C-chan Concoctions

Started by C-Chan, April 01, 2007, 10:59:46 PM

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I forgot to comment again, Imma sawwy.   :(

Love both pics, and with MOS-tan, Amiga will have another close sister.  :D


Thank you, Bella-san, Gus-san, The Great AmigaBob.... ^______^
Won't divulge many details about the upcomimg drawings -- not because of secrecy, but because I really don't want to generate too much hype and then end up disapoointing.... >.<

But my intention is to make this drawing something of a cat-lover's dream.  ^__^
(why, if cats and butterflies don't mix?  You'll see.... ^.^)
And while I have to postpone my 1985 Commodore family pic even further, they will still be featured here anyway.  It'll be curious for me to figure out how the two remaining sisters will look like in civilian clothing.

QuoteLove both pics, and with MOS-tan, Amiga will have another close sister.

*looks left*  <__<


*looks right* >__>


............[whispering] I think I'll aim for... "daughter" after all.  ^.^


Yeah, that's probably more logical.  ;)


That's only rushed?

But it already looks good! ^_^  I don't really thought that this was just 4% of your final drawing target.

A nice inspired work from Rafaelle's vision of MOS-chan.


Well actually, that MOS-chan so far is 85% Raffaele-san's original sketch and color.  ^^;
I will embellish her some more as the image progresses, but otherwise almost the entirety of my original content will go into the other characters.  featured.   Thank you, though.  ^___^


[wasted]  Okay, I'm back from my Apple Store PAR-tey!  ovO
And now I justs gotta post this up now, cause I found it at ++ and it's tres cute.....  -v-

*stares at his own box copy of Mac OSX 10.5, which glows with brilliant glowy hologram... thingies*

Oh, and now I know why they made this Leopard-chan design pink-haired.  Not wild about it, but kinda works in this particular picture,... worked reeeeeeeeeal well in the OS setup animation.  XvX

Now all I need to do is figure out how a pig can wear an OSX T-shirt.... -v-


...But not before I pass out a little.  XVX

*collapses on keyboard in drunken stupor*


Maybe I'm missing something, but did you get a Mac?


Before I answer that, first order of business..... ^___^

*C-chan binder clips self onto Bella*

Welcome back!  Hope you won't disappear again anytime soon.  ^0^
Thought I heard somewhere that K8 had problems.  Not sure from where you're writing now, but do hope you get her back soon.  ^^

In any event, to answer your question......




No.  ;____;

Setting aside the impracticality of hauling a whole iMac on an airplane, I kinda wussed out at the last minute.  More like Linux has made me cost-conscious enough to no want to splurge on something I really don't need.  ^^

That's why I always say that I'll wait until they release a Tablet Mac (thanks Alfamille, for the petition!), as that's something I DO need, and all existing Tablet PCs and Linuxes are both expensive AND not entirely up to par.

On the other hand, I did buy a copy of Leopard.  ^__^

*plays with nebula hologram*

I got it slightly cheaper than the $129USD pricetag, and I hope to give it as a gift to someone looking to buy a cheap Mac.  May seem a bit superfluous, but between what I saw in the demo and this article....


...it's not a bad buy for a very pretty (albeit proprietary) system.  Most of the new and cool changes just happen to be very subtle.  (e.g., not mentioned in the above article is the final version of Boot Camp, or the additional features in Spotlight that make it act like a calculator, as well as an English/Japanese dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia.


QuoteWelcome back! Hope you won't disappear again anytime soon. ^0^

Nope. Not unless the cable acts up.

QuoteThat's why I always say that I'll wait until they release a Tablet Mac (thanks Alfamille, for the petition!), as that's something I DO need, and all existing Tablet PCs and Linuxes are both expensive AND not entirely up to par.

If we do buy a Mac, I don't think we'll wait for a tablet (even though that's like my dream computer!), just because that's not what it's gonna be used for (my art projects :P)

Ironically, I'll probably keep using K8 for all of that ;)


*C-chan explodes with joy*


(sorry for th4 Romaji, but the current SCIM setup only supports Simplified and Traditional Chinese.  ^^')

In any event, can't stay on too long cause I'm actually (for the first time ever!!)  writing wirelessly from a cafe!  Using the coolest, cutest, most adorable Linux machine ever created to date~!!!!!!!!  ^V^

(not counting Apple Stores, since they have a more specific product range).

The Asus 3ePC is really a remarkable little machine,... if all the questions raised by countless of strangers are any indicator, I think this concept will be a big seller.  Both myself and the store's laptop vendor (who knew nothing about the machine when I came over, and less that it was even in stock!) were takren aback by its size, and the richness of its features.  The unit she put out for display (and which I helped her set up, since she knew nothing about Linux) was easily dwarfed by all the other so-called Ultraportable laptops in the room (10” being the smallest), and was clearly the only non-Vsita device there.  But between its adorable size, unheard of $399 pricetag, and amazingly complete assortment of software ( I could evven play Frozen Bubble from the get-go!!!  ^V^), it raised more than enough heads to make it sold out in a matter of minutes after I got mine.  ^___^
Even the manager came over to see it and speak with me about it â€" though I may not be a programmer yet, I take pride in being a quasi-spokespig like that from time to time.  ^.^

In any event, too excited for words and too pooped with the business aspects of my trip to say more (now I'm just chillin with my brother).  When I return or if I have a chance, I'll definitely list all the programs it comes with, and reply to all the threads here posted since I lefft.  I've seen some very fantastic artwork, as well as some heated computer discussion, so for sure I won't miss any of them for all the world!!  ^.^


Besides,... maybe y'all can help me draft up an Asus Eee PC-tan.  ^.^
(otherwise, I'll have to resort to puppy-eyeing Siya-san to make me one.  @.@)

C y'all!!!  ^v^

(PS:  Sorry about the spelling mistakes, but the 3ePC's keyboard is TINY!!!!!!!  Consider it one small catch to ultra-portability.... ^^;)

Techno the fox

*Stares at Leopard-tan pic*




Techno Explodes!

Techno's disembodied head: Woah, I didn't even know I could do that.

*starts to slowly reform*

Ahh, So I hear you like Macs?
XD Sorry, had to say that.

From someone who's spent most his life on windows but is slowly working his way up to Linux and mac ; How is OSX 10.5?

(not counting Apple Stores, since they have a more specific product range).

The Asus 3ePC is really a remarkable little machine,... if all the questions raised by countless of strangers are any indicator, I think this concept will be a big seller. Both myself and the store's laptop vendor (who knew nothing about the machine when I came over, and less that it was even in stock!) were takren aback by its size, and the richness of its features. The unit she put out for display (and which I helped her set up, since she knew nothing about Linux) was easily dwarfed by all the other so-called Ultraportable laptops in the room (10” being the smallest), and was clearly the only non-Vsita device there. But between its adorable size, unheard of $399 pricetag, and amazingly complete assortment of software ( I could evven play Frozen Bubble from the get-go!!! ^V^), it raised more than enough heads to make it sold out in a matter of minutes after I got mine. ^___^
Even the manager came over to see it and speak with me about it â€" though I may not be a programmer yet, I take pride in being a quasi-spokespig like that from time to time. ^.^

Congrats C-chan, from your description it sounds pretty small.
So I know It'd make my Dell Latitude C610 look like a giant.

Noobish Question ; What is said Laptop runing, Linux?


QuoteIn any event, can't stay on too long cause I'm actually (for the first time ever!!) writing wirelessly from a cafe! Using the coolest, cutest, most adorable Linux machine ever created to date~!!!!!!!! ^V^

How are you liking wifi  ;010

I actually just set up a network here ;)

QuoteThe Asus 3ePC is really a remarkable little machine,... if all the questions raised by countless of strangers are any indicator, I think this concept will be a big seller. Both myself and the store's laptop vendor (who knew nothing about the machine when I came over, and less that it was even in stock!) were takren aback by its size, and the richness of its features. The unit she put out for display (and which I helped her set up, since she knew nothing about Linux) was easily dwarfed by all the other so-called Ultraportable laptops in the room (10” being the smallest), and was clearly the only non-Vsita device there. But between its adorable size, unheard of $399 pricetag, and amazingly complete assortment of software ( I could evven play Frozen Bubble from the get-go!!! ^V^), it raised more than enough heads to make it sold out in a matter of minutes after I got mine. ^___^
Even the manager came over to see it and speak with me about it â€" though I may not be a programmer yet, I take pride in being a quasi-spokespig like that from time to time. ^.^

Awesome! $399 is a pretty good price...though I must tell you, DY here was like $350 (but I had to stand out in 30 degree temperature at two in the morning to get her XD)

Good thing it didn't come with Vista :P Did it have XP preinstalled or was it blank? And did you, like install Linux while at the shop or what?

QuoteIn any event, too excited for words and too pooped with the business aspects of my trip to say more (now I'm just chillin with my brother). When I return or if I have a chance, I'll definitely list all the programs it comes with, and reply to all the threads here posted since I lefft. I've seen some very fantastic artwork, as well as some heated computer discussion, so for sure I won't miss any of them for all the world!! ^.^

Yeah, just hang out ;) There will be plenty of time to discuss stuff later...

Like the validity of Mac death screens, our artists' awesome new drawings, the age old Vista debate, and, of course, the army of VMS clones I've discovered XD

QuoteBesides,... maybe y'all can help me draft up an Asus Eee PC-tan. ^.^
(otherwise, I'll have to resort to puppy-eyeing Siya-san to make me one. @.@)

Heehee, I might draw one along side of K8 and DY-chan for comparison ;)

QuoteTechno Explodes!

Dammit C-Chan, your exploding is infectious :P

QuoteNoobish Question ; What is said Laptop runing, Linux?

Just a guess, but I think it sounds like PCLOS or SAM Linux.


QuoteTechno's disembodied head: Woah, I didn't even know I could do that.

Welcome to the club, my Brother From Another Mother!  `v'
Blowing up is exhilarating, eh?  ^___^

Quote*starts to slowly reform*

Ahh, So I hear you like Macs?
XD Sorry, had to say that.

From someone who's spent most his life on windows but is slowly working his way up to Linux and mac ; How is OSX 10.5?

Well before I start, you do know I didn't draw that Leopard-chan pic, right?  ^__^
In any event, how is Leopard 10.5?  Don't know, haven't used it.  ^.^
In fact, had to return the unopened box today after all.  Long story, but let's just say that my offer to buy a Mac to a potential Mac Lover was (with much sadness) declined (at least for now) due to Cost of Ownership concerns.

On the other hand, I did maange to inadvertently show off 3ePC-chan while pulling up the email receipt (via the Apple Store's wifi) for the cashier (or I reckon Genius Bar techie-turned cashier, since it was in the same area).  I don't think I have to tell you how many curious stares I got.  ^___^

In any event, 10.5 is still going to be a fairly solid, stable and pretty operating system -- OSX in general is perhaps the most user-friendly UNIX OS (note: note the same as Linux) you'll ever encounter.  The overall look and feel of the desktop emphasizes cleanliness and simplicity, meaning the 3D effects are smooth and subtle compared to the gawdy Aero effects or the almost intimidating Compiz Fusion 3D desktop manager.

QuoteCongrats C-chan, from your description it sounds pretty small.
So I know It'd make my Dell Latitude C610 look like a giant.

Honestly, I would say that its size is comparable to stacking to standard DVD cases together.  'v'

QuoteNoobish Question ; What is said Laptop runing, Linux?

Yep.  Microsoft realized too late that the 3ePC could be a hot seller -- so aside from a botched attempt to suggest Windows XP installation in the instruction manual (not the greatest idea in the world, since you don't want to waste the internal SSD drive with unnecessary write cycles), they couldn't stick their fork in this project like they did recently with the Intel Classmate:


...Course, the 3ePC does run a customized version of Xandros Linux, and well.... Xandros is currently in bed with M$ (all the more reason to help development of custom Linux OSes geared for the 3ePC,... there are already as several in the works).
Nonetheless,... Linux is Linux, and corporate ethics aside, the 3ePC OS is very very very well-built.

It comes with enough applications to get you productive off the bat:  Firefox, Pidgin, Skype, Open Office, Adobe Reader, MTPaint, SMPlayer, Amarok, Konqueror, etc, and even has several gains and children's educational programs like Tux Math, TuxType and TuxPaint.  Wireless and USB device detection works flawlessly with it, and so does Stand By and Suspend features!

Aside from the fact that the repos haven't been populated with additional software yet (I really want Inkscape on this thing), I have to say that there's very little need at this time to replace the OS.

QuoteHow are you liking wifi

I actually just set up a network here


WAAAAAIIII!!!  Sugoi!!  ^v^
And to think Bella-san was the girl who used to fear running Puppy liveCD on her 10 year old Compaq, and now look at her!

Installing wireless networks left and right!  ^___^


Excuse me, I think I got something in my eye!  ;^v^;

QuoteAwesome! $399 is a pretty good price...though I must tell you, DY here was like $350 (but I had to stand out in 30 degree temperature at two in the morning to get her XD)

I think I missed something here,... who's DY?  ^___^

Oh, and yeah I should mention that the 3ePC-chan model that I bought SHOULD'VE been $299, but got bumped up due to production costs (and I assume, some dollar devaluation....^^').  But again -- compared to other UMPC's, this was bargain basement price.  ^.^
Lots of other desktops and laptops can be found for equal or lower price and possibly better specs, but the size and portability given its full-PC features is unmatched..... for now.  ^___^

Might also be a good time to point out that, concurrent with this mini Linux laptop, there are now cheap $200 desktop Linux boxes being sold at Walmart:


I'm not precisely a Walmart advocate or even shopper, but thought this was very interesting.  ^___^
Especially the fact that its custom Ubuntu OS (and quasi Google Operating System) uses the Enlightenment windows manager.  ^___^

QuoteHeehee, I might draw one along side of K8 and DY-chan for comparison

3ePC-chan must be abnormally small.  I know this means biting my own tongue, but a fully-portioned 2-footer (almost like how you drew Minix-sensei) is probably the physique best suited for her.  ^__^
Easy to make fun of and condescend, until you're knocked senseless with some hardcore kung fu (she is Chinese, after all).  

QuoteDammit C-Chan, your exploding is infectious :P

Come now, it's perfectly healthy.  Good way to expend excess calories... ^__^

QuoteGood thing it didn't come with Vista :P Did it have XP preinstalled or was it blank? And did you, like install Linux while at the shop or what?

QuoteJust a guess, but I think it sounds like PCLOS or SAM Linux.

To answer all these questions,.... no, no no and no.  ^.^

The processor and memory is WAAAAAAY too weak to install Vista on, and the SSD drive is too small to support XP (and all the software required to even match what's available in the Xandros-like OS)   Since it already came with the Xandros-like OS, I simply helped the store clerks go through the set up process (name, password, timezone, etc) and give them a brief tour of the programs I was familiar with (open office, firefox, etc).  

And sadly, my previous concern about XP also applies to vanilla installs of regular Linux OSes.  If I wanted to install PCLOS on it, for example, I have to set everything up carefully so that the SSD drive is not wasted needlessly.  That means no sawp partition, no system and error log recording, very likely a custom kernel, compatible drivers for the special Atheros wirless card used.  And most importantly of all,... making sure everything fitx within an 800x480 desktop resolution.  Easier said then done when you consider that the PCLOS control center is stuck at a size often too big for even a 1024x768.  ^^;

At this point, Puppy leads the way as the Linux OS to arrive the fastest at the scene for 3ePC compatibility.  However, someone is working on a version of TinyMe (a mini PCLOS distro) for the 3ePC, so I'm sure it won't be long before I can enjoy full PCLOS compatibility.  ^___^

And if ever I botch something up, I can always reinstall the Xandros-like OS easily.  ^v^


Quote...Course, the 3ePC does run a customized version of Xandros Linux, and well.... Xandros is currently in bed with M$ (all the more reason to help development of custom Linux OSes geared for the 3ePC,... there are already as several in the works).
Nonetheless,... Linux is Linux, and corporate ethics aside, the 3ePC OS is very very very well-built.

Cool! I'm really surprised to find out how many companies are offering Linux!


WAAAAAIIII!!! Sugoi!! ^v^
And to think Bella-san was the girl who used to fear running Puppy liveCD on her 10 year old Compaq, and now look at her!

Installing wireless networks left and right! ^___^


Excuse me, I think I got something in my eye! ;^v^;

Oh come on now, I've set up networks before ;)

Actually, the first time (quite a while back) I had to talk to tech support and follow command-prompt instructions for about two hours before it worked...but it was much easier this time ;)

QuoteMight also be a good time to point out that, concurrent with this mini Linux laptop, there are now cheap $200 desktop Linux boxes being sold at Walmart:


I'm not precisely a Walmart advocate or even shopper, but thought this was very interesting. ^___^
Especially the fact that its custom Ubuntu OS (and quasi Google Operating System) uses the Enlightenment windows manager. ^___^

O. M. G.

That is awesome @___@


QuoteCool! I'm really surprised to find out how many companies are offering Linux!

Lesse, right from the top of my head, we have:

    Dell (Ubuntu)
    IBM/Lenovo (SUSE)
    HP (unknown)
    Asus (my baby.... ^.^)
    Everex (their g/OS, plus they're also planning to make cheap laptops too)
    OLPC (fedora Core variant)
    Intel [Classmate PCs] (Mandriva)
    Zonbu (Gentoo)
    Linutop (Xubuntu)
    OpenMoko (custom embedded OS)

    + Several other minor companies and just stuff I forgot altogether....

    ...and lest we not forget....

    ...all the hundreds of cell phone manufacturers that use Linux in their devices.  ^___^

QuoteActually, the first time (quite a while back) I had to talk to tech support and follow command-prompt instructions for about two hours before it worked...but it was much easier this time

I do get the impression that immersing oneself in both the knowledge of alternative OSes + OS history does make one a little more,......... "tech savvy".  

So congratulations, you can now officially best a Geek Squad technician.  ^___^

QuoteO. M. G.

That is awesome @___@

Deshou?  ^__^
And you did see too that they will release cheap laptops next year (not necessarily small ones though).  Speaking of size, it's funny how the machine itself is very power-friendly because it uses a Mini ITX board and meager specs, and yet it's artificially placed in a HUGE desktop tower.  Apparently, some Walmart studies the company commissioned suggested that the average consumer correlated size with performance.  Or at least felt that $200 for such a HUGE computer was a great deal.  ^^;

Personally, I'd rather just keep them small and fanless.....  -.-'