Strange things you've eaten because you were bored.

Started by Kyo-Chan, October 09, 2007, 05:07:57 PM

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ah, i love how a simple mind plant can actually work out. xD it was a joke xD
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Then again, that makes Jam pretty dirty as well. Creole, Lady Marmalade? ;)


"Let em figure it out the way i did Lois: with a can of crisco and a shot glass. That's the natural way."
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......doing that with lemons and limes, even covered in sugar, would hurt. :[
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Well i had an odd combo yesterday...
Was hungry and bored with the usual bread n stuff so i decided to cook me up some rice with a bit of sugar and some butter...
But while the rice was cooking the water in the pan dropped to almost above the rice and i thought, hey why not toss in a couple of teaspoons of instant-beef-gravy instead of the butter...
so i did and it ended up as rice in gravy with sugar... didn't look like much but it tasted really good in a funny kinda way ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


today i have been feeling  a very odd rush of creative energy, and i suddenly have the urge to make all this japanese food. ^^ my mum was even suggesting we get a rice cooker. (FINALLY, i've been begging for one for months ^^) \
when i make oden i'll let y'all know how it turns out. ^^ same goes for the minestrone i wanted to make (ik, not japanese, but still warm and TASTY), and all the others, including the sata andagi! <P

i had minestrone yesterday. ^^ i miss it--it's SOOOOOO good~ :9~~~
and i have a biscut left from it.
........i should get dinner soon ^^;
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mah friend here (she will be making an account in a few minutes ^^ yay, twice the fail! ) has wittnessed someone's mom so overcook a meatloaf that it was crunchy on the outside--crystallized on the inside.


.....why does that remind me of crystal meth?

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does a penis shaped hard candy count? if not then my arm, because ppl have told me that i taste good.... o.0;


Um yeah, that would be a strange thing to eat.  Were you at bachelorette party or somethin'?

The Choice of a New Generation.


no, we're just pervs.

hmm, i have been eating so little lately that i seem to be imitating happy noodle boy: *breathes in* "yum, air!"

does air count as food? sponges kinda get their food that way... :\
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Aurora Borealis

I think sponges get their food from nutrients in the water or something.

Anyways, that's not good you're eating so little! But then again I'm guilty of that sometimes because I'm usually too lazy to even make a bowl of cereal in the morning!

Weirdest thing I've eaten? Cucumbers dipped in chocolate pudding but it wasn't because I was bored. There was a salad bar at the Pizza Hut and while waiting for the pizza to get to my table I decided to combine the two things from the salad bar I know I like!


i want pudding now.

or better yet, as to anger my digestive system by having dairy (i think i made myself lactose intolerant O___o; ) yougurt with cheese in it. it's also good if you mix goldfish (the cheesy crackers) into it. salty, sweet, creamy and crunchy. sounds wrong, tastes right! <3
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I ate something i was allergic to....that count?


i'm allergic to sesame, which means i can't eat traditional sushi. :[
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Aurora Borealis

I really want some pudding right now. -__-

It's a bad idea to eat foods you're allergic to! People can DIE from that!