Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Thank you! However I did screw up because when editing, it wouldn't preview for me so I had to submit without any previewing. Also, when I did submit it, it didn't show right away -_-


No problemo, that was a minor thing to fix.  ^___^
(BTW, love your new avatar.  ^__~)

I too noticed that submitting a picture or article edits drops you off to a blank screen.  The files/changes do go through, however, so this is just a cosmetic issue (hitting refresh usually brings up what you need to see).  

Sounds like something ol' Tsuabashi-dono can check out later.  ^.^


Nice job you two! Great article. Sorry I'm not much of a help, I've been busy with other things lately ^^'

About the submit issue, though, I can't seem to reproduce it. I've only tried what was convenient, though (Safari, Webkit, Firefox and IE on Sazaki-chan ^^') so maybe that has something to do with it. Is it a specific page? I'll test a few more things tomorrow ^.^


QuoteNo Country-tans?
No Mecha Musumes?

I guess there will be no Fighter Airplane-tans.

Damn straight.  I dont think Ive ranted recently on the epic fail of Mecha/airplain/tank/gun tans, but its is epic indeed. as C-chan said, they lack no personality what so ever and are simply MOEification (if you can call it that) but bolting guns and armor plates to a girl.  You know, someone else does that.

The Strogg.  Yes, the strogg in Quake. They capture humans and turn them into horrible mockeries of life and machine by hardwiring weapons onto the recently severed limbs of innocent victums.

Yes thats right, mecha musume is the very definition of evil.

I mean, Imagin how badly the tans would suck if they were just girls with keyboards and computer cases replacing body parts? What makes the tans win is PERSONALITY.  3.1samas quiet non expresive nature and her unseperatable relationship with DOS reflects the personality of the system. Or how 95sama hates apple and turns into a scary lady from flashbacks to the "old days"

he contry tans, like aftganus-tan and Merikan contain the same sort of personality.   Thus, dispite their lack of coverage, they do win big.  Seriously.. Merikan.. richest girl on her block and a good fighter with a super hero fetish, belives her form of justice is right for everyone.. Thats a pretty damn well thought out description that fits well.

Plus I seriously loled when she was sitting on the white house lawn singing "the world was made for me" when osama cat jumped out of no where and bit her ruining her perfect complexion.  

but like everyone has said thus far, I do belive that they should not be included.  

HOWEVER, I do belive the consol tans/video game tans belong there.  Videogames and computers, computers and video games, they go hand in hand. there is some pompetition between computer gaming and consol gaming but they are pretty close to the same thing.  I just think we as one of the largest english speaking os-tan fandom sites should work on developing them more.  Like imagin a dreamcast tan that looks like a female peter pan or something with CE floating around her like tinker bell (since the dreamcast used CE from what I understand)  Or 360tan being a lesbian type with a fetish for girls with large boobs, which explains why she only talks to vista and XPME.
Even c-chans wii tan, an exuberent fitness freak whos always on the go, but perhaps as a loli since shes for the younger crowed, and her system specs arnt up to that of her "sisters"

In summery:  Tanks planes mecha food contries fastfood resturants etc have nothing to do with computers.  But Video games, computer hardware,  and aplications do and I feel they should be included in the wiki.
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Aurora Borealis

I agree! Mecha Musume is made of lots of fail!

But I guess Videogame console-tans aren't total fail, they seemed that way because there haven't been any artists to unlock their potential to be as good as the OS-tans.


Hmmm,... you're injecting me with doubt...  not fun.... T__T
Bear in mind I'm still pulling my ears over this most regrettable decision to deny Wii-sama a viable advertising platform (as if SHE needed one).

Still, I'm still hesitant to reverse my decision, if only because, while I do understand your logic, are we ever going to do much with them to warrant good articles?  '__'

The only way we can personify the "unpersonifiable" is if we take the initiative to give them proper personalities ourselves.  Yes, I know there are still some of you who decry that we have no right to establsih canondom ourselves, but after all this is now our Wiki and can be tailored as such.  At the moment, we can safely say that we've (mainly RenRen, Infinity_Zero and myself) have settled on a single Wii-tan design, and I know Bella-san has drawn a Pippin-tan.  Plus you have those middle-grounders who have historically intermixed with game consoles, such as Coleco Adam-tan, C64-tan and even Amiga-tan.  But these are still fairly slim pickings.  -v-

Because of they're low priority, it's not like we would have written articles for console-tans any time soon -- however, if between now and that hypothetical time, we can do a lot more with videogame console-tans (settling on definitive designs would help, but just drawing more of them is good enough), then for sure I'd reinstate that section.  ^__^

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and btw Tsubashi-san, never mind cause I can't seem to get that problem started up anymore.  Weird.... '__'

Aurora Borealis

*dusts off thread*

Got some work on the wiki done! Expanded upon the articles for DSL-tan and System 1-tan and created the article for System 3-tan!

And sorry to seem like a nag but some of the wiki avis I made didn't get added to the gallery:

And while on the topic of OS-tan wiki avatars, any requests?


Nah, you can act as a nag.  ^__^
Truth is, I did upload some of those avatars already (Foobies I remember),... just forgot to post them on the actual Avatar Gallery.  ^^;

Gomen gomen,... I'm slipping, I know.  -v-
Vacation, DSL-kun, and illness made sure of that.  -.-

Fortunately, thanks to my beloved 3ePC-chan, I'm bound to make quick comeback!  And since you made a DSL-tan article (great job on those articles, btw), it's only fitting I put a quick word in about DSL-kun.  ^v^

As for requests,.................... Of course, OS-9-tan at some point.  Try to make her look extra-Sonata like so that confusion reigns supreme.  ^.^

Also, we're gonna have to make a new Leopard-tan,... the one on there is antiquated by now.  -.-'


Hmmm....I've been kinda neglectful of the wiki, too....

I guess I specialize more in long, rambling conjecture XD.....


Wahoo!!!  I finally wrote my first Wiki article on 3ePC-chan, and by GAWD it was long!  I'm definitely getting used to that tiny keyboard.  ^__^

Feel free to look:

Oh and yes, I did uncover  very incredible recent discovery!
If you look closely at the Damn Small Linux logo:

You see a penguin holding a little sleeve featuring his picture, but for all intents and purposes looks like he's holding a mini penguin.  ^.^

At last!  A way to explain the size discrepancy with DSL-kun without sounding like I've lost it!  I feel so happy!  ^-^

Plus, it suddenly gives new meaning as to why DSL-tan always carries that bag around with her.  ^^

In other news, I also added a lot of new characters to the General Listing (mostly Siya's), but I haven't fished around in the non-user Gallery for new material yet.  -v-

Aurora Borealis

That is a really neat discovery that perfectly explains why DSL-kun is even smaller than DSL-tan! Also, excellent work with the article!

I also did some more work on the wiki. Added in the wiki avis for Apple I-tan's Apple ][-tan's articles, updated Windows 3.2-tan's article with a little more information and updated avi, and updated TotalFark-tan's and Foobies-tan's articles with wiki avis and adding in info boxes!

And as for Leopard-tan's wiki avis... Since all three Leopard-tans are well supported, I could make the avis for all three of them from the Leopard-tan picture I made recently.


*phew*  I'm glad,... i was worried I was tampering a bit with your DSL-tan.  But it does add a bit of irony,... although she lives in Mac-tan's apple, she herself has someone living in her bag.  ^__^

Yeah, I forgot to mention the other articles!  Great job again, and I definitely appreciate the time you've taken to flesh out their content further.  ^.^

As for the Leopard-tans', okay, I'm actually all for that!  ^__^
This time I'll be sure to load them ASAP.  ^.^

Aurora Borealis



And the three Leopard-tans!

With these avatars, I did something a little different- convienient filenames! Before now, the ones that I made had some of the most inconvienient filenames possible! ^^;

Any more requests? Also should I make an avi for the 'Magical Girl' Vistan/Chivistan that originated on ++ and has gained a lot of popularity?



As promised, avatars were uploaded ASAP.  ^__^
Like your OS-9-tan (although she's missing that big "wisp" of hair), but the Leopard-tans look fantastic!  Of course they do, since they're all taken from that great drawing you did a few weeks ago -- they transfered quite well to that small size! ^v^

I also added them to their article, so now Leopard and Vista are truly equals.  ^.^

QuoteWith these avatars, I did something a little different- convienient filenames! Before now, the ones that I made had some of the most inconvienient filenames possible! ^^;

Well maybe they were just a.... little inconvenient.  ^^'
But I could've changed that but didn't, so I was also lazy.  ^^;

QuoteAny more requests? Also should I make an avi for the 'Magical Girl' Vistan/Chivistan that originated on ++ and has gained a lot of popularity?

Not anymore,... just need those microchibis.
Feel free to do that Vistan if you'd like, though.  It's obviously everyone's favorite here, so it might as well be from our forum.  ^.^

If you want it quick, consider using the second to last one that Darknight drew (the one where she's posing with her stick).


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"MOAR WIKI AVIS!!


And the three Leopard-tans!

With these avatars, I did something a little different- convienient filenames! Before now, the ones that I made had some of the most inconvienient filenames possible! ^^;

Any more requests? Also should I make an avi for the 'Magical Girl' Vistan/Chivistan that originated on ++ and has gained a lot of popularity?

Awesome work!  ;019

Somehow I feel doing something on the Leopard-tan article.