C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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Aurora Borealis

The shading is very beautifully done! I wish I knew how to do shading like that! And combined with the super cuteness of CE-tan, DSL-tan and DSL-kun...

That's it! I am going to explode from such awesomeness!



Quite lovely, C-chan. If it hass got Amiga-sama in it, it's instant win desu~. ;) I'll make sure it and spread the word, some while back I posted her at the "English Amiga Board" and many of them luffed her.   :D

Also, instant approval of CE + DSL-Linux is also winrar material, though I agree that she seems somewhat.... excited. :p   Nevertheless, keep'em coming.

Techno the fox

*What's left of Techno reforms back into his original shape*

I'm back!

*Sees the pics of Amiga-tan and the finished DSL and CE-tan pic*


Oh....My...G....Techno Explodes!

Techno's voice in the wind: That is just AWESOME!!


QuoteThe lighting effects look wonderful.

Thank you Siya-san.  ^^
Given how wonderful your artwork is and how many beautiful new characters you've created for us, I'm beyond appreciative of that.  ^__^

QuoteWell you do an incredible job of it I can see where it would be impractical for a comic though, not only from a time POV....also because it seems to take quite a toll on the computer : | IE, it takes a lot more resources and exporting to bitmap takes tons longer....

Sou sou,... well having too much blur does eat up a lot of resources unnecessarily, which is why I often won't activate the blurring effects until the shapes are in place,... OR I put facets of the drawing in separate layers.  This one included six:

    - Background
    - CE-tan's hair, body, wings and log
    - CE-tan's head and pigtails
    - CE-tan's arm
    - The DSL Siblings
    - The black-framed border and the holographic Tux Paint

Since working with the DSL siblings with all those effects enabled was tedious, I simply hid CE-tan so that things went back to normal for a while. ^^

Also, the Export to bitmap is only ridiculously long after a certain dimension.  I initially tried to export it at 3200xwhatever, but there was no activity for over half-an-hour so I assumed it hung and restarted it.  Then I tried 2000xwhatever, and while it did take a while it wasn't any longer than 4 minutes.  In then I went for 2400xwhatever, and it clocked in a good 7 mintues,... not bad, but certainly too late by then for an earlier publish. ^^'

This is not so much an issue of size but of blurring effects (this wasn't a problem before in version 0.44).  I hear they fixed this a lot in version 0.46,... but so far, no clue when it will be released.  ;____;

QuoteHonestly, I'm kinda going the opposite way with my artwork....for most character designs and stuff I'm doing a lot of flat shading.

I do love your flat shaded stuff, so you know I'm behind you 100% on that.  ^^
But I'm not sure why it is that I've chosen to make more elaborate and time-consuming drawings when I used to be perfectly happy making fast, simple ones.  Inkscape 0.45 might be to blame, but then I also used to receive quite a bit of a flack from my older drawing style, and perhaps unconsciously felt like I had to prove my work was something to be proud of?

Either way, I think that's doen with, and I know feel like a weight's been lifted of my shoulder.  -v-
Sure I still have some nice pictures for y'all on queue (the Commodores and the Amigan family pictures... ^^), but I'd like to rediscover my roots and make some classic flat-shaders.  Might help that the only version of Inkscape I can [safely] put on my 3ePC-chan is 0.44.  ^^;

Quote*Points at C-Chan*

Haha, you just admited M$ got something right :P

I think iPhone-tan would be PO'd hearing that....XD

Sou?  ''
I dunno,... might be ignorant and all for saying this, but I never quite thought of an iPhone as a PDA.  Just,... you know....  a very fancy phone.  (the last PDA Apple had was Newton-chan)  ^^;

Still, it's not like my words hold much weight for poor CE-tan.  After all, I bought my 3ePC-chan because I want to carry around a C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R, not just a quarter-assed PC.  ^________^;
The reason why you've never since heard a thing about the Palm pilot I got for cheap (~$10USD) was because I simply couldn't get used to it.  ^^;
(writing Wiki articles on it ended up being a thumbpad-induced nightmare)

QuoteOooh, Miggy! That's a cool, retro background! Alfamille did a great job!

I want to hold a candlelight vigil to see if we can get Alfamille-san to pop in more.  ^______^


As promised.  ^^

QuoteThere's so many beautiful points I don't want to leave any out But the thing that impresses me most about your work is the attention to detail. Like the Captain pointed out, her eyes (especially the way the screen reflects in them) and the way her lips are highlighted. The DSLs are incredibly  detailed, and the little things like DSL-kun's shirt and the zipper on DSL-chan's bag really blow me away.

Thank you Bella-san.  ^^
Certainly a far cry from that plain ol' vector sketch, I hope. ^__^

The eyes I can't really take too much credit for, since this is essentially the Anime style, and well you have to credit those geniuses for knowing how to make the descendents of "Betty Boop"-style eyeballs look gorgeous.  Eventually in my tutorial I'll talk about my observations of Anime eyes, and the different styles used as well as the positioning of the fluid gloss.  This reflection of the holoscreen on her eyes is inspired from Tsubashi's second Newton-chan pic, but is also a common Anime technique, especially when you have characters staring at a computer screen.  I just thought it also helped make CE-sama look extra "monolithic".  ^___^

DSL-tan of course you can thank Aurora-sama for that, although I lament not having had the time to add even more Linux-inspired visual queues in there.  I had hoped to have cute stuff fall out of her bag, such as her toothpick and maybe objectified-representations of Dillo and other DSL apps (as well as CE-sama's USB staff), but at heart I'm still "on the clock".  ^^;
Still, I'm glad it came out good enough.  one of my last changes was to make the TuxPaint picture more elaborate (DSL-kun is supposed to be drawing CE-sama), but in the end I reverted it back to the green thing.  I figured he's still a very young boy and not very good at complicated drawings yet.  (BTW, anyone notice the paint driblets falling on CE-sama's arm? Just some mischief on my part...)  ^.^

QuoteBTW, anyone else think Miggy and CE-tan share an odd resemblance to one another? It's probably just above pic, with her hair in pigtails and all...

Well, after you've watched Anime for a while, everyone just seems to have a resemblance to eachother.  ^^;
Miggy's character design was originally a composite of Sakura Kinomoto from CCS Sakura and Miyu from Super Gals, so the fact that CE-sama is also based on Sakura Kinomoto kinda explains the resemblance right there.  ^.^

However, that's probably only for 1985 Miggy,... don't forget that modern day Miggy has her hair split down the center (whereas CE-sama is dome-haired), she has longer bangs, and also keeps her long hair tied into a ponytail rather than pigtails.  And she's also 6x bigger than CE-sama.  ^_________^

QuoteThe shading is very beautifully done! I wish I knew how to do shading like that!

Well you have already,... need you forget that I complimented your Leopard-chan Back to the Future pic PRECISELY because it used that kind of dynamic shading.  Eventually I'll get to a point in my tutorial where I'll explain how these effects can be engineered, although by then you won't need it anymore.

I will say this.....
All the "gleaming" highlighted areas require only four superimposed paths:

    1) The Shade path.  
    2) The Highlight path
    3) The Glow path
    4) The Gloss path

Don't forget that whereas in flat-shading I emphasized putting shaded paths above lighted ones, blurring no longer makes this possible so I'm switching to the reverse approach.  Shade first, then put your [blurred] highlights above].  These only require minimal blurring (say 2.0) to retain the soft-shade feel without sacrifcing the sharpness.

However, whereas before I just added plain white on top to simulate the hair gloss (which is still a common practice in many Anime titles), now I add this so-called "Glow" layer to colorize this glossy reflection.  Basically this "Glow" is just a path that loosely surrounds the gloss and takes the color of the light (in this case, yellow-orange).  Then you increase the blur to a high-level based on the needs of the picture (here, around 20.0 - 24.0) and the transparency is reduced to around 30 or 40 so that the Glow path is barely visible but still performs its intended purpose.  

This acts as a kind of "corona" to your Gloss path, and eventually makes it look as though the hair is glowing with the light.  ^^

As I like to say,... if you like it, try it and don't be afraid to make it better.  ^__^

QuoteAnd combined with the super cuteness of CE-tan, DSL-tan and DSL-kun...

That's it! I am going to explode from such awesomeness!


Fufufu... just as promised too!  ^___^
Now I can officially call you Sister!!!!!!  ^v^

*explodes just to join in the fun*

Also, hold that thought, cause I just saw that I'll need to explode much from page 29 of Zerosanity. ^_____________^

QuoteQuite lovely, C-chan. If it hass got Amiga-sama in it, it's instant win desu~.

Instant approval of CE + DSL-Linux is also winrar material, though I agree that she seems somewhat.... excited. Nevertheless, keep it up.

And of course, an exploding and swoonage session is not complete without the omnipotent presence of teh legendary AmigaBob.  ^______^
Thank you, kind sir!  ^v^\

And as for the excitement, since I know it's been mentioned more than once,....

I previously wrote that CE-sama's blushing is in part of watching very cute things, but is also because of a slight disbelief [and love] that there are in fact beings smaller than she is.  So yeah,... given my tastes,... I refuse to discount the likelihood that there is a degree of excitement involved.  ^^

But excitement of course has many degrees and facets thereof, so what kind of excitement you guys are envisiong is left ENTIRELY up to your imaginations....

*chuckles*  Â¯v¯

QuoteOh....My...G....Techno Explodes!

Oh, why the hell not.... MOSH PIT!!  ^V^

*C-chan explodes among friends*


QuoteThis is not so much an issue of size but of blurring effects (this wasn't a problem before in version 0.44). I hear they fixed this a lot in version 0.46,... but so far, no clue when it will be released. ;____;

Hmmm..I'm curious too...

QuoteI do love your flat shaded stuff, so you know I'm behind you 100% on that. ^^
But I'm not sure why it is that I've chosen to make more elaborate and time-consuming drawings when I used to be perfectly happy making fast, simple ones. Inkscape 0.45 might be to blame, but then I also used to receive quite a bit of a flack from my older drawing style, and perhaps unconsciously felt like I had to prove my work was something to be proud of?

Either way, I think that's doen with, and I know feel like a weight's been lifted of my shoulder. -v-
Sure I still have some nice pictures for y'all on queue (the Commodores and the Amigan family pictures... ^^), but I'd like to rediscover my roots and make some classic flat-shaders. Might help that the only version of Inkscape I can [safely] put on my 3ePC-chan is 0.44. ^^;

I think your artwork has always been excellent!

That said, I do think most, if not all, artists' styles evolve; I certainly know mine has. I just got tired of hand-drawing, then I got bored of using PS, ect.

Can't wait to see these pix your talking about, though!

QuoteSou? ''
I dunno,... might be ignorant and all for saying this, but I never quite thought of an iPhone as a PDA. Just,... you know.... a very fancy phone. (the last PDA Apple had was Newton-chan) ^^;

Still, it's not like my words hold much weight for poor CE-tan. After all, I bought my 3ePC-chan because I want to carry around a C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R, not just a quarter-assed PC. ^________^;
The reason why you've never since heard a thing about the Palm pilot I got for cheap (~$10USD) was because I simply couldn't get used to it. ^^;
(writing Wiki articles on it ended up being a thumbpad-induced nightmare)

Repent! for thou hath calleth the iPhone but a very fancy phone! JK ;)

What is the difference between a very fancy phone (that can go online, too), and a PDA? I though it was one in the same : |

And a $10 Palm Pilot O___O

QuoteI want to hold a candlelight vigil to see if we can get Alfamille-san to pop in more. ^______^

*lights candle*

QuoteDSL-tan of course you can thank Aurora-sama for that, although I lament not having had the time to add even more Linux-inspired visual queues in there. I had hoped to have cute stuff fall out of her bag, such as her toothpick and maybe objectified-representations of Dillo and other DSL apps (as well as CE-sama's USB staff), but at heart I'm still "on the clock". ^^;
Still, I'm glad it came out good enough. one of my last changes was to make the TuxPaint picture more elaborate (DSL-kun is supposed to be drawing CE-sama), but in the end I reverted it back to the green thing. I figured he's still a very young boy and not very good at complicated drawings yet. (BTW, anyone notice the paint driblets falling on CE-sama's arm? Just some mischief on my part...) ^.^

I think it's just perfect!

And now that I go back and look, I do see the paint drops!

QuoteHowever, that's probably only for 1985 Miggy,... don't forget that modern day Miggy has her hair split down the center (whereas CE-sama is dome-haired), she has longer bangs, and also keeps her long hair tied into a ponytail rather than pigtails. And she's also 6x bigger than CE-sama. ^_________^

All this talk of Miggy...I gotta do an(other) Amiga-sama drawing!

*to the bandwagon!*

Quote1) The Shade path.
2) The Highlight path
3) The Glow path
4) The Gloss path

I've tried something similar to that with some of my drawings....though I only use two layers...

QuoteI previously wrote that CE-sama's blushing is in part of watching very cute things, but is also because of a slight disbelief [and love] that there are in fact beings smaller than she is. So yeah,... given my tastes,... I refuse to discount the likelihood that there is a degree of excitement involved. ^^

But excitement of course has many degrees and facets thereof, so what kind of excitement you guys are envisiong is left ENTIRELY up to your imaginations....

*chuckles* ¯v¯

I think it's all in the eyebrows...hers are sloping downward (toward her ears), which to me sorta symbolized sweetness or affection. If they were even, or furrowed toward her eyes....

Then you get the Homeko Effect...

QuoteOh, why the hell not.... MOSH PIT!! ^V^

*C-chan explodes among friends*

Gahhh! I once knew somebody who got injured in a mosh pit!

*puts on body armor*


Hey...I just noticed that on the preview it doesn't show me as posting here...

*hears twilight zone music*

Added after 1 minutes:

Well now it does, but that was odd O__o

Maybe it has something to to with the connection timing out when I posted it...


Wow!  You're right, that is disturbing. O__o

Sorry Bella-san,... I unintentionally ignored your nice response then.  -___-

Don't worry, I'll make it up to you shortly.  ^__^


Oh goodness, do I have quite a backlog ^^'
Lets see how much I can get to ^.^

QuoteSou? ''
I dunno,... might be ignorant and all for saying this, but I never quite thought of an iPhone as a PDA. Just,... you know.... a very fancy phone. (the last PDA Apple had was Newton-chan) ^^;

Well, it certainly isn't advertised as a PDA, but it does have a lot of the function of one. It has a calculator, a clock and calendaring program, Internet capabilities, camera, an address book, MP3 and Video player, and basic word processing (If nothing else, use google Documents ^.^). Oh, and don't forget it is also a phone. I don't expect the Newton to ever be revived; I think Jobs killed the project entirely. Probably the right decision due to all the negative stigma around the first few, but I liked the Newtons! Oh well, if Apple is going to try and jump into the PDA market, I think it will come from the iPhone's lineage.
The iPhone does everything my Tungsten does, and more, so I think I know who my Tungsten's successor will be ^__^

Quote---Amazing Miggy Pic---

That is very nice *Adds to Desktop Rotation*
I actually thought to myself how wonderful a job you did on Amiga-sama and wondered what had become of her? I'm very glad to know she wasn't forgotten.

Quote---Astounding CE--DSL Pic---

*Puts on desktop immediately*
Yeah, this definitely deserves at least a whole day on my desktop, plus a priority place in my rotation (which oddly enough, only contains your pic ^^') I love your attention to detail (typified by the light texturing of the wings and their slight distortion of the BG). Obviously I'm not the only one who appreciates you skill. It was definitely worth the wait. I'm just concerned that you might have pushed yourself too hard. Make sure you take care of yourself too, it wouldn't do to have you fall ill because of us ^__^

QuoteI want to hold a candlelight vigil to see if we can get Alfamille-san to pop in more. ^______^

Well, it worked for infinity-sama, didn't it? ^.^
*Lights candle*

QuoteOh....My...G....Techno Explodes!

Well, looks like you're a trend-setter Senpai! ^.^
I hope you'll forgive me for not exploding, reassembly for vampires isn't very fun, or easy ^^'
I suppose I could turn into an ethereal mist though ^v^'

QuoteHey...I just noticed that on the preview it doesn't show me as posting here...

*hears twilight zone music*

Weird. I'm sorry I missed it, I haven't checked up on the forums as much as I ought to be. Gomen nasai

Gah, all the awesome makes me want to draw to. But I broke my Inkscape! Baka Tsubashi! T_T


Anyway, without further delay, let me get back to youz guyz.  ^___^

QuoteRepent! for thou hath calleth the iPhone but a very fancy phone! JK

Oh yeah, that's the strange thing about me.  I have a healthy respect for Mac operating systems and computers, but don't extend that to their handhelds.  ^^'

QuoteWhat is the difference between a very fancy phone (that can go online, too), and a PDA? I though it was one in the same : |

And a $10 Palm Pilot O___O

Well now the gap between phones and PDAs have shrunk considerably, so in most cases nowadays (especially with the new Palm Treo phones) what you have are essentially PDAs with a built-in cell phone receiver.  The days of a cell phone just being a cheap little device to make calls, store numbers, wake you up, and perhaps entertain you with puny little games are numbered (although i still prefer my phones that way.... ^^).  

The $10 Palm, btw, was in fact a hybrid phone/PDA, although without its SIM card it's useless as a phone (not that I would want to stick THAT giant thing next to my ear)  ^^;
It was several years old, the screen was all scratched up w/ dead pixels, AND the owner just plain didn't want it.  It actually would've been free, but I still believe in some semblance of "Equivalent Trade" to allow that.  ^^

QuoteAll this talk of Miggy...I gotta do an(other) Amiga-sama drawing!

*to the bandwagon!*

I'll try to join you soon.  That MorphOS/Amigan family picture drawing must be resumed soon.  ^___^

QuoteI've tried something similar to that with some of my drawings....though I only use two layers...

Would that be a shaded path underneath a blurred highlighted one?  Yeah, I actually do the same thing for the majority of the body parts that are not reflective surfaces.  ^^
It saves a lot of time (and RAM) and still provides the intended look.

QuoteI think it's all in the eyebrows...hers are sloping downward (toward her ears), which to me sorta symbolized sweetness or affection. If they were even, or furrowed toward her eyes....

Then you get the Homeko Effect...

*C-chan snaps hoof*

YOU GOT IT!!!  ^v^
Indeed, since you're pure of heart, you managed to catch that little giveaway of CE-tan's intentions.  Like I said, after a period of playfulness and curiosity, CE-tan would eventually feel a protective, almost maternal affection for the two siblings (perhaps more so for DSL-kun, since DSL-tan can still grow a little in size).  

Course, now that you mentioned Homeko, I can't imagine what horrors she'd come up with if SHE rather than CE-tan were in the picture.  O__O'





*imagines something to do with islands and other assorted landscape*  -.-'

QuoteWell, it certainly isn't advertised as a PDA, but it does have a lot of the function of one. It has a calculator, a clock and calendaring program, Internet capabilities, camera, an address book, MP3 and Video player, and basic word processing (If nothing else, use google Documents ^.^). Oh, and don't forget it is also a phone. I don't expect the Newton to ever be revived; I think Jobs killed the project entirely. Probably the right decision due to all the negative stigma around the first few, but I liked the Newtons! Oh well, if Apple is going to try and jump into the PDA market, I think it will come from the iPhone's lineage.
The iPhone does everything my Tungsten does, and more, so I think I know who my Tungsten's successor will be ^__^

Aa sou sou, so you ARE still thinking of getting one.  ^^
Well you know me,... just give me my TouchMac any day.... ^.^

QuoteThat is very nice *Adds to Desktop Rotation*
I actually thought to myself how wonderful a job you did on Amiga-sama and wondered what had become of her? I'm very glad to know she wasn't forgotten.

*chuckles nervously*  That particular Commodore portraiture is currently delayed until further notice.  So sorry,... Alfa-san's wallpaper is like the only thing you'll see about it for a while.  ^^;

Quote*Puts on desktop immediately*
Yeah, this definitely deserves at least a whole day on my desktop, plus a priority place in my rotation (which oddly enough, only contains your pic ^^')

Why thank you very much, Tsubashi-dono.  ^.^
Now that I've used Macs, I know that means foregoing a lot of very beautiful textural and plant-based wallpapers.  ^^;

QuoteI love your attention to detail (typified by the light texturing of the wings and their slight distortion of the BG). Obviously I'm not the only one who appreciates you skill. It was definitely worth the wait. I'm just concerned that you might have pushed yourself too hard. Make sure you take care of yourself too, it wouldn't do to have you fall ill because of us ^__^

No problemo, as I finished that picture during a period of better health.  ^^
The individual cells of her wings (which the DSL siblings are tiny enough to differentiate clearly) were produced using Pattern Fills, which I'll cover in tomorrow's Inkscape Tutorial Update.  ^____^
(hopefully,... it's a bit involved...)

QuoteWell, looks like you're a trend-setter Senpai! ^.^
I hope you'll forgive me for not exploding, reassembly for vampires isn't very fun, or easy ^^'
I suppose I could turn into an ethereal mist though ^v^'

Fufu... both here and real life, I guess.  ^^
A lot more of my friends and acquaintences are using Linux now in some form or another.  ^.^
Some are even trying to get a hold of 3ePC's.  ^____^

I'm game for the mist option, btw.  ^.^


QuoteOh yeah, that's the strange thing about me. I have a healthy respect for Mac operating systems and computers, but don't extend that to their handhelds. ^^'

Baah! Thou shalt be smited by an angry Jobs! :P

QuoteThe days of a cell phone just being a cheap little device to make calls, store numbers, wake you up, and perhaps entertain you with puny little games are numbered (although i still prefer my phones that way.... ^^).

That sounds like my cellphone XD

It's ancient, but it still makes phone calls, so I don't really care...

QuoteWould that be a shaded path underneath a blurred highlighted one? Yeah, I actually do the same thing for the majority of the body parts that are not reflective surfaces. ^^
It saves a lot of time (and RAM) and still provides the intended look.

Yeah, I do a colored path (light, depending on what the hair color is), set the blur to about 5 or so, and then put a white path above it, with a blur of maybe 10...I do I lot of messing around until I get the look I'm going for...

QuoteYOU GOT IT!!! ^v^
Indeed, since you're pure of heart, you managed to catch that little giveaway of CE-tan's intentions. Like I said, after a period of playfulness and curiosity, CE-tan would eventually feel a protective, almost maternal affection for the two siblings (perhaps more so for DSL-kun, since DSL-tan can still grow a little in size).

Yay! I got it!

I pick up on stuff like than...

QuoteCourse, now that you mentioned Homeko, I can't imagine what horrors she'd come up with if SHE rather than CE-tan were in the picture. O__O'





*imagines something to do with islands and other assorted landscape* -.-'

Hmmm...could Homeko be the island monster on Lost? XD

QuoteI hope you'll forgive me for not exploding, reassembly for vampires isn't very fun, or easy ^^'
I suppose I could turn into an ethereal mist though ^v^'

Ahh, I've never exploded either :..(

I've BSOD'd though...does that count...?


QuoteHmmm...could Homeko be the island monster on Lost? XD

*eyes glaze lecherously*  *v*

Hmmm,... from reading the Wiki description, I figured this Lost thingie just had monsters in an island,... but never that a whole island was a monster itself.  0v0

Fufufu,... okay, I'm interested.  ^^

I would like to do a pic like that one day with DSL-kun,... but of course, not with Homeko if you don't mind.  ^^'
Probably Amiga-san or Pu-chan or some other gentle "giantess".  ^^

But enough about that,... this pic is done and our Club logo is done, so time to resume the MorphOS pic!!  ^V^

*gets back to work*


QuoteHmmm,... from reading the Wiki description, I figured this Lost thingie just had monsters in an island,... but never that a whole island was a monster itself. 0v0

Fufufu,... okay, I'm interested. ^^

My work here is done! :P

I dunno if the island itself is a monster, but it certainly is an "entity" of sorts.

Plus...in the second season...there was a minicomputer that controlled the fate of the world!

QuoteI would like to do a pic like that one day with DSL-kun,... but of course, not with Homeko if you don't mind. ^^'
Probably Amiga-san or Pu-chan or some other gentle "giantess". ^^

Oh come on, it could be Minix-sensei and she'd look like a giantess ;)

QuoteBut enough about that,... this pic is done and our Club logo is done, so time to resume the MorphOS pic!! ^V^


Techno the fox

Quote from: "C-Chan"Course, now that you mentioned Homeko, I can't imagine what horrors she'd come up with if SHE rather than CE-tan were in the picture. O__O'





*imagines something to do with islands and other assorted landscape* -.-'

Yes, one can only imagine the things she'd do with them..

Quote from: "Bella"Plus...in the second season...there was a minicomputer that controlled the fate of the world!

ME-Tan controlling the fate of the world........OH SHI!!

Quote from: "C-chan"I would like to do a pic like that one day with DSL-kun,... but of course, not with Homeko if you don't mind. ^^'
Probably Amiga-san or Pu-chan or some other gentle "giantess". ^^

*Thinks how Inu-t or Leopard-chan would react to finding the tiny Os-tan and Kun*

Hey, Bella's a GNU/Linux now. And I'm a 98. ^_^
*Looks around for a good Hacchan pic to put in his avatar*


Quote from: "Bella"
QuoteI want to hold a candlelight vigil to see if we can get Alfamille-san to pop in more. ^______^

*lights candle*

eh? :D

The fairy CE herself on a sunset view?

That's EPIC!  ;019  The whole shading in CE matches the sunset background.

The cute look of CE-tan plus an extra DSL siblings makes this still life image a classic!


QuoteMy work here is done! :P

I dunno if the island itself is a monster, but it certainly is an "entity" of sorts.

Plus...in the second season...there was a minicomputer that controlled the fate of the world!

Bah!  What a downer.  -.-'
Besides, over the weekend I got hooked on the English version of Betty la Fea (I guess you know it as "Ugly Betty"), so that's about the only non-Anime TV series at this moment that I have on queue.  ^^

QuoteOh come on, it could be Minix-sensei and she'd look like a giantess

*does quick calculation*

Assuming a newly revised height of about 75cm, estimated from your last drawings, I'm coming up with a relative appearance -- based on DSL-kun's POV -- of about 300 feet.  You're right, not bad.  Not bad at all....  ^___^

....*shakes hoof*  But we need more AWE!  -v-

ME-Tan controlling the fate of the world........OH SHI!!

That would probably explain an awful lot....  ^^'

Quote*Thinks how Inu-t or Leopard-chan would react to finding the tiny Os-tan and Kun*

Inu-T: might act like the dog from the original Honey I Shrunk the Kids.  -v-

Leopard-san:  well she's an avid time-traveller and has seen more things than most people experience in a lifetime, so you'd think she'd be a little.... ho-hum about them.  "Ah,... microscopic OS-tans.... how quaint."  ^^'

QuoteHey, Bella's a GNU/Linux now. And I'm a 98.
*Looks around for a good Hacchan pic to put in his avatar*

Yes I know,.... Bella-dono has achieved greatness.  ^______^

ONly one thing left to do....  -.-

*whispers with Tsubashi-dono*


Bingo!  ^v^

*anchors Alfamille to thread*

QuoteThe fairy CE herself on a sunset view?

That's EPIC! The whole shading in CE matches the sunset background.

The cute look of CE-tan plus an extra DSL siblings makes this still life image a classic!

Thank you Alfamille-san.  ^^
Indeed, I've been meaning to do a picture with this kind of lighting for a LOOOOONG time now.  ^^

After a while,... you just get tired with white.  ^_____^'