Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Blood in the caffeine stream is a bad thing... don't wiki when being as tired as I was, you won't make sense.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Haha, no problem, no problem.  ^__^
I'm just grateful ZZKami-Tux volunteered to be a Wiki editor,... we haven't had much luck getting recruits.  ^.^

BTW, I edited a few minor things to help us a little later.  ^^
For example, various designs exist for Fedora, Red hat, Slackware and Ubuntu.

Added after 3 minutes:

Time to churn out a few more Wiki AVI's then.  ^___^

Hope you like our Avatar Tapestry,... I'm thinking of breaking them up into separate pages, but for now enjoy the abundance of color:


recruiting wiki people? what are the requirements?
My my, aren't you lovely~


Thus far, just wanting to. Has to be, I'm one. ^.^


Pretty much,... that, and being a good boy/girl of course.  ^__^

(don't need to be swinging medieval weapons around like someone I know.... ^__~)

What in particular are you interested in editing/contributing?  And if so, are you interested in Wiki Citizenship then?  ^__^


well I don't know what i can contribute yet so maybe i'll join when i could be of any help ;047
My my, aren't you lovely~


You shouldn't think too low of yourself, you know.  -v-

But in any case, please let me know when you're ready.  ^__^


Want me to test the site with even more browsers?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Nope,... browser testing isn't as high on my priority list as getting more article stubs going.  [Browsers are more up Fedora-dono's alley. -v-]

Thanks, btw, for adding the Unix-tans section.  ^__^

Now then, how's about giving Brazilian Mate (aka Yerba Mate) a try over that coffee stuff?  ^.^
(Or wherever you get your caffeine shots.... -v-)


I have Mate, but it is very difficult to prepare when not having special equipment.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Tsk tsk tsk,... -v-
I'll lend you my metal straw and gourd then.  Fufufu.... ^.^

In any case, hopefully today I'll finally be able to add my long overdue Mac section revisions.  Thankfully, someone else is handling all the Linuces/Unices.  -.-

(Oh, and note to self:  add "Virus Doctor" to list ot non-OS male characters.  -v-)


Quotewell I don't know what i can contribute yet so maybe i'll join when i could be of any help

I'm sure you can help! If nothing else, just go around and correct all of my spelling and grammar errors! ^.^

Speaking of which, I haven't contributed anything for the longest time! I'm such a slacker. -v-
But not today I'm not! I touched up the OS-Tan Wars page, so you might want to go check it and fix the mistakes I made. ^-^

Added after 15 hours 13 minutes:

Thanks for fixing it, senpai! ^-^
But I was unaware that Windows 1.0 was ever actually released. I was under the impression 3.1 was supposed to be the last Windows, and that it was the NT project which violated the "Gentleman's agreement" between IBM. Then again, I could be wrong... ^.^

Added after 4 hours 25 minutes:

By the way, does anyone recognize this OS-tan? I'm pretty sure it's a mac (hair) but which one?



Yo Tsubashi-dono.... -v-

Sorry I'm late,... extraordinarily busy day,... I'm just grateful I slipped in SOME kind of Wiki editing.... -v-'

Yeah, thanks for expanding the OS-tan War article, since that's a very important topic that needed to be "deStubbed".  ^__^
I also clarified that the "OS-tan War" is more commonly thought of (at least among the OS-tan circle) as the mid-90's fight between M$ and Apple, even though we're proposing (rightfully so) that the conflict has it's roots way back in history.

True, Windows 1.0 enjoyed extremely limited release as it was basically an experimental platform, but it was used.  (in fact, I have it in my DVD compilation of Windows OSes from start to pre-Vista -- strangely enough, it takes up more floppies than 2.0....).  ^___^'

I reckon that 1.0 was considered a pet project of sorts,... perhaps a demonstration of the kind of GUI M$ could come up with on its own.  In fact, IBM didn't say a peep when 2.0 was released shortly after the start of the OS/2 project -- perhaps the assumption was that some of the technology used on 2.0 could be applied to OS/2.

I imagine NT also caused a stir since they did borrow elements from OS/2 to create this "New Technology".  But it was 3.x that really rocked the boat, as it was released almost behind the backs of the IBM execs.  It sold like hot cakes and gave the fledgling empire the trump card it needed to go it alone.  

(Personally, I think the IBM execs weren't THAT stupid, and probably realized they could make a lot more money selling hardware than software in the consumer market.)

Actually, as for as NT is concerned, I think the 3rd-party people that helped in its development primarily came from DEC.  I'm not sure if anyone else in IBM had a hand in it, although that I'm not 100% sure on that.  -v-

QuoteBy the way, does anyone recognize this OS-tan? I'm pretty sure it's a mac (hair) but which one?

Methinks that's a Mac or Mac OSX alternative rendition.  There were tons of those many years ago, and still quite a number of them in the present day.  -v-

But she is cute, though...  ^.^


QuoteSorry I'm late,... extraordinarily busy day,

No worries, things like that happen. Jobs come first after all. ^^;

QuoteIBM didn't say a peep when 2.0 was released shortly after the start of the OS/2 project
it was 3.x that really rocked the boat, as it was released almost behind the backs of the IBM execs. It sold like hot cakes and gave the fledgling empire the trump card it needed to go it alone.

Well, you see, the original IBM/M$ alliance was made to combat apple. IBM had developed an extensive open source PC and then licensed MS-DOS (version 3, I think) for it's OS. Then came GUI.
The idea was: User wants GUI. M$ makes GUI. GUI requires new hardware. IBM makes Hardware.
Well, IBM wasn't stupid and realized, "Hey, M$ is monopolizing our PC market" so they decided M$ could make the low end OS and eventually lead into OS/2. So Win 1.0 is released as a sort of basic into into GUI. Then 2.0 introduces more advanced file systems. Finally 3.0 introduces color (oooh!) and the planned switch to OS/2 should have taken place. OS/2, however, was not what it should have been. Version 1.2 was a good OS, in that it was very stable and very colorful, but it's programing limitations were unbelievable, and the required hardware was outrageous! While OS/2 engineers worked steadily, M$ decided to release a "fix" for their operating system. What they released, however, was much more than a fix. It was nearly another OS. It was a true, pretty stable GUI OS. It was what people wanted.
When IBM execs saw how well it sold, they did get nervous, but it was still following "the plan." The success of 3.1 gave M$ the courage to take the next step. The release of Windows 95 was the first stab in the back. 95 was outside of the agreed plan of action, and effectively marked M$'s termination of the alliance.

Quote(Personally, I think the IBM execs weren't THAT stupid, and probably realized they could make a lot more money selling hardware than software in the consumer market.)

Probably not, but after deciding to show your support of OS/2, wiping your semi-new i486's HD of all traces of Window and running OS/2 only, and writing tons of documentation, only to find that the Higher-ups had been helping the enemy, you'd be bitter too. ^^;

QuoteActually, as for as NT is concerned, I think the 3rd-party people that helped in its development primarily came from DEC. I'm not sure if anyone else in IBM had a hand in it, although that I'm not 100% sure on that. -v-

It's true that the actually NT OS was primarily designed by DEC. IBM technicians had, however, been working on the project which eventually split into 95 and NT sub-projects years before the betrayal, and continued working to ensure it was compatible with IBM mainframes. And yes, I'm 95.55% sure of this. ^.^

Anyway, that's the way I saw things. ^^;

QuoteMethinks that's a Mac or Mac OSX alternative rendition.

Figured. Still cool though.

Hey! Where did you find that picture? That's Fwuiked Awesome! (Freaking-Wicked)


QuoteSo Win 1.0 is released as a sort of basic into into GUI. Then 2.0 introduces more advanced file systems. Finally 3.0 introduces color (oooh!) and the planned switch to OS/2 should have taken place.

hmmm,... from your description, I'm wondering if perhaps you're thinking of the old Mac System releases, since System 3 was the first to introduce color AND (coincidentally) was released slightly prior to the start of the OS/2 project.  ^___^
Windows 1.0 actually had color, albeit U-G-L-Y color at that.  -v-'

QuoteOS/2, however, was not what it should have been. Version 1.2 was a good OS, in that it was very stable and very colorful, but it's programing limitations were unbelievable, and the required hardware was outrageous! While OS/2 engineers worked steadily, M$ decided to release a "fix" for their operating system. What they released, however, was much more than a fix. It was nearly another OS. It was a true, pretty stable GUI OS. It was what people wanted.

When IBM execs saw how well it sold, they did get nervous, but it was still following "the plan." The success of 3.1 gave M$ the courage to take the next step. The release of Windows 95 was the first stab in the back. 95 was outside of the agreed plan of action, and effectively marked M$'s termination of the alliance.

The fix was in fact Windows 3.0.  It was first released in 1990, shortly after M$ divorced itself from IBM.  Naturally, once the upgrade to 3.1 came a few years later, the usability and popularity surged further, making M$ decision to go it alone pay off.

Windows 95 wouldn't actually come into play until 1995, when it (combined with NT for the Workstation market) outsold the new OS/2 Warp and effectively blew it out of the competition (though again, not without some help from those IBM bastards and their brain-dead commercials).

QuoteProbably not, but after deciding to show your support of OS/2, wiping your semi-new i486's HD of all traces of Window and running OS/2 only, and writing tons of documentation, only to find that the Higher-ups had been helping the enemy, you'd be bitter too. ^^;

Perhaps with the luxury of hindsight it sounds viable, and it might've been the case after the failure of OS/2 Warp.  But perhaps back in 1990, IBM was legitimately concerned about its precious operating system (unlike post-1996).  -v-

QuoteIt's true that the actually NT OS was primarily designed by DEC. IBM technicians had, however, been working on the project which eventually split into 95 and NT sub-projects years before the betrayal, and continued working to ensure it was compatible with IBM mainframes. And yes, I'm 95.55% sure of this. ^.^

Well in that I would have to agree with you, since the IBM/M$ partnership lasted long enough for such under-the-counter partnerships to have developed.  Funny how everything always seems to point back to NT-tan,....  -v-

The fact that she's a minor character is almost insulting, given the potential for a lot of soap opera-style drama in her youth.  ^.^

QuoteFigured. Still cool though.

Hey! Where did you find that picture? That's Fwuiked Awesome! (Freaking-Wicked)

Fwuiked?  O_o

...Hehe... well, I found it at the end of the 95-tan gallery, during the time I rummaged around for pictures to create the Seven Samurai banner.  It's one of the few pictures featuring her battlesuit, as well as the few pieces of evidence left suggesting Mac-tan wasn't limited to OSX.  ^.^