
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Thank you! And I'm willing and patient enough to read what you say because you have a lot of really wise, OS-tan related stuff to say! :D

Page 16: "Skyway to the Danger Zone!"

First guest appearance and song parody here! Also QNX-tan, Slackware-tan and Super Toshiaki appear again for some sillyness!

Progress on ZS is going great! Just two pages away from the end of chapter 1 (and sketched on paper, I'm up to page 29)! Almost done with pages 17 and 18, and started working on pages 20 and 21 today in Inkscape and I'm almost halfway done with both!


iPod Shuffle-tan makes me guffaw. :D

Gussy Keniji

I wasn't expectin a Team Rocket appearance (needless to say that makes this awesome automatically, for Team Rocket needs justice, they're so underrated in the pokemon anime)

And iPod-Shuffle-tan is cute :3



SUGOINESS x  13!!!!!!!!  ^V^

[C-chan liking Zerosanity,... big surprise there]  -v-

Funny thing is, I was just thinking the other day why we hadn't seen iPod-tans in this comic yet.  Lo and behold, we have Shuffle-chan breathing new life to your Top Gun reference (wasn't really felt that much in the original).  ^.^

Absolute favorite scenes..............!!!!!!  ^V^


C-CHAN CHECK!!!!!!!!!!   ^-^

1)  Palm-chan transporting ME-tan in the lead is positively classic, and a tribute to the exponential growth of your creativity in this version of the comic.  ^.^

2)  iPod Shuffle-chan singing.  Someone who's cute as a button (no pun intended) deserves a Mini design....  ^.^

3)  QNX-sama

4)  QNX-sama again....  Although in fairness, all 3 look hilarious staring at that whirling... thingy.....

Aurora Borealis

I thought Team Rocket appearing would be most appropriate because on the last page, OS X-tan and A/UX-tan said they were blasting off... and well... yeah! But I also think they are underrated and that the anime doesn't do them any justice :(

Page 16 has the same title as in the old version and is a spoof of a song from "Top Gun" however in this new version, iPod Shuffle-tan sings it! (in the old version, that was only the page title) Hey! Apparently I'm improving on making parodies and references!

iPod Shuffle-tan will be a recurring character and she is really random and likes to sing spoofs of songs! :D


Sou sou, I can live with a reoccurring Shuffle-chan!  ^____^

And planning to do the same with Pu-chan when it comes time to work on Inkscape tutorials.  ^.^

Aurora Borealis

I finished chapter 1 and here are the last two pages!

p. 17: "Landing to victory!"

p.18: "CRASH LANDING!!!"

Not much to say about page 17 but in page 18, 3.1-tan and DOS kitty appear, and ME-tan uses a wish. However she still crash-lands because she's ME-tan (BWAHAHAHA! just kidding!) and she didn't wish for a safe AND painless landing! Them genies can be tricky, can't they? :D


Yay! More ZerOSanity! ^V^
Nice job finishing Chapter 1 so quickly! I really liked the old version, but I really really like your new touch ups, way to go!
Oh, and I'm sure Captain-san will be by before long to rain praises upon your uber-cute rendition of 3.1-sama! Kawaii!


GYAAAAH!!! Aurora-sama, you're trying to make me blow up again!  ^___^
But no prob, no prob.... I'll wait to see the QNX cliffhanger before I test out my new Thermonuclear Exciting Porcine Explosion Apparatus (or "TEPEA").  ^^;

As usual, you're willingness to present Palm-chan and cute and lovable new ways is always much appreciated.  And clearly her second wish granted came off as unreliable as ever!  ^v^

It is still a bit of a culture shock to see 3.1-sama in your comic, but hey it works!  ^v^
Then again, her boat was obviously pretty quick, given she just bought the tickets prior to the girls being launched from the cannons.  ^.^


p16; It's Rocket-dan!  ;015  Never really quite expect for an appearance  ;019

p17; nice :)

p18; 3.1 appearance! She's on Breezaby Island ?


....wait a minute, aurora-san, did you just chuck the poor falling Emuii on top of 3.1-chan?

Oh we're in trouble now....

Aurora Borealis

Nah, I'd never do that! Besides, if that happened, 3.1-tan would have also appeared on the last panel on page 18.

Aurora Borealis

Page 19! "Don't be such a jerky!"

And chapter 2 gets off to a really weird start! :D

But is it horribly out of character for 2K-tan to say "PWNED!!!" out loud? ^^;

Btw, viewers, what was your favorite part or event of chapter 1?


QuoteBtw, viewers, what was your favorite part or event of chapter 1?

You know that's not a fair question :...( There are too many!

I have to say, in general, how great not only the illustration, but also the dialogue, was ;010 More Apple-tans and a more developed Slackware-tan were a nice touch, too!

No doubt chapter two will be just as great (though I'm still waiting for Linux-sama... ;012 )


Yep, agree, not fair question,... but I'll be biased in expressing my adoration for Palm-chan and Newton-chan, and naturally of course QNX-sama.  ^.^

For example, the latest comic was fantastic, but Palm-chan's pint-sizedness added the mandatory CUTE factor.  (I'm venturing to guess that she's responsible for the disappearing jerky.  ^.^

BTW, is DSL-chan still living in Mac-tan's apple?  ^__^

QuoteBut is it horribly out of character for 2K-tan to say "PWNED!!!" out loud? ^^;

If that were the case, she'd be outta character for agreeing to keep that mustache on.  Don't worry.  ^____^