What Manga are you reading?

Started by Gummster, March 28, 2007, 09:21:26 AM

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you guys and your fancy yuri. i should get some... >>;

EDIT: tripped over the volume of Kill Me Kiss Me i borrowed at the cosplay event yesterday. bought it for 2 bucks. -w-
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Nice ^^

I just finished the volume 1 omnibus of Kashimashi. I might start on volume 2 after I get some other stuff out of the way


lately: Kill Me Kiss Me vol. 1
I Am Here! vol. 1 & 2 (completed)
Momo Tama vol. 1
Magical x Miracle vol. 1 (about half, working on it)
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Would Scott Pilgrim count under manga? If so, I just finished volume 1


i think it does, in a way. not officially, but hey, you just read a comic, go you!

almost through with Magical x Miracle vol. 2. after that, either Beauty Pop vol. 1 or Neck and Neck vol. 1.
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finished off everything on my list except Cherry Juice and Honey and Clover. even managed to finish off Instant Teen while sitting in traffic (including the preceeding two volumes, lol). i read Honey and Clover vol. 1 and 2 today. -w-
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Nagato Yuki-chan manga caught up in full.  Checking on Dynasty.


finished H&C vol. 3 earlier today, dabbling in Translucent vol. 3 as we speak. probably gonna read H&C vol. 4 next.
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Evangelion - The Shinji Ikari Raising Project


@genpop: you're welcome. ^^
there was another manga posting, but it was all in japanese. :\

i was gifted the first volume of K-ON! College the other day, alex bought 2 copies by mistake thinking they were different volumes. lucky me. ^^
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I'm totally up to date on my K-Ons.  I also need to check to see if any new chapters of Yuki-chan have been posted though.  Pretty much the only series I'm following regularly since Negima ended has been A-Channel, since Yandere Kanojo has so many formats it appears in with different (but still relevant) events in each I've really given up hope of continuing without a guide.


i need to actually start GIVING a shit about manga again. i was thinking of collecting the Paradise Kiss books, but they're early TP titles so i imagine they'd be difficult to find, even by amazon standards. :\
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