted not all our members are involved in and/or even behind the designing of completely original characters, we still have enough activity going on to prove that we can put our money where our mouthes are.  ^^

QuoteHere's a quick sketch:

That there be FREAKIN' awesome!! ^V^

Awwwww yeah, I'm definitely liking that!  ^_____^

Actually,... since I'm still feeling guilty.... are you still working on this Bella-san, or are you busy with other things.  If the latter, I suppose I could try redeeming myself by coloring/shading her if you want me to.  ^^


*swoon process execute*
...I think I'll just go play Supreme Commander before I start swooning all over the place, this time.



Not to be negative, It's always good with new -tan designs and all,
but I feel that this design has too much of the "everything must symbolism something".
In the end it can become really tiresome for the artists to keep up cheking that they get all the "symbolism" in the character and the character might end up overdetailed and kinda "bloated" with design details.

But hey, this is only my opinion though.


Sou?  ''

I now what you mean, and I can certainly say that over 80% of all Mecha Musume suffer from this near-grotesque over-saturation of symbolic and/or literal detail.  However, in NetBSD-tan's case, I think the Japanese school uniform defuses that a lot since that's such an oft-used design element.

So as far as critiques go, I have the exact reverse opinion.  Unless someone takes the time to read the description and realize that there was a rhyme and reason to using a school uniform in this instance, I think the design risks looking too generic for the average viewer.  Pull any meganekko from your run-of-the-mill high school harem Anime, slap on horns and a tail, give her a toaster,... and voila!  Instant Net BSD-tan,... or so they would think.  ^^'

Fortunately, the design is only half the battle, and what will really make her shine is how NetBSD-tan can be used in any story.  Since this will inevitably flesh out her personality more AND will mandate artists to simplify her design a lot (for ease of drawing), that will surely take care of both our concerns.  ^____^

(Oh, and FYI,... I'm also wondering whether this thread is slowing turning into a candidate for OS-tan Art section placement.)


Yes, mecha musumes are mostly very overdetailed.
Only time will tell what this -tan will become.

Now that you mention it, this thread should be moved to the art section.

Uh oh...
...I wont promise anything, but think I'm going to try drawing NetBSD-tan.



*C-chan secretly sighs with relief*  Don't get me wrong, but I'm just dead tired from drawing all those comic panels.... XvX;

Besides, you're a fine artist so NetBSD-tan is bound to shine with you.  -v-


Except packing I don't have much to do, and I've been out of practice lately...I might give it a quick shot, too.
Don't flame me for the end result though ^-^;


just got my sketch done, but my scanner is being an ass to me. -.- I'll see if i can scan it morningssu, otherwise i'll hand it in when i come home on sunday. meh, but to tell you, it included hairclips and a labcoat that just hopped onto her. I dunno why, it just happened and drew itself on her. NOT part of the design. Er. Now I should sleep, ya...


It's a race! I'm gonna start workin' on my vector sketch ASAP!

Nice job, Vondaab! And I can't wait to see your design, Nejin!