C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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Techno the fox

Quote from: "C-chan"Well before I start, you do know I didn't draw that Leopard-chan pic, right? ^__^

Yeah, I know. I just couldn't resist exploding after seeing such a cute pic of my favorite OS-X catgirl. ^-^

On a Linux related note.
After seeing Chris Pirillo's review of Sabayon Linux, I gotta admit. I actually want that now.

Though my first step into Linux (and more precicely LiveCD Linux) will be using SAM-Linux. (Sometime later tonight or tomorrow, wish me luck)

Quote from: "C-chan"Honestly, I would say that its size is comparable to stacking to standard DVD cases together. 'v'

Hmm, that small eh?
Just a shot. Would it happen to be white in color? Because I've seen some pics of a model like that online, and it is rather small.

Quote from: "C-chan".Course, the 3ePC does run a customized version of Xandros Linux, and well.... Xandros is currently in bed with M$ (all the more reason to help development of custom Linux OSes geared for the 3ePC,... there are already as several in the works).

O.O GAAAH!! *Choke* *Cough*
That brought an..unbearable.. Image of Bill Gates + Linux-tan to mind.
(you had to say "In bed with")

$399 eh?
Pretty good price, for such a new/compact laptop.

Quote from: "C-chan"It comes with enough applications to get you productive off the bat: Firefox, Pidgin, Skype, Open Office, Adobe Reader, MTPaint, SMPlayer, Amarok, Konqueror, etc, and even has several gains and children's educational programs like Tux Math, TuxType and TuxPaint. Wireless and USB device detection works flawlessly with it, and so does Stand By and Suspend features!

Aside from the fact that the repos haven't been populated with additional software yet (I really want Inkscape on this thing), I have to say that there's very little need at this time to replace the OS.

Yeah, I don't know where I'd be without my Drawing programs (Inkscape MSPaint and GIMP). Another unfortunate thing..Mugen (and Niji) doesn't run on Linux. (I think as much)

But fear not Piggy-san ther is always Infinitycat. (Linux-based mugen alternative)

Best of wishes to you and your new laptop.

Having commented, I'm off!

*Warps away megaman style*


QuoteLesse, right from the top of my head, we have:

     Dell (Ubuntu)
     IBM/Lenovo (SUSE)
     HP (unknown)
     Asus (my baby.... ^.^)
     Everex (their g/OS, plus they're also planning to make cheap laptops too)
     OLPC (fedora Core variant)
     Intel [Classmate PCs] (Mandriva)
     Zonbu (Gentoo)
     Linutop (Xubuntu)
     OpenMoko (custom embedded OS)

     + Several other minor companies and just stuff I forgot altogether....

     ...and lest we not forget....

     ...all the hundreds of cell phone manufacturers that use Linux in their devices. ^___^

WHOA O____O Awesome!

As for those cellphone manufactures, is Motorola among them by any chance? I'm a Motozealot ;)

QuoteI do get the impression that immersing oneself in both the knowledge of alternative OSes + OS history does make one a little more,......... "tech savvy".

So congratulations, you can now officially best a Geek Squad technician. ^___^

I pwn you geeks! Bwhahaha!!!

QuoteDeshou? ^__^
And you did see too that they will release cheap laptops next year (not necessarily small ones though). Speaking of size, it's funny how the machine itself is very power-friendly because it uses a Mini ITX board and meager specs, and yet it's artificially placed in a HUGE desktop tower. Apparently, some Walmart studies the company commissioned suggested that the average consumer correlated size with performance. Or at least felt that $200 for such a HUGE computer was a great deal. ^^;

Personally, I'd rather just keep them small and fanless..... -.-'

I'm gonna have to drag myself to walmart when those laptops come out :D



*collapses on floor*

...and prematurely tired..... X____X;

Tomorrow I reckon I'll test out 3ePC-chan in the field, and see how much responding I can do offline.  ^__^
And believe me, I STILL have quite a lot to respond to.... I thought I saw NT-tan with mega-knockers in another thread, plus a Vistan usurping an avatar spot that rightfully belongs to some gorgeous OSX catgirls.... T___T


Aw well,.... please stand by.... ^^

*snore*  -___- Zzzzzz


*crashes into thread*

Oooooooooooookay,.... I'm mad.... T__T
Now that I have my beloved 3ePC-chan to spend time constructively in my commute, the trains are packed.... T.T'
Not so in my return trip, but by then I was too tired (unsurprisingly busy day playing catch-up) to do anything with her but watch Hare+Guu Deluxe.  -v-

Oh well,... in any event,... I'm late,...

BUT I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
And you best hold on to your seats, cause I'm going on a responding spree!  ^-^

Added after 13 minutes:

Okay, first order of business....

Kitsune-san,... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING IN YOUR AVATAR?!!!!!!!!!!  @.@
It looks like Homeko in major need of an exorcism.  ^___^'

QuoteYeah, I know. I just couldn't resist exploding after seeing such a cute pic of my favorite OS-X catgirl. ^-^

Note:  the cute pic of your favorite OSX catgirl would also make a great replacement avi.  ^.^
Like,.... A-S-A-P..... ^^;

QuoteOn a Linux related note.
After seeing Chris Pirillo's review of Sabayon Linux, I gotta admit. I actually want that now.

Though my first step into Linux (and more precicely LiveCD Linux) will be using SAM-Linux. (Sometime later tonight or tomorrow, wish me luck)

Yeah,... you know... the thing with Sabayon Linux is that it's not exactly friendly to new Linux users.  ^__^'
SAM, PCLinuxOS, TinyMe and other Mandriva-like distributions (as well as Mandriva 2008 itself) are all really great distros to try out in case you want to get your feet wet with Linux (coming from a Windows background).

QuoteHmm, that small eh?
Just a shot. Would it happen to be white in color? Because I've seen some pics of a model like that online, and it is rather small.

Yessireebob!  ^__^
And for a REALLY impressive size comparison, try the pic in this article:


Quote$399 eh?
Pretty good price, for such a new/compact laptop.

Actually, that's a turn-off for a lot of people that hoped it would stick to the $200 USD pricetag.  However, this is the 4G model so it likely would've been $300 USD anyway.


*copies and pastes production cost and dollar devaluation comments mentioned before*

QuoteYeah, I don't know where I'd be without my Drawing programs (Inkscape MSPaint and GIMP). Another unfortunate thing..Mugen (and Niji) doesn't run on Linux. (I think as much)

But fear not Piggy-san ther is always Infinitycat. (Linux-based mugen alternative)

Oooh,... didn't know about InfinityCat (any relation to Infinity Zero?).  ^___^
Not that I have much time anymore to play or work on games, but at least it's nice to know someone's working on a POSIX compliant Mugen engine.  ^___^

3ePC-chan only comes with TuxPaint, MTPaint and the surprisingly-lacking OpenOffice Draw (secretly hidden), but I think I've figured out a way to install more apps on this (as well as switch to a KDE-style menu).

QuoteWHOA O____O Awesome!

As for those cellphone manufactures, is Motorola among them by any chance? I'm a Motozealot

Fufufu,.. judging from the age of this article (a year ago) and the familiarity of the phones featured, I'd say yes.... ^__^


And what's this about being a Motozealot?  I recently got to see some silly commercials about a guy and gal fighting with "razor sharp" RAZR phones,... would you be THAT kind of Motozealot?  ^^;

QuoteI'm gonna have to drag myself to walmart when those laptops come out

BTW, you can also preview that nice Ubuntu w/Enlightenment Googlecentric OS here:


That's the beauty of both free Linux distros and LEGAL torrents.  ^__^

Oh, and BTW, I BOW and SWOON to your new signature!!!  ^V^

*bows and swoons to VMS-sama*

Now then, I'm off to other threads.... -v-


QuoteKitsune-san,... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING IN YOUR AVATAR?!!!!!!!!!! @.@
It looks like Homeko in major need of an exorcism. ^___^'

Whaaaa!!!! Don't make fun of my Homeko!

QuoteYessireebob! ^__^
And for a REALLY impressive size comparison, try the pic in this article:


O. M. G.

I's sooooo cuuuute!!! But, I mean, an iPhone has like two pounds on it :P

QuoteFufufu,.. judging from the age of this article (a year ago) and the familiarity of the phones featured, I'd say yes.... ^__^


And what's this about being a Motozealot? I recently got to see some silly commercials about a guy and gal fighting with "razor sharp" RAZR phones,... would you be THAT kind of Motozealot? ^^;

Hmmm...my particular model isn't mentioned, but since a lot of the other models from it's year are, it might be....

As for the Motozealot part...

Technologically, I'm a pretty fair-minded person. I'd use Windows, Linux or Mac or whatever else worked; I wouldn't need a state-of-the-art iPod to be happy with an MP3 player. But, when it comes to phones, there is but one brand I'd ever buy!

QuoteBTW, you can also preview that nice Ubuntu w/Enlightenment Googlecentric OS here:


That's the beauty of both free Linux distros and LEGAL torrents. ^__^


But I've still got my hands full playing around with Ubuntu on my VM ;)

I mostly want to see how these computers run...I may have a friend who could use one of them...!


Sorry to post and run, but I'm not in the best of health.  In fact, I didn't even imagine I could finish this one, but I was quite possessed,... guess I was more inspired to work on this oneshot than I thought.... -v-

Featuring my first renditions of Windows CE-tan and Aurora-sama's Damn Small Linux-tan!!  And yes, the debut of DSL-kun as well,... nothing fancy, but DAMN small.  ^^

I'll say more tomorrow and I will go on a replying spree as well then, as I see a lot of stuff that deserves it.  ^.^

C ya!  ^v^

*flops over keyboard*[/img]


Senpai, that is so amazing!!! What a dynamic picture! Not to mention how cute DSL-kun is! *Squeals in excitement*

I must say, I absolutely adore your drawing style, but this one looks to have a lot of emphasis on your strengths. It's so cool!
I just can't get over how cute DSL-tan and -kun are. Kawaii!

QuoteSorry to post and run, but I'm not in the best of health..... *flops over keyboard*

Oh No! Make sure to get better Senpai!
*Moves Senpai to a cushy pillow and drapes blanket over him*
Sleep Well!

Aurora Borealis


resisting... urge to... explode!

And I know DSL-tan and DSL-kun are damn small, but how small in your rendition, considering that CE-tan (with an estimated height of 1'0) is giant in comparison?


* Explodes due to cuteness overload *

Anywhoo, nice job!    ;010

I hope you recover quickly from your illness.


That's awesome, C-chan!  I like DSL-kun's headpenguin. ^.^


Honest to goodness, when I first saw that in the recently uploaded panel I had no idea who's work it was! Maybe because I've never seen such a close-up pic by you!

DSL-chan and kun are adorable! As Siya said, I'm loving his penguin hat (though let us hope the penguin is a toy XD). And I didn't know the DLSs were so....damn small heehee....

And CE-chan is so darn cuuuuuuuute! But not cutsie like the DSLs...no, she has a certain sass to her :D

Hope you feel better soon, too!


EXPALMAPOTIONLOTION!!! *turns into small glass vial of purple-ish liquid*

Well, besides being As Awesome As Only Sempai Can Make It, I get the feeling that DSL-tan isn't going to get away from that scene with...hrm...her innocence intact.



Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments!!  ^__^
I'm not 100% back up to par, but I'm in reasonable-enough shape to do my Response Spree.  Not sure if I have it in me to shade (or at least finish shading) this pic, but I can probably work a little on the Inkscape tutorial later on.  I do want to shade this ASAP, as I don't want to squander the great momentum.  (and yes, I am planning a new lighting experiment)  ^.^

QuoteSenpai, that is so amazing!!! What a dynamic picture! Not to mention how cute DSL-kun is! *Squeals in excitement*

I must say, I absolutely adore your drawing style, but this one looks to have a lot of emphasis on your strengths. It's so cool! I just can't get over how cute DSL-tan and -kun are. Kawaii!

Thank you, Tsubashi-dono.  ^^
Not sure what you mean by my "strengths", but I have noticed that I seem to excel on spontaneous ideas more than on planned commissions.  My C64-Amiga and Pu-chan portraitures were all done spontaneously, and are in many respects some of my favorite works if only because they had a lot of bang for their buck (decent outcome despite the small time expenditure).  ^^

Then again, I might be getting ahead of myself.  The new shading scheme can still make or break the "efficiency" of this picture.  ^^'


resisting... urge to... explode!

And I know DSL-tan and DSL-kun are damn small, but how small in your rendition, considering that CE-tan (with an estimated height of 1'0) is giant in comparison?

Fufufu.... Thank you, and yeah I see AmigaBob-sama couldn't resist there.  ^___^

In any event, glad you asked Aurora-dono!  ^v^
If you've followed my antics closely, you'll not find it surprising that I've given the size issue an obsessive amount of thought.  Â¯v¯

First a disclaimer: While DSL-tan's displayed height more closely approximates what I previously lobbied for her (2.5cm, or 1 inch), this is purely artistic license (to enhance the dramatic effect) and is by no means an endorsement to permanently change her to that size.  I know you're very keen about making everybody happy, and I really don't want you to start changing pictures left and right over this minor detail.  ^^;
(besides, you can always just write it off as her being able to switch sizes, especially since her brother's too young to do so and its hard to play with him at 6 inches)

In any event, given her 2.5cm/1" size, it was fairly easy to determine how she'd compare to CE-chan, who's 30cm or about 12".  If we assumed that DSL-chan, if blown to regular human proportions, was a 152cm (or 5'0) tall young woman, than times that by 12 and the little itty-bitty CE-chan is suddenly a hulking 18 meters (or 60 feet tall) in comparison.  (For a more tangible perspective, compare yourself to a 6-story apartment complex.)  Of course, height is only one dimension of the equation; since DSL-chan is also proportional in her smallness, then CE-chan's weight and mass are also exponentially greater, and justifies the fact that CE-chan's head is so much more massive than DSL-chan's entire body.  

DSL-kun, being more a toddler, is 1.25cm or just shy of half an inch.  The comparison with CE-chan is fairly self-explanatory at this point,... just take everything I've said, double it, and let your jaw drop at the image of a 120 foot fairy (although I do believe the Everquest games had those as bosses).  ^^;

For an even more mind-blowing comparison, calculate how YOU'D look like to the Damn Small Siblings.  ^.^;

QuoteHonest to goodness, when I first saw that in the recently uploaded panel I had no idea who's work it was! Maybe because I've never seen such a close-up pic by you!

I'm surprised, I've had a few....  ^.^
C64-Amiga, Pu-chan and Palm-chan w/ ME-tan immediately come to mind.  -v-

QuoteThat's awesome, C-chan! I like DSL-kun's headpenguin. ^.^

QuoteDSL-chan and kun are adorable! As Siya said, I'm loving his penguin hat (though let us hope the penguin is a toy XD).

Thank you, Siya-san.... Bella-san.  ^___^
No worries, the penguin hat is in fact a hat (and if you look closely, I secretly made DSL-chan's hat penguin-themed as well).  -v-

DSL-kun's baby penguin hat is actually based on an old hat I used to own when I was younger.  I'm ashamed to say now that I was once enamored with Seaworld (in its Orlando, Florida location) and was happy to leave with a penguin plush hat (not as nice as DSL-kun's though) and a dolphin plush hat, as well as the more common orca hats (which I believe were meant to be Shamu, if memory serves).  Sadly, my penguin hat got stolen, don't remember what happened to the dolphin one, and I've long given away my orca hats to distant cousins.

Just like my old one, DSL-kun's "pengy" hat is meant to be worn normally (head first, feet towards the back of his head).  However, DSL-kun idolizes his "oneesan", who has a habit of wearing her hats sideways.  Hence, DSL-kun does too.  ^.^
I imagine there are other things he copies too, like using a splinter for a "spear", pretending it to be a toothpick.

QuoteWell, besides being As Awesome As Only Sempai Can Make It, I get the feeling that DSL-tan isn't going to get away from that scene with...hrm...her innocence intact.


Thank you, Nejin-san,... though I do hope said DSLophile you're referring to is CE-chan.  ^^'

QuoteAnd I didn't know the DLSs were so....damn small heehee....
And CE-chan is so darn cuuuuuuuute! But not cutsie like the DSLs...no, she has a certain sass to her

Yep, that was intentional.  ^__^
CE-chan is often depicted as cutsie owing to her lilliputian size in relation to regular OS-tans.   Since both DSL-tan and -kun are relatively young (1.0 was released in 2005, whereas Windows CE has been around since at least 1996) and the Windows-tans don't mingle much with Linuces, I imagine this picture to be taken shortly after she met the two siblings.  Having lived nearly all her life feeling tiny, frail, vulnerable and commanding hardly a degree of respect from her bigger siblings (this 4koma comes to mind: http://ostan-collections.net/imeeji/albums/userpics/10622/1151870282731.png), it must've been something of a culture shock for her to meet beings much smaller and weaker than her.  Think of it as a kind of the reverse of what Gulliver felt when leaving Lilliput only to wind up in Brobdingnag.

Once shock subsides, I imagine a whole range of new emotions come into play for our favorite fairy.  A little playfulness, certainly a dash of sass, but undoubtedly a sense of maturity now that she has someone she can genuinely protect and look after.  CE-chan's blush is as much all those emotions compressed into one physical expression, as it is her agreement that the DSL's (especially little DSL-kun, in her mind) are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.  ^.^

Course, the fact that they're technically supposed to be enemies complicates things a little, and while DSL-tan/-kun are small enough to go unnoticed for a long time, someone like the hypervigilant 95-tan is bound to notice the tiny intruders.  Certainly sets the precedent for drama and lots o' POV shots in the future.  ^__^


Quoteand yes, I am planning a new lighting experiment) ^.^

Can't wait to see this!

QuoteFirst a disclaimer: While DSL-tan's displayed height more closely approximates what I previously lobbied for her (2.5cm, or 1 inch), this is purely artistic license (to enhance the dramatic effect) and is by no means an endorsement to permanently change her to that size. I know you're very keen about making everybody happy, and I really don't want you to start changing pictures left and right over this minor detail. ^^;
(besides, you can always just write it off as her being able to switch sizes, especially since her brother's too young to do so and its hard to play with him at 6 inches)

In any event, given her 2.5cm/1" size, it was fairly easy to determine how she'd compare to CE-chan, who's 30cm or about 12". If we assumed that DSL-chan, if blown to regular human proportions, was a 152cm (or 5'0) tall young woman, than times that by 12 and the little itty-bitty CE-chan is suddenly a hulking 18 meters (or 60 feet tall) in comparison. (For a more tangible perspective, compare yourself to a 6-story apartment complex.) Of course, height is only one dimension of the equation; since DSL-chan is also proportional in her smallness, then CE-chan's weight and mass are also exponentially greater, and justifies the fact that CE-chan's head is so much more massive than DSL-chan's entire body.

DSL-kun, being more a toddler, is 1.25cm or just shy of half an inch. The comparison with CE-chan is fairly self-explanatory at this point,... just take everything I've said, double it, and let your jaw drop at the image of a 120 foot fairy (although I do believe the Everquest games had those as bosses). ^^;

For an even more mind-blowing comparison, calculate how YOU'D look like to the Damn Small Siblings. ^.^;

Honestly, I've never give that must thought over height....

Still funny to imagine a huge CE-tan, though ;)

QuoteI'm surprised, I've had a few.... ^.^
C64-Amiga, Pu-chan and Palm-chan w/ ME-tan immediately come to mind. -v-

Yeah, But I'm still sure this pic is quite different.

Just....something about it...maybe it's the background or something...

QuoteDSL-kun's baby penguin hat is actually based on an old hat I used to own when I was younger. I'm ashamed to say now that I was once enamored with Seaworld (in its Orlando, Florida location) and was happy to leave with a penguin plush hat (not as nice as DSL-kun's though) and a dolphin plush hat, as well as the more common orca hats (which I believe were meant to be Shamu, if memory serves). Sadly, my penguin hat got stolen, don't remember what happened to the dolphin one, and I've long given away my orca hats to distant cousins.


*Grabs violin*

*starts playing*

J/K! J/K!

Seaworld, huh? That's just about the only park I haven't been to at some point ;)

Well, I for one say we give a reward to whoever can find your penguin hat. Whoever finds it will get the biggest tray of cupcakes I can make!

I believe our first suspect is....none other that DSL-kun. He may have taken the hat, with DSL-chan and some of the other tiny OS-tans as accomplices, then shrunk it to fit himself. Although, he will be innocent until proven guilty, so it might be a good idea to try and dig up some evidence.

QuoteWell, besides being As Awesome As Only Sempai Can Make It, I get the feeling that DSL-tan isn't going to get away from that scene with...hrm...her innocence intact.


*wags finger*

Dirty thoughts are bad for you!

QuoteOnce shock subsides, I imagine a whole range of new emotions come into play for our favorite fairy. A little playfulness, certainly a dash of sass, but undoubtedly a sense of maturity now that she has someone she can genuinely protect and look after. CE-chan's blush is as much all those emotions compressed into one physical expression, as it is her agreement that the DSL's (especially little DSL-kun, in her mind) are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. ^.^

Course, the fact that they're technically supposed to be enemies complicates things a little, and while DSL-tan/-kun are small enough to go unnoticed for a long time, someone like the hypervigilant 95-tan is bound to notice the tiny intruders. Certainly sets the precedent for drama and lots o' POV shots in the future. ^__^

LOL...I can just see CE-tan saying "Kawaaaaaaaiiii!!!!!" at that moment...

And think of the look on 95-tan's face when she finds a village of tiny little Linux-tans living in her hair bow...


I soppose Ill drop in and say my praise too.. since that is a pretty damn good pic.  Best part: The face on CE.  I havent been paying attention much but youve gotten pretty good at your eyes.  Good face over all and the blush turned out well as well.. tho Im with nejin on the fact she looks more like shes exited then suffering a cuteness overload.

Bad part:  Shouldnt CE's hair ribbon have a few folds in it as it heads towards that knot?  And you did such a good job on lighting effects on the face (such as the eye reflection and the white on the lip that makes it look moist)  but then compleatly ignored it for hair.  the picture over all could use a few shade blocks (they arnt that difficult and I dont think they would have taken that much longer)  

Other then that, pretty cute.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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