
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Techno the fox

Arrgh, You've got that song stuck in my head now... >.<


Now for reviews..

Hey, now you can say you've had all of my favorite Os-tans in your comic.
Generic mac-tan (Aka OSX-Tan)
and Leopard.

Plus the addition of Miggy-sama in it.

You've made me a very happy fox. ^-^

ZerOSanity is Very Very close to (if not already) #1 On my list of favorite Os-tan comics.

Smoking Gun-tan scares me...If she were to get ahold of my history folder.........................................*Faints*

Wait, the way Amiga-tan is talking....Does she work there?
Miggy-sama working in a pizzaria, now that's something I didn't see comming. XD

Yaay for cameos!
I...I...I just can't resist anymore....


*hits the nearest object/person*

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"And "Byte Me" will be even weirder when you see its logo on the next page!

._. Oh really? I'm almost afraid to look...

Hey, C-chan turned himself into hand cream.
That's a new one.

Okay, I'm out!
*Rides out of the thread on a turtle shell*


QuoteI've got good news and bad news...


QuoteThe bad news is that I tried to upload page 29 to my gallery but couldn't. But the good news is I was at least able to upload it to my Photobucket gallery which will do for now.

Oh,... okay, then that's rectified already.  That's just a server move hiccup is all,... a real KUDOS to Fedora-dono, btw, for making the move quickly and painlessly this time!  ^v^

*hand cream magically applauds Fedora-Tan*

QuoteDid I mention that page 29 is now up?

And what a thing of beauty this is!  ^v^

And the fact that you uploaded it in its original size too helps a lot in bringing out the beauty of this,... hands down,... you're absolute greatest ZeroSanity of all!!  And not just cause it features Miggy,... but because you really helped bring her to life so magically!!!!  ^V^

Watch me savor each and every panel slowly.... ^__________^

PANEL 1:  Right off the bat, a gorgeous close-up of Miggy-chan, looking bright, jovial and confident as she should!  We don't get to see her ponytail yet, but much obliged to you for capturing her rainbow eyes and 50's-style checkered shirt beautifully!  ^v^

As we discussed before, although I originally drew her as an artist (even though i did have her in mind as a "Jane of all Trade"), she really is more of a singer and musician (owing to the use of the original system), so this role fits her like a glovee!  ^.^

Oh, and I admit I never heard of a song until now, but I loved this panel enough to go to Amazon and sample it.  Not bad,... not really my cup of tea either, but imaging Miggy-san's sweet voice helps a lot. ^___^

PANEL 2:  Not only do we see the return of the uber-cute Amiga microchibi, but turns out you have a whole nest of them!  ^V^
You and Bella-san named them all, but I did recognize all of them except for KanjiTalk-tan.  '__'

The Buntu cameo is much appreciated, but love Bluebottle-chan and OSR 2.1-san especially just cause they're uber rare and in need of more love.  And love the very appropriate pose for TRSDOS-tan,... yeah, she'd definitely wouldn't be able to stand Miggy-chan's bright and happy music.  ^.^

Just so you know, this panel embodies the best part of Zerosanity Redux.  I like more not just because of the excellent artwork, but also because you can now cameo such a rich tapestry of characters, and make it all work VERY FLAWLESSLY!!  ^___^

PANEL 3:  Micro-chibi Toshiaki walking underneath a dock. With a rock. Likely not caring about a clock...... Cute.  ^__^

PANEL 4:  Toshiaki exclaiming.  About now the fact that this is a vision sequence should catch on to the average reader, as we all know that the real Toshiaki is playing around with Slackware-san and QNX-sama.  ^.^

PANEL 5; A rock.

PANEL 6:  Miggys-chan singing.  ^___^

PANEL 7:  WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
Seriously,... I'm not sure if this quaifies as my favorite panel, but I just LOVE IT!!!!!!  ^V^
For one, it lends the vision sequence that kind of cool, music video feel for it (this is perfect for her, since she's an 80's girl.... ^^).  Then there's the fact that her face and pose kinda remind me of Eureka from Eureka Seven, and that just makes me LOL wholeheartedly.  ^__^
And then,... of course,... the fact that she has to bend down to be just barely eye-level to Toshiaki is,... well,... intoxicating.  ^_____^
And the shading is intentionally darkened to simulate being under the dock.

So yeah,... all these factors combined make for what can be safely called "C-chan bait".  ^v^

PANEL 8:  [singing along] ROCK LOBSTER!!!!!!!!  ^V^

PANEL 9:  [continues singing]  ROCK LOGSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
Maybe this one qualifies as my absolute favorite panel!  The pretty background!  The vibrant smile!  The arched eyes!  The slight sway to her hair!  The apparent swagger to her hip!  The clenched fist rallying her audience to join!  Her left hand easing off delicately from the guitar!!  This panel lives, breathes and has Amiga-chan writted all over it!!!  This is above words of praise!!  Only divinical words can properly describe this!!!!!!!  ^V^

PANEL 10:  Okay,... drop-dead cute micro-chibis aside.....


"Byte" Me...


UBER ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

PANEL 11:  Again, much much obliged to you for doing just justice to Miggy-chan's height.  ^__^
All their shoulders are just a little too far behind their necks given that the camera angle is looking at them squarely from their sides.  Still, at this point, it's hard to care about that minor detail.  THIS IS TOO CUTE!!!  TOO PRETTY!!!!  TOO AWESOME!!!  I seriously have not laughed, cried and swooned -- SIMULTANEOUSLY -- as I have with this panel!  ^V^

I told someone before that great artwork is nice and all, but Anime did not get to where it is on the quality of its artwork alone.  Without the incredible depth of its stories, the endearment of its humor and the richness of its characters, Anime would really just be an assortment of moving pretty pictures that would get boring after a while.

In my eye that makes you far better than I, cause you not only draw your characters in what is now a definite Anime style, but go to a lot of trouble to bring them to life as well so that they become more than just mere one-shots.  Don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that, cause that, my dear Aurora-dono, is a talent that demands respect.  ^___^

Thank you very much for joining us and being by our side for so long.

*C-chan bows before Aurora*


Absolutely wonderful!

The inclusion of Toshiaki is brilliant!

Amiga-tan looks very cheerful and friendly!

Bluebottle-tan looks very...happy to have her bottles. ^.^  (*sniff*  I'm proud of the drunken one.)


Neptune: the OS that never was

Aurora Borealis

Thank you all for your words of such kindness!

I'm not gonna ask what is exactly in your history folder, Techno but you probably don't have to worry about The Smoking Gun-tan getting you! She's most likely in the Sosumi Courthouse (another place to appear that will eventually appear in ZS) doing lawyer stuff or doing her other job as a police officer chasing after more notorious people like Something Awful-tan!

Amiga-tan doesn't actually work at the pizzeria but she likes to be there for karaoke time as well as do volunteer work there!

And don't be afraid, the Byte Me logo won't be objectionable although it will be weird! :D

Should post up a couple previews for page 30! Or maybe 3 because the next page is the big 3-0 and I would have gotten past how far I managed to get in the old version!

... It's getting late. Will continue this post and response later.

Aurora Borealis

BWAHAHAHA! It did turn out there were a lot more microchibis where that came from! (the page 29 preview) I especially liked how TRS DOS-tan turned out- She's hiding under her towel because she can't handle the cheerfulness and I was also going for a "There are weirdos looking at me" look! And did you also notice System 5-tan was doing the "bunny ear" trick on Miggy? :D

And on the next page there will be another microchibi cameo appearance, but this one will be a guest appearance!

Actually... uhh... Although it is true that Toshiaki's appearance is part of a dream sequence, he actually does appear in the pizzeria later! (However I won't say for what reason. Let's just say that it's lunch break time!)

The last things you said, C-Chan are so kind and I never thought I would deserve such praise!


And here's the preview for page 30!

1. The situation that makes page 30 live up to its title
2. 3.1-tan with DOS Kitty
3. The 'Byte Me!' logo


QuoteI especially liked how TRS DOS-tan turned out- She's hiding under her towel because she can't handle the cheerfulness and I was also going for a "There are weirdos looking at me" look!

Exactly!!  ^v^
That was pure dynamite!  ^__^

QuoteAnd did you also notice System 5-tan was doing the "bunny ear" trick on Miggy?  

OMG!  No!  That's awesome!  ^v^
See, it's little easter eggs like that which really make your comics shine!  ^^

QuoteActually... uhh... Although it is true that Toshiaki's appearance is part of a dream sequence, he actually does appear in the pizzeria later! (However I won't say for what reason. Let's just say that it's lunch break time!)

I'm still WAY enamored with PANEL 7!!!!  ^V^
So yeah, I'll be praying hard for an encore.  ^_________^

QuoteThe last things you said, C-Chan are so kind and I never thought I would deserve such praise!

No on the contrary, I feel my words fall short of what you really deserve.  ^^
You're doing great, so please continue improving and having fun doing so! ^v^

BTW, not sure if I said this before, but the reason I asked about the sand is because a lot of these textural effects can also be produced in Inkscape using the Pattern Fill.  I'll cover that one very shortly,... I don't like using it too much, but wherever it can be used wisely it can really work wonders!  ^__^
(e.g., CE-tan's wings in that DSL sibling picture)

QuoteAnd here's the preview for page 30!

More cute micro chibis for the chest!  ^v^

And I finally see this mysterious logo,... I'll call it,.... the Pizza Pacman.  ^.^


In any event, kinda ran out of steam so I'll call it a night.  ^^
I'll get to whatever's left out their to respond later.  ^____^

*snore*  -___- Zzzzz

Aurora Borealis

Now that you mentioned the Byte Me logo as the Pizza Pacman, I realize that it looks sort of like a Picasso-style Pacman (the smiley face is the front view, the missing piece on the side looks like a side view) in the form of a pizza! :D


The farthest I got in the old version was page 29, but now I just surpassed that in zerOSanity Redux! Whoo-hooo!

Anyways... Saba-tan reappears, taking orders and serving at the pizzeria with 3.1-tan and DOS Kitty first in line! However DOS Kitty leaves 3.1-tan's sight to bite Saba-tan's tail! But after that, she and 3.1-tan have a sweet reunion! But possibly too scared to continue (and having a hurting tail), Saba-tan asks for Amiga-tan to temporarily take over her job! However I hope what just happened wasn't horribly out of character for Miggy 0__0


Saba has a flavr, and it is delicious :3

I must say, altho it always is made of win, that this is the purest form of win seen in zerOSanity to date.  The Mario cameo was unexpected ._.  I half expected a Wii tan to be with him.  The polished reflective floors look good. Only thing I can say is perhaps drop a few movement lines between sabas legs in frame 6 to emphisize the movement.

Added after 21 seconds:

oh and

Nyaaa~ :3
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Congratulations, Aurora-sama, for reaching 30 pages! Keep up the good work! Your style is made of randomness and win ^^ With all the references and stuff, it has an awesome feeling!

Aurora Borealis

Ooh! Bouncing Tsuruya! The bouncing Tsuruya is so mesmerizing! *__*

Anyways thank you all! (And I will be able to do the changes that you suggested, Captain)


Pretty bad timing for me to say this is being put on hold! And right when I got to page 30! ^^;

But... Now I am working on a holiday special!

This is part of the cover page to the special! Now for a little bit of information about this special in question. I will give out quite a bit because tis the time to be generous for me but of course I won't give out too much because hey I'm not THAT gener-- I mean... I don't want to spoil things too much! :D

1. It will be in 4Koma form using chibi characters (to make it less time consuming)

2. RedHat-tan is picked to play the role of Santa

3. Lots of characters will appear, just like the rest of ZS!
    3A: Most of these haven't appeared yet!
    3B: Quite a few of these will be Linux distro-tans!

4. There will also be several OS-tans playing the role of elves! Most of these are the shorter OS-tans but there will be an exception because nothing says "This is zerOSanity" like having a 6ft. tall elf girl! ;006
    4A: These elves will also sing if I'm able to write a quick, half-decent 'musical'

5. There will also be references to a couple other OS-tan comics!


QuoteBut... Now I am working on a zerOSanity holiday special!

Cool! From your hints, I know it's going to be awesome!

And Redhat Santa is cute  ;010


Okay, time to see what swoonable material awaits me here.  ^^

*starts typing*

Added after 42 minutes:

QuoteThe farthest I got in the old version was page 29, but now I just surpassed that in zerOSanity Redux! Whoo-hooo!

I'm so proud of you!  ^0^

*hugs Aurora-sama*

QuoteAnyways... Saba-tan reappears, taking orders and serving at the pizzeria with 3.1-tan and DOS Kitty first in line! However DOS Kitty leaves 3.1-tan's sight to bite Saba-tan's tail! But after that, she and 3.1-tan have a sweet reunion! But possibly too scared to continue (and having a hurting tail), Saba-tan asks for Amiga-tan to temporarily take over her job! However I hope what just happened wasn't horribly out of character for Miggy 0__0

Well, of cours I'm gonna love this either way.  ^___^
But admittedly, Page 29 is still king in my book.  -v-

Time for my review:

PANEL 1:  You have to love it when Mac-tan leers at people.  ^.^

PANEL 2:  Fufu!  Now THAT'S the Mac-tan from the old Mac Manga!  ^v^
Yep, XP-tan should do well to behave herself in the presence of so much compressed psycho energy.   ^.^
Cameo of Mario was unexpected,... but it works in a pizzeria setting.  ^__^
Love your use of reflective surfaces,... now that I think about it, I've never done this before in any of my drawings.  'v'

PANEL 3:  Wah?!  Saba-tan is serving pizzas now?  Guess she did that tennis match on her lunch break, huh?  ^.^

PANEL 4:  Ditto for 3.1-sama, since she was just still in Panel 28.  Though you can probably imagine that both her and Saba-tan tagged along with Mac-tan and XP-tan.  ^^

PANEL 5:  3.1-sama looks cute here.  The background is a bit unusual though,... something perhaps with stylized question marks could've worked there.

PANEL 6:  BWAHA!!!!!  I knew that would happen eventually with so many cat characters around!!!!!  ^V^
I do agree that at least a few more "legs" (disjointed ones, that just kinda hover in midair to simulate blurring).

PANEL 7:  Ditto from Panel 6.  ^____^

PANEL 8:  Bad DOSKitty!  ^0^
Still, gotta love that dynamic background!  ^-^

PANEL 9:  Ditto on the bakcground!  ^.^

PANEL 10:  Ditto x3 on the background -- very 60's Love & Peace.  ^^'
Microchibi is also great as well,... as you can see, there's more than enough to choose from for the chest.

PANEL 11:  Height differential has earned C-chan's Uber Seal of Approval!  ^__^b
Wow! she must really be hurt to ask the volunteer karaoke singer for help!  ^.^

PANEL 12:  Some stylized violins in the background would've been perfect here.  Quick!  Someone call the WAAAAAAAAAAmbulance for Saba-tan!  `v'

PANEL 13:  Miggy-chan looks very pretty and gentle in this shot, and you can definitely feel the sincerity from her.  ^^
But her reply does strike me as a little verbose for someone more down-to-earth.  She's more the kind of gal that would say "Don't worry,... I may be an old granny, but I'll help anyone in need."  ^__~
Don't be afraid to make Amiga-chan a little age conscious or height conscious, as she has no problem with either.  ^^

PANEL 14:  Same here, I think you can omit the "...taking orders and..." part and still convey the message well.  Saba-tan, though, earns considerable cute pointage here.  ^.^

QuotePretty bad timing for me to say this but zerOSanity is being put on hold! And right when I got to page 30! ^^;

But... Now I am working on a zerOSanity holiday special!

Umm,... you do realize that's like postponing pure win to make room for maximum winnage, right?  ^^;

QuoteThis is part of the cover page to the special! Now for a little bit of information about this special in question. I will give out quite a bit because tis the time to be generous for me but of course I won't give out too much because hey I'm not THAT gener-- I mean... I don't want to spoil things too much!

1. It will be in 4Koma form using chibi characters (to make it less time consuming)

2. RedHat-tan is picked to play the role of Santa

3. Lots of characters will appear, just like the rest of ZS!
3A: Most of these haven't appeared yet!
3B: Quite a few of these will be Linux distro-tans!

RedHat-sama reprises her role as Santy Claus!!!  Since it brings back fond memories, this MORE than pays for price of admission!  ^_________^

In any event, I do look forward to your first all-chibi 4-koma.  As you know, it's a popular method of making knee-slap comedy!  ^v^

Plus I'm very happy to see that a lot of these will be Linux-tans (and Unix-tans, I assume as well... ^^) especially since these past few months have offered a TON of new material to work with.  ^___^
Compared to the same time last year, 2007 has truly seen a bountiful Linux-tan harvest!  ^0^

4. There will also be several OS-tans playing the role of elves! Most of these are the shorter OS-tans but there will be an exception because nothing says "This is zerOSanity" like having a 6ft. tall elf girl!

I only know of ONE 6-foot tall beauty who's cheerful and gentle enough to to play the role of an elf.  ^___^
Suffice to say, my swoon sensors are going off the chart!  ^v^

Quote4A: These elves will also sing if I'm able to write a quick, half-decent 'musical'

The genius behind the iPod Highway to the Danger Zone and the Amigan Rock Lobster has DOUBTS over her musical abilities?!  @o@
That's unheard of, Aurora-dono.  ^______^

Quote5. There will also be references to a couple other OS-tan comics!

Mac Manga, for sure.  ^.^


Forgive me for not commenting on your page, Aurora!

Sassy OS X-tan is great! She looks so cute and devious in that first panel ^_^

Befuddled XP-tan is adorable too, and the cameo of Mario...I didn't see that coming XD

DOS kitty attacking the "sever" Saba-chan is hilarious! And how sweet is Miggy for helping her out! As far as I know Amiga never was a "server" back in the day...oh well, it can't be that tough ;)

Added after 3 minutes:

Woohoo! I'm GNU/Linux!!!

*starts tearily singing "We are the Champions"*

*Runs of to take care of business*