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What is your internet speed ?

Started by Fedora-Tan, January 26, 2007, 03:31:19 PM

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What is your internet speed ?

56k or less
17 (13.7%)
More than 56k, Less than 512k
13 (10.5%)
13 (10.5%)
36 (29%)
More than 2Mb, up to 10 Mb
28 (22.6%)
20Mb or more
17 (13.7%)

Total Members Voted: 113

Voting closed: January 26, 2007, 03:29:44 PM


I know; she did the same thing with Internet Explorer 4, when the first time she used it was on a PC my uncle had screwed around with the setting on, which made the scrollbar on the side disappear. As a result, we kept using version 3 for years until she made the upgrade to version 5

EDIT: Since my sister is in the process of moving, I couldn't test her connection this weekend. A shame, because I was looking forward to showing off how awesome it is.

Instead, here's what my connection is like from a wired connection (via 2k-tan the Desktop. The previous one I took of my home connection was over Wifi, using Asagi). It's a tiny bit faster, although not by much


like, .02 points faster. xD

is she going to have the same connection speed in her new place?

oh, and IE's somewhat lack of stability is what made me switch to opera (plus i like the features better :3).
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@Choco: Yeah, she'll have the same connection. I plan on heading over this Saturday, so I can test it out and show off how awesome it is

Also, I used Internet Explorer for years since the version of Netscape we also had was starting to become as outdated as IE3 was. Then, I switched to Mozilla in '04, and once that became too outdated to use, I finally made the jump to Firefox and began regularly following it's releases.


mozilla was a browser?
and lol, i haven't thought of netscape in years. xD


possible future home (and also my dad's former home):
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@Choco: Yeah, Mozilla was it's own browser at one time; based heavily on Netscape 4. It was retired once Firefox took off, although one group revived the original Mozilla as SeaMonkey

Also, where exactly is Basel? Obviously, it must be out-of-the-way and with a connection barely better than what I get at work


hee. Basel, Switzerland is where my dad grew up. it's a big city. :3

and gotta love random obscure programs. -w-
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@Choco: If you're moving, than take me with you? (Probably won't happen that easily since you'd have to take a detour to get me, but hey; I can dream about escaping from this tiny town, can't I?)

Anyway, here's what my sister's connection is like; testing from what is physically the closest server:

...And again from what it says is closer to her house (Which it isn't; she lives less than 5 miles from where I do, which is nowhere close to Memphis):


either way, faster than your connection. :3
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Yeah; I'd love to have a home connection like that...


i'd hate to live where you are. my connection's slow enough as it is. >__<;
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8MB/s is slow? I'd love to have a connection like that, and I'm pretty sure my desktop would love one that fast as well (Especially when I buy something off Steam; downloading Portal 2 was a test of patience)


i say "slow" because it's constantly DCing. :\
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I don't have too many D\C problems, surprisingly; the main problems I had with that was with my old, dieing Wireless-B router I replaced a few months ago



speed means nothing when it cuts constantly. ><;
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It sometimes cuts on me, but usually it happens when my connection gives up because there's just too much for it to take in; as my parents and I learned when they where watching a streaming video on Netflix while I was watching the latest episode of Linkara's History of Power Rangers