C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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QuoteBad part: Shouldnt CE's hair ribbon have a few folds in it as it heads towards that knot? And you did such a good job on lighting effects on the face (such as the eye reflection and the white on the lip that makes it look moist) but then compleatly ignored it for hair. the picture over all could use a few shade blocks (they arnt that difficult and I dont think they would have taken that much longer)

As I mentioned before, the picture is not complete....
As I stated previously, my goal is to experiment with new lighting effects...
As I often do, I vector sketch first, then apply shading later with a new set of eyes...
As anyone who follows my work can attest, I finish my eyes first out of tradition....
I don't make it a point to ignore things intentionally.

But I'll see what I can do with the ribbons.  Thx.

QuoteCan't wait to see this!

QuoteYeah, But I'm still sure this pic is quite different.

Just....something about it...maybe it's the background or something...

The current background is only a placeholder -- in fact, I'll probably replace it with a bitmap sunset, and then base the shading on that kind of back-casted orange light.  In other words, minus the glow from the holographic TuxPaint, all the shading will be rendered in front of, rather than behind, the characters (or at least CE-tan).  If it succeeds, I think the end result will look... neat.


*Grabs violin*

*starts playing*

J/K! J/K!

"J/K"?  -v-

QuoteSeaworld, huh? That's just about the only park I haven't been to at some point

If you want to visit it now, leave your conscious at the door.  I can't stand zoos and aquariums anymore -- perhaps it's cause I've spent too much time among animals to sympathize with them a little.

QuoteWell, I for one say we give a reward to whoever can find your penguin hat. Whoever finds it will get the biggest tray of cupcakes I can make!

Save the trouble, and just deposit said cupcakes here....  -.-

*opens maw*

QuoteI believe our first suspect is....none other that DSL-kun. He may have taken the hat, with DSL-chan and some of the other tiny OS-tans as accomplices, then shrunk it to fit himself. Although, he will be innocent until proven guilty, so it might be a good idea to try and dig up some evidence.

I suppose I'll play the role of Kyon to your Haruhi, and point out one little discrepancy in your analysis....

DSL-kun is barely 2 years old, whereas my hat was taken in the late 80's.  ^^;

Course, recent developments have negated Occam's Razor, so maybe your suspicions can hold true if:

    1) DSL-kun hopped a ride on Leopard-chan, with or without her knowledge, and hid wherever the purity of your imagination allows for.

    2) Throwing everything I've lectured about space-time travel out the window, he might've tagged a ride back into the past, and miraculously wound up not far from the location of my old penguin hat.

    3) Having the foresight and the maliciousness to steal a shrinking solution from QNX-sama, he shrunk the hat to his size range, chopped off the baseball-cap ends, and claimed it as his own.

    4) And after ignoring the logistical problem of chasing after a catgirl 1000x bigger than he is, he managed to tag a ride back to the future and pretend to be an innocent young boy.

Yeah, I think that could work.  -v-

QuoteAnd think of the look on 95-tan's face when she finds a village of tiny little Linux-tans living in her hair bow...

Hey,... whatever's good for the goose is good for the gander!  If DSL-tan can live in Mac-tan's apple, even though she bears no relation to the Macs, why couldn't 95-tan also harbor a couple of freeloaders.  Certainly would be a delicious irony that the biggest, most obsessive law enforcer in the Windows family was unknowingly offering shelter to the greatest potential spies.  -v-'

In any event, feeling a resurgence of illness, so not sure if I can respond as much today as I wanted to.

Please stand by, minna-san.  -__-

Techno the fox

Eeeeee.... :D
I..can't resist...

*Techno melts into an Icecream sundae*

*There is a note attached*
"Reserved for cute/beautiful girls.
Everyone else: Please resist the urge to eat.


I shall comment more on that awesome little piece of work when I reform.

(But really, where I am it's LATE and I'm tired)


No problemo, cause perhaps by the time you've solidified, I will have finished the shading job.  Can't post up a "nightly build" just yet, cause the hair is unevenly shaded and looks somewhat ugly.

But the area around the face is really turning out extremely well,... despite the fact that I'm still sick and need to sleep early, it's still shaping up to be one of my most dynamic shading jobs ever produced.  ^.^
(although I've already failed MISERABLY in time efficiency... ^^; )


As much as I've worked on art, myself, I always find myself really liking incomplete works and being utterly blown away when I find out there's more work to be done.

I can't wait to see this finished! ^.^

*does not resist the urge to eat a Techno-sundae*


C-Chan, you can do more work whilst ill than I can often do in good health ;)

Can't wait to see the finished product!

QuoteI suppose I'll play the role of Kyon to your Haruhi, and point out one little discrepancy in your analysis....

Well, ya better humor me or I'll drag you all out to an island, or make you join a baseball team XD

QuoteDSL-kun is barely 2 years old, whereas my hat was taken in the late 80's. ^^;
Course, recent developments have negated Occam's Razor, so maybe your suspicions can hold true if:

Okay. I know what happened. What one entity has stolen more stuff than any other....

...M$! I know this may seem a long shot, but given all the circumstantial evidence against DSL-kun, this could make more sense.

I'm guessing M$ wanted the Source code of the penguin hat! Which they later included in Windows 3.0!

Yes, I shouldn't read Uncyclopedia, should I  ;014

Quote*does not resist the urge to eat a Techno-sundae*

*Fights Siya over Techno-sundae*

Gimme! Gimme!


Quote from: "Bella"*Fights Siya over Techno-sundae*

Gimme! Gimme!
How about we split it, half and half?

Aurora Borealis

More like split it into thirds! I want some of that sundae also!

And to keep on-topic: I can't wait to see the finished version of the DSL-kun picture! :D


Now now, Siya-san, Kitsune-san did say GIRLS-ONLY,... and since birds of a feather flock together, I'm obliged to honor his request.  ^.^

*blocks proudly, allowing Bella and Aurora to wolf down the contents*

On the other hand, your artwork is awesome, so I'll let you keep the cup.  It's a damn nice cup.  ^^

In any event, sorry I have to post and run again, but I have to sleep quickly before I undo my near-successful recovery.  ^^;
I was so possessed with inspiration to shade CE-chan (or speaking in size, "CE-sama") that I quickly lost track of time.  In any event, everything in this picture is done except for some light shading on the DSL siblings, and of course anti-aliasing.  The final version will be slightly larger, so that minor details (such as the cells on CE-sama's wings) are better defined.  ^__^

I promise tomorrow I'll reply to everyone's stuff (and by the looks of it, I'm gonna be busy...

Night!  ^v^

*snore*  -____- Zzzzz


Very Nice Picture, C-Chan. > <//


QuoteVery Nice Picture, C-Chan. > <//

Thank you, Infinity-san!  We still miss you, though.  ;___;

QuoteC-Chan, you can do more work whilst ill than I can often do in good health

Can't wait to see the finished product!

[dramatically] I'm not as young as I used to be and can't put out ark as fast as in the good ol' days of Weekly Chibis..... ;____;


But thanks though.  ^^

QuoteOkay. I know what happened. What one entity has stolen more stuff than any other....

...M$! I know this may seem a long shot, but given all the circumstantial evidence against DSL-kun, this could make more sense.

I'm guessing M$ wanted the Source code of the penguin hat! Which they later included in Windows 3.0!

Yes, I shouldn't read Uncyclopedia, should I

Aha!  Much better!  ^.^
Now I can use M$ as a punching bag for yet ONE more thing!  ^-^


Pity though,... I was already amassing a "squishing bounty" to bribe CE-chan with.  -v-


WOW @_____@

That is just....so incredible! You've made me a fan of CE-chan, that's for sure ;) And interesting job on the shading/highlights...kinda cell-shaded and soft-shaded mixed. It's a very powerful look overall.

The only reason I ain't swooning is I'm waiting until the DSLs are done :P


Thank you Bella-san.  ^__^

I wanted to finish this yesterday, but that was not possible due to some work deadlines (among a few other delays).  I'll try for tonight.  ^.^

QuoteAnd interesting job on the shading/highlights...kinda cell-shaded and soft-shaded mixed. It's a very powerful look overall.

Thank you again.  Yeah, like with OSR 2.5-sama, I seem to be drifting more towards that hybrid model -- only because it adds a decent amount of realism yet it doesn't cost too much time to produce.  On the other hand, it's still MUCH costlier than simple flat-shading, so no way would I ever dare to use this kind of shading in a manga strip (maybe just covers).  ^^;

And funny you should mention "powerful", since my goal was to make CE-chan look especially.... "monolithic".  She was only superficially on my approved Windows-tan list,... but thanks to DSL-kun's entry and the possibilities thereof, my impressions of her have improved considerably.  ^.^

(Besides, in all admission, PDAs are probably about the only thing M$ has really gotten halfway right, if only because Apple gave up early and Palm botched their success.... And lest we not forget the venerable Dreamcast.  ^^)


Okay,... the CE-tan/DSL sibling picture is complete and in the processing of saving at high resolution for the purpose of anti-aliasing.  ^__^
This has taken the place of my favorite of my drawings, since it successfully employed all the experimental lighting effects I had planned plus it relates to a subject matter that I hold very very very dear.
Plus it's just damn cute. ^x^

And in retrospect, it didn't take as much time as it could've -- if not for all the delays during the week, this might've been done earlier.

But while I'm waiting, let me first welcome Alfamille-san back, and thank him for a wonderful job with the Miggy desktop he was working on!  ^v^

FULL VERSION:  http://ostan-collections.net/imeeji/albums/userpics/10383/miggy.jpg

Added after 1 hours 36 minutes:

And we're finished.  ^___^

FULL VERSION:  http://ostan-collections.net/imeeji/albums/userpics/10570/DSLWinCEfinal.jpg


Hurrah!  It's complete!

The lighting effects look wonderful.  

Also, Alfamille-san's desktop looks really nice.


QuoteThank you again. Yeah, like with OSR 2.5-sama, I seem to be drifting more towards that hybrid model -- only because it adds a decent amount of realism yet it doesn't cost too much time to produce. On the other hand, it's still MUCH costlier than simple flat-shading, so no way would I ever dare to use this kind of shading in a manga strip (maybe just covers). ^^;

Well you do an incredible job of it ;010 I can see where it would be impractical for a comic though, not only from a time POV....also because it seems to take quite a toll on the computer : | IE, it takes a lot more resources and exporting to bitmap takes tons longer....

Honestly, I'm kinda going the opposite way with my artwork....for most character designs and stuff I'm doing a lot of flat shading.

QuoteAnd funny you should mention "powerful", since my goal was to make CE-chan look especially.... "monolithic". She was only superficially on my approved Windows-tan list,... but thanks to DSL-kun's entry and the possibilities thereof, my impressions of her have improved considerably. ^.^

(Besides, in all admission, PDAs are probably about the only thing M$ has really gotten halfway right, if only because Apple gave up early and Palm botched their success.... And lest we not forget the venerable Dreamcast. ^^)

*Points at C-Chan*

Haha, you just admited M$ got something right :P

I think iPhone-tan would be PO'd hearing that....XD

QuoteBut while I'm waiting, let me first welcome Alfamille-san back, and thank him for a wonderful job with the Miggy desktop he was working on! ^v^

Oooh, Miggy! That's a cool, retro background! Alfamille did a great job!

QuoteAnd we're finished. ^___^

Awesome! This would also make a spectacular background, while we're on the subject ;)


There's so many beautiful points I don't want to leave any out :( But the thing that impresses me most about your work is the attention to detail. Like the Captain pointed out, her eyes (especially the way the screen reflects in them) and the way her lips are highlighted. The DSLs are incredibly detailed, and the little things like DSL-kun's shirt and the zipper on DSL-chan's bag really blow me away.


BTW, anyone else think Miggy and CE-tan share an odd resemblance to one another? It's probably just above pic, with her hair in pigtails and all...