Introduction to OS-tans

Started by Bella, April 22, 2007, 04:26:57 PM

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Just wondering how everyone here found out about the OS-tans...

I found out about them while researching OS advocacy and zealotry on wikipedia. I stumbled across the page, and the second I saw them...I knew I found something great :D


I found them through wikipedia.


After a long search through google image search, after finding an XP-tan wallpaper at some forum. Had to try several key words until finding the same wallpaper @ minitokyo. Then I learnt about the term "OS-tans", which lead me to Wakachan, Otakubell, and other OS-tan related sites.


I just happened to stumble upon a little article on wikipedia about OS anime characters.


First i got a Wallpaper from my friend where i could see Xp-Tan and i wondered who she was. Because i never saw her before in any mangas nor in animes. (my friend didn't know her either)

Then i started to search for her (Xp-Tan) it was hard to find anything because i didn't know that she was called "Xp-tan" i didn't know the name "troubled Windows" too -.-
so i search a whole week for her until i found the openning song from "otakubell"

and from there i found the name of xp-tan and the title where she coes from^^

and per google picture search i found this forum^^ hehehe
and joined  them  ;010
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


the usual, saw ME on the net, then worked my way up!
My my, aren't you lovely~


Was browsing /f/ on 4chan about three years ago, and someone posted the Troubled Windows flash.  Fell in love with them right there.  ;)


I searched in Wikipedia for "Tux" and found a link to OS-tan...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I found Firefox-sama some year ago, then on this new year's eve i was doing some neboke surfing, and after some random photobucket rampage, i stumbled across this place, and lurked for a month and a half. The rest is well documented ^_^


It was actually this site which introduced me to the OS-tans, though I didn't join initially. I instead perused the gallery and C-Chan's old art threads, plus a couple of others, until I thought I had read enough as to not insult someone. Unfortunately, I was quite wrong. ^^'

How I got to this site?... well I don't rightly remember. Probably google, or maybe Wikipedia? ^^;


*whacks Tsubashi w/ paper fan*

Even as a vampire you still self-depracate.... -v-

Probably long and buried by now, but I too was lured into OS-tans by Wikipe-tan.  -.-


vampire = goth = emo?

Anyhow, about 3-4 years ago, I saw the troubled windows flash, did a little research and loaded an archive of pictures.. it wasnt untill much later i discovered this dying shell of a forum... that of course as since changed (ahh the days when there may not be a fresh post for weeks at a time...)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Dreaming of moddin' that kinda forum, eh cappy? ^_^ Then again, I bet it's not half as fun as this, neee~?



I was actually looking for different pics of manga and anime girls through Google Image Search, and somehow fell upon a pic with the girls in it. Needless to say, I decided to research it more, and found the Wikipedia links and various other links, including the one to here.