
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Nah, you didn't screw up on the wallpaper at all, C-Chan. I did.

I will confess that I forgot to add on the straps to System 6-tan's jetpack! WAAAAAAAH! I don't know how I could forget something like that! Mistakes like that could have been avoided but nooooo I only single-checked everything! I usually quadruple-check everything but I was in a hurry and well... yeah.

Wasn't expecting the flying Freespire-tan, huh? I guess that makes it an even bigger surprise! :D

And yes the Apple-tans outnumber the Windows-tans so far!
Calculating numbers...
So far, 10 Apple-tans have appeared and 7 Windows-tans have appeared! However, more Windows-tans that have appeared had more than just cameo appearances so far.

Page 12! "This could get fairy weird!"

That page title kept the same as in the old version (although now page 12 instead of 13) and some of the dialogue is similar (actually the parts mentioning Tinkerbell except for Palm OS-tan's response are the same!), there are some huge differences too!

Palm OS-tan takes over what was CE-tan's role in the original (BWAHAHAHA! Incidentally they are mortal enemies!) and Palm OS-tan got a complete makeover because I decided to use C-Chan's rendition! (even though it has fairy wings like my old, now obsolete rendition but in ZS, the fairy form is temporary so she can easily go from place to place) She dropped her stylus wand and ME-tan picks it up...

hint: the next page is titled "Can you give me a hand?"

Also almost (more than 90%) done with page 13 which I just might get up later today.


OMGROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!  @v@


*passes out for 10 minutes*


Added after 28 minutes:

QuoteNah, you didn't screw up on the wallpaper at all, C-Chan. I did.
I will confess that I forgot to add on the straps to System 6-tan's jetpack! WAAAAAAAH! I don't know how I could forget something like that! Mistakes like that could have been avoided but nooooo I only single-checked everything! I usually quadruple-check everything but I was in a hurry and well... yeah.

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!  That's the thing making you lose sleep?!!  ^v^

Oh come now, I thought it was something serious.  -v-
Truth be told, I noticed they weren't there either, but I always assumed (since she was a Terminator) that the jet pack made more sense attached to her body directly rather than as an add-on.   ^^'

QuoteWasn't expecting the flying Freespire-tan, huh? I guess that makes it an even bigger surprise!

Almost as surprising as your Valentine's Day pick with all the half-dozen nifty easter eggs.  ^.^

QuoteAnd yes the Apple-tans outnumber the Windows-tans so far!
Calculating numbers...
So far, 10 Apple-tans have appeared and 7 Windows-tans have appeared! However, more Windows-tans that have appeared had more than just cameo appearances so far.

YOSH!!!!!!!  ^V^
Now you're definitely representin'.  ^.^

*waves Aurora flag proudly*

*stares at Zerosanity comic*

Whoops... forgot to put on my anti-swooning goggles... gimme a sec.... ^___^;

*mega swoons!!*

Added after 22 minutes:

That page title kept the same as in the old version (although now page 12 instead of 13) and some of the dialogue is similar (actually the parts mentioning Tinkerbell except for Palm OS-tan's response are the same!), there are some huge differences too!

Palm OS-tan takes over what was CE-tan's role in the original (BWAHAHAHA! Incidentally they are mortal enemies!) and Palm OS-tan got a complete makeover because I decided to use C-Chan's rendition! (even though it has fairy wings like my old, now obsolete rendition but in ZS, the fairy form is temporary so she can easily go from place to place) She dropped her stylus wand and ME-tan picks it up...

hint: the next page is titled "Can you give me a hand?"

Also almost (more than 90%) done with page 13 which I just might get up later today.

Hmmm,... where to start.... *ponders*  -v-
Oh right... ^__^

SUGOI!!SUGOI!!!!!!!!!!!! ^v^

Am I being redundant?  Hell ya!  Let me say it again for same measure.... -v-


Okay, I'll stop now.  ^___^
Thank you for using Palm-chan, though I do wish you could've told me about it prior so maybe we could've still added more features from your original design.  The wings for sure, but maybe her shirt could've been blue too.

But aside from that, she's looking cute and adorable, and certainly very much in the character I had envisioned her in.  And you've officially drawn her way more times than I have (once and counting), so methinks you'd make a much better parent for that design.  ^__^


[singsong]  And-I-know-what's-gonna-happen-next...!  ^___^


The rest of the comic is top-notch as usual, although I think I should point out the potential blooper in panel 5.  Mac-tan references PalmOS-tan but she hasn't seen her yet, so I reckon you meant to put Newton-chan.  ^___^

Oh, and I should probably point out that you really are releasing these faster than before, and yet still with a tremendous amount of extra detail and clever references.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"OMGROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!  @v@


*passes out for 10 minutes*

*appears, waves hand in front of face of passed out C-Chan* Uhh... Hello! Are you alright? :D

QuoteNah, you didn't screw up on the wallpaper at all, C-Chan. I did.
I will confess that I forgot to add on the straps to System 6-tan's jetpack! WAAAAAAAH! I don't know how I could forget something like that! Mistakes like that could have been avoided but nooooo I only single-checked everything! I usually quadruple-check everything but I was in a hurry and well... yeah.

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!  That's the thing making you lose sleep?!!  ^v^

Oh come now, I thought it was something serious.  -v-
Truth be told, I noticed they weren't there either, but I always assumed (since she was a Terminator) that the jet pack made more sense attached to her body directly rather than as an add-on.   ^^'
I never really considered that! Now I don't feel so bad about that anymore!

QuoteWasn't expecting the flying Freespire-tan, huh? I guess that makes it an even bigger surprise!

Almost as surprising as your Valentine's Day pick with all the half-dozen nifty easter eggs.  ^.^
Oh yes, drawing that was fun with all the surprises and such! Need inspiration for another crazy super group picture like that!

QuoteAnd yes the Apple-tans outnumber the Windows-tans so far!
Calculating numbers...
So far, 10 Apple-tans have appeared and 7 Windows-tans have appeared! However, more Windows-tans that have appeared had more than just cameo appearances so far.

YOSH!!!!!!!  ^V^
Now you're definitely representin'.  ^.^

*waves Aurora flag proudly*

*stares at Zerosanity comic*

Whoops... forgot to put on my anti-swooning goggles... gimme a sec.... ^___^;

*mega swoons!!*
Wow! Two mega swoons in the same post! It's a record!

Hmmm,... where to start.... *ponders*  -v-
Oh right... ^__^

SUGOI!!SUGOI!!!!!!!!!!!! ^v^

Am I being redundant?  Hell ya!  Let me say it again for same measure.... -v-

86.4 SUGOIS?! That is also a new record! WHOO-HOOO!

Okay, I'll stop now.  ^___^
Thank you for using Palm-chan, though I do wish you could've told me about it prior so maybe we could've still added more features from your original design.  The wings for sure, but maybe her shirt could've been blue too.

But aside from that, she's looking cute and adorable, and certainly very much in the character I had envisioned her in.  And you've officially drawn her way more times than I have (once and counting), so methinks you'd make a much better parent for that design.  ^__^
In the drawn-on-paper version, Palm OS-tan looked like a combination of the two with hair in pigtails and wearing an aviator hat and a genie outfit but when I started working on page 12 in Inkscape, I realized I liked your rendition better so I decided to use that instead!


[singsong]  And-I-know-what's-gonna-happen-next...!  ^___^


According to page 13, YOU ARE CORRECT!!

QuoteThe rest of the comic is top-notch as usual, although I think I should point out the potential blooper in panel 5.  Mac-tan references PalmOS-tan but she hasn't seen her yet, so I reckon you meant to put Newton-chan.  ^___^

No, it's not quite a blooper. It is a bit strange but of course there is the possibility of characters meeting in the past before the start of page 1 and that moment was much like in the old version before there was a Newton-tan

Oh, and I should probably point out that you really are releasing these faster than before, and yet still with a tremendous amount of extra detail and clever references.  ^___^
Thank you! I've gotten a lot more efficient with Inkscape and am also down to using no more than 3 layers in a picture! (I still remember the days when I first started and pictures had an average of 12 layers, being so used to Photoshop and whatnot) However the downside is that working with vector graphics has almost turned me into a perfectionist who puts too much detail in things (such as micro-chibis) that would get mostly lost when the picture is exported as bitmap -_-


Great work!

QuoteThank you! I've gotten a lot more efficient with Inkscape and am also down to using no more than 3 layers in a picture! (I still remember the days when I first started and pictures had an average of 12 layers, being so used to Photoshop and whatnot) However the downside is that working with vector graphics has almost turned me into a perfectionist who puts too much detail in things (such as micro-chibis) that would get mostly lost when the picture is exported as bitmap -_-

I use tons of layers w/PS. I do have to admire you working with vector graphics since...

*real quiet-like*

They kinda scare me...


QuoteSo far, 10 Apple-tans have appeared and 7 Windows-tans have appeared! However, more Windows-tans that have appeared had more than just cameo appearances so far.

All you need is a few more Linux-tans  ;010


*pops in*

Okay, last stop for the evening!  And we naturally end it with a bang!  ^v^

QuoteI never really considered that! Now I don't feel so bad about that anymore!

Thatta girl, that's the spirit!  ^__^

QuoteOh yes, drawing that was fun with all the surprises and such! Need inspiration for another crazy super group picture like that!

Well there's a bit of a holiday drought now, but it'll be Halloween before you know it.  ^.^

QuoteIn the drawn-on-paper version, Palm OS-tan looked like a combination of the two with hair in pigtails and wearing an aviator hat and a genie outfit but when I started working on page 12 in Inkscape, I realized I liked your rendition better so I decided to use that instead!

Thank you Aurora-sama.  ^v^
Admittedly, though, I think PalmOS-tan with pigtails would've been cute too.  ^.^

Oh well, I'm still indebted to you for drawing her so well.  ^___^

QuoteNo, it's not quite a blooper. It is a bit strange but of course there is the possibility of characters meeting in the past before the start of page 1 and that moment was much like in the old version before there was a Newton-tan

Okay.  ^___^;

QuoteAccording to page 13, YOU ARE CORRECT!!

BUUYEAH!!!!!!!  Now we're cookin' with FIYA!!!!!!! ^V^
Have I ever mentioned before how extremely perceptive you are?  ^___^
That's exactly how Palm-chan acts, talks and takes over your hand!  It's so absolutely perfect.... I think...... *sniffles*,...
,,,, I got something in my eye!  ;^___^;

*runs off and cries tears of joy*

Panel 1 and Panel 6 are epic, but she definitely looks the prettiest in Panel 2.  Meanwhile, not far behind, OSX-tan looks her best in Panel 4 and her cutest in Panel 8 alongside a A/UX-tan just chillin'.

And I see you brought back the cannons, now with wheels!  ^v^

And judging from her comments,...

[singsong]  I - know - whose - gonna - show - up - next...!  ^v^

QuoteThank you! I've gotten a lot more efficient with Inkscape and am also down to using no more than 3 layers in a picture! (I still remember the days when I first started and pictures had an average of 12 layers, being so used to Photoshop and whatnot) However the downside is that working with vector graphics has almost turned me into a perfectionist who puts too much detail in things (such as micro-chibis) that would get mostly lost when the picture is exported as bitmap -_-

Tell me about it, once you have full control of where every detail can go and how it can be positioned, one involuntarily tends to go nuts after a while.  But hey,... according to some people, perfectionism is good, and in your case it's making your revitalized comic shine like a phosphor flare.  ^v^

And I'm certainly glad you're getting increasingly better at inkscape, meaning you'll be able to pull off even more cool effects with less tweaking around.  And yes, I only use layers now when producing frame-by-frame animations,... which will be rare now that I plan to try Synfig for tweening.  ^.^

Keep up the extravagantly-awesome work, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

QuoteI use tons of layers w/PS. I do have to admire you working with vector graphics since...

*real quiet-like*

They kinda scare me...


*collects final specimen*  Woohoo!  ^.^

Oh now, don't be such a scaredy cat!  ^__^

Betcha you're put off vector graphics due to Photoshop's tools,... they're not really real vector tools as much as they are just hooks to get you to buy Illustrator.  ^___^;

When you try something as neat, simple, nonosense and free as Inkscape, you'll see why we admire the little vector graphics tool that could!  ^.^

Although now that I think about it,...

You already have some reference material, ya know.  ^________^
(hope you found the easter egg)

QuoteAll you need is a few more Linux-tans

Oh right, there were relatively few of them in the original.  ^v^
Okay, the pig casts his ballot too.  ^.^

Aurora Borealis

So, you claim to know who's going to show up next in zerOSanity? Huh? Well listen here as I tell you that you are....



Cheetah-tan, Puma-tan, Jaguar-tan and Panther-tan appear to carry out OS X-tan's plan involving cannons! Also Newton-tan attempts to explain how it is possible for there to be an OS X-tan and OS 10.x-tans.

I've also snuck in some 'easter eggs' in the page! Who can identify them? :D

Yeah, and the comic does need moar Linux-tans. I know at least 5 will be introduced in the later part chapter 2. And speaking of chapter 2, here are the page titles so far!

(start of ch.2) p.19: "Don't be such a jerky!"
p.20: "CHILL OUT?!"
p.21: "A wish that would have been handy"
p.22: either "Order on the court!" or "Don't get on my last serve!"
p.23: "Time to meet your matchpoint!"
p.24: "The elements of fire, water and surprise!"
p.25: "For whom do the bombs toll?"
p.26: "What's the BIG DEAL?!"




PU-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!  PU-CHAN IS HERE!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!  PU-CHAN!!!  PU-CHAN!!!  PU-!!!!!  ^V^


NO, BETTER!!!!!  ^-^

*C-chan explodes*

Aurora Borealis

A pig exploded in my thread. I AM NOT CLEANING THAT UP!!


*Starts cleaning*

Great job Aurora-sama! I love Newton-chan trying to explain all the OS X-tans. Kawaii!



Thank you, Tsubashi-dono....
I'll take it from here.  ^___^

But like I was saying.....  -v-

...PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-CHAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!  ^V^

Aurora-sama, just for the same of drawing not ONE but TWO Pu-chans, I hereby YANK the Internets from whoever had it last, and hand it to you.  ^.^

Additional points are offered for the significantly revamped, witty and stylish redesign of the OSX Girls introduction.  I know that the biker girl motif was meant to make them look cool and all, but honestly -- especially with the fog effects, the uber-sharp coloring and tandem match lighting -- I feel they look a lot cooler now than ever before.  ^___^

These gals have style, making it more of a shame they're not the main characters.... ;^__^;

I can confirm the jaw-dropping cuteness of a confuzzled Newton-chan.... ^.^
(betcha even Tsubashi-dono never envisioned the mileage we've been able to get out of her!)  ^v^

And as for Easter Eggs.... it may be because I'm feeling particularly dumb today, but I can only spot one.....  ^^;

(That Palm-chan is next to ME-tan and also has a mini helmet on her... ^.^)


I just thought I'd drop in to pass along my greetings to Ms Borealis and thank her for the new, improved zerOSanity.  Thank you!


My computing system Samantha, who speaks to me at noon on every other odd-numbered Thursday, told me just the other day that she really likes zerOSanity -- which is a coincidence because I do, too.  Keep up the excellent work!


One other thing Samantha and I talked about was the dearth of Ubuntu-tan images throughout the universe.  We've seen two, neither of which was especially impressive (we decided) and we're wondering if one of the Linux-tans you mentioned introducing in zerOSanity later on might turn out to be Ubuntu-tan.




Might be a good time to point out that if one searches "Ubuntu' in our Picture Gallery, slightly more than two hits show up.

Granted of course, the world could always use an Aurora rendition of Ubuntu-tan, or her other sisters Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu, as well as cousins Gobuntu, Nubuntu, Fluxbuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Uberyl, Pioneer, Linux Mint, etc, etc, etc, etc,.... etc.... -v-

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: C-Chan*reassembles*

Thank you, Tsubashi-dono....
I'll take it from here.  ^___^

But like I was saying.....  -v-

...PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PU-CHAN!!!!!!  PUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-CHAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!  ^V^

Aurora-sama, just for the same of drawing not ONE but TWO Pu-chans, I hereby YANK the Internets from whoever had it last, and hand it to you.  ^.^
Yippeee! Free internets for me! But too bad for the last person who had it though! ^^;

QuoteAdditional points are offered for the significantly revamped, witty and stylish redesign of the OSX Girls introduction.  I know that the biker girl motif was meant to make them look cool and all, but honestly -- especially with the fog effects, the uber-sharp coloring and tandem match lighting -- I feel they look a lot cooler now than ever before.  ^___^

These gals have style, making it more of a shame they're not the main characters.... ;^__^;

That's right. They were originally wild, biker girls in the old version to go with the wildcat theme sort of but also because back then I kinda had no idea what their personalities were like. But you are to thank for contributing to the 10.x-tan's personalities!

QuoteI can confirm the jaw-dropping cuteness of a confuzzled Newton-chan.... ^.^
(betcha even Tsubashi-dono never envisioned the mileage we've been able to get out of her!)  ^v^
Newton-tan is an interesting character with lots of potential! But if the 10.x-tan thing was confusing enough, how about she tries to explain the crazy System Software, Finder and Multifinder numbers of the pre-System 7 Mac OSes? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's confusing! (although I now mostly understand it!) :D

QuoteAnd as for Easter Eggs.... it may be because I'm feeling particularly dumb today, but I can only spot one.....  ^^;

(That Palm-chan is next to ME-tan and also has a mini helmet on her... ^.^)

Ehh... not really but good guess though. The correct answer is actually the funky backgrounds that appeared when the wildcats introduced themselves! The blue background is a reference to the default Aqua desktop, the pinstripes appear as pinstripes were abundant in 10.0-10.2 (got toned down in 10.3 though) and the metallic background behind Panther-tan is a reference to the brushed metal theme becoming common in Panther.

Quote from: MisterCatI just thought I'd drop in to pass along my greetings to Ms Borealis and thank her for the new, improved zerOSanity.  Thank you!

You're welcome!

QuoteMy computing system Samantha, who speaks to me at noon on every other odd-numbered Thursday, told me just the other day that she really likes zerOSanity -- which is a coincidence because I do, too.  Keep up the excellent work!

You're lucky! When my computer talks to me, it's usually telling me my startup disk is nearly full ¬__¬

But I will keep working on zerOSanity! The craziness is only starting!

QuoteOne other thing Samantha and I talked about was the dearth of Ubuntu-tan images throughout the universe.  We've seen two, neither of which was especially impressive (we decided) and we're wondering if one of the Linux-tans you mentioned introducing in zerOSanity later on might turn out to be Ubuntu-tan.



There are four renditions that I know of: A "Betty Boop"-ish one, Juzo-Kun's, Kami Tux's and Bella's renditions. Cool character but I can't really think of a role for her at the moment ;__;

Quote from: C-ChanMight be a good time to point out that if one searches "Ubuntu' in our Picture Gallery, slightly more than two hits show up.

Granted of course, the world could always use an Aurora rendition of Ubuntu-tan, or her other sisters Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu, as well as cousins Gobuntu, Nubuntu, Fluxbuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Uberyl, Pioneer, Linux Mint, etc, etc, etc, etc,.... etc.... -v-

I've heard of Ubuntu and her sister OSes but I didn't know there are also many other *buntus! @__@


Hold on to your helmets, folks! Here's page 15!
"Launch 'em from the dock!"

OS X-tan, A/UX-tan, Palm OS-tan and the Windows-tans blast off for adventure! Tiger-tan appears to tell them things are okay! 10-4! (which I can imagine being her catchphrse in ZS!)

The next page will have a couple parodies in it plus the first guest appearance in ZS!


Oooh! How I love ZerOSanity. Great job on everything!
I'd say more, but due to pressing matters, I would be in much trouble if I don't leave right now! Gomen nasai!
*Bows Apologetically*


QuoteThat's right. They were originally wild, biker girls in the old version to go with the wildcat theme sort of but also because back then I kinda had no idea what their personalities were like. But you are to thank for contributing to the 10.x-tan's personalities!

Well no, thank YOU for listening to me.  ^___^
Not everyone has the willingness or patience to sit through the senile rambling of this old pig.... -v-

QuoteNewton-tan is an interesting character with lots of potential! But if the 10.x-tan thing was confusing enough, how about she tries to explain the crazy System Software, Finder and Multifinder numbers of the pre-System 7 Mac OSes? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's confusing! (although I now mostly understand it!)

Just in case anyone doubts your the undisputed Mac Master.  ^.^

QuoteEhh... not really but good guess though. The correct answer is actually the funky backgrounds that appeared when the wildcats introduced themselves! The blue background is a reference to the default Aqua desktop, the pinstripes appear as pinstripes were abundant in 10.0-10.2 (got toned down in 10.3 though) and the metallic background behind Panther-tan is a reference to the brushed metal theme becoming common in Panther.

Oh yeah, wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.... ^_______^;
On the other hand, hook me up with another flying Freespire-tan, and, Oh Baby, I'm there!  ^v^

QuoteI've heard of Ubuntu and her sister OSes but I didn't know there are also many other *buntus! @__@

Fufufu.... ^.^

Well naturally, for every popular Linux distros, there's bound to be fans and look-alikes.  ^___^

PCLinuxOS, for example, has not only kid sister SAM-chan, but also Granular, Karoshi, MiniMe and so on.... ^.^

QuoteHold on to your helmets, folks! Here's page 15!
"Launch 'em from the dock!"

QuoteOS X-tan, A/UX-tan, Palm OS-tan and the Windows-tans blast off for adventure! Tiger-tan appears to tell them things are okay! 10-4! (which I can imagine being her catchphrse in ZS!)

Can we say TIGER-SAMA FTW, boys and girls?!!!!!  ^V^
I knew you could.... ^___^

No but seriously, Palm-chan in Panel 2, Panther-sama/Tiger-sama in Panel 3, Mac-san in Panel 8 and the gang in Panel 9 all take the cake for cutest elements of this page!!!  ^V^
And did I forget to mention that PU-chan totally works as a micro chibi?  Zutto kawaii!!!!!!  ^V^

Notice also that your new art direction definitely adds more dynamism to your comic.  The original was great, but this one definitely feels more polished, better choreographed and well-researched, right down to the clever 10-4 reference!  ^__^
This is superior work and one that evolves in leaps and bounds!  ^v^
If you've improved so much within hardly a year, you'll be an unstoppable juggernaught of flawless artwork and crafty wit by next.... ^___^