What is the origin of your nickname?

Started by Exa, January 03, 2007, 07:03:34 AM

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Mine nickname has a pretty long history.  This includes my obsession with Sonic the Hedgehog 2, a snow cone, a story that I have never finished and a lot of super powers.  I chose to stick with the "silverfox" part of my name for two reasons though.  One, just like my real name, the color silver never goes out of style.  Two, I have the intellect and cunning of a fox.  The Omni part I'll tell if you really want to hear it.  ^^
  Fear the power....of my spinning bee army! 


I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Back when I was 16, I was playing Sonic 2 when i thought of Tails.  I wanted to make a super form character for Tails (this was before I found out about Turbo Tails).  I thought of a gray fox that was slightly older and twice as fast.  I changed the fox's nme after ordering a snow cone flavor named, 'Silverfox'.  I joined a random anime chat which gave me the chance to use the name, 'Silverfox'.  I had slowly learned to role-play and made many friends and enemies.  I got so into it and started using different powers.  The first power was super-speed, then full elemental control.  I encountered many types of RPer fighting styles in the chat, (the most common was T2).  My friend, Kayzar was by my side a well as Akina.  We all moved on from the chat room two years later (2004).  Kayzar told me about Gaia Online.  It was an anime role-playing community.  I was at the time adamant about joining, but knew it was the only choice I had.  I, Kayzar, Akina and many other members from the chat became Gaians.  Since Silverfox was taken, I made Menaiah Kayga (Silverfox when translated to english).  The name I chose two years later (2006) was, 'The Silver Fox of Omni'.  Omni was the character that helped Silverfox learn new ways to use the elements.  Silverfox is growing along with me.  Together, we learn to do great things for both worlds.  We found that the person behind the character Akina, as well as Akina herself had fallen in love with us years ago.  In this present day I am still trying to keep in touch with her.  We exchanged phone numbers after knowing each other for so long.  She loves my confidence and the way I stand up for what I believe in.  I love her empathy and many other smalls things she does.  It makes her so lovable!  <3  *Shakes his head wildly*  Oh, back to the story before I ramble any more about her.  Silverfox has been through a lot of odd situations.  Like the one concerning his daughter, Kira Kayga.  He found out that she was a failed experiment (made by R.A.D.G.E.A.R.) to clone him.  She was told to destroy him, but inherited his empathy.  She couldn't go through with it.  ((Still need time to finish))
  Fear the power....of my spinning bee army! 



QuoteMine is simply my first name. :)
Oh you. :P


My nickname originates from the musical genre grindcore and more specifically the Squash Bowels song Flesh Grinder.


My nickname was created 5 to 6 years ago.

Friends at school tried getting me to play runescape, so I finally tried to play it.  I was thinking about dragons at the time, and I like honorable things. So I tried putting down "Dragonofhonor," but it wouldn't let me put in the last letter in it. So I removed the "o" before the "r" and came up with "Dragonofhonr."

Sticked with that name ever since.

Alex S

My name came from the pseudonym I use on the internet: Alex Sushiama.  It sounded cool, and it's a name that barely exists on Google.  This pseudonym has an address and birthdate slightly different from my own.


I took two of my favourite anime girls with melee weapons and put them together.
"I win at life."
-Sojiro Izumi


my nickname is simply the name that i think by myself, when i think about cat....LOL

just call me rui for the simple :D


Well Long story short, i use to call myself "El_Pibe" back on 1998, then everyone started to ask me for my real name, wich is Marcos but i was an awful speed writer so i used to type "Marcod".

Once i got rid of "El_Pibe" basically cos everyone was using it (It means plainly "The Boy") and i swiched to MarCOD... Then Neo MarKOD for the sake of l337ness... and shorter, NMKD... :)




I generally create names from military rank plus phonetic phrases.

Thus, SgtCFoxtrot is: Sergeant Charlie Foxtrot

Which is an enlisted man/woman of Sergeant Rank named after a Cluster F**k. :D

Essentially, Sergeant Bad Stuff Happenin'.


QuoteEssentially, Sergeant Bad Stuff Happenin'.
And how!