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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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Dr. Mario

;020 Agreed, Captain.

Added after 8 minutes:

Well, beside the flags, Bill Gates didn't chant "S*** H***!" in germany, instead, he was chanting IT in Japanese. (Since I was deafened for long times, then I got some kind of hearing aid (not the usual one), I learnt Japanese linguistic (from my Japanese friend). Apart from living in USA for whole of my life, I never understood english speaking, anyways. I felt like a poodle dog who would only understand spanish language...)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


This Bill Gates picture makes me want to become Stauffenberg only with more success!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I remember seeing that image before. Don't remember where though. XD

Quote from: "Dr. Mario"
Ragenule, you're not alone. I even had dream of Bill Gates being Adolf Hitler.... (You know, Nazi skinheads with Windows flags...)
Funny. You get the impresonator and I get the actual Adolf Hitler. What's even more frighting is that he keeps popping up in my dreams! O__O; He won't leave me alone! ;O; *hides in the corner*

Dr. Mario

Yeah, with Japanese-speaking skinheads.... (shudders) Anyways, I always dream of falling off the bookshelf and, or the bed flipping as a child ( I stopped dreaming it up when I was 14 or 15 years old - after all, I'm 19 years old now...) - it always wake me up dazed!!!! It felt like I'm going to fall off! Well, I did dreamt up of actual Hitler, only to have strangest voice, only to hear him gibbering, after I regain my hearing (with CI, anyways,) it got scarily clear, he was speaking in Germanic accent... Then, he suddenly speaks in Japanese, saying "S*** H***", with frog-sounding voice - which was funny... Because he always have deep voice, but in my dream, he sounds like a frog attempting to speak in Japanese. O_O (!!!!)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...

Dr. Mario

;015 Wow... it looks like it have been deserted....
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...

Meiko Taniguchi

It was one of those dreams where I initally had my dreams fulfilled (to drive a Le Mans Prototype, like this:

So, I jumped in that car, fired up the engine, and out of the pit lane I was to be at the front of a huge 48 car grid (with 12 cars in each class). So all 48 of us made one formation lap... then green flag, green flag...

typical dream...

except this time, something really bad happens to me. I was racing along the circuit for a good 90 minutes when suddenly my steering and brakes fail, and with the throttle now stuck, blasting down the pit stretch at over 330 km/h (roughly 200 mph for the Americans who don't quite know how fast 330 km/h is)...

I thought I was gonna s*** my overalls going at that high speed, and knowing I can't turn OR slow down for the wall, I could've... except it was too late.

BOUM! My car careens into the "catch fence" at over 310 km/h (it somehow skipped the sand trap), and it rips my car apart...

Of course, I died. Very few (if anyone) can survive under that condition.
Drive fast... crash faster.


doubt it.   cant die in your dreams the experts say. die in your dreams die irl.  wake up at the last second, now that is just fine.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Dr. Mario

True. Capt, you got the point. The dream, can be weird - it just feel vivid, then you wakes up alive... @_@
(sigh) I'm still alive....
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...

Dr. Mario

;_; No one want to chat here...

(Either that or I might be a thread killer... >_<)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Quote from: "Dr. Mario";_; No one want to chat here...

(Either that or I might be a thread killer... >_<)
I was just going to revive this thread. XD

Last night, I had two weird dreams. Although, you could say that the first one was nightmare.

While I don't remember much of it, it literally scared the crap out of me. I was with some guy at the park near by my house and the two of us found these human bones in the sand. I looked up and I saw another guy walking towards me with his bike. My body froze for that period of time. When he finally realized I wasn't moving, he dropped his bike and ran towards me, tackled me down right next to the human bones and literally tried to rape me. And you wanna know what else? The guy I was with just started to walk away like nothing was happening!

My second dream was that I was in this room and I was watching TV. Then, all of a sudden, I'm inside this place where I'm seeing Sponge Bob characters (and a few original characters). The last thing I remember from that dream was that I'm Sponge Bob doing some stupid dance while credits are rolling playing the tune... Rei Chikara from Inuyasha. If you're never heard the track, find the first OST, download Rei Chikara, and then you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Dr. Mario

Thank... T_T I thought I literally murdered this thread... (I have several being left for dead... Even my own thread... O_O)

... I had one worse nightmare. ;_;
One night, I walked around the park around emperor's castle (the Japanese emperor's, if you would like to know.) - I was looking around, then suddenly those lamp post blew up. As soon as hot glass hit ground, I realize one thing I hated the most: human skeleton crawling around the creepiest way, then attacked the old man who was walking around to embraced the rose (*_* He didn't mind the light, just kept on musing around the flowers) - then dragged him around like a doll... ;_; It spotted me as I lifted my foot, I was going to say, "oh sh*t!" but I was too scared to say it - it jumped like some sort of freak frog!!! It began to attack me like a Germany Shepard on meth - it was moving so fast it blurs - as it touched me - I woke up scared like hell.

... Now, to exorcise my fear out.
One dream, seemingly twisted, anyways (not sick, but rather weird) - I was sitting on a train (Amtrak) heading for California, know who I saw? Real-life Emuii-san. She was sitting next side of row - turned around, took a good look at me, saying, "are you going home?" my heart jumped. I said, "in what?" - in Japanese. She replied back, "Tokyo - It's the same place I'm going there." I began to sweat - How did she know? As the train began to move, I proceed to talk to her, "Who are you?" Emuii said, "I'm Emuii. As in Me-tan. I do look like her. However, I'm clumsy after all, and my sister does get pretty mad sometimes...", began to shed tear. I went to her side, remembering about Me-tan's weapon - I proceed cautiously... She began to pull on me, hugging my arm - saying, "Don't leave me alone!!!" I had to sit next to her, Emuii began to work her magic - as we passed into the tunnel, POOF - USA go bye-bye we're on JR's speeding bullet the next moment - I freaked out. My thought was, "How the hell do the train changed in the thin air!!!" O_O - Now, I got jumpy as I saw JR station... We got off the train, Emuii-san said, "Now, you're home!" I was nervous, but anxious to be home - WHACK - I was pinned by 2k-tan... (She thought I did something wrong to Emuii - RAPED HER??? NO!) As I was brought into their house - frankly, I had funny feeling when I woke up, only to see Norton-kun yelling at me (of course, I'm deaf, duh...) - I looked around, only to see my luggage against the wall - I stared so hard at Norton-kun that he's not in cartoon form, I was beginning to have a bad feeling... As I put my CI back on, Norton said, "What are you doing here, eh?" I was paralyzed, knowing I was in OS-tan's house... O_O 2k came in and apologized to me for whacking my head, and explained to me, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were innocent - I thought you were doing something nasty to her - she explained that you were only with her to comfort her..." then left. I walked out of guest room, only to be greeted by Homeko, "Did you enjoy your stay?" with lusty voice (I was jumpy when I heard the tone of her voice) - I asked her why I was here, she replied that 2k made a mistake so she brought me here then, O_O Saseko asked me if I could do anything. I reluctantly declined the offer - then my wife came in, looked around - found me, delighted to see that I'm okay, then I looked at 95-sama putting my jacket on, I thanked her - she also mentioned that I had a nicely-made samurai sword *-*, I left the place, onward to my home - WTF, the house had a huge gun muzzle on top of the roof!!! As I got home, I saw Homeo jokingly put Tabasco in my cousin's lunch, watching him screaming around for water. I was like, "stop it, Homeo - wait a minute... I think I will go bed..." as I went sleep in my comfy room, I woke up, realized that I had weird encountering of OS peoples, in my dream..
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Holy crap, that's freaky! O_O;

Dr. Mario

True. I have been dreaming about those OS character, including my own GO-tan (she was a bit shadowy cuz I didn't draw her up yet...)... T_T It was messed up...

Word of "messed up",

I woke up, then ran down, seeing my cousin screaming around for water, and I lifted a Japanese version Tabasco. I dropped it in surprised trance (It was EXACTLY the same kind of sauce that Homeo used in my dream - and my cousin screamin' for water - the same!) O_O
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Holy crap! O_O;
Maybe you were predicting the future! I tend to do that sometimes. ^^;

Dr. Mario

T H A T was what I thought... T_T
(I even predict the future in my sleep...)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...