
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Humble? Try truthful ^-^

Aurora Borealis

Don't be so modest! You contribute a lot! (actually both of you do, helping keeping the place active, posting feedback, and having also created some OS-tan related characters)

Here's page 5 which I finally got done! I actually was going to submit this yesterday but Safari froze on me (don't worry, I didn't lose anything) and I kinda forgot about it until today -_-

Is your OS running? Well your better catch it!

So the girls get to Sandyville Town and 2K-tan wins the "race" but falls asleep because that's what she gets for getting so little sleep, right? But being the dependable woman, at least she wakes up quickly with no problem! XP-tan tripped because she couldn't stop in time and ME-tan tripped again! As expressed by her angry "NOT AGAIN!!", reference back to page 1!


needs moar 3.1, but other then that *swoon*

"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Aurora Borealis

Of course. Uhh.. Can you wait until page 18 (drawn on paper, I'm all the way up to page 24!) when she gets introduced? ^^;

But now that I'm on summer vacation, Getting there will not take as long!


well that beats page 34 i soppose -_- *sits and stares at you untill page 18* @_@
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Well, just looked Part 4 and 5! The changes made the series even better ^^. I wonder what other modifications will be...  ;010


Well now that's familiar territory.  Kudos to the new Mac-tan, whom I can confidently say has been given a 40% cuteness enhancement.  ^__^

I also like your other little nuances, like the face 2k-tan puts on as she's falling asleep.  All in all, the general facelift of the comic is proceeding very well.  ^__^


I like ME-tan crashing and 2k-tan falling asleep  ;010

Mac-tan with a that coincidental, or a nod to OS X's excellence with video editing?

Aurora Borealis

Yup, OS X-tan with a camera is a nod to OS X's excellence with video editing!

And as to what other changes will be made, I won't give out exactly what will happen but I will give out some hints for the next few pages.

p.06: More or less the same but with the addition of another character

p.07: AOL-tan still appears but with a big makeover!

p.08 + 09: Okay, these are more or less the same too but page 09 has a very wacky change to it!

p.10 +11 : Cameo appearances!

And thank you everyone! Glad to know the changes I've made are for the better!

Aurora Borealis

Here's page 6!

It looks like Toshiaki's got some explaining to do! :D


Yay! Page 6!

Looking good Aurora-sama! Your drawing skills improve everyday, if such a thing is possible! I remember reading this the first time, but goodness the graphics look extremely snazzy now, don't they? I must insist you continue! (If it is not too much to ask ^-^)


I like Fark-tan and Something Awful-tan (especially her "No, really?" comment!)

"do you think removing the cupholder will improve the efficiency?" may be one of the funniest lines I've read to date! XD

I love Toshiaki's scared expression, heehee...

And Slackware-tan is oh-so-adorable :D

In this page, the dialogue struck me as being just as brilliant as the illustrations! Excellent work!


WOW!  It brings back memories and at the same time it's mind-blowingly new!  ^v^

In terms of Anime-esque quality, your artwork is very spot-on,... I'm not sure if this was your intention or not in the original Zerosanity, but now your artwork can easily find a home in a TokyoPop publication.  ^__^

I was a little worried before when you said you were redoing your entire comic, but now I see it's for the best as you're really showcasing to everyone what an energized Aurora-sama can really do!  ^___^

(not just art, but humor too,... aside from improving your jokes, you're also incorporating more funny subtleties,... Panel 5 and 8 particularly....  ^.^)

BTW, kudos on the new Fark-tan and SA-tan cameos, and also to the well-executed nod to the original Toshiaki design.  ^__^

Oh, and let's not forget enhancing QNX-sama's cuteness by an additional 45% (I just wish you could've added the star hairpin initially, it looks really good on her...!  ^.^

(and as an obscure PM reference, the arms in Panel 3 and 6 are positioned perfectly... You get 35,000 points for that.... ^v^)

Aurora Borealis

In the original, I tried to make it anime-style but that didn't do so well because drawing outlines often turned out shaky. But now using vector graphics, that's a thing of the past for me and now drawings have more of that smooth, anime quality I was going for!

The new Toshiaki looks more like the one in Mac Manga and a some other comics and fan art (although not perverted) but also smart yet clueless as Toshiakis (who I assume represent typical computer users) range from freaking clueless to very skilled! That's why he's doing some advanced technological stuff yet asking about the cupholder! :D And he's more hysterical! MORE HYSTERICAL GOODNESS! Also he now has a very strange quirk that will be revealed on page 9!

QNX-tan did get a little bit of a makeover because I really liked the cyan hair color on your rendition, C-Chan! And she actually did originally have the Neutrino logo hairclip but wasn't visible in the chibis I drew of her. Oh well.

I'm surprised this hasn't been pointed out but Slackware-tan got a makeover too and is more based off of Juzo-kun's rendition.

And of course the other major change was that originally Fark-tan just sarcastically smiled while holding the "Obvious" tag but now spoke in a Fark-style headline and had a little 'conversation' with Something Awful-tan! (who sadly wasn't in the original)

And might as well reveal the rest of the page titles for chapter 1:

p.13: "Can you give me a hand?"
p.15: "Launch 'em from the dock!"
p.16: "Skyway to the Danger Zone!"
p.17: "Landing to victory!"

And I find really cool is that although I added in a lot of stuff, the pace stays almost exactly the same! (well, until page 20)


QuoteQNX-tan did get a little bit of a makeover because I really liked the cyan hair color on your rendition, C-Chan! And she actually did originally have the Neutrino logo hairclip but wasn't visible in the chibis I drew of her. Oh well.

Waaah! ;^0^;
Oh well,... I'm still slated to make one more picture with her, so I'll be sure to add it.  ^__^

BTW,... didn't she already have cyan hair in the original?  Cause that's why I made it that color....  ^^'

QuoteI'm surprised this hasn't been pointed out but Slackware-tan got a makeover too and is more based off of Juzo-kun's rendition.

Actually hadn't noticed that cause I was focused more on her face.  But now that yo mention it, yeah the shirt and overalls are definitely from J-kun's design!  ^__^