Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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In the OS-tan world there is nothing clear, everything can change from one artist to another and since most submissions are anonymous you can barely tell who drew what.
Even breast size is a subject of eternal debate and isn't clear whenever it represents the overall UI or the RAM consuption, or even the RAM size.

Besides I don't really know what else can be possibly speculated with such material.
As for adding brief descriptions of the Mac-tans that's what I'll do next, right now I was focusing on the family matter.


Damn it! I ran face straight into a wall... man, NavBoxes in MediaWiki and Wikipedia use those extra #if codes as well.

This sure kills motivation... now I need to find the HTML counterpart to that code... if it even exists... at all.
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programming is fun (read: tedious) isn't it? :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


No, I think it's all CSS mumbo jumbo... there isn't even any Javascript involved if I recall correctly.


Actually, it is a combination of both CSS and Javascript, I've seen the source files at both MediaWiki and Wikipedia.

And as of now, I will tell you... unless the site's wiki code is extended to have the required Java Scripts and Cascading Style Sheet systems... navigation boxes, conditioned tables, or any kind of complex code that is used in MediaWiki or Wikipedia will not work at all in here. Now I know why is it that my first info-box template was not working as it was supposed to. T_T
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Aurora Borealis

Hooray! There is now an article about the Apple family and it's got a good start! ;010

--Progress updates--

Added in two Apple-tans to the list: System 4.2-tan and System 4.4-tan

New articles: Mac System 5-tan, Mac System 4.2-tan, Yggdrasil Linux-tan, QNX-tan, Darwin OS-tan

other updates: Replaced old infoboxes with the new ones for most of the website-tan articles.


Windows-tans:  26
   with articles: 24 (~92.31%)
   with wiki avis: 23 (~88.46%)

Apple-tans: 28
   with articles: 22 (~78.57%)
   with wiki avis: 22 (~78.57%)

DOS-tans: 9
   with articles: 9 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (100%)

Linux-tans: 51
   with articles: 18 (~35.29%)
   with wiki avis: 32  (~62.75%)

Unix-tans: 26
   with articles: 10 (~38.46%)
   with wiki avis: 18 (~69.23%)

Other OS-tans: 47
   with articles: 18 (~38.3%)
   with wiki avis: 24 (~51.06%)

App-tans: 23
   with articles: 9 (~39.13%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (~39.13%)

Malware-tans: 29
   with articles: 22 (~75.86%)
   with wiki avis: 23 (~79.31%)

Moezilla: 5
   with articles: 5 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 5 (100%)

Site-tans: 23
   with articles: 20 (~86.96%)
   with wiki avis: 19 (~82.61%)

OS-kuns: 11
   with articles: 9 (81.81%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (81.81%)

Non OS-kuns: 3
   with articles: 3 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 2 (66.67%)

Malware-kuns: 6
   with articles: 4 (66.67%)
   with wiki avis: 4 (66.67%)

TOTAL ARTICLES: 180/287 (~62.72%)


Well... at least that is enough to raise the spirits. Good, good, good! Now, let's get ourselves to build up on those "red" articles so that our percentage grows!!

*is happy again... even more because this was his best weekend of his entire life*

I have a question though, who has access to implementation and expansion of the wiki system? I mean, I would like (more like, love) to see the more complex code being implemented into the wiki... if it isn't any trouble at all. ^_^'
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Great job, everyone!  ^__^

I should really start taking responsibility for some of the entities I've created.  I shall endeavor to, sometime within the next month, have a wiki account and use it for the good of the OS-tans Wiki and for FCL-tan! XD well as the others. ^__^;


Yo Peoplez,
First off, thank you Aurora for keeping tabs on this thread, and creating so many articles,  If you have more Wiki avis to upload (say, for Yggdrasil Linux), patch them through and they'll be posted ASAP.

Thanks iDarbert for your interest in contributing to the Apple articles.  The logos are in major need of updating, except for this one here....

...but it's basically the OS-tan Collections Wiki, and can include as much detail about our own fan-based works (or interpretations of canon material) as much as the canon material itself.  That includes your sketches.  ;)

Thanks Kiso as well for the updates, and for looking into adding that code.  Admittedly, the List of OS-tans directory can probably use the same level of "consolidation" similar to what I did in the Avatar Gallery page.  

Fedora-dono set up the Wiki last year -- in fact, we went through many models prior to settling on this one.  It might be possible to add what you need.

However, if the omission was done for security purposes (similar to the SVG attachment exploit that Tsubashi stamped out earlier), then we may have to work only with the tools we have.  In fact, I can probably parse the list out myself if you don't mind (I've actually meant to do it for quite some time).  

Consider one benefit to the manual breakout of each OS family:  you can assign a small group picture to each one to create the right atmosphere -- despite the colorfulness of our own forum, our Wiki lacks color.  ;D

Siya, you've been added to the Wiki roster.  Indeed, you should have the right to update your characters on demand.  ^^


Quote from: "Kiso"Actually, it is a combination of both CSS and Javascript, I've seen the source files at both MediaWiki and Wikipedia.
Really? You would've said with what CSS3 is capable of doing...
Well it's still inline "onclick()" I guess.


Woah... that sure is one nice image. Wait... that the one of the gallery?

But back on scripts matters... I do not think those codes are harmful to security. I mean, Wikipiedia, MediaWiki, Wikia... pretty much every large wiki makes use of them CSS and J-script codes. Maybe they could just be incompatible with browsers that do not have the Java-VM or do not understand CSS... though that would be a rare sight these days.

And one thing that sure would be useful to protecting the site is that of turning important articles (templates, the CSS and J-script sources, as well as other articles that should be left as they are) into read-only articles. That way, no one other than the admins could modify the files and the security of the wiki would increase by itself.

That's what they do in Wikipedia and MediaWiki to prevent malicious peeps from vandalizing the sites.

Now, following onto breaking up the groups... I think it is a good idea, even though the *deep godly voice*BIG LIST*dgv* should be kept still. As for giving color I guess it would grow slowly.

QuoteReally? You would've said with what CSS3 is capable of doing...
Well it's still inline "onclick()" I guess.
I don't know... maybe it is for global compatibility? Or maybe there is something that I haven't catch up to now.

In the meantime... I think I will start imagining color combinations for info-boxes based on the tans families... and think up a good NavBox configuration. In case we end up with new code being implemented.
*has hopes for CSS and JS*
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QuoteBut back on scripts matters... I do not think those codes are harmful to security. I mean, Wikipiedia, MediaWiki, Wikia... pretty much every large wiki makes use of them CSS and J-script codes.
Those tre Wikis are actually based on the same Wiki software, Mediawiki.

QuoteMaybe they could just be incompatible with browsers that do not have the Java-VM or do not understand CSS... though that would be a rare sight these days.
Javascript != Java.
And yes, every modern browser has basic support for CSS and Javascript, and that includes Internet Explorer 6.


Quote from: "iDarbert"
QuoteBut back on scripts matters... I do not think those codes are harmful to security. I mean, Wikipiedia, MediaWiki, Wikia... pretty much every large wiki makes use of them CSS and J-script codes.
Those tre Wikis are actually based on the same Wiki software, Mediawiki.
I know... and none get messed up by the codes section... that was the point.

Quote from: "iDarbert"
QuoteMaybe they could just be incompatible with browsers that do not have the Java-VM or do not understand CSS... though that would be a rare sight these days.
Javascript != Java.
I should know this one by know... I just keep going there. XD

Quote from: "iDarbert"And yes, every modern browser has basic support for CSS and Javascript, and that includes Internet Explorer 6.
Yeah, but the face that is there doesn't mean it isn't required for the site to have the code... yes, the site needs for the code to be available locally so that the system would understand it. Otherwise we won't be able to do squat. I should know... I messed with this already.
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Quote from: "Kiso"
I know... and none get messed up by the codes section... that was the point.
Well yeah but it's kinda weird to point them out as different examples when they are technically speaking the same thing.

QuoteYeah, but the face that is there doesn't mean it isn't required for the site to have the code... yes, the site needs for the code to be available locally so that the system would understand it. Otherwise we won't be able to do squat. I should know... I messed with this already.
That's not what I said, I was just pointing out that it's virtually impossible for someone not to be able to see the expanding box trickery.


QuoteWell yeah but it's kinda weird to point them out as different examples when they are technically speaking the same thing.

Yes... it is... and they speak HTML... most basic markup language ever.

QuoteThat's not what I said, I was just pointing out that it's virtually impossible for someone not to be able to see the expanding box trickery.
thank you for the clarify!
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