Vista-tan's Personality

Started by EmiOfBrie, February 19, 2007, 10:59:19 PM

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How about this:

Home Basic-tan, shown fairly plain (clothes, hair, etc) and when given any more than a basic task has trouble completing it without help or extra software.

Home Premium-tan, shown with styled hair, nice clothes etc and has no trouble with tasks.

Business-tan,  Similar to home premium but with a very 2k twist.

Ultimate-tan, much like home premium but with expensive jewelry and nicer clothes and objects like a PDA or bluetooth headset on her. (for all those office functions she has built in as well).

I think they would all act snobbish to all the non-vista M$ based tans. They would generally use the silent treatment with the linux based ones (cause if it doesnt exist its not a threat). With the Mac-tans I suspect they would be two faced, ie. happy and willing to help when around them but very aggravated and spiteful when the macs weren't around (because they feel they have to compete over looks with the mac-tans and over users who keep "cheating" on them by looking at macs).

Between themselves I suspect something like a high school click where they are always moving around like a pack and talking endlessly, that is until a non vista tan comes up.


Quotebecause they feel they have to compete over looks with the mac-tans and over users who keep "cheating" on them by looking at macs

I'm such a cheater, then XD

*Awww, K8, you know you'll always be my best computer!*


I bet the Vistans and XP-tan's wouldn't get along. At all.

You know....

because the XP-tans were (and still are!) popular, beloved, and practically the most famous OS-tans, and the Vistans don't think they can possibly ever live up their sisters in the mind of the public. The XP-tans feel superior, because so many still love them and some believe they are better, but have a little bit of an inferiority thing going on because they feel the Vistans are stealing their glory with cheap glitz.

What a happy family!

Aurora Borealis

Not to mention they (the XP-tans) would be incredibly miffed with Vistan, with XP being discontiuned as a ploy to try and get Vista to sell. Now how's that working out?


Vista should be innocent at first glance, but we all know what lies underneath...

I would argue she would have a manipulative side of her personality, perhaps taking advantage of the other more naive OSs.

Maybe even going as far as once in a while kidnapping XP and trying to force upgrade her? M$ has made it very apparent that they want their users to upgrade to Vista...

When Toshiaki isn't looking, Vista can once in a while sneak away and phone home to Bill?

The vis-ninjas just don't work. As much as I like them, as vista's release approached and the amount of development that was dropped made it very clear how much vista is lacking from the original plans for longhorn.

Just my 2 cents :)


I always prefer +Nijiura+'s artwork of Vis-tan. Since in the actual world, Vista have improved its look. I would really think Vis-tan would have a conservative traits than XP. Just imagining stuff... :D


I've been discussing possible personalities for a Vista-tan, I started here, about two thirds fo the way down, and a lot fo people have contributed:

My idea is to portray her as the victim, I'd have a tech-type headset on her, which she uses to stream audio and such, but she can't take it off, because Microsoft installed it as a mind-control device.  She thus has no real control over her actions when she reports your DVD rips to the FBI and erases your video card drivers.  It's sadly more realistic, the OS is actually better then XP on many levels, and then they went and blew it by stupid 'features' that really just detract from it.  To avoid it I have a a dual-boot with XP and ubuntu, Id like Vista's unix-compatibility, but I'm not willing to take the mess that comes with it.

Dr. Mario

;020 And, it got me thinking... Visbou's pet dog is downright weird as in the MUGEN game, it just stand there, it just rotate its head and, it looks like a demon straight out skateboarding magazine... But I like Visbou. I have MUGEN game, I loved this game.
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...

Gussy Keniji

Quote from: "Dr. Mario";020 And, it got me thinking... Visbou's pet dog is downright weird as in the MUGEN game, it just stand there, it just rotate its head and, it looks like a demon straight out skateboarding magazine... But I like Visbou. I have MUGEN game, I loved this game.

I didn't think that Visbou, was actually Vista-tan, for the fact to me, she(?) looked too much like a that I know I'm gonna re add'er to my roster...



There are several Vista-tans that it's hard to chose. However, I am more inclined to one of the variants that is a blonde haired girl with a black dress and gloves with two vista hourglass, one small one as a halo and another thats like a hula hoop.


I like the modest Vistan with white hair and the blue seifuku - the ninja and the other seifuku variation never really appealed to me. As for personality, it seems as though we will never know - the artists of nijiura work in mysterious ways!

*pushes up glasses*

Dr. Mario

I like Visbou (Vistan Ninja).... T-T Because her pet, Visdog is weird - I played around in MUGEN - she's fun to play, but in some situation, she's totally useless... T-T
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


old thread, already discussed, necroposting, etc.

but my opinion (i get the feeling I wrote this before, but I don't remember where...):

Quote from: "Alfamille"I always prefer +Nijiura+'s artwork of Vis-tan.

I think she would be very obedient most of the time, and be very polite and kind. But she's a Yandere. You don't want to make her angry, just as in this livejournal entry that has been posted before .
And she can "upgrade" into the other versions, just like a magical girl :D (I'm thinking of something like Nanoha and Raging Heart several modes). Which fits the image of "magical girl" Vis-tan of Nijiura's. She can upgrade from the loli "Home basic" to the healthy "Home Premium".


I have a thought for how the Vistan(s) would speak.

The XP-tans are very polite saying "please" and "thanks" or "you should" (because on XP's dialogues, such as the "battery warning", it says "You should immediately charge your battery, (yada yada...)"

But Vistan(s) have no time for such nonsense (cause Vista dialogues just state what has to be said, right? IE, "Immediately charge your battery..."

Dr. Mario

And... ;_; Vistan sometimes can be a meany OS....
I have tried something, it just crash and burnt...
nVidia GeForce 7600GS driver is just simply irritating.
It just crashes when Aero is simply being loaded. T-T
(;_; And Vistan will never get ahead with Emuii-san, though...)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...