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Started by s8man, January 26, 2007, 06:11:52 AM

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I am besottified, mortified, sanctified, mummified, and stupified by cute non-Windows OS-tans....  ^____^

Couple that with the fact I'm a lucrative coin collector, and y'all better run for the hills if you don't want to see pigs splurging.  *v*

*runs off laughing maniacally*


Quote from: "Xyanide"
thank you! I didn't expect there being a linux platform version of this, and aparently it needs a lot of things to be fixed, hardware/MIDI controlling for example XD And i tend to use that a lot when working on new projects finding melody lines, recording the midi and then quantizing on the's going to be hard to be creative with the Linux version...i'm still sticking with windows yes
i rest my case :P

At the rate wine is progressing, i'd say it'll work in about 1 year or such. 2 years ago, Wine could hardly launch a mine sweeper and now it works pretty flawlessly with most apps. Since yours is a bit "heavy", it's understandable it's not fully supported yet. However, keep in mind the tests were all made on Ubuntu. Maybe another distro could have better results. I could test on Fedora but i don't have the software, and tbh it bothers me to download it just to test... (apart the illegal side of the download of course, but since it's ONLY to test if it works i don't consider it's that bad)


Don't bother about it, i'll just get myself an AMD duo-core processor and stuff instead ;)


That's more expeditive, yet easier if you can afford it :D

(updated list above, replaced xmms with audacious with is better IMO)


I will (sometime) install Linux (either Gentoo or Ubuntu....) and dualboot min stationary PC between XP (No way Vista is going on my PC) and Linux
Nobody of the resistance


Bless you Stoy,  ^___^
Bless you very much!  ^v^

Why wait though... if you're cautious about partitioning your HD, why not try out a LiveCD or mini distros to get your feet wet?

That way, you can try out a distros without making it permament (and some of these portable distros like Damn Small Linux or Puppy are fairly full-featured).  ^__^


yeah, DSL s really nice. Especially if you install it on an USB-stick, put the stick in a port of my Mum's computer, get the BIOS to start from it and go awa, whistling.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


*paints magic circle*

*performs ceremonial dance*

[summoning]  HEAR ME, OH GREAT PENGUIN GOD!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

Question:  Can you please tell me all you know about Beryl, and what implications it might have for the future of Linux given the late drive towards fancy 3D desktops?  ^___^'


Just thought I'd make a quick post regarding my Linux conversion...

My jump was prompted due to my avarice for freeware, I was fed up with all the Windows apps and really wanted some new stuff.  I liked the idea of building my own OS with free software and having access to such depths of customization.  Sure, losing some of my favorite Windows programs was a bit of a turnoff (all of which were actually freeware anyway), but I was confident I could find suitable replacements... which I did.

It's taking some getting used to, but I have to say that I'm pleased overall with my venture into Linux w/Ubuntu (I always have my Linux booklet here and the UbuntuForums for any help I might need  ;001 ).

btw.  I'm a little upset I can't do special symbols with Alt-key commands anymore... I miss not having to copy-paste my umlauts.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quotebtw. I'm a little upset I can't do special symbols with Alt-key commands anymore... I miss not having to copy-paste my umlauts.

I believe you can actually assign special keys (though ask Kami-Tux since she's the veteran)... the more you dive into Linux, the more you discover that you can get/do everything you need and want, as long as you realize it's BURIED in there somewhere.  ^________^;

(In the case of Ubuntu, probably deep inside that sea of repository files that exists on their main server, and on independent sites.  ^.^'

There are some things on Windows that I can't leave behind, so I chose to dual boot my system.  This is actual a great method, since I can still operate both OSes AND have an excellent "rescue" system in case Windows decides to die again.  (just make sure to install ntfs-32).  -v-

My only gripe is the whole libdvdcss debacle, but that's the fault of the proprietary companies for being greedy SOBs (as if they didn't make enough money off of compact discs.... -.-)

btw, not that I recommend you get it now (it's still unstable), but have you heard of that Beryl think I mentioned?  It sounds kinda cool,... a real Aero killer.  ^.^


Quote from: "C-Chan"
btw, not that I recommend you get it now (it's still unstable), but have you heard of that Beryl think I mentioned?  It sounds kinda cool,... a real Aero killer.  ^.^

I did have 3d desktop installed, but it didn't work 'cos I had some problem with direct rendering (I'm such a n00b).

I think I'd like to have it on as just a bit of eye candy 'cos my computer's kinda low-end and prolly couldn't take it running all the time.  What I would really like is an animated desktops like I saw in another thread... bad ass.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Do you use an accelerated driver?

and for animated desktops... you can run a screensaver in the background... and periodically change the desktop background.

Added after 3 minutes:

Quote from: "IanDanKilmaster"
btw.  I'm a little upset I can't do special symbols with Alt-key commands anymore... I miss not having to copy-paste my umlauts.
I normally install different keyboard layouts for that. setxkbmap is the command in case GNOME lacks a front end for it.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Quote from: "Kami-Tux"Do you use an accelerated driver?

Not sure, driver situation's been kinda difficult with my silly little Intel chipsets and all.

Quoteand for animated desktops... you can run a screensaver in the background... and periodically change the desktop background.

How does that work?  and, pardon my n00bness, is there anyway an animated gif can run in the background?  When I was still running 2000 I was capable of actually viewing the animated image without using the browser, but that has yet to be the case in Ubuntu.

QuoteI normally install different keyboard layouts for that. setxkbmap is the command in case GNOME lacks a front end for it.

So, with that I could type in Alt+1,4,5 (I've already forgotten exactly how I did it in Windows) and get "ö"?  If not, how exactly does it work?

btw.  Pardon my ignorance on this, I'm trying to learn all that I can.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Sorry, I am not quite awake and KDE user.

Intel chipsets sounds good since for that, offers accelerated Free/Libre/opensource drivers... best way to check is to starta 3d/OpenGL screensaver and check the framerate.

generally, something like kswarm.kss --root  runs a screensaver as desktop background. replace kswarm.kss by your favorite one.

> So, with that I could type in
> Alt+1,4,5 (I've already forgotten
> exactly how I did it in Windows)
> and get "ö"? If not, how exactly
> does it work?

either edit your keymap or check your keyboard settings on how to change between layouts. I am rather tired and  woud need a few good night's (and day's) sleep to be able to help you...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Quote from: "Kami-Tux"Sorry, I am not quite awake and KDE user.

Intel chipsets sounds good since for that, offers accelerated Free/Libre/opensource drivers... best way to check is to starta 3d/OpenGL screensaver and check the framerate.

generally, something like kswarm.kss --root  runs a screensaver as desktop background. replace kswarm.kss by your favorite one.

> So, with that I could type in
> Alt+1,4,5 (I've already forgotten
> exactly how I did it in Windows)
> and get "ö"? If not, how exactly
> does it work?

either edit your keymap or check your keyboard settings on how to change between layouts. I am rather tired and  woud need a few good night's (and day's) sleep to be able to help you...

It's all good, I'm a pretty patient guy and good help is definitely worth waiting for :D.  I think what you've already mentioned is already going to help me quite a bit. Thank you.

Added after 17 hours 8 minutes:

Friggin' sweet, I just figured out how to get screensavers in the background. Thanks.

P.S.  I've noticed a number of mentions of the OS DSL, and I just started thinking about OSes that can be installed on flash drives.  Of those that can be, which are the best for a novice user?  Also, what would the requirements be for said OSes?  I've been looking at FreeBSD and Fedora and just recently noticed DSL, but I'm uncertain of their ease of use any ideas? (btw. I plan to continue my use of Ubuntu I just wanted to experiment on an older computer I have).

The Choice of a New Generation.