What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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My advice?  Just download UNETBootin.  It's a lot easier to make a live USB then it is to get a live disk working.


@Kari: Nice :3

So, looking at the Black Friday ad for Walmart, I'm tempted by a laptop they have...but honestly, I think I'll stick it out with Asagi II a little while longer; since I'm about to go back to Pizza Hut, and I intend on my last big purchase being Super Smash Bros. for Wii U


@stew: sometimes, but some older computers aren't capable of booting from usb. :\
@pent: my mum was thinking of purchasing a laptop. you're a black friday guru, should she nab it during the post-thanksgiving day of deals or should she wait till a few weeks before christmas? (i'm thinking the former, since the latter may only discount things like toys and holiday-specific items.)

so Tereby's kind of a fucking joke. she's got a decent processor, which means nothing since she only has 2gb of ram. and she can't really connect to the internet at all, so i have to borrow a facilitator from Claire to make it happen (since mine doesn't seem to want to do shit).

on the upside, i found a usb extension cord hidden in some of my stuff. helpful since all her ports are in the back. :0
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What processor do you have in there?

As far as laptops, I'd advise against trying to fight the crowds at Walmart on Black Friday; their laptops look alright, but nothing worth that madness. However, if there's an Office Depot in your area (Or possibly an OfficeMax; given they're pretty much the same company now), they have some very nice laptops on sale that I'd suggest taking a look at


i forget the specifics but i know it's a 3ghz, and possibly a dual core (it listed 2). highest processor i've ever had, so i'm happy about that, at least, even if the rest of her is utter shit.

i'm likely going to upgrade the ram and try to get a better set of speakers at some point. >>; (and by better i mean smaller.)
probably a new mouse, too.
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If you want a new mouse, get a Logitech M100. They cost about $10 on average, are nicely built for the price, and will work on any OS with USB support :3


maybe. i may just get another hello kitty mouse, lol.
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Seconding the M100. I used to use one until my brother's mouse didn't want to work on his computer. My mouse worked on my brother's computer (the same one that eventually needed Windows reinstallation, it was always a pretty wonky computer, but not on the level of our Windows 7s until it had file corruption), and his mouse works on mine. Both computers were of the Windows 8.x variety at the time.


welp, as much as i appriciate the advice, we've begun to rethink our position on Tereby.

given her origins and everything, she had the POTENTIAL to be great....in her time. now is not her time. her time has passed, unfortunately.

what does this mean? Tereby's going to be a holdover computer (something i can use windows programs on) until we can revamp Loly. seems i've been underestimating her all these years and i really need to give her more credit. Claire thinks she has the potential to be something spectacular. but first, i need:

New Motherboard
New Hard Drive
New Ram (between 4-8gb)
New Processor (possibly?)

Claire thinks she has the potential to be a first-class gaming 'puter (for my purposes, anyway), if we can get the right parts at the right price. step one is the new MB, everything else will fail without it.

TL;DR: Tereby Mark I works, but that's all she's going to do. i'll make her comfortable and use her for nothing other than itunes, aegisub and skype, and pour all my time, money, and efforts into blinging the shit out of Loly.

Loly Mark II Starts Now.
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Cool :3

BTW, if you want to use more than 4GB RAM, you'll have to go with a 64-bit Windows. You'll lose 16-bit Windows compatibility...but there are ways around this, if you want to venture into the world of Virtualbox -w-
(Although, not required for Chip's Challenge; as there is Tile World, a fan-made recreation of the game's engine, where all you have to do is drop in the CHIPS.DAT file from the original game and begin playing)


yeah, i'm aware, Claire explained it. given that i can cobble together a way to play Theme Hospital on there, i think it'll be okay, so that's what we're doing.

reporting in from Tereby. she's sorta shitty, but she "functions".

anyone have a copy of XP SP3 lying around? anyone willing to dig through the install files to find me a language pack i'm missing?
(cplexe.exe and there was another)
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anyone with a copy of XP SP3 on a disk, lying around, can relieve me of a week and a half of frustration and internet searching by opening the iso with their favourite archive program, and then searching for a simple file:


this is the file needed to display east asian languages on windows XP. for some reason mine either doesn't have a copy or the copy isn't in the right place, and i can't find one online (the closest i've been able to come is a .rar file filled to the brim with .dlls, which, as we all know, are subject to suspicion since i can't virii scan them). i'm at a bit of a loss since i even torrented a copy of XP and IT didn't contain the file i needed. microsoft seems to have removed all trace of XP's updates from its' site, and also seems to be blind to the idea that people can install XP AFTER the cutoff date last summer. there was nothing in the automatic updates, the only language packs offered on the site are bonus languages (optional ones you can install onto your computer one at a time, such as Croatian and Thai) and even then i think those are meant to translate the whole damn computer into that language rather than just display it (not that it matters, they don't have Japanese, Korean, or Chinese anyway). Claire has no idea what the hell is going on and i'm at a loss. so, solutions, files, or anything else would be VASTLY appreciated, since now i can't even use Tereby as a holdover computer. >>;
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I have my copy of XP out, and will see if the file's on there later; I have work, unfortunately, so there will be an approx. 9-hour delay on getting those files to you :\


I think I have a Japanese version, but it's an ISO, and I should double check anyways, even if it logically should have the file. Edit: It has the file, like I expected.

I think I can still find the original torrent if that would work.


I might be able to get the file, but unfortunately it'd take me a while! Anything Windows related is in my brother's house, but I know he's got ISO's of all that stuff, and even a Windows Server (I think Win 2000 Server Edition? I may be wrong; I really don't know much about Windows!) that stores/serves all the updates for every version of Windows in existence (or so he brags to me :p). I'll help if necessary, or if I happen to go over there sooner than you can get the file!

I'm still running Gentoo Linux. Completely avoided the systemd fiasco that's ongoing so far since I use OpenRC (which I have loved ever since the first time I used it!) I don't really "like" Linux anymore to be honest though. I feel like every time I update anything, something new gets broken. I used to love dealing with that kind of stuff, like researching to figure out how to fix it, or coming up with ways to fix it myself. But I think I might be too old for that now; I just want stuff that works the way it used to work. :<

I also use FreeBSD occasionally. The only thing that stops me from using it 100% of the time is that the CMI audio driver seems to have been written before there were any official specifications released for the chips, so it doesn't have proper "mic boost". I need mic boost so I can use mumble to talk with my Internet friends while we play Quake! I -love- FreeBSD though. It's a really pleasant experience when I boot it and mostly everything just works the way I expect, just like Linux used to long ago.

I've looked into adding the bits of code I need to get mic boost working on the CMI driver btw, but I can't wrap my head around the code they've got. The Linux ALSA driver names all the registers and magic values just like in the CMI specifications for the chips, but the FreeBSD driver just uses magic numbers all over the place that I have to research and stuff. I feel like it'll take me a really long time to understand it enough to add what needs to be added (even though it's as simple as sending a value to a specific register on the chip when the "input gain" mixer setting is greater than 0% volume). Things like that kind of make me feel like I'm a bad programmer because I can't just dive in and fix it like I want, when I feel that other people definitely could. ;<

Do OSC people ever voice chat on e.g. mumble by the way? Maybe we could organize a game of some kind or something. I could also broadcast the weather; I'm told that I sound very much like a radio announcer. :p