Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Well... I updated the template to make it a tad better... working on the borders now. But by this time it can actually be used on the wiki, so you guys can go wild using it as it is...

In the meantime, I'll be looking up on codes to further increase the 'power' of that one template... it's not exactly as easy as it seems from the developer side.

Oh and... thank you for the feedback on that Vistan comment... I guess it leaves me with an open range of directions to take in order to help expand on the Vistan variations. This may also require explanation of the various ways people represent the features of the softwares and the like.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to say... don't worry about me dude... I only take enough time to do something significant.
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QuoteOh yeah, I almost forgot to say... don't worry about me dude... I only take enough time to do something significant.

Very good, that's what I like to hear.  ^__^

*sits down and sips some white tea*


Hey, I was thinking the other day about the 4Chan-tan and 7Chan-tan. If -tan versions of some of the Chan boards exist, then why not create -kun versions of them?! The -kuns don't get enough love... ;_; If it's alright with everyone, if  -kun versions don't exist, I'd like to claim as my own and create articles on them. :3

Also, I had an idea for Google-kun. I might write some thing up about him too.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now... *sleeps*


Well,... I think the one prerequisite for adding new characters to the listing is that they should at the very minimum be drawn to some extent.  I could've added z/OS-tan, but because she only exists in my head I can't feel compelled to add her....  ^___^;

If you'd be willing to do a little sketchwork, I think we can set up something for you.  You can always flesh them out later.  ^.^

But no yaoi now, ya here?  ^___^;

QuoteNow if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now... *sleeps*

*covers up 2.0-chan in blanket*


If you guys need junk done on the wiki side (rather than sysop side, with the code and wotev), I'm available.

@Icelily: There's 4chan-tan? oshiâ€"

I wonder if there's a /b/-tan.


Alrighty then, show me your skillz....  `v'

*stares at avatar*

Wow! You do love cycling through tons of avatars, don't you...?  ^^'


QuoteWell,... I think the one prerequisite for adding new characters to the listing is that they should at the very minimum be drawn to some extent. I could've added z/OS-tan, but because she only exists in my head I can't feel compelled to add her.... ^___^;

I'm the same way. I feel I've got to do a finished vector sketch before I add an entry...or else I'd have already done a ton of articles for old OS-tans (like CTSS, ITS, RSX-tan, etc.)

Aurora Borealis

Here are the updated OS-tan Collections Wiki stats:

Windows-tans:  25
   with articles: 24 (96%)  
   with wiki avis: 23 (92%)

Apple-tans: 26
   with articles: 19 (~73.08%)
   with wiki avis: 21 (~80.76%)

DOS-tans: 9
   with articles: 8 (88.89%)
   with wiki avis: 8 (88.89%)

Linux-tans: 48
   with articles: 14 (~29.167%)
   with wiki avis: 16 (33.33%)

Unix-tans: 23
   with articles: 4 (~17.39%)
   with wiki avis: 8 (~34.78%)

Other OS-tans: 40
   with articles: 15 (37.5%)
   with wiki avis: 20 (50%)

App-tans: 23
   with articles: 9 (~39.13%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (~39.13%)

Malware-tans: 26
   with articles: 18 (~69.23%)
   with wiki avis: 12 (~46.15%)

Moezilla: 5
   with articles: 5 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 5 (100%)

Site-tans: 21
   with articles: 20 (~95.23%)
   with wiki avis: 19 (~92.30%)

OS-kuns: 11
   with articles: 9 (81.81%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (81.81%)

Non OS-kuns: 2
   with articles: 2 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 2 (100%)

Malware-kuns: 6
   with articles: 4 (66.67%)
   with wiki avis: 0 (0%)


Quote from: "C-Chan"Well,... I think the one prerequisite for adding new characters to the listing is that they should at the very minimum be drawn to some extent.  I could've added z/OS-tan, but because she only exists in my head I can't feel compelled to add her....  ^___^;

If you'd be willing to do a little sketchwork, I think we can set up something for you.  You can always flesh them out later.  ^.^

But no yaoi now, ya here?  ^___^;

QuoteNow if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now... *sleeps*

*covers up 2.0-chan in blanket*
Sketchwork? Well... Only if you promise not to laugh at my poor artistic skills. I couldn't draw to save my life. XD

Aww... No yaoi? ;_; Oh alright. But that's only because I love you and everyone else here. ^v^

*snuggles in blankie*


Hey people... we need a pair of images for the wiki.

--| "No image available." - This would be for characters with articles, and still have no defined picture. Just in case somebody decides to bring about a written description... something rather but still possible.

--| "No set standard." - This one is to say that the character has images, but there are so many variations and no one has adopted a common design.

-------| Alternatively, we can create animated .gif images with the images of all the popular variations... but... that doesn't really look professional or remotely presentable for either a public or private wiki or even a private character database.

I can offer myself for creating those, but I don't really have much artistic ideas to take on for any of these two images. I know one thing is for sure though, these would have the same format as the rest of the wiki avatars.
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QuoteAlso, I had an idea for Google-kun. I might write some thing up about him too.
I've seen a Google-kun, once.  I'm not so sure I was all that fond of him, though.


Well, I've only had two. :P

What needs doing?


Well blasted dude... the main thing to do is wiki article development, creation and/or updating. Other (more important things) things are done by the wiki mods when need be... unless you are good with wiki or HTML coding... then you also have a chance doing things yourself, like the info box template I am developing. ^__^
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Okay, terribly busy so will have to go through all this at a kph speeds.... -v-

Quote--| "No image available." - This would be for characters with articles, and still have no defined picture. Just in case somebody decides to bring about a written description... something rather but still possible.

We can pluck one from the Annex for now....

Should generally be used whenever a picture can't be created.  If the character itself hasn't been drawn yet, I'd be willing to give some leeway if the character is a work in progress (meaning we'll see it in the very near future).  At the very least, the wording should explicitly state that it's a design proposal.

Quote--| "No set standard." - This one is to say that the character has images, but there are so many variations and no one has adopted a common design.

In practice this would only apply to Longhorn and Vista, but in principle there really isn't such a thing.  The avatar is really more indicative of whom we (as OSC) prefer as our character of choice.  In fact, I wanted to get away from having 3 separate avatars in the Vistan info box, and just break them out between the separate Vista releases (starter, Home, Ultimate, etc), since we commonly regard the most popular designs as belonging to one of those releases (e.g., Chiivistan as Ultimate, Ninja Girl as basic, Vistake as,... well you get the idea).  

Quote-------| Alternatively, we can create animated .gif images with the images of all the popular variations... but... that doesn't really look professional or remotely presentable for either a public or private wiki or even a private character database.

Oh yeah, that doesn't fly with me either.  ^__^'
No, but as a compromise to that proposal, you might consider placing the additional avatars embedded within the article itself, when the particular design variation is mentioned.  For practical reasons, of course, you would have to limit it only to only the most popular designs -- but at least it gives the reader a visual cue of what the article is talking about.

I wanted to do this with the Ubuntu-tan article, showing both the Japanese variation and Bella's version in addition to Juzo-kun's original.

QuoteWhat needs doing?

We're in dire need of article stubs, but if you're good with proofreading and editing, we could also use a fix-me-up in the Introductions Page.

There's also a ton of app-tans, hardware-tans and the like in the Gallery and sprinkled throughout the forum that have not been listed in their respective spots.  Not exactly high-priority, but it's a peaceful, quiet area of development that you could work on.

Just remember to link pictures of said "-tans" here, so we can create avatars of them.


Hey... that is a nice image. Oh and don't worry... it would usually be for temporary purposes. Something tells me the Vista article would be the one to make permanent use of it until people decide to actually support the multiple character versions for each of the OS' versions, like the three XP-tans.

It's is obvious that I am on the works of that... and I think I saw the +Nijiura+ gallery hosting a picture of four OS-tans that would loook the same if it weren't for they having different color schemes. And the four more popular versions of Futaba sometimes have been pointed to be representing X version of the software... but that's not something I would call comfirmed until somebody brings about proof of it.

Anyways... I am making the updated version of the Vistan article... it's already 2000+ characters long and I have yet to finish writting it all. Might have it up by next Tuesday... I can't fully dedicate myself to writting... I also need to help myself to some personal projects like, improving my vectorized character, start work on designing my six(Nijiura-inspired) Vistans... plus think of their possible attires... not to mention keep a watch on sites other than this one that I frequent.
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